November 8 2006

And The Massacres Continue…

Following the recent Israeli attacks on Palestinian CIVILIANS, with rockets aiming at homes of innocent people killing huge numbers of unarmed citizens; some Israeli officials decided to express their “apologies” for this “regrettable incident”, Tzipi Livni: “The Israeli military does not intend to harm civilians – that is never our aim”. Aljazeera
Yet all attacks seem to be targeting civilians… now what are the odds!
Ehud Olmert, said in a statement that he regretted the attack but said that Israel’s army had fired in an attempt to prevent Palestinians from firing rockets into Israel. In other words, he’s saying: Israel did this for self-defense.
And I saw on CNN today an Israeli official commenting: “we ask the Palestinian people: Why don’t you use your power as people and influence the resistance to stop killing Israelis?”

It’s just the same old scenario, Israel ends up justifying its massacres as “self-defense”. I’m really tired of explaining why this whole “self-defense” thing is nothing but a big fat lie, and I’ve lost hope in getting people to understand that innocent Palestinians, including harmless children are being butchered in the name of self-defense, so this time I’ll assume that Israeli claims are right and comment accordingly.
Assuming that Israel wishes for peace and those massacres took place only in response to Palestinian missile attacks, and let’s say Israel wants to deliver a message to the Palestinian authorities and decision makers, why murder civilians? Did the small amount of “smuggled” Palestinian missiles cause massacres as the ones your high-tech best-quality missiles cause every time they hit a spot? Isn’t one massacre enough? Why do you have to terminate the whole population?
Why when Palestinians reply to an attack with a similar one _ equal in concept not in power that is- why are they accused of violence and terrorism, whereas Israeli attacks and massacres are called self-defense?
How can you blame the Palestinian people and ask THEM to stop what you’ve started, when those people are: 1) under your occupation, 2) suffering from International sanctions that left them starving, with no food, no money, no medical supplies and NOTHING!
How come you ask suffering people to make a difference when your people, with all the International support and sympathy they’re getting, are not able to influence their government to stop war crimes and murders?!

Let me make this unforgivable mistake and believe that Israel is defending itself and is in favor of peace… why can’t I see any record in history, or a single present attempt, to give this claimed peace a shot! Israel didn’t, not for once, give any peace process or truce a chance, it always managed to end any attempt by claiming it’s defending itself!

A Message to Arabs:
We’re big in quantity, but when it comes to actions, WE SUCK!
Knowing that we lack no brains, no power, and no conscious –or at least that’s what I think- what the hell are we waiting for?
Why don’t we show some dignity and self-respect and do something?!
Can’t we stop sponsoring our precious disgusting video clips and stupid reality shows for a while and support suffering people? Why don’t we interfere to lift sanctions and make sure Palestinians have medical care and food supply?
If we can’t do that, I see no point of our existence, and I think it’d be better if we simply dig one huge deep hole and bury ourselves alive!
Shame on us!


Category: Arab Societies, Media, International, Palestine | Comments Off on And The Massacres Continue…
November 3 2006

Palestine-Family.Net: A Virtual Homeland

At a time in which Palestine and its people are being deliberately crossed out of history, maps, dictionaries and books; a time in which Palestinians are denied the right of returning to homes they were forced to leave; a time in which “Palestine” has become a politically-banned word and a socially-controversial term; it’s in such a time that we mostly need any attempt to save what’s left of this land’s identity and connect to its people: revealing their past, exposing their culture, learning about their tradition, sharing their memories, and simply giving them a space where they can create their virtual homeland, so that cyberspace might succeed in gathering what real world brutally scattered over the years… is one of these attempts, a rather impressive one, which helps preserve and reflect the rich heritage of a wonderful region by providing interesting material for current and future generations.
And best part is, you’re not limited to visiting the site, but you can also become a member and help enrich its content with your personal input whatever it is, let it be a story, a family tree, a photograph, a map, a biography, a historical document, a recipe, a song, a poem, or anything Palestinian you wish to share.
Members can submit their collections to the site by uploading directly to the site or by sending them to the administration by email or mail.

So if you have anything you can share, go ahead and add your personal touch to this virtual homeland.

