September 13 2005

When Women Take Control…

I got a forward today, it’s about imagining how the world would turn out if women take control. My favorite outcome was this:

Apart from finding it really funny and extremely cute, I couldn’t help but wonder: when are people going to finally stop associating women with looks and beauty products?!

The other day for example, while watching a TV program, I saw them marketing products that make “life” easier for women. All they sold was stuff to hold makeup products in less space; or ones that help women keep their makeup on for a long time;mobile phones with more jewelry rather than more functions; shoes that flatter the posture rather than relax the feet…etc.
I’m not against this at all, some women truly care about nothing in life but their looks, but what I’m so much against is the sad fact that people tend to judge us all by this shallow kind of women…

May 2 2005

Support The Right To Difference & Diversity

In an attempt to support Europe’s diversity and protect the right to difference in all aspects of life in France and throughout the European Union a campaign was launched and a written declaration on religious rights and freedoms in France and throughout the European Union was tabled on 21st February by four British MEPs and one French MEP was increasing support across Europe.
The Declaration was endorsed by 47 MEPs representing 14 different countries and has gained substantial support from across the political spectrum. However, the Written Declaration will lapse on May 21st 2005 unless at least half the current MEPs add their signatures thereto.


ProHijab.Net is collecting signatures of Members of the European Union (MEP’s) to reverse the hijab ban.
You can take action and send this letter by email to the MEP’s on the addresses provided HERE (consider the usage of BCC rather than CC in case you’re sending to more than one member).

April 26 2005

Foetal Therapy!

If you’re enjoying a meal, or on your way to prepare one, I truly advise you not to read this post unless you’re done eating/ cooking. It’s really disgusting.

Thanks to BerlinBear from Pourquoi Pas, I knew yet another terrible action which proves how cheap humanity has become, revealing the sick mentalities and guilt-free criminal minds that are showing up in our time, the time when desires beat conscious, when people forget morals, and when humans are slaves for good looks and money.

Every time I try to post this I feel really sick, but I believe more people should know this, who knows, maybe a serious act will be taken against these terrible violations of laws, these disgusting acts that hurt and destroy us all as humans with brains and emotions… it’s all summed up with one phrase: “foetal therapy”.

Here you go the explanation, “enjoy”:
“Aborted foetuses from girls and young women are being exported from Ukraine for use in illegal beauty treatments costing thousands of pounds. The foetuses are cryogenically frozen and sold to clinics offering ‘youth injections’, claiming to rejuvenate skin and cure a raft of diseases.
It is thought that women in the former Soviet republic are being paid £100 a time to persuade them to have abortions and allow their foetuses to be used in treatments. Most of the foetuses are sold in Russia for up to £5,000 each. Some are paid extra to have abortions late in their pregnancy.
Ukrainian law allows an aborted human foetus to be passed to research institutes if the woman involved consents and her anonymity is protected. But police say staff at state health institutions are selling them to private clinics offering illegal therapy.
Beauty salons in Moscow that buy the aborted material to provide ‘foetal therapy’ are flourishing, despite a Russian ban on all commercial treatments using human cells other than bone marrow. The salons offer injections of stem cells, the undivided cells present in embryos that can adapt into any kind of tissue, although they are still at the trial stage worldwide.
Abortions performed more than 12 weeks into a pregnancy are restricted in Ukraine. Older foetuses fetch extra because their curative powers are thought to be greater.
The woman would be paid to wait until a late stage of her pregnancy, or might never even know she was duped. Her aborted foetus would be passed to a middle-man or institution, which would cut it into separate organs before placing these in storage. The material was then sold and taken abroad.
Beauty courses of injections using blends of foetal cells are banned in Ukraine and Russia, but they are widely available in salons that charge up to £10,000. Wealthy clients are told the treatment can stop the ageing process, or eliminate such debilitating conditions as Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s. One fashionable Moscow clinic approached by The Observer promised to ‘take 10 years off your face’”.

