August 2 2006

A Quote…

“On July 28, 1989, we kidnapped Sheikh Obeid, and on May 12, 1994, we
kidnapped Mustafa Dirani, who had captured Ron Arad. Israel held these
two people and another 20-odd Lebanese detainees without trial, as
“negotiating chips.” That which is permissible to us is, of course,
forbidden to Hezbollah”.
Ze’ev Maoz – Haaretz Article

Category: Media, International, Palestine | Comments Off on A Quote…
August 2 2006

A Quote…

“On July 28, 1989, we kidnapped Sheikh Obeid, and on May 12, 1994, we
kidnapped Mustafa Dirani, who had captured Ron Arad. Israel held these
two people and another 20-odd Lebanese detainees without trial, as
“negotiating chips.” That which is permissible to us is, of course,
forbidden to Hezbollah”.
Ze’ev Maoz – Haaretz Article

August 2 2006

“1 Million Arabs Not Worth A Jewish Fingernail”

Those were the words of extremist Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, who murdered praying Palestinians back in 1994.
Arabs feel, now more than ever, that those words reflect the opinion of the whole world and not the Rabbi’s alone. Their lives are worthless compared to Israelis. They
believe that the world is fine with thousands of Arabs being displaced and butchered in cold blood, but let someone harm one Israeli, and the world will go crazy.

Just came across a great article by Sandy Tolan, the article, although a bit long, but is definitely worth reading. I’ve selected few parts of it to share on my blog, you can read
the article in full here.

“Under the pretext of forcing the release of a single soldier “kidnapped by terrorists” (or, if you prefer, “captured by the resistance”), Israel has done the following: seized members of a democratically elected government; bombed its interior ministry, the prime minister’s offices, and a school; threatened another sovereign state (Syria) with a menacing overflight; dropped leaflets from the air, warning of harm to the civilian population if it does not “follow all orders of the IDF” (Israel Defense Forces); loosed nocturnal “sound bombs” under orders from the Israeli prime minister to “make sure no one sleeps at night in Gaza”; fired missiles into residential areas, killing children; and demolished a power station that was the sole generator of electricity and running water for hundreds of thousands of Gazans.

In the most recent Israeli attacks on Gaza, as in countless explosions of battles past, the trauma is only reengaged. Fifty-eight summers after the Nakba — as Palestinian women again sell off their gold to buy olives and bread; as Israeli planes again drop leaflets with dire warnings for Arab civilians; as doctors lacking medicines or electricity again struggle to rescue the wounded — a déjà vu settles over the old men and women of the refugee camps, and in the vast diaspora beyond, reminding them of yet another bitter anniversary year.The latest attacks by Israel in Gaza, ostensibly on behalf of a single soldier, recall the comments by extremist Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, in his eulogy for American Jewish settler Baruch Goldstein, who in 1994 slaughtered 27 Palestinians praying in the Cave of the Patriarchs, part of the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron. “One million Arabs,” Perrin declared, “are not worth a Jewish fingernail.”

Israelis, too, are a traumatized people, and Israel’s current actions are driven in part by a hard determination, born of the Holocaust, to “never again go like sheep to the slaughter.” But if “never again” drives the politics of reprisal, few seem to notice that the reprisals themselves are completely out of scale to the provocation: For every crude
Qassam rocket falling usually harmlessly and far from its target, dozens, sometimes hundreds of shells rain down with far more destructive power on the Palestinians. For
one missing soldier, a million and a half Gazans are made to suffer. Today, Israel’s policy is a case of “never again” gone mad.
The irony is that, contrary to helping build the safe harbor they have sought for so long, the Israeli government, just like the U.S. in Iraq, is only sowing the seeds of more hatred and rage.”

Category: Media, International, Palestine | Comments Off on “1 Million Arabs Not Worth A Jewish Fingernail”
August 2 2006

“1 Million Arabs Not Worth A Jewish Fingernail”

Those were the words of extremist Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, who murdered praying Palestinians back in 1994.
Arabs feel, now more than ever, that those words reflect the opinion of the whole world and not the Rabbi’s alone. Their lives are worthless compared to Israelis. They
believe that the world is fine with thousands of Arabs being displaced and butchered in cold blood, but let someone harm one Israeli, and the world will go crazy.

Just came across a great article by Sandy Tolan, the article, although a bit long, but is definitely worth reading. I’ve selected few parts of it to share on my blog, you can read
the article in full here.

