October 14 2003

95% SEX

In the time sex has become the first and most important topic of concern, I can’t but feel sorry for our generations and the ones to follow. And I’m talking specifically about entertainment. Sex has become the main attraction. The presence of Sex as a word or a scene or act is 95% in most of the means of entertainment. Nowadays it’s so hard to find a successful movie that has no sex scenes in it. I don’t know why is that actually! I mean a strong movie should prove itself without the “help” of sex-appeals and sexual acts! But no, seems like all movies MUST contain some sexuality in one way or the other to make it a cool attractive movie… whatever!
Not only movies but even programs like “L’EREDITA'” and many other programs as “Raccomandati” in the Italian channel Rai Uno, I still don’t get why do knowledge-testing programs include half naked women dancing, what’s the point?! Suspense? Don’t those dancers feel cheap showing their naked bodies and shaking them just to please the audience! Don’t they feel humiliated to be a means of cheap pleasure?! Oh I forgot, why be humiliated if it will bring them a fast way to wealth, fame, popularity or even being celebrities one day! Anyway, Rai Uno is only one of SO MANY other international TV channels that use sexiness to gather more fans.
Other than movies and TV programs there is this really funny but yet pathetic phenomena: songs! After being the international language for all kinds of people and even those who are not able to speak, Music has turned to be a means of provoking sex and marketing it easily. All you can hear nowadays is: “Hey Sexy Lady”… “Shake that thing” … “Dirty”… ” Let’s Get Back To Bed Boy”… “Sex Me”… “I’m Too Sexy for my Love”…”Would You Go To Bed With Me”… “Gonna Lick You Up & Down”…”Boom Boom Boom Boom, I Want You In My Room”… “We were both butt naked”… “Shake Your Asses”…”It’s really hot in here, so take your clothes off”… “Kiss me and then just touch me, till I can get my SATISFACTION” … “Sex Bomb”… I can go on forever! Isn’t this a BIG SHAME!!
Poor song writers, I guess they’re out of words!! Or what could be their problem? Anyway, in the middle of all this nonsense you can’t help being proud and full of hope when you hear about some people who do really care about what’s going on in this world. Important things that most of us almost forgot, issues that affect us all, either directly or indirectly. Things like WAR, I love that song: “What Are We Fighting For”- Live, or the one about money obsession: “Lots Of Money And Things” – Shania Twain. We need songs like that to wake us up, I wish we’ll have more like those.
Actually I wish all entertaining sectors will end this pathetic cheap mess and go back to sweet and good materials to provide us with, we’re human beings after all, we need to feel respect for our dignity and brains, not to feel we’re treated like animals and provided with things to provoke animal instincts, or what?!

October 13 2003

Environmental Issues

Caring for the environment started out as a hobby, then with the increasing environmental problems and the loss of some huge green masses it became a matter of concern, and now I believe it became a MUST. It is our duty now to put an end to the dangerous human acts towards the environment and to try to fix the problems we already caused. Enough messing with nature, and enough ruining our surroundings.
A lot of countries were aware of the critical situation our environment is experience, and now many developing countries joined the club. They started working on that seriously, and I thought that some of the environmental activities in those countries are impressive and worth talking about. So here you go some info that would help spread environmental awareness …

The Global Environment Facility/ Small Grants Program (GEF/ SGP):

“Protecting Global Environment Through Community Action”
This program was launched in 1992 to assist developing countries urge their communities to play a role in the protection of global environment in relation to four focal areas: biodiversity, climate change, international waters and ozone layer depletion, as well as land degradation, desertification and deforestation.
The program is based on the belief that global environmental problems can only be addressed adequately if local people are involved, and that with small amounts of funding, local communities can undertake activities which will make a significant difference in their lives and their environment.
The GEF/ SGP is administered by the UNDP, and is currently offered in over 50 countries. It has promoted awareness regarding global environmental concerns; built capacities of communities and NGOs to address those concerns, and provided a mechanism for demonstrating community solutions of global environmental problems.