[Source: The Observer]

So women have no problem aborting their babies, or even going through the risks of late abortion just for money. And rich airheads don’t mind getting foetal injections for their silly treatments. And beauty salons have absolutely no problem offering these illegal treatments as long as they’re getting paid a fortune!!
What time are we living? This is so inhuman, so disgusting, and extremely SICK!

April 14 2005

Blame It On People…Not Religion

Loyal readers of my blog know very well that I do post general knowledge about Islam every now and then, to help clear the picture of Muslims that has become –thanks to the irresponsible media and racism in the world- a very blurred and ugly one.
Apparently, a report published on al-Arabiya’s website showing the statistics of a survey in Jordan on wife-beating took more attention than it should.
The report(AR), via our friend Mariam, says that over 80% of Jordanian women support wife-beating!
What do I think? I think it’s extreme BULLSHIT! If more than 80% of Jordanian women support it, why neither I nor any one of the people I know in school, university, work, through family, neighbours or elsewhere were suffering wife-beating! Or maybe I, and the ones I know, and my friends and the people they know, and their friends and the people they know in different neighbourhoods are all within the 20% who does not support wife-beating! Maybe, why not!

Unlike what this report is trying to show, Jordanian women both Christians and Muslims enjoy a great deal of freedom, democracy and respect. There are different faces of family violence in Jordan and in the Arab world in general, just like there is family violence in Europe and the US.
Anyway, I’m very proud to say that unlike many other countries Jordan has several campaigns to fight family violence, and provides shelters for women who are being subject to abuse or physical/sexual harassment.
Of course family violence and wife-beating come for many reasons such as violent personalities, personal mentalities, some wrong habits inherited along with tradition, or the illiterate backward surroundings!
What I found so typical is the unnecessary relating of this report to Islam! Jeff advised me to read some comments on this subject. Frankly, I wasn’t shocked of the amount of anti-Muslim comments posted. Anyway since this isn’t the first time –and probably not the last- that Islam and Muslims are being held responsible for everything, I would only like to say few things for those who are interested in knowing the right thing. If you’re not interested, this isn’t your place.

Why do people, just LOVE attacking Islam. Did anyone force them to convert to Islam? Guys, if you think it’s a shitty religion, if you choose to follow the rumours of it being full of violence, discrimination, and terror, then you’re free, why waste your time and ours on your attacks! Can’t you simply live in peace and let us enjoy our lives?
When it’s something pro-Islam, no one mentions it, when it’s against Islam, the whole world knows about it. When a Nobel Prize winner is Muslim, when a great scientist is Muslim, when a popular personality is Muslim, no one notes it. When there is a suspicion that a crime/terrorist attack was performed by a Muslim, it becomes an international scandal!
Many people repeat: “in Islam women are inferior, they are nothing”, and start quoting things that don’t suit the situation, they take a verse, cut most of it, strip it out its context and voila: a creative sentence to be used against Muslims.
But something like the prophets’ advice to men in handling women gently as if they were glass! NO ONE repeats it! Something like: Islam was the first religion to give women the right of divorce if they didn’t want to continue with their husbands! NO ONE talks about that.
I hear no one talking about women’s position in Muslim history, when they went to fight with men, or when they were asked for their opinion in serious matters!

The number of people who devote themselves to fight Islam just amazes me!! They spend money, effort and time just to try to prove it’s really bad! I don’t understand the magnet that attracts all kinds of people once I post something pro-Islam! I get bombarded with pointless questions and silly claims. Few are the ones who look for a fruitful discussion and ask to know not to fight!

To all those who think Islam is the reason behind wife-beating, check out the statistics of surveys of women being hit constantly in France, wives beaten to death in USA! Or well, maybe Muslims there did all these things, right!
It’s really pathetic that people who call for democracy are the only ones who practice racism.
I said it once and will say it now and forever: Religion is peaceful by nature, and Islam is no exception. If you want to get this, it’s great. If not, it’s up to you, but before you accuse or condemn, refer to correct sources and know what you’re talking about before making a fool out of yourself.

