May 4 2004

I Hate Taxis :(

Taxis in Tunisia are really one of a kind. In the time taxis in Jordan are willing to get you in the cab for any distance, no matter how short, Tunisian taxis have their own conditions, and their own mood.
It happened more than once that I’d stop a taxi from my work in “Les Berges du Lac” to go to downtown Tunis, for my French course. And after I get in, and tell him where I’m going he goes like: “sorry, step out, I wont go there, there is a huge traffic there and I simply don’t want to get stuck”. But when I’m going from work to home, another taxi would say: “sorry, it’s not on my way, I’m going downtown!”. And what I really hate is this: I stop the taxi, ask before I get in if he’s ok dropping me in a certain place, and then he says OK, but when I get in he keeps swearing and cursing, blaming me for forcing him “indirectly” to give me a ride!!! I mean I always ask in advance to avoid any inconvenience, but NO, they have to keep making me feel so unwelcome, and so guilty for taking them in the wrong direction. As if they’re driving me for free!!!
But worst of all is when I tell the drivers where I live, lol, they go mad, because, thanks to the very practical infrastructure people, the main street leading to our area is broken, flooded when it’s raining and is simply terrible. And this street is famous, and many taxis avoid going there. But when you give them an alternative, tell them you wont even go near that street, and you’re gonna pay even more, and then the driver says no, then it is really shitty. And even worse is what happened to me yesterday, I asked, he was ok, I got in, and then we went for the alternative way home, yet he saw a small spot of the street filled with water, other cars were ahead of us and driving normally, and then he asked me to STEP OUT of the taxi, I had a fight with him, I mean he wanted me to get out in heavy rain, with no human on foot, they were all cars. Anyway I had to get out, got a “refreshing” natural shower of dirty rain. Lol, that was pathetic, I had to walk some distance , and got my home all wet, lol, that felt disgusting 😛 Anyway, hope I wont have to get into any fight with today’s driver.

May 4 2004

Kerry Wont Be Any Better

Bush is being criticized for his strategy in the Middle East. They are against his policies that support Israel. And from Bush to Kerry, who has announced his support to Israel , promising that he wont force Israel to negotiate with Palestine if it didn’t want to.
So now Kerry wins the votes of so many pro-Israel people. Yeah, right, who cares about politics, just need to win the elections, and to hell with justice and democracy. This is Kerry, the democrat.

May 4 2004

Weather Has Gone Mad

Oh my GOD! It was a beautiful sunny morning, and I mean SUNNY. It was really beautiful, and now look at it, all of a sudden it’s windy, cloudy, raining heavily, and it’s so damn dark outside. :((((( I thank God that I followed my husband’s advice in the last minute and got my umbrella. He was like: “you never know, weather is unpredictable and crazy these days. Take it just in case”. So I took it, the small one 🙁 so again it wont stand the wind and I’ll have to take another shower on my way home.
God, when the weather is like that in the beginning of the week I feel how long this week will be. I mean this weather is for nothing but being lazy. And I can hardly keep my eyes open 😛 God, is this day long or what!! I WANNA GO HOME!
Ooops, the wind is blowing, rain is falling, it’s getting stronger, and stronger, and strongeeeeeeeer. Hope the cancelled the flights today.
This weather is sure crazy!! It’s not only that, but I have something to admit, I hate strong thunder, every time I hear it, I feel my heart beating really fast, yes, unexpected for someone of my age, but it’s unfortunately true.

May 3 2004

Such A Weird Day!

