So we got back from London on Sunday, and I must say, I’ll always remember this visit.
Besides awakening all the sweet memories I mentioned in my last post, this visit enabled me to meet many people. Few I know, and MANY I don’t. All were gathered for one reason: The Global Voices 2005 Summit. A summit for bloggers who contribute to the Global Voices, bloggers from all around the world, writing about their countries, and informing us about the hot topics bloggers from their countries are discussing.
The summit took place on Saturday, but there was a pre-summit dinner, which turned out to be a lovely one. The very first ones I met were Rebecca and Ethan, whom I’ve already met earlier, and Haitham, the blogger I always feel is my third brother… God only knows how much my husband and I were wishing to meet Haitham, and finally we did! As expected, he turned out to be so nice, so easy going, and simply great to be around! He has a lovely sense of humour as well. It didn’t feel like the first time we meet at all! It was really wonderful meeting him!
Afterwards we met the sweet Roba, and although it was only the 2nd time we meet, but I felt like we’re old friends. I’m so glad that we had the chance to talk and have fun. We spent the day of the summit together, and I have to say, it was so so great.
It’s really hard to go on and list all bloggers I met, because they are a lot, but all I can say is it was very exciting, well-organized, great place –thanks to Reuters– and the discussions were also very interesting, whether on the dinner before the summit, or during the summit itself.
We discussed many things, from the blogging phenomena in the regions represented on Global Voices to personal ambitions, to planning, translation, topics… and many many things.
After the summit we (my husband, Roba, and I) met the extremely nice Mariam, and I’ve got to say I was shocked, she looks so different than the pic I know on her blog 🙂 As her blog, Mariam is a very nice, impressive person. Loved her way of thinking and enjoyed her company to the extreme.
She was so welcoming, and took us on a little tour around places we didn’t go to in London.
I have to admit, I felt a bit weird around Mariam, Roba and my husband, lol, they are Harry Potter fans, I’m not that much of a fan; they’re in love with Lord of The Rings, I’m not; they’re all book worms, I’m not… they all have R in their names and I don‎’t 😀
We ate, gossiped a bit ;), we also discussed many issues, we disagreed and agreed on many things, it was so friendly and open-minded all the way long, so we enjoyed our time together and it sure was one hell of a night!
Sabbah’s Blog
The Hugsie-oosie part of blog culture.