April 8 2005

Work Diaries (21): the accounting nightmare!

My job as a manager’s assistant is not simply assisting my boss in certain work duties, no, being a manager’s assistant in this company means being the manager, project manager, sales supervisor, secretary, marketing personnel, receptionist, IT department, finance department, legal reference, and last but not least the accountant. In short I’m a whole company in one person. Actually, I don’t mind being all that… all but the accountant, that is.
I remember in my job interview the boss asked me: can you resume “simple” accounting operations.I didn’t know that by “simple” he meant all accounting operations from the simplest to the most complicated.
Now I can proudly say that I’ve become a professional accountant. Yes, now I’m an expert in revenue, outcome, income, transfers, tax, penalty, expense reports, currency exchange, everything!
But I guess teaching myself all this isn’t really remarkable effort to my boss, who believes all this should be known by default, even it’s obviously stated in my C.V. that I’m no accountant, and did nothing related to accounting in my whole career life.

Anyway, around this time of the year, the mother company sends us an annual financial report, according to which the tax is calculated, so that we pay it to the local government. The annual financial report is based on the figures and support documents -yours truly- sends every month, which is APPROVED by my boss.
3 weeks ago, we got this annual report. And instead of simply paying the tax, my boss insisted we double check on he mother company!
Boss: Eman, the tax is so high, I want you to double-check.
Eman: But they’re the ones who are going to pay, so it’s to their own interest to be accurate!
Boss: Just double-check to make sure.

After 2 days of double-checking it turns out that according to my calculations we should pay less. I submitted a detailed report, which my boss sent to the mother company.
The mother company sent us back another detailed report that shows the difference, which was due to extra amounts I didn’t calculate because they were submitted before I was employed.

Eman: I guess everything’s clear now!
Boss: No, I still want you to double- check their detailed report.
Eman: But as you can see they provided detailed explanation with supporting documents.
Boss: Just do me a favor and double-check, will you?
Eman: OK (you stubborn bastard).
After 4 hours of double-checking…
Eman: Sir, figures are all correct.
Boss: How? Explain to me!
After 2 hours of explaining…
Eman: Clear now?
Boss: Yes. So please call the local accounting audit and tell him to come double-check on your double-checking, just to make sure.
Eman: Do you really think there’s a need for all this?
Boss: Certainly, better safe than sorry, call him right away, let’s get this done.
Eman: Ok (you …$@**#&*+@)

Local audit came next day, after explaining the whole report thing, he double-checked on the report that I have already double-checked.
Audit: It’s all fine.
Boss: Explain to me Eman.
Eman: But I already explained.
Boss: Never mind, explain again please.
1 more hour of unnecessary explaining…
Boss: Ok everything’s clear.

Next day…
I get a cc of an email from my boss to the mother company accountant:
Dear(…), after Eman’s double-checking on your report, and the local Audit double-checking on Eman’s double-checked report, I would like you to double-check the audit’s double-checking on Eman’s double-checked report, just to avoid any mistakes.

The accountant of the mother company replied, with cc to me:
Dear(…), I don’t know why can’t you just take our calculations for granted. It’s my job, my responsibility to do this report with no further questioning, and it’s us who are going to pay the money, yet I answered all your questions and was ok with you double-checking on me. But that’s it, just go pay the tax in your country.

2 days later…
Boss: Eman, call the local audit. I want you both for an urgent meeting.
Eman: Is everything ok?
Boss: Nothing’s ok. I’m not paying that tax. Both of you are going to double-check in front of me again.
Eman: But why?! We already double-checked and explained to you, and you were ok. Let’s not waste our time on the same old story PLEASE!
(he calls the audit himself)