It’s not enough that I didn’t get enough sleep last night. And it’s not enough that I’m having one busy day at work, no, the weather HAS to become so windy, the sky has to turn orange, and to give it a romantic touch, it rains every now and then, and not any kind of rain, no, sandy rain 🙁 Wait a second, what the hell is that?? What’s that thing knocking heavily on the window!! OH MY GOD!!! It’s this, hmm, what do they call it!! It’s not snow, it’s this icy stone-like drops. I forgot its name! Oooops, looks like the windows of the cars on the streets are getting scratched, lol, here is an alarm that went off, Oh my God, a car has already lost a little part of its window, I can’t see that of course, but I can hear the guy swearing downstairs: “It’s still NEW and the window is BROKEN!” :PP poor guy, good thing we didn’t get our car washed 😛
Oh and ever since this morning the electricity is being cut every once in a while. I must remind myself not to use the lift when I g
I’m so tired, and not in the mood of attending my French course for today, and God is giving me signs through the weather, so I decided not to go 😛 It’s not that I’m lazy, but I think I wont be able to make it till the bus, I’m too tired to walk, and my umbrella wont stand the wind, SHIT!! My umbrella wont stand the wind?!! GOD!! That means I’ll have to walk under this hard dropping thing, struggle the wind until I get a taxi 😉
Oh my God, here comes an airplane, my they have no difficulties landing.
Anyway, in such a weather the best thing one can do is relax at home, watch TV, no matter how terrible the programs were, still, I’ll enjoy myself, drink a cup of coffee, or eat a bowl of popcorn or a plate of French fries with ketchup , yummyyyy.
Yes that’s what I’m willing to do as soon as I get back home. Relax, although I know I’ll find out that there are 100 things I should do, but well, to hell with everything, I have decided to relax… after washing the dishes that is 🙂 oh, and after preparing dinner, not to forget to buy some stuff I need on my way home, and God I have to wash the clothes again, they must be full of sand spots, and … oh, the never ending story 😛 don’t I just love my exhausting life…

May 3 2004

Sick Animals In Iraq?!It’s Not Only Their Fault, But Also Of Those Who Sent Them.

All of you have already heard the disgusting and so humiliating news of the torturing of Iraqi prisoners. Actually, ever since I’ve heard the news and saw the pics, I felt like posting but couldn’t express my thoughts into words, no, I wasn’t in a state of shock, I wasn’t surprised at all, things like that are expected to come from those “democracy protectors and peace makers”. But I couldn’t write because of the disgust and shit that took place. I felt writing wont put off the fire burning my heart and the hearts of all Arabs and Muslims, as they saw what happened from those pieces of shit to our Iraqi brothers.
And up till now I find myself actually speechless. All I can say is this act is a big shame to all those who have allowed their selves to be represented by some sick, pathetic, irresponsible, cheap, and horrible creatures and called them soldiers.

They wanted to inspect weapons that didn’t exist, after facts were crystal clear that Iraq had nothing, they wanted to “free” its people from the dictator Saddam and spread democracy in the area, ever since then we hear of nothing but killing innocent people, torturing innocent people and prisoners, abusing prisoners and normal people, humiliating all Iraqis, making Jokes of them and competing in insulting the suffering people. All you can see is Americans and British clapping for the achievements of the governments, the achievements that are also shown on TV, symbolized by people starving to death, and women and children crying.
Well maybe the Arab world is not aware of the true definition of Freedom, Peace, and Democracy. Because what’s happening in Iraq, has already happened in Afghanistan , Guantanamo, and Israeli prisons.
And if you think that the pics that have reached authorities are a reflection of ALL what the Iraqi people are going through then NO, you’re making a big mistake. No one knows what it’s like over there, but the Iraqis themselves. They are the ones suffering, we’re all watching.
And if you think that what happened in the pics happened to Iraqis alone, then that’s another mistakes you’re making, because out there and in this very moment Arabs and Muslims are still being tortured in the worst way ever. Putting aside the massacres that took place in Lebanon and that are taking place on daily basis in Palestine.

An interesting, REALLY INTERESTING, and VER SMART comment on what has happened was from Sgt Frederick, who said : “he and his fellow reservists had never been told how to deal with prisoners, or what lines should not be crossed. He said he never saw a copy of the Geneva Conventions”. Subzero Blue , which shows the whole world that these animals need others to teach them how to be humans. They need conventions to show them the difference between treating prisoners and between showing off their sick and disgusting habits.

Now the whole world is criticizing and condemning these stupid acts, but let’s wait and see what happens to those monsters. They might even get away with it, I wont be surprised. But let’s think of one simple thing: if Arabs were the ones with these pics, would the whole situation be taken as calm as some accusations? Or would the whole Arab world be attacked with some kind of War Against Terror?!
And if these are the pics that have reached their hands, what about what happens in Israeli prisons?! But well, they must be kept “safe” and “sound”, no need for inspectors, no need for journalists. We all know they’re safe.
But please you countries leading war on innocent people in the name of democracy, PLEASE, do us a favor and admit for once that the war you’re carrying out is nothing but something to please your stupid sick desires in killing, torturing, stealing, and showing off your “powers”. Please stop lying to us! GET THE HELL OUT OF IRAQ!
If you feel like throwing up today you can go ahead and look at some pics here The Memory Hole .
Other posts related to this awful act:Jalan-Jalan , here and here for Je Blog, and Raed In The Middle

