November 9 2005

Terrorism Hits Amman!

3 horrible explosions took place about an hour ago in Amman, in 3 hotels: Radisson Sas, Grand Hyatt Amman, and Days Inn… one of them targeted a wedding!
The explosions were caused by suicide bombers!
What the hell is wrong with those stupid people! First Aqaba and now Amman, plot after plot, terrorist act after terrorist act, WHY? WHO IS PAYING THE PRICE?
I really don’t understand, such sick minds waste their time planning such a destructive act, waste so much money just to destroy, and waste their powers in knocking down communities they live within! They waste their lives brainwashing generations, and the brainwashed explode themselves with pride and satisfaction! Not for a second does it even cross their minds that they’re doing nothing but spread fear, destroy tranquility, and cross out stability and peace from countries they belong to, countries that give them shelter!

The victims are innocent civilians who did nothing wrong in their life to deserve to die this awful way! People whose fault is to get a job and work for a living rather than kill and destroy!

You terrorist shit heads, you bastards, if you’re not happy with your lives and not mature and good enough to convey your messages peacefully to make a positive change, if you can’t live in peace, go ahead and kill yourselves without harming others you cowards, why take the lives of others? BURN IN HELL YOU MORONS!

Till now, results show 32 have been killed, more than 200 are badly injured! All Amman’s exists and entrances are now closed, and the international line to Jordan is not reachable 🙁

Tomorrow and on Friday, Jodanians are going out in marches against terrorism…

May God burn each and everyone who kills innocent people, and may God be by the side of the families of the ones who were killed…

October 28 2005

Jordan’s National Relief Campaign

Now and as I write, Jordan TV is paying all possible efforts in its national campaign to relief victims of the Pakistan Earthquake.
Great news is, individuals, companies and organizations from all around the Arab world are donating.

For a -relatively-” small community like Jordan, I believe the results of this campaign are a big success! Till this moment JTV studios collected JD 1,492,000.000.

This campaign follows the call of HM King Abdullah II, urging citizens of Jordan to donate and help rescue Pakistani people who are suffering terrible health conditions as well as devastating psychological side effects after the earthquake.

I believe this is a great chance for all who wish to help. The campaign will stay open for donations all day long, so please do help with any amount, no matter how little you think it is, this amount will be of great assistance to others.

Ramadan is the month of giving and sharing, all Muslims should double their giving and help those who need help.

And it is to be pointed out that Jordan will have an open day for Churches to gather donations for our Pakistani brothers. So to all our Christian sisters and brothers, don’Â’t miss this chance.
Together we can make a difference.

May God be by the side of all those who are suffering…

October 24 2005

No Time!

Ah! Can’t believe I haven’t blogged for that long!
The past few weeks have been a nightmare! Work becomes more and more every passing day! Time is never enough to do what I’ve got to do at work or outside work.
Sometimes I think to myself: how come 24 hours are never enough?! I end up blaming it on the time we’re living, most of the people seem to have a “time problem”. Is it lack of time management? is it overloading employees with tasks? is it laziness? what is it exactly?

Whatever it is, I guess the best way to express how I feel nowadays is the famous ‘Hanson’s Treatment of Time’: “There are never enough hours in a day, but always too many days before Saturday”.

October 10 2005

Ad Conceptor

I’ve just came across TheAdConceptor. Check it out, really cool 😉

[Via: EnlargeYourPen]

October 10 2005

Der Geist des Fastens

Viele Muslime fasten nicht im Ramadan, weil sie das Ziel des Fastens nicht verstehen.
Also, glaube ich, dass man erstens die Bedeutung Ramadans lernen muss, und den Geist des Fastens verstehen soll, bevor man das Fasten negative beurteilt.

“Der gesegnete Monat Ramadan ist ein Monat der Gelegenheit der Belohnung, der uns von Allah, dem Allmächtigen, gewährt worden ist. In diesem Monat erinnern wir uns an den Rang der Gnadenbezeugungen, die Allah uns gegeben hat, die wir normalerweise für selbstverständlich erachten und für die wir nie ausreichend Dank sagen.

Das Ziel des Fastens ist die Erlangung von Taqwa (Furcht und Respekt vor Allah in jedem Augenblick, der das gesamte Verhalten beeinflusst), aber auch die Beschränkung des egoistischen Selbst (Nafs), seine Disziplinierung und Kontrolle. Das Fasten muss, wenn wir wirklich von seinem Segen profitieren wollen, in einer Haltung der Anbetung geleistet werden. Durch das Fasten erlangen wir die lobenswerten Eigenschaften der Geduld, einen starken Willen und die Entfernung von den niedrigen Gelüsten unserer Nafs. Wie ein Schild beschützt es die Ehre der Muminin [diejenigen, die auf Allah vertrauen], indem es sie von der endlosen Beschäftigung mit Essen und Trinken befreit.” weiterlesen…

Wir sollen im Ramadan an die armen Leute, die Bedürftigen, denken und sie auch hilfen. Hier sind zwei hilfreichen Links: Retten Sie die Bedürftigen, Kauf & Hilf.

Ramadan ist ein einzigartiger Monat, wir sollen von diesem Monat profitieren.
Wir sollen uns immer daran erinnern, dass unsere kleine guten Taten einen grossen Unterschied machen können.

  • Quick in English 😉
  • I’m writing about the fact that many Muslims do not fast in Ramadan, and I believe it’s because they miss the point of fasting. Therefore, one should learn the concept and the spirit of this month before misjudging it.