More information about the GEF/ SGP are available at:
Click Here

Recycling Coalition:

The (RC) was launched in 1998 among: Jordan Environment Society (JES); Arab Women Organization (AWO); and The Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN). The (RC) was supported by the (GEF/SGP).
The Recycling Coalition undertakes activities that involve people in the collection and separation processes of recyclable and production of eco-products. Other than that (RC) spreads awareness through media in addition to direct contact by lectures and workshops. Not to forget the training it offers through workshops and study visits.
The (RC) collects: paper, plastic, and metals. It encourages schools, NGOs, and different enterprises to collect the recyclables and it provides them with the needed containers. On the other hand the (RC) hires workers to separate and sort recyclables at special separation centers. As for the different recycled products, they are produced and also marketed by the (RC).
Wanna know more? Contact the Recycling Project Director from the Jordan Environment Society:

More information about the Recycling Coalition can be provided by the following:
Arab Women Organization

Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature

October 12 2003

Heimweh… tut Weh!

Als ich in Deutschland war, habe ich meine Familie und meine Freunden in Jordanien sehr vermisst. Und obwohl ich Deutschland sehr mag, und trozt aller süssen Zeiten, die ich mit meiner neuen Freunden verbracht habe, habe ich gehofft, dass die Tage schnell laufen würden, um meine Familie schnell wiederzutreffen.
Fast alle meine Freunde haben es gespürt, wie ich plötzlich unglücklig gewesen war. Ich konnte die Zeit nicht ganz richtig geniessen.Einer meiner Freunden hat mir gesagt: “Eman, es ist immer so. Jetzt hast du Heimweh, und dann, wenn du zurückkehrst, wirst du unetr Fernweh leiden”.
Seine Wörter haben mich ganz stark beeinflüsst. Denn ich wusste im Voraus, dass alles was er mir gesagt hat, stimmt.
Man kann nie 100% zufrieden sein. Also versucht ich alles im Rosa Licht zu sehen. Ich habe mir gedacht: nur ein paar Wochen und werde ich wieder nach Jordanien fahren. Warum bin ich so unglücklig denn?! Ich soll nur an heute denken, und soll meine Zeit in Deutschland besser verbringen und an meine Heimat nicht mehr denken um nicht mehr traurig zu sein. Ich habe super tolle Erfahrungen in Deutschland erlebt. Einige meiner schönsten Erinnerungen waren in Deutschland.
Und als ich wieder in Jordanien war,wünschte ich, dass ich meine Heimat nie verlassen würde…gleichzeitig hatte ich das Gefühl dass ich in die Zukunft wo anders leben würde.
Ich habe ein Stipendium gekriegt, um mein Magisterarbeit für 2 Jahren in Deutschland zu machen, ich habe aber mir entschieden, es nicht zu akziptieren, weil ich Arbeiterfahrung erstens haben wollte. Dann wurde ich durch meiner Arbeit Stellen in 2 anderen Länder angeboten, ich wollte aber in Jordanien bleiben.
Und trotzdem konnte ich es nicht mehr vermeiden, Jordanien zu verlassen, und jetzt bin ich in Tunesien. Ich mag Tunesien, und hoffe dass ich einen guten interessanten Job finden werde. Ich habe neuen Freunden kennengelernt und viele neue Sachen erfährt.
Heimweh bleibt aber immer da drinne in meinem Herz. Meine Familie; ich vermisse sie sehr. Ich vermisse meine Eltern, meine Geschwister, meine Freunden, ich vermisse Zuhause, mein Zimmer, meine Arbeit, und vor allem vermisse ich es, da zu sein wenn jemand mich braucht … weil Technologie uns immer hilft, im Kontakt zu bleiben, aber keine technologische Erfindung kann mich an meine Familie ganz schnell schicken, wenn sie mich wirklich braucht; keine Erfindung kann mir helfen, es zu erkennen, ob alle, die ich liebe, wirklich OK sind, oder ob es nur eine Lüge ist, um mich froh ohne Sorgen zu machen. Keine technologische Erfindung kann meine Familie ersetzen, und ich bin mir sicher, dass keine würde mich auch ersetzen.
Das heisst nicht, dass ich nicht froh bin, nein, ich bin froh und ich habe meine Verantwortungen, die mich immer beschäftigen, aber troztdem gibt es Zeiten, wenn ich mich ganz alleine fühle…
Das ist Leben, immer soll was fehlen. Immer soll man bittere Zeiten akziptieren, um die süssen zu geniessen… oder!