April 30 2004


I swear to God I can’t stop laughing every time I think of “swingers”. LOL!! To be honest, I never heard of it until recently, seems like I’m living out of the planet.
The first time I heard of it was in the series “Yes, Dear”, which I love so so much. Now when I knew what it meant, I couldn’t possibly imagine it. I mean it was the stupidest, most humiliating concept I’ve ever heard of, after homosexuality that is.
Married couples exchanging sexual partners?!! WHERE ARE WE LIVING!!!! They can’t be human beings, they must be some disgusting pegs!! YUCK!
I mean if they’re not capable of loyalty, sexual satisfaction with their partners, faithfulness and commitment, why the hell do they get married in the first place?? Just to give their filthy relationships a more “respectful” impression?
God, I can’t even find one good sentence I can put together to give a good reason.
That’s terrible, and it’s so damn funny, because I still don’t see the point in that. LOL! Married, but feel like exchanging husbands or wives for a change, isn’t that pathetic.
Well aside of it being pathetic and disgusting, it’s a shame. When a man can’t satisfy his woman, and when a woman can’t satisfy her husband; when marriage is turned into a very weak relationship full of boredom, routine, to a level where both parties start looking for an alternative to revive their feelings; when both parties are OK with “sleeping around”; and when all what controls two brains is sexual desire, then it is a shame, a disaster and a big problem that have no solution but to change this time we’re living in. This time in which Life is one big zoo with creature cheaper than animals living in it, screwing it, and destroying all its beauty in the name of civilization and improvement.
Now that people have become so empty, lost, contradicting and mad, they can do nothing but create new concepts to suit their disastrous lives, do stupid things to please their ego, and practice crazy habits to win others’ attraction.
Every two days we hear of a new religion, people start converting to it, just because it’s cool, just because it completely suits their lost selves, and give them the right to do whatever they please without feeling guilty. Every now and then new vocabulary are added to dictionaries of all languages, words that refer to corrupted societies, and an upside-down world. Every once in a while, we see a new sick phenomena, that becomes the trend of the year, and the way out for losers.
So looking at it, swingers are nothing new, they’re just another sick phenomena that labels our one of a kind, lost and crazy time.
And then social scientists and health responsible wonder: Where from are we getting all these problems?

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April 29 2004

I Want To Bike… Without Getting Run Over Please ;)

I love bikes, they’re really healthy, practical and simply refreshing. I’ve always wished to go to work and back home using a bike. But every time this idea crosses my mind, I can’t help feeling insecure. I mean, I’d be killed so easily if I used one in a main street 😛 Which got me wondering, why don’t Arab countries have special routes for bikes? And I’m not talking about the special “biking places” where you can ride a bike as a hobby in a certain limited area, almost all Arab countries have those. But I’m talking about the biking-routes which are used for transportation just like cars.
I’ve never been to an Arabic country which has special routes for bikes all across it, maybe there is, but I personally don’t know. In Tunisia for example, there are places that have special paths, but not all places have them.
I know that there are some countries in which biking can be so tiresome and might even end up as a torture rather than a pleasant transportation device, like sunny countries of very high temperatures, or countries with many “ups & downs”. But what about the ones with a biking-suitable surface? It should be reconsidered, because when routes like this exist people will be more encouraged to use bikes instead of cars. This will decrease both traffic and pollution. On the other hand it will make it safer for those who cannot afford cars and already have bikes to use them.
There are times when you have to go get something from a certain place, which isn’t that close for you to go on foot, nor that far to start your car, a bike would be enjoyable in that case. There are times when you feel like going somewhere, but you think the weather is too beautiful to be missed when you’re in the car. There are times when you simply feel like enjoying a bike trip with friends or family, you feel like refreshing your energy and tanking in more sun rays, would there be something better than a bike?
Also for children, whose schools are in the neighborhood, why not use a bike to go there? They’ll be more active, healthier, and will save the parents the time of dropping them in and picking them up.
There are so many good reasons to use bikes instead of cars, I’m not saying to replace cars completely, coz that’s impossible in so many cases. But why don’t we use them from time to time, or every time we go to close places, when weather is ok?
I really wish we’ll be having bike routes with their own signs and maps soon in all Arab countries, and I’ll be the first to use them 🙂 .