Category: Palestine | Comments Off on Palestine-Family.Net: A Virtual Homeland
September 14 2006

September 14th…

Today marks our 4th wedding anniversary. Every year is as special as the one before, if not even more, only this year will definitely be the most special one we’d ever celebrate, for this year witnessed the arrival of our most precious addition to our little family: our baby boy, Adam.

It’s true what people always say: have a baby and your life will change for ever. Yes, our life has changed and will never be the same again. We have many new responsibilities to take care of, and many decisions to make. The longest period of time we get to sleep is 2-3 hours. Our thinking revolves around nothing but our son, as if nobody else exists, as if nothing else in the world really matters any more… scary? yep, exhausting? sure, having a baby is the only scary and exhausting thing you’d ever love and not mind the time nor the effort you’re paying for. Sounds crazy, right? we used to think the same, but it’s only when you experience it personally that you’d understand this delicious taste of sleepless nights, and this joy in wasting hours and hours staring -with your red tired eyes- at a little human being who can’t even see you clearly nor know who you actually are!
No matter how many babies you’ve seen and spent time with, it’s only your own that will make you act crazy as if you’ve never seen a baby before, as if you’ve never seen a smile before, as if you’ve never heard a voice before, as if your baby is the only creature that moves its hands or legs, as if you’re the only one who has ever had a baby in history!
And the most wonderful thing a parent ever feels is this sudden sense of responsibility, this feeling that only now your life actually has a purpose, and for this reason you’d do your best to fulfil this purpose the right way, believing in yourself and your abilities in making a difference in the world by raising your child the best way you could.

Having Adam is such a bliss, the most beautiful gift from God, for whom we’re so thankful.

I hope we’d be the good parents our Adam deserves to have and wish he’d finally realize that a mom and a dad are two people full of love to offer, and not only 2 creatures who show up every time he cries for food or changing!

And to my dear husband: I would never wish for my life to be any different, and can’t imagine it without you in it… having you by my side to share this life together is all what I’d ever wish for. You’ve been a great husband and I’m sure you’ll be the best father as well… thanks for the great 4 years, and I hope that the coming years will be filled with great surprises and more happy events…love you!
P.s. Thanks to every one of you who has called or emailed or visited us, and special thanks goes to Christian, who doesn’t know me nor my husband, but still celebrated the arrival of our son to this world.
And for the curios ones of you who are wondering how does Adam look like, until we publish a picture of him, I can tell you he looks a lot like daddy, in fact he’s a little MMM with a little bit of me :)

Category: Just Personal | Comments Off on September 14th…
August 24 2006

Work Diaries (30): The END

So I finally did it, I quit. My boss couldn’t believe his ears, he kept on asking me if I was sure, and if there was anything he could do to keep me, but I’ve given him many chances, and I’ve worked with him long enough to know that his promises are nothing but ineffective words.
It’s really funny how you work your head off and no one even seems to notice until you make up your mind to leave, only then it’s as if you’ve whacked them with a magical stick making them finally realize they’re actually losing a hard-working uncomplaining overqualified person. And as a result they will start bombarding you with calls and emails to convince you of staying… but that’s when they also realize that it’s really too late.

Anyway, after finally getting over my resignation, my boss decided to look for a replacement. He thought, the sooner he hires a new one, the more time (s)he will be trained by me. So he had a recruitment ad published every other day for 2 weeks. He interviewed a huge number of candidates, it was either they were, “not good enough”, or they were “good enough”, but when told about the demanding nature of the job they freaked out, some believing it was underpaid, and others complaining it was too much for a single person and even if the salary was tripled they wont take it… the best part was, my boss, or my ex-boss (damn it feels great to say that), never told the candidates about the true nature of the job and the real load of work, he only mentioned few parts of the horrible truth!
Anyway this whole interviewing process was a nightmare, and after each interview he would come back to me and ask me whether I’ve changed my mind and would like to keep my job… UNTIL one day and after my lunch break he came to me with a big smile asking me to call the owner of the last CV he received. I went over the CV, honestly, it seemed really impressive. A graduate from a prestigious university abroad, very good experience, and above all an engineer, I mean if I am a languages’ graduate and everyone believed I did a marvellous job even in the technical issues, how would an engineer do? Plus my x-boss is an engineer as well, they’ll get along just fine!
I called the lady and she sounded confident, I was relieved because time was passing by and the less days left, the harder it was for me to teach the new employee ALL what I used to do!