After a very BORING, very STRESSING, very FULL of stupid questions meeting, my boss asked for detailed documents that explain and support every single item. It took us 4 more days to go over these and I was asked –AGAIN- to write a report that summarizes all documents, invoices, bank operations, amounts spent, amounts received, funds and everything related to accounting for the whole year of 2004.
I was done yesterday, and the final result was exactly the same of the mother company’s.
My boss took my detailed report with a very big smile on his face.
Boss: Great job Eman. What could I do without such a reliable assistant.
Eman: No problem, just let’s get this done with for good.
Boss: Ah, same closing amounts, PERFECT!
Eman: Yeah (FINALLY).
Boss: Call the local audit for a final check up. So that I could send it to be approved by the mother company and pay the tax.
Eman: What?!!! (you’re unbelievable)
Boss: Just what you heard!
Eman: (You’re sick)
Boss: And make sure you answer all his questions.
Eman: (You’re evil)
Boss: And then we’ll call a meeting so that both of you would explain everything to me.
Eman: (you’re such a pain in the a**) Um…you sure we should call the..
Boss: It wont take a lot of time, I promise.
Eman: But!
Boss: And make sure you and the audit have same results!
Eman: (I really hate you more than anything right now).

Tax was paid, the nightmare was finally OVER!
Boss: See things went smooth and easy!
Eman: Maybe for you, but definitely not for me. I hate accounting.
Boss: Really? Didn’t know that.
Eman: Well, now you know.
Boss: I’ll help you get over your hatred, prepare for a double-check on the reports of the last 4 months, I want a detailed analysis on my desk by Monday!

April 7 2005

Jede Mutter und jedes Kind zählt…


“Make every mother and child count”, lautet das englisch-sprachige Motto des Weltgesundheitstages 2005, “Jede Mutter und jedes Kind zählt”.
Mütter- und Kindersterblichkeit ist das zentrale Thema beim diesjährigen Internationalen Weltgesundheitstag.
In vielen Entwicklungsländern ist Schwangerschaft und Geburt das erste Gesundheitsrisiko.
Mehr als eine halbe Million Frauen sterben jährlich an den Folgen von Schwangerschaft und Entbindung. Elf Millionen Kinder sterben jährlich bevor sie das fünfte Lebensjahr erreichen!
Eins der Millenniums-Ziele, die von 150 Staats- und Regierungschefs beim Millenniumsgipfel der Vereinten Nationen im September 2000 in New York unterschrieben wurden, ist die Mütter- und Kindersterblichkeitsrate bis 2015 auf ein Viertel zu senken, was Joy Phumaphi, stellvertretende Generaldirektorin der Weltgesundheitsorganisation für Familie und Gesundheit, für erreichbar hält.

Natürlich sind Armut und Bildung Hauptfaktore bei den meisten Krankheiten und Todesursachen. Wenn diese zwei Faktoren bekämpft würden, können wir diese Zahlen vermeiden und viele Leben retten.
“Ein gesundes Kind ist die Zukunft der Menschheit. Es entwickelt sich besser, ist lernfähiger in der Schule und kann sich zu einem produktiven Mitglied unserer Gesellschaft entwickeln. Ein gesundes Kind von heute ist morgen vielleicht Minister, Arzt, Ingenieur oder Menschenrechtler, der sich für eine sichere Zukunft einsetzt. Wenn wir heute Müttern und Kindern das Leben retten, so sichern wir damit auch unsere eigene Zukunft.”, meinte Joy Phumaphi.

Quelle: DW

[photo by WHO, Liba Taylor]

  • English for the curious 🙂
    “Make every mother and child count” is the motto of the World Health Day 2005.
    For many developing countries, pregnancy and birth are still number 1 threat to the lives of both mothers and babies.
    Almost 11 million children under five years of age will die from causes that are largely preventable. More than half a million women will die in pregnancy, childbirth or soon after.
    And since poverty and illiteracy are among the main factors of these high death rates, the report says that reducing this toll in line with the Millennium Development Goals depends largely on every mother and every child having the right to access to health care from pregnancy through childbirth, the neonatal period and childhood.
    Check out the World Health report 2005 here.
April 5 2005

Green Roofs


With the rapid expanding of population, suburbs have become densely populated where all the available land has been used up for construction, which forced governments to build on fertile soil, losing this soil forever.
The consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables is low since no garden space is left available, people have to buy products from the market, and most of the families have limited financial resources and unemployment is rising.
The roofs of homes are used for storing trash and old stuff which creates a suitable environment for insects, rats and reptiles growth.
How could this problem be solved? Answer is: Green Food from Green Roofs(GFGR).
GFGR is an amazingly impressive project suggested in Egypt and is being discussed by Amr Khaled’s “Life-Makers” program, a program that aims at improving life through practicing real Islam in its moderate and tolerant sense.