October 10 2003


I am one of the people interested in Macrobiotics and I’m always curious to know more about it. A lot of people misunderstand it as being a way of eating, but it’s not only that but also a way of life.
And although I don’t agree completely with every detail they ask people to do, one of which is cutting meat as much as possible (because I believe that there should be some certain amounts of meat in our food to provide us with essential amino acids and some proteins that can’t be provided but from meat, other than that our bodies need a certain percentage of animal cholesterol. But still we should be careful not to depend on meat entirely nor to eat a lot of meat portions) but all in all I like Macrobiotics. It supports the balance of nature and help us gain our health depending on achieving the balance between the Yin & Yang in our food, as well as our inner peace with our souls. Besides food balance, Macrobiotics includes meditating, moving, color-therapies and massage.
I read a lot of books of a great doctor called Dr. Yousef Al Bader and I must say that all the ones who read that book loved it so much. In those books you can find the relationship between food and diseases, how to heal them and how to protect yourslef from them; The relationship between food and the potential to become criminals; Macrobiotics for a happy life… etc.All books are in Arabic.
Another great Macrobiotic advisor is Mariam Nour, I read two books written by her: a cup of power; Macrobiotics! And they are both in Arabic too.
If you’re interested in Macrobiotics or want to have a general idea about it, or if have any health problem and you’re seeking its solution you could go to:
(Available in Arabic only)

(Available in both Arabic and English)

Category: General | LEAVE A COMMENT
October 10 2003

Egyptian Movies

The Egyptian moviemakers as well as the Egyptian actors and actresses are doing pretty good recently, that’s of course my own opinion. I believe that Egyptian movies have been always great in the past and up till now, with the exception of some which failed for one reason or the other. But it’s so sad that the new generation of actors are facing negative criticizing since their occurrence despite their success. The criticizing comes from some actors and moviemakers who belong to old generations as well as the audience itself. Specially the comedy “Al Limbi”. I watched it 3 times and each time I watched it I laughed as if it was the first time, and I’m ready to watch it over and over again. I loved it.
An actor should be criticized that way only when he proves that all his movies are empty and have no message to convey to the audience. The star of this movie (Mohammad Sa’ad) still didn’t take his full chance, I personally saw him only in “Al Limbi” and a secondary role in “Al Nather Salah Al Deen”. On the other hand “Al Limbi” reflected a certain layer of the Egyptian community in a most enjoyable and honest way, actors were great and it was truly funny. I didn’t find it ridiculous nor empty. More than that, we need movies to make us laugh our heads off, and they’re hard to find these days.
There are some other successful movies that were impressive such as: “Mafia” where you can easily notice the improvement in directing, producing and special effects, “Al Sellam wa Al Thi’iban”, “Saheb Sahboh”, “Al Nather Salah Al Deen”, and “Shareet Thaqafi”.
Keep up the good work Egypt 😉

October 10 2003

A Wonderland Called Tunisia :)