One last question, if you give a person a knife, what would that person do with it? (s)he’d either use it to cut things while cooking, or open tins, or simply keep it there for self-defence in case (s)he were attacked. OR, (s)he’d go threaten others, blackmail them, or even kill them!
The knife is the same, but was used in different ways, and so is religion. Don’t put the blame on religion, nor its instructions, it’s the people and their misapplication that are to blame.
And learn to respect each other’s religions, because, really, it’s a shame to waste each others time offending and attacking.

April 7 2005

Jede Mutter und jedes Kind zählt…


“Make every mother and child count”, lautet das englisch-sprachige Motto des Weltgesundheitstages 2005, “Jede Mutter und jedes Kind zählt”.
Mütter- und Kindersterblichkeit ist das zentrale Thema beim diesjährigen Internationalen Weltgesundheitstag.
In vielen Entwicklungsländern ist Schwangerschaft und Geburt das erste Gesundheitsrisiko.
Mehr als eine halbe Million Frauen sterben jährlich an den Folgen von Schwangerschaft und Entbindung. Elf Millionen Kinder sterben jährlich bevor sie das fünfte Lebensjahr erreichen!
Eins der Millenniums-Ziele, die von 150 Staats- und Regierungschefs beim Millenniumsgipfel der Vereinten Nationen im September 2000 in New York unterschrieben wurden, ist die Mütter- und Kindersterblichkeitsrate bis 2015 auf ein Viertel zu senken, was Joy Phumaphi, stellvertretende Generaldirektorin der Weltgesundheitsorganisation für Familie und Gesundheit, für erreichbar hält.

Natürlich sind Armut und Bildung Hauptfaktore bei den meisten Krankheiten und Todesursachen. Wenn diese zwei Faktoren bekämpft würden, können wir diese Zahlen vermeiden und viele Leben retten.
“Ein gesundes Kind ist die Zukunft der Menschheit. Es entwickelt sich besser, ist lernfähiger in der Schule und kann sich zu einem produktiven Mitglied unserer Gesellschaft entwickeln. Ein gesundes Kind von heute ist morgen vielleicht Minister, Arzt, Ingenieur oder Menschenrechtler, der sich für eine sichere Zukunft einsetzt. Wenn wir heute Müttern und Kindern das Leben retten, so sichern wir damit auch unsere eigene Zukunft.”, meinte Joy Phumaphi.

Quelle: DW

[photo by WHO, Liba Taylor]

  • English for the curious 🙂
    “Make every mother and child count” is the motto of the World Health Day 2005.
    For many developing countries, pregnancy and birth are still number 1 threat to the lives of both mothers and babies.
    Almost 11 million children under five years of age will die from causes that are largely preventable. More than half a million women will die in pregnancy, childbirth or soon after.
    And since poverty and illiteracy are among the main factors of these high death rates, the report says that reducing this toll in line with the Millennium Development Goals depends largely on every mother and every child having the right to access to health care from pregnancy through childbirth, the neonatal period and childhood.
    Check out the World Health report 2005 here.
March 10 2005

On Child Safety Program

I’ve always believed that the well-being of the individual reflects on the society as a whole, and a huge part of the well-being of an individual consists of having a balanced, safe and happy childhood. And to achieve this, children must be protected from any kind of abuse and should get the right kind of awareness to inform them of their rights, the negative actions they should report, and most important of all, whom to turn to in case of being victims of physical or sexual abuse.
As Arabs, we know the importance of the well-being of children, but in our countries we lack the supporting programs to spread awareness that help improve the parental behavior and guide children to the helping hand, most important of all, we lack shelters for abused children.
Fortunately things are always improving, as the number of Arab countries that are implementing children safety programs is on the rise. Jordan took the initiative and led the Child Safety Program in the Arab World, providing the first children shelter ever, and launching awareness campaigns. One of the extremely successful campaigns is: *Ajyaluna Campaign (*Arabic for “Our Generations”)


Ajyaluna is a one year National Awareness Campaign on Child Safety, and is one of the great programs of Jordan River Foundation that aim at improving society, aiding families and protecting both women and children.
Ajyaluna was launched on June 6, 2004, and is being implemented throughout 2004-2005. It tackles child safety issues by promoting dialogue, awareness and understanding through an educational media campaign that will target all levels of the Jordanian society.