April 28 2004

Wann wird Deutschland endlich unschuldig fühlen? / An Anti-Semitism Conference In Berlin!

Immerwieder hört man, dass “Deutschland ein Ort Grauenvoller Erinnerungen für die Juden nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg war”. Deutschland und die Deutschen fühlen sich immer schuldig, wenn es um die Juden handelt. Fast alle Deutsche leiden unter was ich lieber “ein dauernhafte Schuldkomplex” nenne.
Eigentlich hat Deutschland stets versucht, freundschaftliche Bezeiehungen zu Israel einzugehen. Die israelische Regierung hatte aber jeden Kontaktversuch Deutschlands verweigert. Deshalb hat sich der erste deutsche Bundeskanzler Konrad Adenauer entschieden, den Umweg über jüdische Organisationen zu gehen, um mit ihnen über die so genannte “Wiedergutmachung” zu reden. Dann gab es “endlich” direkte Kontakte zwischen Israel und Deutschland. Und kurz danach verpflichtet sich die deutsche Bundesregierung darin zu Geld- und Sachleistungen an Israel. Bis Ende 2000 beliefen sich diese Leistungen auf etwa 55 Milliarden Euro.
Schritt für Schritt entwickelte sich die Freundschaft zwischen Israel und Deutschland. Begleitet wird diese Freundschaft auch durch zahlreiche Staatsbesuche. Allein in jüngster Vergangenheit reisten mehr als 20 deutsche Politiker nach Israel, Außenminister Joschka Fischer allein sieben Mal. Und umgekehrt gab es mehr als ein Dutzend Politikerbesuche von israelischer Seite in Deutschland.
Außerdem gibt es noch die wirtschaftliche Seite der Geschichte. Denn seit Jahrzenten arbeiten beide Länder zusammen. Deutschland ist nach den USA der wichtigste Handelspartner Israels.

Weil die Juden damals in Deutschalnd für einige Jahren unterlitten haben, nimmt Deutschland die Verantwortung der “Wiedergutmachung” und “Annäherung”. Die deutschen haben ALLES mögliches gemacht, um ihren “Schuld” wegzuwachen. Geld, Unterstützung, Besuche, Bücher gegen die Nazis und Hitler, Bücher für Israel und die Jüden, Anti- semitismus Kampagnen, und, und, und…
Sie haben alles getan um die Zufriedenheit und Freude Israels zu gewinnen. Die Frage, die man sich immer stellen soll, ist: Sind die Israelis jetzt froh! Sind sie mit alles, was Deutschland für sie getan hat, zufrieden? Ist Deutschland heute Schuld-Frei?
Viel wird für Israel getan, andererseits macht wider Israel noch andere Länder etwas, um die Palästinenser zu ritten, warum!! Sind die keine Leute? Ihr Land war gestohlen, ihren Häuser werden immer zerstört, sie leiden immer noch, und niemand macht was für sie. Alle schauen einfach an, alle bevorzugen Israel zu helfen, um die “Rassismus” gegen die Juden zu bekämpfen.
Die Palästinenser brauchen kein Geld, keine Bücher; Freeden genügt sie. Sie glauben daran, dass Palästina, das Land der dreien Religionen ist. Also wollen sie es nicht, die Juden rauss zu schmeissen. Sie wollen nur ihr Heimatland Palästina ritten, ihre Kultur und Geschichte verteidigen, sie wollen ihre Rechte haben. Leider niemand hört zu. Nach der Meinung der Welt, Palästinenser sind Terroristen, die getötet sollen. Alle haben vergessen, dass Palästina war nie die Heimat der Juden alleine, sie war und soll immer sein, die Heimat der dreien Religionen. Sie war immer die freedliche Palästina. Wer gibt das Recht sie ins “Israel” zu wechseln? Judentum? Ich glaube das Judentum ist eine Religion wie Christintum und Islam, sie wird es nie erlauben, Leute zu töten und so unglaubliche Taten gegen andere Leute zu führen, oder! Genügt es nicht ihr Land wegzunehmen? Warum sollen sie die Leute vernichten?
Ich wollte nur sagen, dass Deutschland nie vergessen wird, und wird immer sich als shuldig handeln. Berlin wird ein zwei Tage “Anti-Semitismuskonferenz” ausrichten.