It’s been already one year since I left Jordan and came to Tunisia to live in it for good. I must admit that it’s a very beautiful country indeed. Once you set foot in the national airport of the capital Tunis you find posters and ads about Tunisia, most of them are in French and German. An expression I noticed in those ads and posters repeatedly was the one saying that Tunisia is the “Country of Light”, unfortunately I arrived at night so I couldn’t understand what that meant! But next day in the morning I got it! The light is so strong and shining, you can barely keep your eyes open during the day, even if you were pointing your eyes to the ground, you do need sunglasses or at least a cap! And with such a strong light you can see the beauty of colors clearer and you could enjoy its reflection on the sea waves in a magnificent way. And no matter if it was summer or winter, the light is always so strong, with one difference that the clouds in winter might not cause your eyes to drop water if you were lifting your head up high!
Other than the beautiful landscape, the sea, mountains, green fields, and the desert, there is something that is a Tunisian specialty, something that shocked me when I knew it and couldn’t understand right away, it’s their Arabic!
We all know that there are always 2 ways to communicate with people in any country using their own language, you either speak the formal or informal language, so you either speak the Official or the Slang English, you either speak the Hochdeutsch or the German Dialekt, you either speak the Fos’ha (formal Arabic) or simply the used dialect! Now before going to Tunisia I knew that they have a dialect that is so much DIFFERENT than all the spoken dialects in the whole Middle East countries. I got somehow prepared for that and I was counting on the Fos’ha if I reach a dead end with any Tunisian citizen I’d be communicating with. My first surprise was when I went to the mini market near home to ask for some stuff, I didn’t know all the words in their dialect, so I had to use the dialect of the Middle East Areas, and oops, I noticed that a lot of the words in the Middle East normally and really BAD and impolite ones when used in Tunisia so I had no other choice but to get back to the Fos’ha, and still the woman didn’t understand and she started asking me for details, she was speaking 2 words in the Tunisian dialect and 20 other in French, lol, I only know some basics in French, I didn’t understand what she was talking about, and we ended up talking in signs, I point to something and she gets it to me. As for the things I couldn’t find by myself, I had to forget about them till I either learn them in their dialect or in French…which aren’t that much different by the way. For instance, I got cold and went to the doctor one day, a Tunisian doctor, I explained to him that I’m not Tunisian and started explaining what was wrong with me, I used Fos’ha, no use, I tried my own dialect, it got even worse, I used English, no one listening, I tried to explain using some words of their dialect, and all I got was a mixed face looking at me as if I was kind of a retarded or something. Sign language was my only savior. And after pointing at my throat, nose and head, he was like: AAAAAAAh, you’re suffering from what we in TUNISIAN call BRONCHITE!!
I thought bronchite sounded a little bit FRENCH!! And it turns out to be a French word but is one of the French words that are now used in the Tunisian dialect, so it’s Tunisian as well!!
After a while when I understood 85% of their dialect and while I was having a discovery walk in the neighborhood I saw some words written on billboards, on the busses, metro stations and almost everywhere, I knew that was Arabic, but it was neither Fos’ha nor dialect, and only then I realized that Tunisians have their own Arabic Fos’ha that they use in advertising, radio, tv, and in official ceremonies!!! That was the FIRST time EVER I hear those words, loool, I mean in the Middle East and the Gulf Areas as well as Egypt they all use the same Fos’ha, but in Tunisia they use something totally different. The thing is, Arabic language is a very rich one, you could find more than 3 words for one meaning, and Tunisians chose the “least used, or the never used” words and built their own Fos’ha that is so similar to the Fos’ha of some other countries like Libya, Morocco and Algeria. But talking of the dialects, the Tunisian and Libyan dialects are easier and slower than those of Morocco and Algeria, who depend on a mixture of 97% French and 2% Arabic mixed with barbarian, I assume 😛
Anyway, after a whole year, I can say that I understand the Tunisian dialect and their own Fos’ha 99.5% and can speak them both fluently 😉
Another lovely thing I experienced here is the antique shops, the ones selling in those shops are unbelievable. I was visiting those shops and I couldn’t but be shocked of how each and every one working there is ready to speak at least 3 languages fluently!! So you find someone asking a German group: “Komm herein, bitte, wir haben neue Sachen da drinnen… (please come in we have new stuff inside)”, and then two American tourists walk by his shop, so he tunes to English: “hi, welcome, come and take a look over here…” and then he suddenly speaks Italian and French…etc.
Not only in such shops, but even in tourists’ areas and in restaurants, it’s amazing and I like it 🙂
Tunisia is a beautiful country with all languages available to communicate with tourists, and someone with 3 languages is supposed to find a job so easily… that does not apply to me though!

