February 2 2006

Facts About Me

The nice Bilotee tagged me the other day and here are my answers:
5 Facts about me:
1.I’m not vegetarian, but there are times (many times) when I can’t even stand the smell of meat.
2.I have this very weird way of sitting, in which I cross my legs in a strange way, frankly, I don’t know how I do it!
3.I can’t stand those who copy me whether in style, way of speaking, or anything else.
4.I visualize A LOT! That’s why I might throw up after a disgusting joke!
5.I might stop talking in the middle of a discussion, they think I lack arguing skills or I have no strong supporting proofs, but the truth is: I’ve realised they’re not willing to listen and are just wasting my time, so I lost interest in going on.

3 Things I like about others:
1.Having principles and sticking to them.
2.A good sense of humour.
3.A kind heart.

3 Things I don’t like about others:
1.Being Fake. (it just KILLS me)
2.Talking in foreign languages when all can understand their local language.

I’m tagging: MMM, Nas, Eve, Omar, and Tom.

January 19 2006

Official Launch!

So this is it. I’ve been busy with this blog for a while now and finally I’m announcing its launch.

As you can see, AquaCool found a new home, a home offered by my dear husband. Thank you so much for everything.
He’s done the design and took great care of everything, I must admit I really gave him a hard time, but here we are, everything’s mostly sorted out. There are some final touches to be made, but I couldn’t keep this a secret any longer… talking of secrets, 2 bloggers found out about our little secret:the blogger I’m going to start calling radar from now on as he found out about this blog as soon as it was online; the one and only haitham ;), shortly another curious blogger found out about the blog the very dear Nas 🙂

I’ve tried to move as much comments as I could, but the process needs a lot of time and patience, the two things I lack! so I’ll do my best, but I apologize in advance for the comments that will be lost.

I welcome you all to the new AquaCool, and hope you’ll enjoy it more here.

December 8 2005

From London…

As many already know through my husband’s blog, we are now in London for a quick visit.

How do I feel? out of this world, and well, very weird at the same time.
Being in London, to me, is not like being anywhere else in this world. It’s hard to explain, but London and I have many sweet memories together. I’ve been to London more than 3 times, and in our family album, you’ll find most of our pics taken somewhere in London.
My parents lived a couple of years in London when my father was having his higher education, and then we always came back; either for tourism, or for dad’s work conferences or for medical treatment.
So basically, every corner I go reminds me of a part of my past, reminds me of someone I love so much, reminds of an incident that puts a smile on my face…

Walking down the elegant streets of London, with the cold winds tickling my face, I can’t but remember mom’s favorite shopping centers,dad’s favorite hangouts, my big sister’s favorite clothing labels, my big brother’s favorite restaurants, my little sister’s favorite parks, and my little brother’s favorite arcade places!

London has never been a strange place to me, and the more I visit it, the more I feel it being a part of life I cherish so much, and I can tell you, my husband fell in love with London too 🙂

This whole trip was so unexpected for me, I knew my husband was going, but thank God, things worked very well and I was lucky enough to accompany him.
It has been really weird, we had to pack in a short while, we flew 2 different flights on 2 different airlines, but the most important thing is that we’re together and trying to make the best out of our time here, despite the freezing nights 🙂

London has changed a lot, to the better as usual, a lovely place with lovely people! I just LOVE London.
My husband and I were hoping that our visit will help us relax a bit, but we’re more tired than ever, walking like crazy, wanting to go everywhere, not willing to miss anything in our rather short stay… ah!
Actually, right now, right as I’m posting this, my whole body, especially my feet are hurting like hell, but it’s totally worth it 🙂

So if you happen to spot a couple in the crowd, dragging their tired legs from one side of the street to the other, with funny hair, red noses, black circles around their eyes, looking for the closest cafe… it’s most probably you’ve just seen us 😀

November 24 2005

7 Things…

My dear friend Eve tagged me a while ago and finally I’m posting it.

7 Things I plan to do:
• Quit my job and find a better one.
• Start planning for my charity project.
• Contact my family and friends more often.
• Put on weight.
• Get a haircut.
• Read more books.
• Maintain a healthier lifestyle.

7 Things I can do:
• Find the bright side of everything.
• Draw people’s attention.
• Be horribly stubborn, once I put my mind to doing something, it has to be done.
• Be extremely comfortable around new people.
• Rely on the calculator for the easiest and simplest calculations.
• Sense the real feelings of others towards me.
• Be always late 😉

7 Things I can’t do:
• Remember names of faces I met but didn’t talk to at all.
• Forget even the tiniest details of experiences I went through.
• Hurt someone’s feelings.
• Stand hypocrites.
• Get over my nervousness.
• Eat raw meat (beef/chicken/fish).
• Get enough rest.

7 Things I say most often:
• Ya Allah! (i.e. “Oh God!”)
• Ma2sah (i.e. “disaster”)
• Mish ma32oul (i.e. “unbelievable”)
• Meet malyon marra (i.e. “100 million times” I use it for exaggeration when I’m in bad mood)
• Ya 7aram (i.e. “poor thing”)
• Exactly!
• Yeeeeeeeeeey 3aleena! (also no good explanation, just use it when angry, or in a bad mood)

I’m tagging MMM, Evil Drako, and Nuralhuda

October 24 2005

No Time!

Ah! Can’t believe I haven’t blogged for that long!
The past few weeks have been a nightmare! Work becomes more and more every passing day! Time is never enough to do what I’ve got to do at work or outside work.
Sometimes I think to myself: how come 24 hours are never enough?! I end up blaming it on the time we’re living, most of the people seem to have a “time problem”. Is it lack of time management? is it overloading employees with tasks? is it laziness? what is it exactly?

