So it’s been snowing in many Middle Eastern countries in the past couple of weeks. God I miss snow! It’s been around 5 years since I last saw snow in real life.
Snow actually triggers some of the sweetest memories for me. It reminds me of moments so dear to my heart that sometimes I could relive these moments just by watching snow on TV, in movies or even in photographs.
It’s no secret that snowing is rare in our part of the world, and therefore, when it snows, everything seems to be magically paused! It’s like someone stopped time and allowed nothing to move… nothing but the beautiful white soft snow falling from up above.
I remember in Amman, every time it used to snow there were certain things which people would do in a certain order. First people would gather at the windows or glass doors of their homes and offices shouting and smiling like they’re watching an alien pass by. Parents would get their kids and hold their babies up high, open the windows slightly and make them touch snow, and then kids would start nagging to go play outside (although there’s no snow on the ground yet). Then people start calling each other, as if it’s an occasion and people need to greet each other or something. And in no time, as soon as snow starts forming thin layers on the streets, those at work would start preparing their stuff to leave to their homes before they get stuck in the middle of nowhere; and those at home would go out buy whatever they can get their hands on… just like they would if there was a possible war coming! Everything from matches, to food, water, gas, kerosene… etc. (Nas’ post perfectly explains what I’m trying to say here).
After that, people seem to have a sudden interest in radio and TV, and while most of the family would be listening to radio or watching TV, there has to be someone in the kitchen (mostly moms) cooking something, or preparing something hot to warm up the rest of the members, while kids are still nagging to go out.
Snow starts piling up, streets are beautifully dressed in white, that’s when some “adventurous” guys decide to show off their snow-driving-skills. Parents start swearing at the parents of those guys, who are putting their selves and others in danger. Kids nag even more to go out to play. The adventurous guys return home, some with a bunch of strangers pushing their cars, some alone without their cars, and very few return with a smiley face and shiny teeth (that look yellow compared to the white snow) proudly parking their 4×4 ( which will be getting its share of snowball-hitting very soon). Kids are not just nagging, they’re crying now.
The parents are done with the nagging, you suddenly find groups of people walking in a penguin-like manner, hidden under the MANY layers of clothing, some just staring at the sky smiling at the falling snow (those look stupid most of the time), some TRYING to bend to grab some snow, while others have managed to form snowballs and are already throwing them on someone else, some making a snowman, others destroying it, some trying to clear the house/building entrance for people to be able to walk easily, and many, yes, many would be just running idiotically down the street while screaming and trying to wipe off the mucus running down their noses (kids seem to find licking the best solution for this specific problem). Some “creative” ones would just grab a really huge tray, flip it over sit on it and try so hardly to slide down the hill, they don’t give up, they call for backup, and in the end they mostly end up under the tray cursing, while the “backup” people are either laughing madly at them or burying them in snow!
We shouldn’t forget some of the teenagers who keep trying to get rid of the snow falling on their hair, and who keep wiping off some car windows to check out their looks, and who are embarrassed to run, play or do anything but stand there trying to be cool. Ah, they’re so cute!Some guys would actually find it the perfect timing to hook up with the girl next door… just throw a snowball “by mistake” go apologize, smile, start a chat -that will most probably end up before it even starts- by the girl’s bro or dad 
Oh and of course the many excited people who look for the weirdest spots to take pictures. Places like on the top of a car, or up a broken tree!
I personally miss snow, yes I do, I usually turn into a couch potato every time it snows, that’s after I’m done playing of course. I particularly miss my family and the tea we used to make out of pure, untouched snow we had gathered from the trees, it’s so yummy!
Ah, the good old days. I love the fact that snowing in our countries is considered a big historical event. I love the fact that every time it snows heavily (especially the very first time of each year), people have the same exact reaction. I miss that. I miss how everything’s put on hold till further notice. I miss how students who aren’t in the mood to go to school would pray to God it would snow; how employees who are in need of a break would wish for it to snow. I miss how family members are forced to stay all in the same place, how neighbors bond, and how people tend to offer help to other people they know, or even those they don’t. I miss waking up at dawn to see nothing but white and some redness in the skies…in short, i miss snow and the warmth it brings!