Yes that’s true, the fact that Germany has paid 55 Billion Euros (till the end of 2000 only), and the fact that Germany is considered the second strongest trade partner of Israel (after USA), and the fact that Germany always have books against Nazis, Hitler and Pro-Israel available on the shelves, did not make Germany feel better, they still feel guilty, and therefore they’ve decided to host a 2 days Anti-Semitism Conference in Berlin to adopt a declaration and action plan to fight xenophobia and racism against Jews.
Just ahead of the conference, the U.S. Anti-Defamation League (ADL) published the results of its latest poll on anti-Semitism in Europe. The 10-nation survey found that while anti-Jewish sentiment has decreased across the continent, negative attitudes toward Israel are on the rise in most Western European countries.
And while France was praised for speaking against the anti-Semitic attacks in France and for launching a plan that includes extra security for Jewish sites and tough new penalties for those found guilty of anti-Jewish acts, only two European nations — Britain and the Netherlands — recorded increases in anti-Semitism, according to the survey. On the whole, the survey found that attitudes towards Israel have worsened in all 10 countries. Israel’s “favorability” rating dropped to 23 percent from 28 percent in 2002. And as a comment on the results, The ADL’s national director, Abraham Foxman said: “These findings reflect a bias against Israel in Europe among government and media”.
Why can’t these findings be reflecting a REACTION rather than a bias?! Why would Europeans be against Israel? Didn’t he ask himself that question? Isn’t it possibly what Europeans are seeing on daily basis? Couldn’t it be the truth that reaches them through their Journalists and TV Reporters that worsened the attitudes towards Israel? Why is Israel always right with whatever it says, and everybody should follow what it suggests and answer what it asks for? Why do people believe they’re wrong and Israel is right, even if they know the truth? Why are people dying to get Israel’s approval on their countries? … What’s wrong with the world? Well I guess nothing’s wrong, only justice, truth and efficiency are missing, no big deal. All we have to do is think, feel and choose words that will please the ANTI-“anti-Semitism” campaigns regardless of what we actually feel, maybe then we’ll be called civilized, maybe then we’ll be just, maybe then Israel will feel better while cutting off the head of a dad in front of his own children…
Anyway, for all details you can check the following links: in German and in English .

