August 5 2004


Temperature was around 43 degrees yesterday, today it’s raining!!! I’ve never seen such a crazy weather anywhere else but in Thailand.
I hope the rain will make the weather a bit better, although I really doubt this possibility. It’s been terribly hot in the last couple of days, specially yesterday. The best word to describe yesterday –in my opinion- is OVEN!
On my way home yesterday it was so humid with a really hot breeze, as if one was sitting in an oven. This kind of weather makes me really lazy. All I feel like doing is either sleeping, or eating, or watching movies/ TV. I do feel like swimming a lot, but most of the time I’m just too lazy to move 😀
From my office window I can see the rain drops evaporating the second they touch the boiling streets. Looks like the sun isn’t in the mood today, it’s hiding behind the clouds. Good for us, no one will be frying. But well, the fact that the sun and its rays are not visible doesn’t mean they’re not there. Heat is the same, and the sun rays are even more dangerous when the sun is hiding behind the clouds.
As for me now, I’ve been going through a very hectic period at work. I was mostly doing stuff I really hate, like reports and accounting for example. Today I was really fed up, I decided to take a break, a BIG ONE, so here I am eating some yummy chocolate biscuits that my husband brought yesterday, writing and enjoying myself. I just love this guilt-free feeling I get every once in a while 🙂 It cools me down and makes me feel really fresh.

August 3 2004

Teaching Islam In German Schools

With the legally embodied freedom of religion in Germany, Muslims have the right to get Islam lessons. But although 3,2 Million Muslims live in Germany, there are still no proper approved Islam lessons in the German schools. Teaching Islam in German schools failed in the past because of lack of the suitable teaching staff. This will now change.
The “Centre for Religious Studies” in Münster University in Germany begins now with the education and training of Islam teachers.
The learning will be through Professor Muhammad Sven Kalisch, an Islam scientist from Hamburg.
According to Kalisch, the first step to teaching religion is the language course. “It is so important for us that the instructions are given in German” Kalisch says. He isn’t against teaching in mother tongues, but he believes that if Islam is wanted to be a part of the German society then Muslims should learn their religion in German to know how to express themselves and to be able to fit in society. On the other hand, Kalisch and his colleagues want to train religion teachers who have both a scientific and an Islamic background, in order to avoid any extremist tendencies. It’s not yet clear how many Islam teachers will be trained, but the need for such approved teachers is highly requested. Around 800,000 students in German schools are Muslims.
The courses for Islam teachers will begin next winter semester 2005/2006. To get the permission for these courses, the applicants should be Muslims, and should qualify as teachers, or at least have the goal of teaching in their course of studies.
After having the qualified and approved Islam teachers, schools will be offering Islamic education for the Muslim students. The Ministry of Culture and the Muslim associations will be organizing with each other to know how to offer this kind of education.

Personally I believe this is a great step forward that will help Muslims in Germany learn Islam the right way and in German.
Source: DeutscheWelle

August 2 2004

Work Diaries (6): Hopeless Case!

The manager asked me to arrange with a driver, who is the stupidest person God could ever create, so that he’ll deliver a package to a client. I warned the manager of the consequences that may take place, but he insisted this driver is the best for this mission. So I called the driver and he came to the office.
I: Listen I need you to go deliver this package to Mr. …. Here’s his address and phone number in case you needed any extra details. Anyway, do you know the place?
Driver: Sure, it’s so well known, I go there all the time, plus you provided the address and a street plan, so even if I don’t know it, the plan will help me. No worries at all.
I: Ok, it’s 9:00, it takes you around 30 minutes to get there. We need this package to reach the client before 12:00, ok?
Driver: give me 40 minutes maximum and it’ll be there.
I: That’d be wonderful. You’re sure everything’s clear?
Driver: Sure, sure, please stop worrying will ya!
9:30 ———-10:00———-10:30———-10:35 I call the driver.
I: is everything ok?
Driver: Yes, almost there, don’t worry.
I: Ok, great, call me when you deliver the package.
Driver: No problem.
10:40———11:00———-11:30———-11:45 again, I call the driver.
I: I was waiting for you to call, it’s11:45 already and I didn’t hear from you. Is everything ok?
Driver: No, I can’t find the place.
I: WHAT!! Why didn’t you call me or call the number I gave you?
Driver: It didn’t cross my mind, I just kept looking.
I: Are you kidding me? Don’t you understand how important this is?
Driver: I know, it’s just that time flew by without me noticing.
I: MORE THAN 3 HOURS FLEW SIMPLY BY!! Why didn’t you tell me when I called you earlier?
Driver: Didn’t want you to get worried.
(I almost got a heart attack)
I: Just tell me where are you now!
Driver: I’m in the street where you’ve put an (X) to mark the building.
I: So where’s the problem? Go to the (X).
Driver: I can’t find it!
(I break my pencil in two pieces)
I: I assume you’re in the start of the street with the (X), so the bus station must be to your right.
Driver: Exactly.
I: Just GO ON DRIVING TILL YOU REACH THE end of the street, the building will be facing you, with its name …… written OVER IT. Its number is 10.
Driver: I’m driving towards the end of the street, I can’t see the building.
I: Are you sure you’re in ……. Street?
Driver: Of course I’m sure, I’m a driver for God’s sake!
Driver: I can’t see any ends?! There are only buildings!
I: That’s because the street has a DEAD-END!!! WHERE YOU’LL FIND THE BUILDING …… NUMBER……. FACING YOU!!
Driver: There must be some kind of a misunderstanding, or maybe you’ve made a mistake.
I: Tell you what, I’ll call the client and make him send someone to meet you.
(I called the client and gave him the number of the driver just in case)
At 12:00 the client calls:
Client: We don’t want your proposal anymore ok!
I: Why? What happened?
Client: we call your driver, agree to meet in a certain place, we reach the place we don’t find him! We call again, and he simply says: “I waited 5 minutes, no one came, I turned back to where I came from!”
( I felt like killing them all)
I: I’ll deal with it, I apologize for the inconvenience.