GFGR is specifically targeted at the poorer families living in the densely populated suburbs where it will not only facilitate the availability of fresh vegetables for home consumption but it will also create a source of income.


The project will benefit from the empty spaces on the building and houses roofs and fill them with plants and trees, which will help fight pollution with minimum expenses, basic available material and without the need for extra space or soil. Other than that, it’ll add a beautiful touch to the sight and improve the outlook of the place and the whole city in general.
Not to forget the fact that planting will provide a constructive way to fill a person’s free time and grow the sense of beautifying in the individual.


If you have any questions, or seek professional assistance, instructions of any kind related to planting your roof, you can send an email to: gfgr[at]lac.claes.sci.eg

Also read this excellent article in Arabic about the project where you can find breathtaking pictures of planted roofs.

I hope all Arab countries will apply this project to help reduce pollution, provide a living for poor families, beautify cities, increase productivities, and produce bio-vegetables and fruits.

Via: Serdal(AR).

April 4 2005

Tunisian Blogger Meetup

Yep, a Tunisian Blogger Meetup will take place really soon.
Well, I’m not a Tunisian Blogger, but I’m a blogger in Tunisia and married to a Tunisian Blogger, so sure I’ll be there and benefit from this chance to meet other Tunisian Bloggers.
I met few already, and I’m looking forward to meet the rest.
It’s a shame though that other great Tunisian Bloggers wont be there because they reside outside Tunisia, but hopefully soon we’ll be able to gather and meet.

So after Subzero Blue sent all members of the Tunisian Blogger Meetup Group an email informing them of a coming meetup this month and asking for suggestions, he finally announced the initial time and places suggested for this month’s meetup based on the replies he got.

  • Time: 7:30PM on April 22nd.
  • Places suggested:
    – Downtown Tunis (e.g. L’Etoile du nord).
    – Les Berges du Lac (e.g. Biwa)
    – Sidi Bou Said (e.g. Sidi Chabaane Café)
  • As said, these are initial suggestions he got from the members. If anyone has other suggestions, please leave a comment to MMM HERE!

    Also please keep in mind that the meetup is to gather a big number of bloggers, and it’s impossible to find a timing that will suit all members, therefore try to be as objective as possible and consider it a priority for which you are willing to change other personal plans.
    MMM posted the suggestions now so that all members will have the time to prepare themselves and have their plans organized accordingly.

    Finally, I’m so excited and believe this meetup will be a great chance to get to know each other more 🙂

    Category: Tunisia | LEAVE A COMMENT
    April 4 2005

    Support Mohammad!


    Other than the radiation facility used to scan Palestinians at a check point in Rafah, there are other incursions the Palestinians in that area suffer from. Cancerous Radiations may be the least of their problem, a lot of them won’t live long enough to see it’s effects anyways…
    Rafah Today is run by Mohammad Omar, a photo journalist living in Rafah. His site includes photos and articles written about his hometown: the community, the demolitions, the children, the camps, and the everyday tragedies.

    He has taken some of the most stunning photos you have ever seen.
    What is amazing about them is that each photo has a story to tell. They are not taken by some random TIME magazine photographer looking for a hefty bonus, Mohammad has a personal connection with the people and their tragedies, he is a part of this community. He knows the stories of the people made homeless by the occupation. And all the homes that were demolished. Including his own!
    In fact, his story is entwined with his community’s…

    “October 1st: Mohammed’s younger brother Issam was seriously injured and was taken to the hospital about a week ago. His leg was amputated and he is undergoing medical treatment. And on October 18: Mohammad’s younger brother, Hussam Al-Mouhagir [17 yrs old], was killed by the Israeli army today. Hussam was sitting at home when he was shot in the face, chest, back, legs. He had nothing to do with any violent or even political movement. Hussam’s crime is that he was a Palestinian”.

    Send Mohammad an email of support.


    Via: The Black Iris

    April 4 2005

    Mourning The Pope!

    My condolences to all Christians of the world for the loss of Pope John Paul II.