“Under the pretext of forcing the release of a single soldier “kidnapped by terrorists” (or, if you prefer, “captured by the resistance”), Israel has done the following: seized members of a democratically elected government; bombed its interior ministry, the prime minister’s offices, and a school; threatened another sovereign state (Syria) with a menacing overflight; dropped leaflets from the air, warning of harm to the civilian population if it does not “follow all orders of the IDF” (Israel Defense Forces); loosed nocturnal “sound bombs” under orders from the Israeli prime minister to “make sure no one sleeps at night in Gaza”; fired missiles into residential areas, killing children; and demolished a power station that was the sole generator of electricity and running water for hundreds of thousands of Gazans.

In the most recent Israeli attacks on Gaza, as in countless explosions of battles past, the trauma is only reengaged. Fifty-eight summers after the Nakba — as Palestinian women again sell off their gold to buy olives and bread; as Israeli planes again drop leaflets with dire warnings for Arab civilians; as doctors lacking medicines or electricity again struggle to rescue the wounded — a déjà vu settles over the old men and women of the refugee camps, and in the vast diaspora beyond, reminding them of yet another bitter anniversary year.The latest attacks by Israel in Gaza, ostensibly on behalf of a single soldier, recall the comments by extremist Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, in his eulogy for American Jewish settler Baruch Goldstein, who in 1994 slaughtered 27 Palestinians praying in the Cave of the Patriarchs, part of the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron. “One million Arabs,” Perrin declared, “are not worth a Jewish fingernail.”

Israelis, too, are a traumatized people, and Israel’s current actions are driven in part by a hard determination, born of the Holocaust, to “never again go like sheep to the slaughter.” But if “never again” drives the politics of reprisal, few seem to notice that the reprisals themselves are completely out of scale to the provocation: For every crude
Qassam rocket falling usually harmlessly and far from its target, dozens, sometimes hundreds of shells rain down with far more destructive power on the Palestinians. For
one missing soldier, a million and a half Gazans are made to suffer. Today, Israel’s policy is a case of “never again” gone mad.
The irony is that, contrary to helping build the safe harbor they have sought for so long, the Israeli government, just like the U.S. in Iraq, is only sowing the seeds of more hatred and rage.”

Category: My Work Diaries, Palestine | Comments Off on “1 Million Arabs Not Worth A Jewish Fingernail”
August 1 2006

Damn Israel

“self-defense”, “war against terror”, “they had it coming”, “protecting our borders”, “what would you do in our place?” … AND ALL THAT CRAP Israel’s perfectly mastered ever since its unfortunate unfair creation!
Enough is enough!

The Middle East was a peaceful region until Israel showed up. From the very first start they were getting all the support they needed. Arabs tried to defend themselves, but they lost, for there was no balance, Israel was the most powerful with the support it got (and is always getting). So it started spreading like a disease in Palestine and the region was wholly infected. But still, generation after generation, there were Arabs who tried to find those very few Israelis who opposed their brutal government, and tried to convince other Arabs to be open-minded, not to generalize and work hand in hand with those few Israelis in an attempt to stop bloodshed and war.
Did it work? It surely didn’t. All what happened was that those Arabs who refused to cooperate with Israelis, were all accused of anti-Semitism, and therefore regarded as backwards uncivilized blood-thirsty barbarians who call for the destruction of Israel.
And this is what the world enjoyed focusing on. They ignored whatever Israeli massacres took place in the Middle East and simply watched the “Israel-haters”.
And this is what’s happening till this very day.

Taking the last war on Palestine and Lebanon as a live example, I can’t but wonder what would it take more for the world to finally realize the truth. If the butchering of innocent civilians and the death of hundreds of children is not enough; if the burning down of beautiful cities and the destruction of infrastructures is not enough; if the displacing of thousands of human beings is not enough, if the polluting of an amazingly beautiful environment is not enough; if knocking down the fruitful lives of generations is not enough; if killing peace-representatives of UN delegations is not enough; if bombing ambulances and burning aid-trucks is not enough; if denying the simple right of having a life is not enough… if all this is not enough, I wonder what is!
Isn’t it about time we stop buying the Israeli crap?
But no, nothing could stop that. Many news agencies got used to being biased and unfair, and they still portray Israel as the victim.
UN and US and many others still ask to disarm Hizbullah and “other terrorist organizations”.
They can’t condemn the monster they’ve created, so what the hell, why not condemn the weaker party.