    I linked to an informative article in a German website, which provides details about Ramadan and fasting. Also, since Ramadan is the month of helping and sharing, I’ve provided 2 German links that enable Muslims to help needy people… because our good deeds, no matter how small, can make a very big difference.

    October 4 2005

    Ramadan Kareem

    So the start of the Holy Month of Ramadan has been officially announced to be today in many Muslim countries, and tomorrow for us here in Tunisia.

    I would like to wish all Muslims of the world a happy and blessed Ramadan. May you all use it to know more about your religion, practise more, get closer to your loved ones and help the needy people around you.

    Speaking of Ramadan one can’t but hope that one day the Muslim world will unite and start fasting all together on the same day as it’s supposed to be. Subzero Blue proposed a very impressive suggestion that will help the Muslim world unite and have one reference to all Muslim issues, a reference that consists of members from all around the Muslim world.
    I truly wish one day Muslims will put aside politics and do this one single thing together!

    I’ve also come across a very creative idea to help you keep track of your actions during Ramadan: this practical Ramadan Schedule (AR). I got it printed out and will spread it too. I just loved the idea.

    If you have no idea about Ramadan and wish to know what’s it all about, and what’s in it that makes it so special to Muslims you can read this very informative post.

    Ramadan Kareem…

    September 29 2005

    Universities These Days

    Now that the students are back to their educational routines, I remember the atmosphere of university when I used to be a student, and I especially remember the new comers.

    It’s really sad to say that universities nowadays don’t have the value they once had. Not all students of course, but quite a number considers university a place to get hooked up with someone, to show off possessions, to wear latest mode trends, and to make others feel inferior.

    I’m happy that I had a healthy life in university. Among my friends were those others considered “cool”, and those who were “not cool” enough to hang out with.
    So I really got a clear picture of how both parties feel. And today I came across this extremely meaningful caricature, which reflects the mentalities of some students and the negative effect of it on other students who come from lower classes:

    The father on the right asks: so tell me son, how was your first day at university?
    The son on the left replies: can I ask you a question dad? Why don’t I have a car? Why don’t I have a mobile? Why do I wear second-hand clothes? Why didn’t I study in private schools? Why don’t we live in Abdoun (a high class district in Amman)? Why did you send me to university? WHY?
    I don’t want to go to university!
    (Of course it’s funny when read in the dialect itself)

    What I liked about it is that it truly relates to reality. Parents used to worry how they’d pay the fees and get their kids the requested books. Now they also burden themselves with looks and things that are supposed to be secondary…

    September 26 2005

    More Upsetting News

    Spanish Court gave Aljazeera reporter Tayssir Allouni a 7-year sentence. He is guilty of interviewing the terrorist Osama Bin Laden; i.e. he is guilty for doing his job as a journalist.
    I believe it’s so unfair!! FREE ALLOUNI

  • For Arabic Click Here
  • MORE: Taysir Alluni Sentenced to 7 years in jail.

    September 26 2005

    Palestinians Continue To Suffer

    I’m so angry and upset!

    I’m fed up with Palestinians being portrayed as terrorists! I’m fed up with media filling the world’s heads with lies! I can’t stand listening to biased reports or misleading messages!
    This is really disgusting!

    It seems no news channel has the courage to show EVERYTHING! They only show one side of the story: Israel’s attacks are in response to Hamas’ attack, FULL STOP!
    Why did Hamas attack in the first place? Nothing to be told about that so that the Palestinians will always look bad, aggressive… so that they’ll always look as terrorists.

    Regardless of what the whole world thinks, there is nothing on earth that justifies killing innocent civilians! Nothing justifies bombing schools full of children, nothing at all.

    All of the bloodshed and still I hear channels speak of the historical withdrawal from Gaza!! What rights have the Palestinians been given? NOTHING BUT THE RIGHT TO DIE!

    Wake Up People and smell the damn coffee!


  • New Israeli Massacre in Jabalya Refugee Camp
  • Jabalya Massacre in Photos
  • Crushing Palestinians
  • September 16 2005

    “Follow The Women”… pedalling for peace!

    About 300 women from 25 countries will be riding bicycles to pedal for peace. The around 300-km ride, starts in Beirut today and goes through Syria and Jordan ending in Ramallah-Palestine.
    This bike ride is called “Follow the Women” and is meant to send a message to world leaders to stop the suffering caused by the conflict in the Middle East.

    The event is organized by Detta Regan, a well known international youth work advisor. She says: “Women do not traditionally cycle in the Middle East, so the sight of a large female-only group will attract huge interest.”

    One bicycle will sport the flag of Saudi Arabia, and it will be ridden by one of the Kingdom’s most remarkable women: Dr. Hayat Sindi, a leading Saudi medical researcher who graduated from Cambridge University with a doctorate degree in biotechnology.
    “The ride is aimed at raising awareness of how the spiral of violence in the Middle East is blighting the lives of women and children who often suffer the worst consequences of the painfully slow pace of the peace process,” Dr. Sindi said.

    “Follow The Women” members were welcomed in every Arabic country they entered last year. They were also warmly welcomed in Jordan last year, and I’m sure they will be encouraged this year as well, since FOLLOW THE WOMEN 2005 now has the patronage of Queen Rania of Jordan.

    I’m so happy that women are participating in such important issues, and I’m so pleased that Arab women are playing a role too, whether by encouragement & support, or by personal participation.

    Way to go Dr. Sindi, we’re proud of you! Here is more about Dr. Sindi’s struggle to reach her dreams and her accomplishments.

    For detailed information about the event, Click Here!