Ajyaluna serves as a major channel of communication and information through Jordan River Foundation’s TV commercials (Our Wealth), radio announcements, press advertisements, billboards, awareness lectures and workshops, and television program:Beit Sgheer (Small Home), which highlights positive parenting education, founded in the principles of child development.
It also created Awareness Caravan that will reach most rural area throughout the Kingdom.

I must say that this Child Safety Program and this Ajyaluna campain are very important and really impressive. They deserve our appreciation and support in every possible way. They might sound easy, but there are many difficulties and obstacles that the Jordan River Foundation faces to implement and carry on these programs. One of the huge problems is the financial funding. So, if you care and wish this program succeeds and becomes and idol to other Arab countries to follow, please don’t spare any effort whatsoever in showing your support. You can donate, become a member, or buy one of the lovely and really useful products of the foundation.
You can find more information and details here…

  • P.s. The Jordan River Foundation Website has an Arabic Version available.
  • March 8 2005

    International Women’s Day

    Today marks the International Women’s Day, and this year’s theme is: “Gender equality beyond 2005: Building a more secure future.”

    Many Arab countries celebrate the International Women’s Day, and many have their own national woman day.
    In my personal opinion that is limited to personal experience and some readings and media news here and there, two countries are on the right track as far as women’s rights are concerned: Tunisia and Jordan.
    Tunisia is one of the Arab countries that have given women rights in almost everything. The Tunisian law guarantees the benefits and secures the destiny of women unlike many other countries where women are still struggling to get the basic rights of survival and participation in society.
    And I know, Tunisian women wont settle for what they’ve achieved, they’ll always ask for more… my hearts with you Tunisian men 😉 But really, I think Tunisia deserves being admired for the achievements in this regard.

    As for Jordan, I must also say that women are getting more rights and are entering more fields that were once considered taboo!
    The country’s progress is witnessed by the increased women’s empowerment in many ways, such as women’s quota in the Lower House, the appointment of seven senators in the 40-seat Upper House, the naming of four female ministers in the most recent Cabinet, and the recent appointments in the judiciary, which now has 26 female judges.
    But my favorite achievement is the ongoing project of opening shelters for abused and mistreated women. Something Arab countries lack in general. And I really am very impressed by this great step that will allow women to reject abuse and look for a better life without the fear of ending on the streets. I think all Arab countries should follow Jordan in this.

    The only principle disadvantages Jordanian women have according to the Jordan Times are:
    – The country’s Labor Law does not guarantee women equal pay for equal work.
    – Women are underrepresented in higher management positions in the public sector.
    – Citizenship Law, which allows men to pass on Jordanian citizenship to their foreign wives and children but denies women the same right.
    And I think in no time, Jordan will achieve success in these 3 points as well.

    In Jordan and in observance of International Women’s Day, media institutions have appointed female co-workers to run the institutions for one day.
    As for Tunisia The President Zein El Abidine Ben Ali, congratulated the President of the National Union For the Tunisian Woman with the following speech: (AR), (FR).


  • Progress Of Arab Women
  • Woman’s Day In Tunisia
  • Kuwait Women Rights Now
  • March 8th(AR)
  • March 4 2005

    As Long As Respectful…

    Just came across our friend Natasha’s post concerning the reactions to the Muslim girl who won the school dress case.
    In her post she drew our attention to a post written by The Big Pharaoh on this subject and noted that what he wrote was really appealing, and more convincing than what Subzero Blue wrote.

    Of course everyone is free to believe what they want to believe, and everyone is free to like or dislike whatever they choose, but after reading Big Pharaoh’s post, and the comments left there, I found myself starting out this post to clear out a main and very important point for the sake of all those who are easily mislead by sarcasm and who fall in the trap of “this is real freedom” strategy.

