September 14 2006

September 14th…

Today marks our 4th wedding anniversary. Every year is as special as the one before, if not even more, only this year will definitely be the most special one we’d ever celebrate, for this year witnessed the arrival of our most precious addition to our little family: our baby boy, Adam.

It’s true what people always say: have a baby and your life will change for ever. Yes, our life has changed and will never be the same again. We have many new responsibilities to take care of, and many decisions to make. The longest period of time we get to sleep is 2-3 hours. Our thinking revolves around nothing but our son, as if nobody else exists, as if nothing else in the world really matters any more… scary? yep, exhausting? sure, having a baby is the only scary and exhausting thing you’d ever love and not mind the time nor the effort you’re paying for. Sounds crazy, right? we used to think the same, but it’s only when you experience it personally that you’d understand this delicious taste of sleepless nights, and this joy in wasting hours and hours staring -with your red tired eyes- at a little human being who can’t even see you clearly nor know who you actually are!
No matter how many babies you’ve seen and spent time with, it’s only your own that will make you act crazy as if you’ve never seen a baby before, as if you’ve never seen a smile before, as if you’ve never heard a voice before, as if your baby is the only creature that moves its hands or legs, as if you’re the only one who has ever had a baby in history!
And the most wonderful thing a parent ever feels is this sudden sense of responsibility, this feeling that only now your life actually has a purpose, and for this reason you’d do your best to fulfil this purpose the right way, believing in yourself and your abilities in making a difference in the world by raising your child the best way you could.

Having Adam is such a bliss, the most beautiful gift from God, for whom we’re so thankful.

I hope we’d be the good parents our Adam deserves to have and wish he’d finally realize that a mom and a dad are two people full of love to offer, and not only 2 creatures who show up every time he cries for food or changing!

And to my dear husband: I would never wish for my life to be any different, and can’t imagine it without you in it… having you by my side to share this life together is all what I’d ever wish for. You’ve been a great husband and I’m sure you’ll be the best father as well… thanks for the great 4 years, and I hope that the coming years will be filled with great surprises and more happy events…love you!
P.s. Thanks to every one of you who has called or emailed or visited us, and special thanks goes to Christian, who doesn’t know me nor my husband, but still celebrated the arrival of our son to this world.
And for the curios ones of you who are wondering how does Adam look like, until we publish a picture of him, I can tell you he looks a lot like daddy, in fact he’s a little MMM with a little bit of me :)

Copyright 2018. All rights reserved.

Posted September 14, 2006 by Eman Abukhadra in category "Just Personal