Whatever it is, I guess the best way to express how I feel nowadays is the famous ‘Hanson’s Treatment of Time’: “There are never enough hours in a day, but always too many days before Saturday”.

September 29 2005

Universities These Days

Now that the students are back to their educational routines, I remember the atmosphere of university when I used to be a student, and I especially remember the new comers.

It’s really sad to say that universities nowadays don’t have the value they once had. Not all students of course, but quite a number considers university a place to get hooked up with someone, to show off possessions, to wear latest mode trends, and to make others feel inferior.

I’m happy that I had a healthy life in university. Among my friends were those others considered “cool”, and those who were “not cool” enough to hang out with.
So I really got a clear picture of how both parties feel. And today I came across this extremely meaningful caricature, which reflects the mentalities of some students and the negative effect of it on other students who come from lower classes:

The father on the right asks: so tell me son, how was your first day at university?
The son on the left replies: can I ask you a question dad? Why don’t I have a car? Why don’t I have a mobile? Why do I wear second-hand clothes? Why didn’t I study in private schools? Why don’t we live in Abdoun (a high class district in Amman)? Why did you send me to university? WHY?
I don’t want to go to university!
(Of course it’s funny when read in the dialect itself)

What I liked about it is that it truly relates to reality. Parents used to worry how they’d pay the fees and get their kids the requested books. Now they also burden themselves with looks and things that are supposed to be secondary…

September 14 2005

With Lots of Love…

You know when your heart is filled with many beautiful emotions and your soul is lightened with great sweet memories, stronger than being put into words!
This is how I feel right now.
Today is our 3rd year wedding anniversary… and I feel extremely speechless!
People usually say: I love you… Although that’s not enough to reflect what I feel, but well, until they come up with a stronger word, let me say: I love you my dear husband 🙂

Thank you for these amazing 3 years, and may God bless our marriage forever…

July 27 2005

Nightstand Meme

MMM & Shaden tagged me with this.
This is what I have on my nightstand:

A half burnt honey & vanilla candle on a wooden stand, a water bottle, a cup, my mobile phone, a table lamp, a small white heart-shaped box filled with dried flowers, a bunch of books (on my to-read list), a stuffed heart shaped pillow with 2 stuffed mice on it, magazines and a newspaper.

I’m tagging: Mira, Sinan, Fares, and Hind.

July 22 2005

Old Tag ;)

Ok, so while I was in Amman, I got tagged by Eve & MMM, and now here are my belated answers 😉

What is the one word you would use to describe your appearance?
Don’t know 🙂 I guess people who know me could be of help here 😛
Favorite body part?
Least favorite body part?
My sensitive teeth, were they not that sensitive, I’d really love them 🙂
Most often complimented on?
Sweetness & helpfulness.
Most often criticized for?
Stubbornness, restlessness, and worrying about others a lot.
Your romantic relationship?
I’d sum it up in: my marriage.
Your relationship with your parents?
Excellent, thank God for that, but I always feel I could be more of help to both of them in many ways.
Your feelings about parenting?
A big responsibility, a sweet bless, and a painful joy 😉
Your hobbies?
swimming & tennis, helping others, playing music according to my own melody-predicting ears, cooking (specially baking),watching movies, reading biographies/documentaries & health/ science related books, and last but not least creating my own weird dances…
Your favorite personality type for a friend?
Trustful, kind-hearted, modest, honest, loyal and funny.
Favorite personality type for a spouse or lover?
Everything my MMM is 🙂
Favorite type of movie?
Favorite cuisine?
Almost all are my favourite, and I’d just avoid: raw meat, pig meat, and alcohol 😀
Favorite treat?
A day in a spa 🙂
Favorite gift?
The one that comes from the heart…
Favorite pet?
It used to be birds, now it became birds AND cats 🙂
Subject of blogging post that got the most hits?
The beheading of Nicholas Berg.. got me 8000 visitors in one day! I just hate to remember this horrible incident…

I’ll tag:
Mo, Shaden, Omar, and Yamen.

July 18 2005

Finally Time To Blog…

I’ve been away from blogging mainly because I have no time.The only time is in my work break, but thanks to my work, almost all “entertaining” services -including blogs- are blocked, so I can’t blog nor visit most of the blogs I love, not to mention that even those I can visit, I can’t always leave a comment there, because commenting is blocked as well!

After work I always have loads of things to do, and I’m always out of time! Anyway, I just thought I’d thank all those who left me comments and sent me emails asking where I was and checking if I was ok.

In the past couple of weeks I:
1. Got stung by an evil bee, the first time in my life, hope it’s the last, coz it really hurts like HELL!
2. Tried to convince my boss that a person doesn’t have to freeze to death in order to feel the bless of an A.C.
3. Bored my husband with the amazing book I’m reading (will post about it when I’m finished, read 250 pages, and still 200 left 😛 )
4. Tried to explain to a client that Jordan is not a Gulf country!!
5. Listened to a bunch of French jokes by my husband’s cousins who were born and still live in France, good news is I understood most 🙂
6. Worked a bit on the decoration, organizing and cleaning of the house.
7. Had –actually I still have- a terrible backache. Don’t know how I got it!
8. Had unbelievable sleeping disorders…
9. Realized how corrupted the world has become on all levels, and I’m about to believe that fixing this planet is a hopeless case.
10. Failed to save my plant which died last week 🙁

Anyway, I promise not to be away that long again 😉