I talked to the manager and told him about the problem which is caused by the driver. The manager calmed down the client, waited for the driver to bring the package, got it from him, had a BIG fight with him, then the manager went to the client in person and things went well.
When the manager came back to the office, he prepared another package. He came to me and went like: Eman, please call the driver (yes the SAME one)and arrange with him to go deliver this package to a client.

July 30 2004

Change Begins With U

Many of us have gone through a lot of bad experiences, and many others are facing more and more problems in their lives. They lose hope, start blaming the ones around them and start behaving really mean, making their lives even worse.
A famous saying says: “The only thing in the world you can change is yourself, and that makes all the difference in the world”. Never try to change others, that doesn’t work, you have to look deep inside yourself and find what’s wrong, fix it and then move forward. This is the only way to change your life into a better one, which will make the life of those around you better as well.
Quit your bad habits, practice some self-control, respect your decisions and be strict with yourself. Don’t just say words, believe in them, and act according to your beliefs. Making promises and swearing to God you‘ll stop this or that, then getting back to your old self will make things only worse, not only for you, but for all those around you.
Therefore, have some private time for yourself, reconsider your life, and make your own decisions following your own beliefs, not those of people who pretend to know better than you.

Category: General | LEAVE A COMMENT
July 30 2004

Make Your Life Toxic-Free

You do a lot to keep your family healthy, but you may not have considered all the potential dangers of toxic chemicals in your surroundings. Toxic chemicals can be found in virtually all creatures and in all environments. An estimated 1,000 new chemicals enter the market every year, in addition to the tens of thousands of chemicals already in commercial use. Very few have been adequately tested for the threats they may pose to wildlife and humans. World Wild Life Organization has created a list of actions you and your family can take to reduce your consumption and use of toxic chemicals at home and in your community:
1.Buy organic cotton clothing, fruits and vegetables, and other goods.
2.Stop using pesticides. Green up your yard using natural methods.
3.Use environmentally friendly products in your home.
4.Avoid air fresheners and perfumed products. Freshen your air by opening windows, using baking soda, cedar blocks, or dried flowers.
5.Reduce use of plastic containers and food wrappings.
6.Urge your schools and communities to use non toxic cleaning products and to stop using pesticides.
To know how to make your own toxic-free low-cost household recipes Click Here.

July 29 2004

Lesson Of The Day

“I have no connections, no money, no talent, no experience, no looks and no luck. I only have my brain and my determination. I wouldn’t count on the first too much, but with the second I’m sure I’ll figure out a way to make my dreams come true.” – a university colleague.

Category: General | LEAVE A COMMENT
July 29 2004

At 13:30

After a very nice and light summer last month –relatively speaking- I can say the serious Tunisian summer has just begun 😉 But still it’s a lot cooler than last year. Thank God for that. There is a nice refreshing breeze after 18:30. But my problem is in me actually. I finish work at 13:30, the sun is so damn strong, and I feel vapor coming out of me the second I step out of the air-conditioned office. It takes no longer than reaching the ground floor and getting out the main gate of the building to start sweating, yes, it’s that HOT and that HUMID! Anyway, I don’t know why I feel so excited about shopping for stuff we need for home at that particular time of the day: 13:30. I really don’t understand why I always feel so active when I walk down the street, and I find myself crossing to the opposite side, where shopping stores and markets are, instead of getting a cab and heading home. Everyday around 13:30 I’d be either picking vegetables, choosing fruits, buying meat, pasta, milk, detergents or anything I remember is missing. And although I don’t spend more than 5 TND, but I end up with many bags. So imagine the days when our fridge is totally empty and I just feel like shopping rather than waiting to go shop later with my husband! I end up with really HEAVY bags, and then I have to walk the minimum of another 10 minutes with the bags in the sun, and stand at the end of the highway till I get a cab. I reach home melting!!
I should do something about that. I must resist this strong feeling of responsibility I guess 😛