ex-Boss: She’s the one, I felt she was just like you, and I have a very good feeling about her. Call her at once and inform her that she’s been hired.
Eman: My pleasure, this is good news, can’t wait to meet her and train her.
ex-Boss: Great. By the way, I will give you her contract of employment to pass it to the lawyer, then we’ll work on her insurance policy, I want things to be perfect for her to feel motivated.
Eman: (Perfect! Motivation! Words I’ve never experienced in your damn company)
Whatever you say!

I called her, she was thrilled, I was too, I couldn’t wait for the day I’ll finally hand over my keys and walk out that door with no return. Also, I just love passing good news to people… just as much as I hate passing bad news to them.

Day 1: I finally got to meet my replacement. Usually, I’m terrible in this whole first impression analysis. Whenever I think a person was great, they turn out to be awful, and the other way around.
My first impression was: she’s nothing I thought she was, nothing near what my ex-boss thought she was. She looked stupid, spoke stupid, stared at me stupidly and everything about her was just not right!
Which –in my terms- automatically translated into: she was the perfect replacement.

Day 2: Training began. I started slowly and elaborately explained how things work. Something I never had, I had no training whatsoever during all the time I worked for this company.
She kept nodding and whenever I asked her if she understood, she’d say: were you a teacher? I’d never get such training and such patience anywhere else. Thanks, I completely understand.

Day 3:
Eman: Are you sure you’re following, I have this feeling you’re not completely getting what I’m saying!
Her: No I am. Everything clear.
Eman: Any questions till now?
Her: Where did you get your glasses from, they’re cool?
Eman: excuse me!!!!

Day 4:
Eman: Before we go any further, I would like you to practice what I’ve theoretically taught you till now. So here’s the PC, show me how you do it.
Her: Hmm, let’s see. I’m a bit nervous.
Eman: Take your time.
(1 hour later)
Eman: Are you sure you understood what I was teaching you the past couple of days.
Her: Frankly, I have no idea whatsoever.
Eman: (I thought so!) ok, we’ll go over it again.(looks like my 1st impression thingie is finally working)

Day 5: I get her contract. She’s getting paid double my salary starting from day one, with a 5% share of the annual company profit, which I never had, and a medical insurance, that I never had either. Not to mention the many other benefits I never even dreamt of having…

Day 6:
Eman: We went over this a hundred times for God’s sake, PLEASE FOCUS and ask whenever you feel you don’t understand, we’re running out of time here!
Her: Ok ok. Just this one time. And hey, you have to teach me how you make this coffee, it’s fantastic!
Eman: (I already did you airhead)

Day 8:
Her: You know what, maybe I do understand what you’re saying but I get so nervous when I apply that I forget all info. So would you be kind enough to WRITE me everything you’re saying so that I could keep record!
Eman: (I can’t believe she’s asking ME to write her notes) Can’t you take notes yourself.
Her: The thing is, my handwriting gets a bit weird when I write fast that I understand absolutely nothing when I refer to it, plus I like your handwriting. You can write while you’re explaining to save time.
Eman: (Oh really!)

Day 12:
(at that point I actually stopped feeling my fingers, and I can’t believe I’ve written her all these papers)
Eman: So that’s about all of it. Now, we have few time left, let’s use it to practice. Before we do, do you have any questions about any term, any duty, any technical or legal or accounting task?
Her: How did you manage to do this alone? I’m gonna ask for assistance or I’ll quit.
Eman: (that soon!) well, you’ll get things under control in no time as long as you keep your attention with me.
Her: No seriously, I can’t do this alone. I’m talking to the boss.

