March 7 2008

Butchering Gaza

Definition of Massacre:

  1. the unnecessary, indiscriminate killing of a large number of human beings or animals, as in barbarous warfare or persecution or for revenge or plunder.
  2. a general slaughter, as of persons or animals: the massacre of millions during the war.

In Gaza:

Huge numbers of civilians of all ages are being killed and bombarded (not to forget detained), their homes destroyed, and their possessions all lost, families scattered, not to mention the siege that’s making their survival an impossible mission to begin with, let alone get brutally attacked… sounds like a massacre to me.

But as usual, there’s always a way to defend Israel’s attacks and turn the whole thing around and blame it on the Palestinian rockets (which do not compare to those of the Israelis neither in quantity nor in quality) but still they manage to be always the starters of all Israeli attacks that are launched just for revenge. But is that an excuse to go on killing and detaining civilians? is that an excuse to take away the rights of people to get aid and medical attention? till when are we going to allow homes to be bombarded and see schools exploding and trees uprooted because Israelis “DOUBTED” they could shelter attackers?

Now I don’t give a damn about all those stupid political facades both parties hide behind. I don’t care who’s in charge and who’s not, all I care about are human beings and their right to lead normal lives! We’re always asked to differentiate between Israeli civilians and the Israeli government, and we normally do, but no one seems to ask the same when it comes to Palestinians. Do not punish people in the name of their governments.

I really feel like shit, I’m so outraged, so upset and my heart is broken, my soul is filled with sadness to watch Gazans go through what they’re going through. I have my food, my medicine, my water, my electricity and my share of peace and I still can’t get over the injustice Gazans have to deal with… imagine how Gazans, who are out of everything -including hope- and who are helplessly watching each other die, how are they feeling at the moment.

I leave you with some photos that might help you picture how horrible it is in Gaza right now.

Newborns…[Via: Angry Arab]

More newborns…[Via: Angry Arab]

Babies…[Via: WATA]

Children…[Via: WATA]

Youth…[Via: WATA]

Women…[Via: WATA]

Destruction…[Via: Angry Arab]


Revolting barbarism…

Massacre in video…

No matter how disgusting what the Gazans are going through actually is, what I find extremely repulsive is the reaction -or better say the ABSENCE of reaction- of Arabs. Yeah, our oil is affecting life expenses all around the world, yet we somehow fail to stop one thing we all agree is wrong, unfair, and awful.

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    Posted March 7, 2008 by Eman Abukhadra in category "Arab Societies", "Charity & Human Aid", "Media, International", "Palestine