July 29 2004

Track Your Child With A Cellphone ;)

Parents in South Korea will now be able to track their children by using a device in a new mobile phone that has been designed for kids.
SK Telecom Co. began selling on Wednesday colorful cellphones with antennas that look like human ears and a built in tracker using the global positioning satellite (GPS) network. The phone has four buttons to save phone numbers of key contacts, such as Mum and Dad. The GPS technology works even when the phone is turned off. To keep the price down, the phones do not have text messaging or Internet capabilities.
Isn’t this cool !
Source: Reuters

July 29 2004

Shopping These Days

For a while I’ve been trying to get myself a new pair of shoes and some clothes. But every time I go out shopping I turn back home with empty hands. The reason is the ridiculous fashion filling the stores. And the problem isn’t only in Tunisia, but in all Arab countries as I hear, read and watch in TV channels. Only 2-5 stores are really great and offer a wide range of clothes that suits all types of people. Problem is, they’re too expensive. As for the rest of the stores, I found nothing but these boring pointy shoes, if not pointy then with unbelievable high heels. Nothing but “things” to decorate your body rather than to cover it and protect it from the sun. This is so dumb. Fashion designers are using human body in the cheapest way ever. Not only women, but even men are starting to find the majority of their clothes turned into extremely tight, sometimes transparent, other times glittering shiny clothes! This makes me want to THROW UP! I mean why do we have to find stores with the “latest fashion” if the majority of us wont be buying this? Why don’t we have a wider variety to suit all tastes? Or are these so damn revealing-tight clothes and high-heel-pointy stupid shoes our visa to modernization?! What makes me wonder is that people in the Arab world complain about bad economic conditions, did it ever cross their minds that the reason is in their choices of what they’re selling?! It’s true so many people buy the crap in the stores these days, but are these people the majority? An article I’ve just read in The Star gives a good example of what I’m saying. The most interesting part was this:
“I have recently noticed that often the clothes in main shopping stores and malls are composed of mini skirts, very bare tops, jeans and not a lot of half-sleeved tops; yet clothes worn by people are modern, but certainly not that dashing. It makes me wonder where do the mini skirts go. Do women use them to clothe some of the dolls that they played with as children? Personally, I do not know of any girl that wears skirts that appear to be only slightly below the belt. It is not the short clothes, but the lack of variety in clothes and the fact that such clothes are not widely worn, which makes me wonder about how such goods are sold, and where is the market for such clothes? I have heard people say: Jordan has such a wide variety of clothes, and I thought to myself, well if that means latest fashion’s flimsy clothes then the statement is probably right. I walked in Sweifieh looking for a pair of classical sandals and all I could find were the Ali Baba sandals and slippers, and the joyfully colorful nylon sandals of orange, yellow, green and all the colors imaginable, with heels that compete with Eiffel Tower at very affordable prices”.
I believe people should start reconsidering what they sell and provide a wide range of clothes to match all tastes regardless of where it comes from and regardless of the latest fashion trends.

July 28 2004

Cutting Off The Road To Iraq

The six-lane highway linking Baghdad to Jordan is a main route for imports and supplies into Iraq. Al Arabiya broadcasted a videotape from a previously unknown group calling itself the “Group of Death” vowing to cut off the highway in three days to Jordanian trucks. Jordanian interests, companies, businessmen and individuals are considered as targets and will be treated the same way as American targets,” said one of the four masked men on the video. “The road between Iraq and Jordan will be cut off to Jordanian trucks carrying goods to Iraq, except for those carrying medical and foodstuffs…Take heed from our warning,” he said.
After the warning two Jordanian citizens: Ahmad Hussein and Fayez Adwan were held hostage in Iraq. As a result, the employer of the two drivers announced Tuesday that it had agreed to halt its operations there in a bid to spare their lives.
“We are terminating our activities in Iraq,” Daoud and Partners executive director, Rami Uweiss, told AFP. “We have taken this decision for humanitarian reasons and out of a concern to assure the safety of our staff and obtain the release of our two drivers,” said Uweiss, whose company has been working under contract to the US military.
Source: The Jordan Times