Day 16:
ex-Boss: After I return from my business trip I will make sure to get her an assistant, she says it’s too much.
Eman: (*^&#*#^&***) I thought we were not allowed to even dream of assistance here, wasn’t that what you told me earlier?
ex-Boss: I admit I was so unfair to you, so I wont do the same mistake with her, can’t lose such a good candidate. Isn’t she just smart?
Eman: Well, you hired her and I’m training her (while I on the other hand, had no one to turn to and had to figure out things on my own). Why don’t you test her, give her a task and see how she’s doing!
ex-Boss: No need for that, don’t want to get her nervous, I know she’s good.
Eman: (I warned you) Ok then I guess I did my part, few days and I’ll be gone.

Day 18:
Eman: Sure, no final questions?
Her: Well, I’ve been wanting to ask you something ever since I came here.
Eman: (finally) go ahead.
Her: Is this your natural eye color?
Eman: (should I throw myself from the window, or would electrifying myself with the fax wires be faster?)

Day 20:
Eman: You haven’t done anything right. I explained, I wrote you everything, neither my words nor my written notes that you keep referring to every 2 minutes got you to do things right, WHY DON’T U ASK WHEN U DON’T UNDERSTAND!
Her: Explain to me this one more time please.
Eman: (would somebody be kind enough to shoot me!)

Day 22:
Eman: Look, I went through this over and over, you ask no questions, and you didn’t do one right thing ever since you came, and now you’re asking me to chill and GOSSIP! I have no time for gossiping, and you need to know that I wont be there for you when I leave, don’t count on me helping you after I walk out this door!
Her: I promise I wont bother you at all. And now enough work and tell me, this woman next door, what’s her story, she’s kind of weird! And this young man upstairs…
Eman: (what’s this? Am I getting a heart attack, oh please God no!)

Day 25:
Eman: Are you sure you don’t want to test her?
ex-Boss: No. I’m sure of her smartness and abilities.
Eman: Ok then tomorrow is my last day I would like to have a small meeting with both of you to finalize things before I leave.
ex-Boss: You got it.

Last day:
(After explaining to my ex-boss how I’ve trained her and showed him my handwritten files, I asked both of them whether they had any questions)
ex-Boss & Her: No everything’s clear.
Eman: Then I guess I’m done, will leave now and I expect you to respect my personal life and refer to me only in emergencies.
ex-Boss & Her: clear.
Eman: Bye then.
ex-Boss: Thank you for everything Eman, you’ll be greatly missed, you’ve been so great!
Eman: (what did he just say? I can’t believe it! Is that him speaking?) I’ll miss here too (what a liar you are Eman). Thanks a lot.

I took my papers and things, handed over the keys, opened the door, walked away, and I never even had the least urge to look back to get a final glimpse of this place that’s been a part of my life for over 2 years. I didn’t even have this itch I usually have after resigning, to think: God what have I done! I didn’t have regrets, didn’t feel a fraction of bitterness or sadness for leaving.
The weather was cool that day, little soft drops of rain tickled my face, I headed to the car, and saw everything differently, the street didn’t look the same anymore, the neighbourhood was different… I felt like a bird let out of a cage to taste the delicious freedom.
When I got inside the car, I opened the windows to let in fresh air and suddenly had this wild scream of joy that caused a young man passing by me to freak out and look at me as if I was just released from some kind of mentally-challenged facility. But I was overwhelmed with happiness to care about anything else.
It was a feeling I’ll never ever forget for as long as I’d live. This company was out of my life!
P.s. It wasn’t… I suffered for about a month after leaving because my ex-boss realized how big a mistake he’s done hiring my replacement. They both kept calling me and emailing me to help them get the work correctly done as if I still worked there. The only way I ended things seriously was by being mean, i.e. turning off my cell phone, not replying to their emails and simply pretending I didn’t exist.
And that folks, THAT, was the real end to my work nightmare…

Category: My Work Diaries | Comments Off on Work Diaries (30): The END
August 9 2006

Boycotting Israel

Many do not believe in the power or effectiveness of boycott. Many think it’s a stupid way to deal with real issues, and many others believe it’s useless.
Well, not me. I’ve always believed that boycott is one of the most peaceful, effective, powerful and smart ways for us -citizens of this planet, who have no political or whatsoever authority- to show disagreement and actually punish whoever is causing problems or committing crimes, we are not in a position to stop.