April 27 2004

Jordan Saved From A Toxic Cloud

Jordanian authorities have broken up an alleged al Qaeda plot that would have unleashed a deadly cloud of chemicals in the heart of Jordan’s capital, Amman.
The plot would have been more deadly than anything al Qaeda has done before, including the September 11 attacks. The plot was within days of being carried out, Jordanian officials said, when security forces broke it up April 20.
In a nighttime raid in Amman, Jordanian security forces moved in on the terrorist cell. After the shooting stopped, four men were dead. Jordanian authorities said. They said at least three others were arrested, including Azmi Jayyousi, the cell’s suspected ringleader, whom Jordanian intelligence alleges was responsible for planning and recruiting.
On a confession shown on state-run Jordanian television, Jayyousi said he took orders from Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a suspected terrorist leader who has been linked to al Qaeda and whom U.S. officials have said is behind some attacks in Iraq.
The targets were the U.S. Embassy, the Jordanian prime minister’s office and the headquarters of Jordanian intelligence.
“According to my experience as an explosives expert, the whole of the Intelligence Department will be destroyed, and nothing of it will remain, nor anything surrounding it,” Jayyousi said.
Details of the alleged plot were shown yesterday on the Jordanian television, including graphics of how the cell apparently intended to carry out the attack.
In an videotape shown on Jordanian TV, Hussein Sharif said Jayyousi recruited him as a suicide bomber.
“The aim, Azmi told me, was to execute an operation to strike Jordan and the Hashemite Royal family, a war against the crusaders and infidels,” Sharif said. “Azmi told me that this will be the first chemical attack that al Qaeda will execute.”
Jordanian authorities said the attack would have mixed a combination of 71 lethal chemicals, which they said has never been done before, including blistering agents to cause third-degree burns, nerve gas and choking agents. For more details ClickHere
I have seen Azzam Jayyousi’s confession last night, and I must say that I felt like blowing up the T.V. I mean he was so cold-blooded, he talked as if he was going to kill a mosquito or something. And then he was like: “I thought by doing this I’ll be serving God, and that even if I got killed I will directly go to heaven”. WHY DO THEY HAVE TO GIVE A SHITTY PICTURE OF ISLAM.
Islam has nothing to do with this, and what I loved about the Jordanian authorities is that they have interviewed Muslim “sheikhs” of mosques and universities, and they have all agreed that killing in the name of Islam is the worst thing anyone can ever do. And they have proved by Islamic Sharee’a (teachings, rules and instructions of Islam) that whoever kills a person, it’s as if they have killed all humanity, and whoever saves a soul, is as if they have saved all humanity. Therefore whoever kills a Muslim on purpose, and whoever kills an innocent person will be heading straight to hell where he’ll be burnt over and over again.
THER WERE GOING TO KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE, I mean for God’s sake could you please save us the stupidity and please do something good in your lives. Why attack Amman? You’re not happy with their strategies? Not happy with the system there? So if we’re not happy then we kill and get rid of all those who we disagree with? Is that what our prophet was suffering to teach us? Is there no other way to negotiate but with bombing and killing? Have we forgotten that religion is all about bringing peace to the world, have we forgotten that Quran asked us to be constructive, to build, to add to the world’s improvement, not the opposite. Or is it that you have your own rules and your own religion and love to call it Islam!! Have you forgotten that one good thing brings 10 times the reward, and one bad thing brings10 times the punishment and disgrace!
Did you forget that even in war Muslims are not allowed to kill children, women, old people, animals and plants of the enemy?! And now you want to burn a whole city and let them suffer for generations not caring about all the innocent people who are going to be lost. So it’s ok to kill who you disagree with even if that meant losing your family and the good people who can add to the construction of society more than you with your corrupted heads will!
Thing twice before doing anything, and please read the Quran, and study the Islamic religion well, and most important of all that, please stop covering yourselves with Islam, coz Islam is innocent, peaceful and have so many ways of bringing happiness and well being to societies without harming a bee.

For Information in Arabic you can check Addustour and Aljazeera

April 27 2004

A New Painting To Replace The Old Flag …

Yes the new so called Iraqi Flag , which by the way has nothing to do with Iraqi’s people choice, approval, nor preference, is -according to the proud designers- a replacement for Saddam’s Flag.
The new “thing” has two blue horizontal stripes signifying the two rivers Tigris and Euphrates (inspired from the Israeli Flag that points to the Great Kingdom of David: the “Great Israel”, being from the Nile river to the Euphrates river); a yellow stripe between the two blue ones symbolizes the Kurdish region in northern Iraq (or is it maybe a symbol of drowning the Kurdish region in the two rivers, after being done bombing every single Iraqi…no one knows); and above the three stripes there is a white background with a blue crescent, an Islamic symbol (to replace Allahu Akbar, but I wonder if Saddam’s era flag had the crescent already, would it be replaced with Allahu Akbar?!). Anyway, this whole “new painting” thing sucks, it’s really the proof of nothing but taking away people’s own freedom of choice in the name of democracy, and changing everything to what the new “controllers” believe is good, in the name of the poor people’s own interest.
You claim democracy? The people don’t want this stupid pale tasteless painting that you have offered as a flag, would you follow people’s choice? No, it wont be “democracy” if you did. People don’t want you interfering in everything single thing in their lives, would you stop sticking your nose? Noooooooo, you can’t be who you are if you stopped interfering. People don’t want to see your faces laughing on TV being happy about your games, trying to convince people they’re “important achievements”, would you democratic people listen to what people say? NO. People want you out of their country, they don’t want you killing their children in the name of improvement, they don’t want you stealing their food, in the name of investment, they don’t want you to torture them in the name of peace, they don’t want you wandering in their country in the name of security, and they want you to STOP making up excuses and inventing reasons to show the world you must stay, because the whole world knows your presence is not welcomed, it’s not doing anything good. Iraqis are killed, and so are your soldiers, and so is happiness. Iraqis are not happy, the whole Arab world is not happy, and most of the people all around the world are NOT HAPPY. Stop sacrificing people to smell blood and enjoy the sounds of rockets and bombs lighting up the sky of countries that were once peaceful. War on terror? TO HELL WITH WAR, WAR IS TERROR…
Related links:
Subzero Blue
Je Blog
Baghdad Burning
Raed in the Middle