October 9 2003


A lot of you reading this post might be offended one way or the other, and some might as well believe that I’m an unfair person, I hope you wont misjudge me, but I feel we all need a moment of thinking really good about what’s going on around us these days to know how to make things right and get our universe back to normal.
Long years ago when I was a little girl, I knew from the very start that there must be 2 different kinds of a thing for life to continue. There has to be a mom and a dad for us to come to the world, there has to be a male and a female cat for us to see more kittens and even plants, there has to be two different genders for us to see flowers and eat fruits and vegetables. I realized that humankind will never survive if there was no unity of the two opposite kinds. And then I went to school, and day by day my belief got stronger. In science we learned that two similar magnet ends can never get attracted to each other, and we learned that for our alarm clocks to work, we have to place 2 batteries letting the opposite ends meet for them to be able to generate power. Things were going so nice, I understood everything concerning life, but all at a sudden, when I became older I started hearing about homosexuals. I read articles about stars and famous people turning to be homosexual. I saw the negative reaction of the community towards homosexuality, but I also saw homosexuals marching for people to “leave them in peace”, and to “give them their rights”…
So communities started feeling “sorry” for them, and decided to let them live their life the way they want. No interfering, no preaching and no standing in their way. So you found in schools girls who were like: oh poor thing, she’s lesbian why don’t we be friends with her, or boys going like: isn’t he pathetic? Come on let us be his friends, that’s the least we can do.
And after a while homosexuals started asking for more, they want to have official marriage ceremonies and want people to support them in any way. So they have their own sites on the internet now, they have their own e-cards, they have their own movie channels and porn satellite channels and websites, they have their own greeting cards in shopping malls, they have their own pubs and discotheques. You can even find movies about homosexuals, and others that have a little part of a homosexual, till it became so “stylish” for someone to be friends with a homosexual. Homosexuals were considered a REJECTED phenomena, then they became just a WEIRD one and now they are looked at as COOL and it’s even encouraged by us.
And that explains why the percentage of homosexuals is always increasing. There was a time when homosexuals were pointed out in each country so easily, but now you can hardly tell how many they are and who they are. Parents are afraid to leave their kids with the homosexual doctor. Some avoid having relationships with homosexuals so that their children wont turn to be like them.
A guy is afraid that the girl next door, who he likes so much and wants to ask for a date, he’s afraid she’d turn out to be homosexual. And a lady who is doing her best to get the attention of her coworker has doubts he might be homosexual. A mother who is noticing that her girl is behaving like the opposite sex and having no guy to like up till now, is starting to believe her girl is homosexual. A father who has just met the teacher of his son, is so worried now because the teacher seemed to look homosexual. A girl does not want her best friend to turn to be homosexual because if that’s the case then that best friend is not being a best friend but is deeply in love with her and is acting accordingly, and then their friendship will fade away. A woman who is experiencing change in her husband and can’t tell if their relationship is in danger because of another woman or a man. A young man, whose parents are divorced and who’s seeing his mom constantly with another woman, is not that sure whether she’s just a good friend helping her get over her loneliness or if she’s her lover!
Is this normal?
And what about homosexual-modern trend: adopting!!
You can see 2 women kissing in the street with a little pretty girl standing in between… their “daughter”. Or two men walking side by side holding each other with one of them carrying a little innocent baby. I wonder who’d be called mom and who’d be dad? Or would they both be dad? And what happens when the kid grows up, he asks and they reply: sorry honey, you’re adopted and we’re homosexual!! Wouldn’t the kid be curious to know more about homosexuality? Wouldn’t the kid be used to seeing 2 men/ women kissing each other and having a love affaire? Wouldn’t he be ready to be homosexual? Yes, he will be ready, yet he might become one or there might be a miracle to save him. Do you out there realize what that means!!! It means the number of families will decrease and there might be a time when our race will be in danger and a time when it might not exist. Don’t think I’m exaggerating, I know human beings are just TOO MANY, but look forward, now homosexuals , although they became a lot, but they’re still less than non-homosexuals. But what makes us sure that there will not be a day when homosexuals will be more than non-homosexuals?! No guarantee.
I don’t blame babies who have been raised by homosexuals if they became like them, it’s not their fault. It’s the fault of the authorities who gave them the right to have that innocent child. But I sure blame our generation and the generations before, I blame the ones who felt sorry for homosexuals, instead of looking for the reasons why they become ones and fix the problem, I blame this time when any girl losing hope in getting a boyfriend or a husband would turn to her kind and try being a homosexual. I blame the guy who turn gay just because he went through so many relationships with girls and none of them worked out, so it was a sign for him that he is gay and therefore he should look for a boyfriend and not a girl friend.
I blame the parents who are busy looking for their own pleasure, not being there for their children. The parents who see it normal for them to betray their spouse, the parents who are ok with watching pro-homosexual movies. I blame the community for not fixing itself and sticking to its good old virtues, none of this would happen if our lifestyles were right and full of good morals.
Why do someone we know, who had normal and healthy relationships with the opposite sex , decides to become homosexual all at a sudden? That means that homosexuality isn’t something born with us, it is created because of reasons, those reasons are ones that we as communities gave. How? When love affairs and relationships are so easy between any 2 people of the opposite sexes, in other words, when any guy could simply practice a marital relationship without getting married, just meet a girl, know her for a while, and then act as if she was his own wife, live together, do everything together so easily in the name of love. And when it’s so easy for anyone to have a sexual relationship with anyone of the opposite sex, no one blaming them, no one standing in their ways, and everyone making them feel they’re not doing anything wrong, what happens?? When that happens people lose interest in those easy-to-get relationships and start looking for hard-to-get ones, another interpretation is that when a person does something for the sake of trying and no one says it’s wrong and even encourage them to go on, then why not! And I’m saying this because we are all born as balanced beings, and our environment, our problems, and our surroundings effect us, so homosexuals, no matter how hard people try to believe that there are scientific reasons for them to be so, homosexuals build themselves in their own hands, either by turning homosexual at a sudden for the sake of trying, or to create a new trend, or to imitate, or to escape the failure in normal relationships. The first homosexual occurred for one of those reasons, and why do I say they build themselves in their own hands? Because surrendering to the difficult circumstances, and trying to escape the failure through turning homosexual is nothing but weakness and failure itself. We must try once and twice, we must stand up every time we fall, and in the end we’ll find our sweet hearts who complete us, who will help life continue, who will help us have kids of our own, healthy thinking kids and have healthy balanced families.
All religions believe in the completion of both genders, and they all are against breaking the rules of nature and being against the power of reproduction. Even the ones who have no religion know that there should be some sort of union and joining between 2 opposite genders for them to survive.
Every mother and every father should give more time to their children and explain what’s right from what’s wrong. If your own friends turn homosexuals ask them why, talk to them and try to get them back to their senses. Humans are made for the civilization of this planet, could the brain that made our kind reach the moon and use the air to transport, could it be the very same brain that surrenders to such a relationship that has no good in it? Some would claim that the sexual satisfaction is not what they seek in such relationships, then what ? Oh, love? Trust? They understand you? Well that’s no excuse for an unbalanced and weird and dangerous sexual relationship, you could only be friends, good friends and be there for each other, and if you love each other you should care about each other’s future and you should worry about your health and dreams, the dreams that are implanted in us because of hope, hope which is in us to continue our journey in life, life that is given to us to prove ourselves and improve our surrounding and build healthy homes…