    I know what a great figure he was to Christians, and I know how great he was to us Muslims, visiting Arab countries and supporting peace in the region. His relationship with Muslims was a great and impressive one we all appreciate…

  • Related: Mourning John Paul II in the Muslim World.
  • April 1 2005

    Work Diaries (20): Highlights from my weird work-sphere!

  • I Drive?
  • The other day my boss went on a 1day business trip. It was perfect, no one nagging at me, no one annoying me, it was simply beautiful.
    After work, I went home, prepared dinner, watched a bit TV then went to pick up my husband. While waiting for him, I was looking around at the beautiful sky, thinking of the peaceful day I had at the office, couldn’t be better!
    I decided to turn on the radio to listen to some music.. beautiful music! Great melodies, then suddenly an ugly voice interrupted: Eman! You drive? When did you get your license?
    I look to the source of that familiar voice… not a day can pass by without being blessed with his face!!! Yep, my one and only boss!!
    I stepped out of the car.
    Eman: I have my license ages ago, it’s just that I didn’t drive in Tunisia because I didn’t know the place very well, and needed some time to adapt. Been driving since months. Anyway, didn’t know you’d be here.
    Boss: Yeah, came to check my emails.
    Eman: great!
    (he started talking to me about work and what we’ll need to do tomorrow…)
    Eman: no worries, things will be fine.
    Boss: you drive?! I still can’t believe it!
    (I felt like a stupid little teenager who had her driving license 2 days ago)
    Eman: (smile)
    Boss: Ok. Till tomorrow then!
    Eman: Bye… See you tomorrow.

    Boss: (On his way to his car) Eman drives in Tunisia?! Can’t believe it.

    *Next Day In The Office:
    Boss: So how is driving.
    Eman: fine, fine, not that big deal really, I used to drive before as I told you before.

    Half an hour later I go to discuss a fax with him.
    After we’re done talking about the fax:
    Boss: be careful, they drive like crazy here…. And watch out for the traffic…and…and…
    Eman: thanks for the advice.

    *The Day After:
    Eman: Boss, I need your authorization for this shipment, sign here please.
    Boss: ok. (he signs).
    Eman: Thanks.
    (before I go out of his office)
    Boss: so how is driving in the crazy streets out there?
    Eman: (smile)

    *And up till this moment:
    He keeps asking and every time he asks I feel like I’ll smash my skull against the wall! How can I get him to forget the minute he saw me behind the wheel!!!

  • Password Mania
  • At work we need to change the password of our pc’s every 35 days. Every new password you create should be different than the last 15 ones you had.
    Of course, the longer you stay, the harder it is for you to find new passwords, unless you’re the creative type… which obviously I’m not!
    And to make sure you DON’T forget to change your password, there is this “password alert” system that keeps annoying the hell out of you till you finally give up –or have no choice- and change your password.
    The alert starts its countdown 12 days before the expiry date: “your password expires in 12 days, would you like to change it now?” I always click: NO, because I want to keep the old one for as long as possible and try avoid squeezing my brains out to pick a new one. So the misery continues: “your password expires in 11 days, would you like to change it now?”… NO…. 10 days, NO, 9 days, NO, 8 days, NO, 7 days, NO,NO. NOOOOOOO… until the final alert pops up: “your password has already expired, please change your password NOW!”
    Last month I ran completely out of words, so I ended up with the stupidest password ever: “enoughwiththepasswordsalready”

  • The Business Card
  • The other day I had an appointment with the manager of a company we started dealing with currently. As usual, I was there 15 minutes earlier. I met the secretary and gave her my personal info.
    Eman: I’m Eman, from …. I have an appointment with Mr…. here’s my business card.
    Secretary: (she looks at the business card) what did you say your name was?
    Eman: it’s Eman. You have it on my business card.
    Secretary: Ah, I see. Ok take a seat please Ms.Mouna.
    Eman: sorry, it’s Eman not Mouna, and I’m married by the way.
    Secretary: sorry, ok, you’ll need to wait a bit, he’s still in a meeting.
    Eman: no problem.

    The secretary gives her boss a ring:
    Secretary: there’s a Mrs.Emna, waiting for you, she says she has an appointment.
    (She hangs up and looks at me): ok, just 5 minutes.
    Eman: Ok, but I guess you didn’t get my name right, it’s Eman, not Emna.
    Secretary: ah, ok.
    She writes something and then asks: so Mrs. Amina, where is your company located?
    Eman: it’s in…. and well, you seem to have a difficulty with my name although it’s a very popular name: EMAN!