    No offence, but I actually believe this whole Nudadism example fails to fit the comparison, because of one very important and basic concept Subzero Blue mentioned on his post: “I think everyone should be free to wear whatever they want to wear as long as it’s respectful“. Respectful being that what doesn’t offend social values in general, not that of an individual.
    Going out nude is far away from being compared to the lady’s case, because personally I believe that the act that offends the dignity and the freedom of society as a whole is no longer a personal privacy.
    Having said all that, I’d like to point out that people wear coats that cover the whole body whenever they feel like it, just because what the lady asked to wear was defined as “islamic jilbab” doesn’t mean it will harm society in any way! so it’s not really worth all that fuss and destructive criticizing!!!

    Britain did a very brave and fair step that I find very civilized, and would like to congratulate them for the courage of fulfilling real democracy and being fair to their own citizens. I really respect them for that and I just hate it when people make civilized steps look so wrong, and uncivilized ones look really impressive!

  • Another interesting post on the subject: Drubbed By The Jilbab
  • February 8 2005

    New “Round The World Sailing” Record

    British sailor Ellen MacArthur sealed her place in sailing’s pantheon by breaking the solo round-the-world record, a fantastic feat that establishes her as arguably the greatest sailor Britain has ever produced.
    Ellen MacArthur will arrive back in Britain today after sailing solo around the world in record time. She crossed the finish line at 2229 GMT on Monday, completing her 27,348-mile voyage in 71 days 14 hours 18 minutes and 33 seconds. That time meant she smashed the previous mark, set in 2004 by Frenchman Francis Joyon, by nearly 33 hours. Apart from breaking the remarkable time set by Frenchman Francis Joyon last year, MacArthur is only the second person ever to sail solo non-stop around the world on a multi-hull boat.
    Crowds have gathered in Falmouth and along the coast to welcome her home.
    And tributes have already been pouring in from fellow sailors, fans and other public figures.
    You can follow the highs and lows of Ellen MacArthur’s historic round-the-world sailing record with this animated guide.
    For latest updates check out Ellen’s official website.

    Source: BBC

    February 2 2005

    Swimming To The Top…

    Maria Asfoura, a thirteen-year-old Palestinian swimmer from Bethlehem, is an example of the Palestinian persistence in proving real talent and achieving success regardless of all difficulties.
    She is a living proof that Palestinians are strong and ambitious people who will let nothing stand in their way, not even occupation.
    Her dream is to raise the Palestinian flag at the 2008 Olympic Games in China.

    Her journey began at the age of six when Maria’s swimming instructor recognized her natural gift and encouraged her to enroll in the De La Salle sports club in Bethlehem. With the encouragement of her trainer at the club, Musa Nawawreh, and her parents she developed quickly. In her first race in Ramallah, she received a gold medal and that really encouraged her to work even harder.
    Considered the best Palestinian swimmer her age, Maria specializes in the freestyle and butterfly strokes at 50 and 100 meters. She has competed well in China, Germany, Jordan and Algeria and her trophy case proves it, with her 31 gold medals and 30 some silver and bronze medals. Maria has also traveled to Greece to be with the Palestine team at the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens, to show her support.
    And since it’s sometimes hard to balance school and swimming, Maria gets a lot of support from her teachers who often visit her at home on weekends to tutor her for classes that she has missed. The Israeli occupation presents its fair share of challenges as well. Born to Palestinian parents in Colombia, Maria is able to travel on her El Salvadorian passport to leave Palestine through Jordan. Otherwise, it would be much more difficult to receive permission to leave through Jordan. “When I travel I see the difference; what it’s like not to live under occupation” she notes. Maria finds comfort when other athletes at competitions abroad express their solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for freedom. In Greece and Algeria she and other Palestinian athletes were even asked for their autographs.
    Maria is now training for next summer’s World Championships in Montréal, Canada. The challenge of proving herself on the world stage is something Maria looks forward to.
    “Although we have to struggle for freedom, we also have to keep working and training” Maria says.

    We wish you the best of luck Maria, hoping your dream will come true and we’ll see Palestine’s flag raised high up in the sky reaching out for millions of people in the Olympics and wherever you and other Palestinian athletes go.
    We are so proud of you…
    Via: This Week In Palestine.

    To learn more about Maria, visit her website where you can find a photo gallery and information about her life in both Arabic and English.