Category: General | LEAVE A COMMENT
October 8 2003


The blog I really admire and respect. It discusses a lot of interesting topics and shares meaningful ideas and news. I personally think it’s one of the most enjoyable and successful blogs. Keep up the good work and good luck MMM 🙂
What was written about “Bridges TV” is something I’d love to talk about in this blog.
Life and the way people live it is experiencing a non-stop-change, therefore things are getting out of control so easily, because it has become hard to tell what’s right and what’s wrong! To so many people “right” is that what brings them money, fame, easy life and pleasure no matter what the way they have to follow. And of course each has their own definition of what’s right, and that results in creating so many different ways for them to follow. And over time generations have lost the real right way and started following what already exists or creating their own new “right” ways as well. Conclusion: generations are way off track and are suffering in their lives, for wrong never brings happiness.
Now fortunately there are families who care for their children’s future, and don’t want them to suffer, they just want them to be able to distinguish between true and false, give effort raising them correctly and help them be strong enough to walk their own right way. And this can never happen when children grow up in an environment that lacks the potential to accomplish this, the families alone can’t do it, they need to create a balanced environment so the children will be aware of their religion and tradition. In the case of American Muslims, I find it so normal for them to think of “Bridges TV”, it will give the children a more balanced environment and will assist the parents in protecting their children from the danger of watching inappropriate programs that conclude violence or sexuality for example. I’m not saying the children should be kept away of knowing that such things exist, but timing is so important, and to make sure kids are aware of everything in the right time, the parents should be selective, and this is not possible when all channels see it ok to have cigarette ads provoking the audience to taste challenge, or movies with only blood and kicks in it. It’s true that parents could select the channel, or get their kids to sleep while watching a certain movie, but what happens if the parents want to spend a night late with their kids in the weekend, should they simply turn off TV, or should they watch cartoon videos with their kids every time?
And assuming parents have no problems “getting rid of their kids while watching movies”, would they be able to prevent their kids from watching naked women in ads popping every once in a while, in the same time they’re trying to teach them the position of women in the community and that a woman is not just a beautiful creature but still a respectful mind and a loving soul?! There should be a very strong base on which kids should be brought up, once that is accomplished, there should be less worries about the new generations. And to achieve a strong base a child should be surrounded with a selective family, and there could be neither a trustful selection with nowadays programs, nor a family unity if all the members can’t simply gather in all times around their TV at home fearing some inappropriate thing might be shown…
Anyone can easily notice that children are losing their innocence and becoming so similar to adults in thinking and behaving. A lot of parents are proud of that, forgetting that childhood should take its time and enjoy its peaceful simplicity, and that this childhood will become more mature and responsible in the right time.
I’m 100% with Bridges TV, and even 1000% with RECONSIDERING what must be shown on TV channels all around the world.