    5 minutes later:
    Secretary: Mrs. Amani, sorry I mean Emani, you can get in now.
    (I really couldn’t control my temper)
    Eman: what’s your problem? I told you more than once that my name is EMAN, simple and clear: E, M, A, N! And I gave you my business card, isn’t that why business cards are created? Why can’t you simply call me by my name?!!

    I get in to meet the manager, I say hi and introduce myself and then give him my business card. He says: So Mrs. Emaneme, give me your company offer. And what a lovely name! What does it mean? Emaneme?!!

    Honestly, shouldn’t I shoot myself this time?!

    April 1 2005

    On April Fool’s Day!

    Thanks to Haitham, I still can’t stop laughing.
    He wrote about MSN celebrating April Fool’s Day by introducing Spoof : a tool to let you create funny search results about a friend, family member, or co-worker. When you’re done, you can send the page to the target or anyone else you think might get a laugh out of it.

    My Spoof Results 😀

    Hilarious! Check it out guys, you’ll love it!

    Category: General | LEAVE A COMMENT
    March 31 2005

    Lesson Of The Day:

    “Getting married is not about choosing the right person, it is about being the right one.”our friend Issam Smeir quoting a couple who had been married for 53 years

    Category: General | LEAVE A COMMENT
    March 30 2005

    Latest Craze In Jordan: K & K :)

    I just came across this beautiful Star article written by Mike Derderian about the latest craze in the Jordanian fast food industry: K& K. Read on to know what K & K stands for.

    He wrote:
    The latest craze in the Jordanian fast food industry is not a new burger and fries franchise or an international brand name coffee product for that matter. It’s K&K, which as a native Arabic speaker you’ll know stands for Kurash and Kaware’, a long forgotten traditional plate—especially among the circle of younger generations, who grew accustomed to the flavor and hype of fast food suburbia.
    “We opened up the place on July 1, 2004,” said Lina Moughrabi, owner of the K&K, “It was just a thought I had. I was thinking out loud when Dr Munir Naouri, who now is my partner told me to go ahead and do it.” Moughrabi believes that people no longer like to spend much needed time preparing such a meal that it almost disappeared from the Jordanian cuisine. Kurash and Kaware’ is indeed becoming an ancient cooking recipe, day by day modern Jordanian housewives are shunning away from it, avoiding the long hours spent in a kitchen where the aroma of spices, minced meat, rice and chick-peas lingers among the sweltering cooking pans. “We wanted to resurrect traditional food cooking and serve it in a modern style. Anyone coming to our place can order anything from our menu that includes Kurash and Kaware’, sheep’s head meat, forelimbs and hind limbs, in addition to Fattet Kaware’,” added Moughrabi, “Its all available.”
    As a customer pushes open the entrance door, he faces a stairway that leads to a dining room with 18-seat capacity. The clientele can enjoy their meals on the premises as if at the comfort of their home, or they can simply order a takeaway meal. Those eating at K&K can savor Kurash and Kaware’ in three different servings: Grilled, boiled or cooked with Jameed (cooked yogurt).
    All the ingredients used in preparing this delicacy that originated in Syria are sanitized and cleaned properly said Moughrabi.
    The hustle and bustle of Moughrabi’s kitchen starts at 8:00 am, when preparations for the first meal starts, which would be ready by 1:30 pm. “Everything has to be fresh, that is why we sometimes prepare two to three meals a day,” added Moughrabi, “We take our customer’s orders early in the morning, to have enough time.”
    Located in a back alley, K&K is literally out-of-sight, Moughrabi says that it is word-of-mouth that has been bringing in customers to her kitchen. “People coming to our place can simply climb down the stairs and watch how we prepare our Kurash and Kaware’.

    Well I must admit I’m not a fan of such delicacies, but this article got me excited and I wont mind trying.
    By the way, did anyone of you in Jordan try this place out? If not, then it’d be great if you go and let us know what you think. It’ll also be wonderful if you could take some pics and post them, I’m really curious 😉