Thanks to my husband and my friend Jalan-Jalan for forwarding this wonderful daring article by Virginia Tilley to me.

Here’s an excerpt:
“It is finally time. After years of internal arguments, confusion, and dithering, the time has come for a full-fledged international boycott of Israel. Good cause for a boycott has, of course, been in place for decades, as a raft of initiatives already attests. But Israel’s war crimes are now so shocking, its extremism so clear, the suffering so great, the UN so helpless, and the international community’s need to contain Israel’s behavior so urgent and compelling, that the time for global action has matured. A coordinated movement of divestment, sanctions, and boycotts against Israel must convene to contain not only Israel’s aggressive acts and crimes against humanitarian law but also, as in South Africa, its founding racist logics that inspired and still drive the entire Palestinian problem.

That second goal of the boycott campaign is indeed the primary one. Calls for a boycott have long cited specific crimes: Israel’s continual attacks on Palestinian civilians; its casual disdain for the Palestinian civilian lives “accidentally” destroyed in its assassinations and bombings; its deliberate ruin of the Palestinians’ economic and social conditions; its continuing annexation and dismemberment of Palestinian land; its torture of prisoners; its contempt for UN resolutions and international law; and especially, its refusal to allow Palestinian refugees to return to their homeland. But the boycott cannot target these practices alone. It must target their ideological source.”

Continue Reading…

Category: Media, International | Comments Off on Boycotting Israel
August 9 2006

Craving A Walk

It’s been over a month and half since I’ve been trapped in bed, first in hospital and now at home.
I truly miss going out, and sometimes I look through the window and wish if I can go for a walk just for a few minutes.
But knowing that the heat outside is unbearable, helped me feel better about staying in bed one way or the other.

2 days ago, while I was reading, I heard this chilling sound of rain drops, knocking at the window and quenching the thirst of the dry streets. It was only 3-5 minutes, I enjoyed just staring at the window, but I must admit that deep inside I truly felt like an immediate walk. I adore walking in the rain… the light tickling kind of rain that is.
Today, to make things even worse, the weather outside is cloudy yet not gloomy, with this cool refreshing breeze, occasional light raining, and the sounds of different kinds of birds filling the skies. Extremely tempting! I really feel like going out, walking a bit, just a little bit, feeling the breeze against my skin, and filling my lungs with fresh air.

But I know that’s impossible, not before another month at least. So I have to surrender to the sad fact that until then, it’s gonna be only me, with books, DVD’s, a laptop, and the crazy little birds in their nest next to my window, who check on me every once in a while and give me this weird birdie look as if I’m some kind of a beast trapped in one big glass cage …

Category: Just Personal | Comments Off on Craving A Walk
August 7 2006

Galloway Speaks Out

Finally somebody dared speak out!

Category: Arab Societies, Media, International | Comments Off on Galloway Speaks Out
August 7 2006

Till When?


Is there anything left unattacked in Lebanon to wait and resist until we, the rest of the Arab world, finally get bored of watching, throwing speeches and get moving?

Lebanon is falling apart, its people are suffering more and more, and all we’re great at is yet more meetings and more summits to condemn and show disapproval… shame on us!

Category: Arab Societies, Media, International | Comments Off on Till When?
August 3 2006

To The Stupid Hackers

Thanks to the sick-minded, pathetic disgusting creatures called “Hackers”, AquaCool, as well as my husband’s both blogs Subzero Blue and Subzero Blue Arabic, were not accessible for a while.

The design of AquaCool will be back soon, for the time being, I hope you’ll tolerate the current look of AquaCool, and enjoy reading my posts.
Oh, and dear Hackers, please, GET A LIFE!

Category: General | Comments Off on To The Stupid Hackers
August 3 2006

To The Stupid Hackers

Thanks to the sick-minded, pathetic disgusting creatures called “Hackers”, AquaCool, as well as my husband’s both blogs Subzero Blue and Subzero Blue Arabic, were not accessible for a while.

The design of AquaCool will be back soon, for the time being, I hope you’ll tolerate the current look of AquaCool, and enjoy reading my posts.
Oh, and dear Hackers, please, GET A LIFE!