Yesterday, unfortunately, I got to watch the live broadcasting of one of Olmert’s most manipulative speeches ever. Bravo Olmert, you got the world applauding and sympathizing with you and your people while our children being butchered and our people are being forced to evacuate their towns ON FOOT!
“we are known for our morals” he said, what morals? Killing the innocent and then saying SORRY?
“I deeply apologize for the innocent civilians that are being sacrificed” he said referring to the massacre in Qana, well maybe if your forces stopped attacking their towns and aiming at them deliberately you wont have them killed, but yeah right, as you said: “we’re defending the state of Israel. With terrorists surrounding our borders we’re in great danger and we need to protect ourselves… what would you do if you were in our place?” You poor thing, I was really going to cry for a sec, but just for the record, we were in your damn place, and we always are, but somehow you and your country get to be the victims all the time while we’re condemned of being , as you said, the “terrorists”.

And now the world sees nothing but the suffering of Israel to protect its existence, and for this matter, and to be the helping hand they’ve always been, the world is asking to disarm Hizbullah, and fight Iran and Syria… what kind of a “New Middle East” is that Miss Rice? What kind of “peace” are you trying to bring to our region?

I’m sure that like myself, many if not most of the Arabs have totally lost hope in Israel. If there was a point in our lives in which we happened to believe Israel would settle for our many compromises, and would finally appreciate all what we’ve given up, and live with us in peace, then this has changed for ever, and to me, Israel is nothing but a hard-to-satisfy Monster with a very big appetite for destruction and imperialism. And if there’s anyone to be denied the right of keeping weapons then it’s Israel!

Category: Arab Societies, Media, International, Palestine | Comments Off on Damn Israel
August 1 2006

Damn Israel

“self-defense”, “war against terror”, “they had it coming”, “protecting our borders”, “what would you do in our place?” … AND ALL THAT CRAP Israel’s perfectly mastered ever since its unfortunate unfair creation!
Enough is enough!

The Middle East was a peaceful region until Israel showed up. From the very first start they were getting all the support they needed. Arabs tried to defend themselves, but they lost, for there was no balance, Israel was the most powerful with the support it got (and is always getting). So it started spreading like a disease in Palestine and the region was wholly infected. But still, generation after generation, there were Arabs who tried to find those very few Israelis who opposed their brutal government, and tried to convince other Arabs to be open-minded, not to generalize and work hand in hand with those few Israelis in an attempt to stop bloodshed and war.
Did it work? It surely didn’t. All what happened was that those Arabs who refused to cooperate with Israelis, were all accused of anti-Semitism, and therefore regarded as backwards uncivilized blood-thirsty barbarians who call for the destruction of Israel.
And this is what the world enjoyed focusing on. They ignored whatever Israeli massacres took place in the Middle East and simply watched the “Israel-haters”.
And this is what’s happening till this very day.

Taking the last war on Palestine and Lebanon as a live example, I can’t but wonder what would it take more for the world to finally realize the truth. If the butchering of innocent civilians and the death of hundreds of children is not enough; if the burning down of beautiful cities and the destruction of infrastructures is not enough; if the displacing of thousands of human beings is not enough, if the polluting of an amazingly beautiful environment is not enough; if knocking down the fruitful lives of generations is not enough; if killing peace-representatives of UN delegations is not enough; if bombing ambulances and burning aid-trucks is not enough; if denying the simple right of having a life is not enough… if all this is not enough, I wonder what is!
Isn’t it about time we stop buying the Israeli crap?
But no, nothing could stop that. Many news agencies got used to being biased and unfair, and they still portray Israel as the victim.
UN and US and many others still ask to disarm Hizbullah and “other terrorist organizations”.
They can’t condemn the monster they’ve created, so what the hell, why not condemn the weaker party.

Continue reading

July 25 2006

The Bleeding Middle East…

I’ve been trying to reach some friends in Palestine and Lebanon, and I must say that those who were able to reply to my emails, got me in the real picture, a horrible one, I may add.

In Lebanon, and besides the thousands that left the country, thousands are fleeing the capital elsewhere, leaving behind their homes and careers. Many are left homeless with no shelter, waiting for other people’s kindness and sympathy to get their hands on something to eat or a place to sleep.
Not to mention the latest environmental catastrophe caused by this war. (Pics of the catastrophe)
Life is being stopped by force, an evil force…

In Palestine, where citizens have been struggling to get a normal life for years and got used to Israel’s mood-shifts, the situation is no better. Electricity is not available most of the time, employees and workers cannot go to work, more and more killings and bloodshed, less and less medical care available. In short, occupation is at its peak of aggression.

Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon… One can’t but be really saddened when looking at the Middle East nowadays. The Middle East that was once such a fascinating region with its culture, religious diversity and breathtaking nature, is now nothing but a fight ring, a “war-friendly” environment, where one can see nothing but destruction, suffering, disasters, bloodshed and pain.
All because we’re believed to be the terrorists, we’re believed to be the blood-thirsty, we’re believed to be the provokers.
Or maybe this is part of the plan “towards a greater Middle East”? a “terrorism-free” Middle East?
I can’t help but wonder, if Israel provoked an Arab country to wage war on it (which happens all the time but is ignored out of fear) would the world’s decision-makers have the same shameful stand it’s having in the war on Lebanon and Palestine?
Would Israel be left to bleed and suffer while being asked to “cooperate” and “stop terrorism” and “negotiate” its safety?
Hell NO, so until when are we, Arabs, going to be asked to shut up, accept injustice and swallow our humiliation with a big fat smile!

July 20 2006


I would like to thank every one who has left me a comment on my blog, or emailed me, or contacted my husband to check on my health and show concern and support.
I truly appreciate knowing that there are people who care about me even though we knew each other recently, or as it is in many cases, that we didn’t even meet.
It’s true I didn’t have access to the internet while staying in the hospital, but my husband printed out all your comments and emails for me to read, and I must say it really helped me through that difficult time.
The weeks I have stayed in hospital felt like ages, and I felt like the loneliest creature on the face of this planet.
Thank God for having writers, God knows how I’d have killed the long hours if there were no good books to read.

Anyway, I’m getting better, I was supposed to stay in the hospital an extra month or two, but fortunately I was able to get a permit to leave hospital and stay at home.
I’m not allowed to move around or do anything I wasn’t allowed to do back in hospital, but I’m telling you, being home makes the whole difference.

I’ll do my best to keep this blog alive, but I hope you’d understand the lack of update.

July 18 2006

Stop Israeli Attacks

Taking into consideration the condition I’m in, it’ll probably take me a while to put this post together, and I shouldn’t actually be doing this in the first place, but sometimes you can’t stand still (or better say lay still, in my case) and keep your mouth shut when you witness injustice butchering your own brothers and sisters, and even worse, this massacre being justified and considered an acceptable reaction.

Israel’s reaction to Hizbullah’s action is nothing but collective punishment, which Israel happens to prefer when it comes to dealing with situations it’s put in, no matter how silly or serious the situation really is.
Israel proves, once again, its blood-thirst knows no limits, and that no matter how inhumane Israel would get, it’ll always get support, justification and sympathy.
What’s happening in Palestine and Lebanon has crossed the red-lines and it’s about time those who are giving a blind eye to Israel’s brutal actions finally woke up and took a firm stand.
I know Hizbullah’s actions and speeches are blamed for the situation we’re in, and I’m not trying to defend their actions, but I would really appreciate the world opening their eyes to the real serious problem we have, and would finally realize that Israel needs neither Hizbullah nor anybody else to release its hatred and practice its ill hobbies of bombarding and killing innocent civilians in the name of defending itself.

Doesn’t Israel kidnap and kill Palestinians on daily basis? I saw no one waging war on it, in fact those who dare react to Israel’s actions are always condemned and blamed while Israel gets away with its actions, reactions, speeches, declarations and everything!

I’m really disgusted that some actually argue the justification of Israel’s attacks.
As long as there are people who see Israel’s actions as self-defence, and accept that this defence be violent, brutal and limitless, then I guess there will never be hope for peace in the region, and war will be a fact Arabs will have to deal with, while the rest of the world keep nurturing the monster they’ve created…

May God be with our Palestinian and Lebanese brothers and sisters. Hoping Arabs will finally move it and do something, we don’t want violent protests, nor fake promises, nor pointless and irresponsible speeches, we want an end to our constant humiliation, and we want protection for our countries and real help for our brothers and sisters suffering from the acts of Israel.

Save Lebanon

July 3 2006

AquaCool On Hiatus

As most of you have noticed, there haven’t been any updates on AquaCool for the past couple of weeks, and probably won’t be for another few weeks to come.
I just thought I’d announce that AquaCool will be on hiatus for some period of time due to health reasons.

Eman’s getting better and hopefully things will be back to normal soon, enabling her to get back to writing on the blog.
She thanks you all for your loyalty and support, and she can’t wait to come back.