Category: General | LEAVE A COMMENT
October 7 2003

Getting Started…

It’s unbelievable how things change and decisions are taken in a matter of seconds. Just few seconds ago I was drinking my morning coffee, looking through the window, thinking of nothing at all other than the great taste of this hot coffee. UNTILL I saw this old man crossing the street. He barely had hair, white hair, his face filled with old age signs and mouth contours signifying the loss of almost all his teeth.
He was carrying some big filled bags, and I must say from the way the man’s back was curved that they were some really heavy ones. Taking a closer look I realized the bags were actually garbage bags. So the job of this old man was to transfer those bags into the main garbage tray to be picked up of the responsible ones on time. Now what really changed my morning routine today was the witnessing this really annoying incident…
While the poor old man was walking, one of the bags he was barely holding fell on the ground. He started trying to release one of his hands to grab it, doing his best to curve that old back more and more to get closer to the ground, and what happens when he does all that with those heavy bags over him?! He loses his balance!
So all the bags are suddenly on the ground. I can’t even put into words the hopeless look and the facial expression he had, it was too sad to be expressed.
At the same time the bags fell, a young woman was walking towards the man, and when she was near him she gave him a disgusted look, tried to avoid getting close to the smelly bags with her nose held with her fingers, and simply went away!
A lot would suggest: “What do you expect her to do?!”.
Many questions started crossing my mind ever since this whole thing took place, questions like: why didn’t she actually help him instead of walking away and making him feel disgusting? if the bags were anything other than garbage, would she give him a hand? were the bags heavier for the YOUNG woman than they were to the OLD man? If that’s the case, she could simply walk away without giving him that terrible look of disgust… or is it that helping an old poor man is considered inappropriate for a fine young woman? so what if it was a man, would he help even if the bags were still garbage ones? Or what is the problem?!
From what we hear and see everyday it is so simple to guess what most of the people would do if they’re put in this very same situation: they’ll all walk away. Some would make the man feel he’s a disgusting creature, some will just walk without giving any impression, some will walk away with no outside impression but deep inside they’d love to help the poor man, but they didn’t because of any excuse they’ll make up to feel free of guilt( God, why did they have to be garbage bags… oh, if only I wasn’t already late for work…etc). On the other hand I’m sure that there are some who might actually give the old man a hand for the sake of humanity.
He’s a person after all, not to forget that the garbage is ours and not his, so he’s doing us a favor, well, he does get paid to do that, it’s true, but he’s getting paid for something a lot of us are not ready to do in this neighborhood and many other neighborhoods. At that point I must admit that this little situation kept me thinking a lot, it might be silly for many people, but to me it did make a big change. Because it’s not only the garbage man that so many of us would refuse to help, there is the one shouting for us to catch a thief who has just stolen her bag, a homeless man having no power to ask for help, a hopeless mother announcing the kidnap of her kid in all media resources… There are just too many people who ask for help and what do they get: nothing but watching. A lot believe that watching is enough, for the one asking looks bad, or seems to be lying, or looks dangerous, or is simply a stranger and we’d get ourselves in trouble and investigations for nothing. Even I’ve been through similar situations and unfortunately I was only watching in some. How sad it is for people to become so self-centered and full of fear like they are today. It got me scared of what would life look like in 10 years time or more, maybe even less. Would human beings lose the few principles and morals they’ve got now, or would they get back to the old good virtues they once had?! Let’s wait and see… NO, that could never be the only way to know the answer, specially if we want our race to improve and create a safe surrounding for the coming generations. Then what should we do? We should act in any way possible. I’ve always wished to be a journalist discussing real good issues such as this, but it’s sad that I never became one, and worse than that is the fact that I’m still looking for a job related to helping people and humankind to improve and never succeeded, but that doesn’t mean that I should wait till I’m employed. What happened today urged me to get started, and I thought creating a blog of my own would do the trick, and here I am. To me this blog is the Aqua that will quench my thirst for sharing my thoughts with you, and will Cool the fire in my head every time I experience an unfair situation.
Hope it’ll be the same to you as well…