March 26 2004

No Comment…

After speeches of morals, human rights, and the need of following legal steps of interrogation and trials: “The United States VETOED a U.N. Security Council resolution Thursday condemning Israel’s assassination of Hamas leader Ahmed Yassin”.

March 24 2004

BRAVO Supershow am Samstag bei RTL

Bei der weltweit größten Leser-Starwahl wählen Bravo-Leserinnen und -Leser ihre Superstars des Jahres.
Viele Zuschauer warten auf die Bravo Supershow, in der die Verleihung der “Bravo-Ottos” entschieden wird.
Kylie Minogue, Blue, Westlife, World-Idol- Sieger, Pop-Idol-Sieger, und mehr Stars werden daran teilnehmen.
Die Bravo-Leser entscheiden die Stars, an die die Preise gehen sollen. Also bleibt die Verleihung der “Bravo-Ottos” spannend. Trotzdem, es ist schon entschieden, dass der Ehren-Otto an Kylie Minogue geht.
Arbeiten Sie am Samstag? Kein Problem, denn Sie können rühig die Wiederholung der Show am Sonntag genießen 🙂

March 24 2004

The 26th Festival of Desert Palaces In Tunisia

Tomorrow is the opening of the Festival which will take place in Tataween. This festival involves many Arabic and European countries and offers many cultural, artistic and sports activities. This year’s highlights are:
– The Russian Band for Folklore will participate for the first time.
– The Sixth International Marathon for 100 Km, and in which 120 participants from Tunisia, Jordan, Libya, Algeria, France and Italy will be present. They will have to walk around 10 Km at night as well 😉
– Visits to the Desert Palaces of Tataween.
– Horse-Racing
– Poetry Competitions
– A Fashion Show
The festival will continue from tomorrow till Saturday.
For more details about the Festival Click Here

March 24 2004

Researchers Discuss The Miracle Of Qur’an In Dubai

Around 170 researchers and scientists, Muslim and non-Muslim from so many Arab and non-Arab countries are participating in the 7th Arab Conference for the Scientific Miracle of Qur’an and the Sunnah (The way of life prescribed as normative in Islam, based on the teachings and practices of Muhammad and on exegesis of the Qur’an), which takes place in Dubai. The opening was on the 22nd of this month and will continue till the 25th.

Qur’an is considered a miracle because it mentioned so many scientific facts which apply to all fields of life in all times. Yes, that’s true, besides the linguistic miracle that Qur’an is known for, as it has a unique style, so many synonyms, opposites, punctuation marks and a one of kind language application and use that no human could ever be able to come up with no matter how great and advanced they were. So besides the language, Qur’an explains biology, geology, anatomy, astronomy, archeology, the secrets of oceans and water life, psychology, law, governing systems, medicine, trade, and contracts. It also gives interpretations, mentions predictions, discusses the different forms of life, the reasons for being created, human relationships, ethics, morals, family planning, the environment, human rights, women’s importance and rights, equality, freedom, other religions, spending, work, sexual relationships, marriage, sexual preferences, adopting, hygiene, looks, prayers, war, peace, sports, emotions, and so many other issues.

Islam is known as a religion that encourages research and supports thinking. But unfortunately, the main focus of researchers was only on language and life systems for the last few years, without giving much importance to applied sciences and related fields. So this time, the conference urged researchers to study the references of applied sciences that were mentioned in Qur’an as well as in Sunnah. And as a result for this emphasis on the importance of applied sciences, this year’s conference discussed researches from Egypt, England, USA, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and other countries. The researches were mainly about geology, astrology, human anatomy and biology, contradicting with the Darwin Theory of Evolution. Some researches also discussed cloning and stated that it can never be an equal to the normal creation of God, because it only reproduces some organisms of identical cells, yet fails to transfer feelings and emotions.

What really gets the attention of scientists in studying Qur’an and Sunnah is the fact that they give explanations and descriptions of anything a person could think of, which I find truly fascinating.
Anyway, I guess such a conference helps in clearing the verses of Qur’an to a wide range of people from different social and educational levels to provide humanity with answers to so many questions and clear up a lot of the universe’s mysteries. And most important of all, it helps apply many useful methods in order to preserve a healthy life and cure a lot of mental and physical illnesses.
And well, it’s always thrilling to hear of Arabs offering such researches of great importance, and even greater is to know that non-Arabs are sharing them this very important event.
Unfortunately details about the conference are only available in Arabic

March 23 2004

Knock Knock

I was peacefully sitting in my office, doing my work, when I heard sudden knocking on the window. Being in the 4th floor makes it almost impossible for a human being to be hanging out there with a smile on his face asking me to open up, but being in March, this very moody month, makes it so possible and absolutely normal to have clouds coming out of nowhere, and then rain falling so heavily that it actually sounds like a human knocking on the window.
Great news is, I have my spring jacket on, and have put my umbrella to sleep few minutes before I left home this morning. And Lucky me, because of the Arab Summit that will take place in Tunis, the whole area is restricted to cars and taxis, i.e. I will have to walk my head off till I reach the nearest street where I can finally get a cab.
In short, by the time I reach home I’ll be literally AquaCool 😉

March 23 2004

“Sex Tours”… Whatever!

Douglas Allen, and Norman Barabash , have been organizing “sex tours” arranged by Big Apple Oriental Tours, promising “unforgettable adventure vacations for single men to paradise”… which happens to be to Southeast Asia.
According to state attorney general, this is the first case involving a United States-based company.
The two operators were charged of promoting prostitution but were pleaded innocent last month.
What I find really weird, is that those two people could’ve been put in prison for whole 7 years if they were convicted. Whereas the uncountable sex channels, sex programs, sex websites, sex agencies that have “qualified” and “licensed” prostitutes are enjoying their work freely, because apparently, they do not promote prostitution, they only promote “fun”, “sexual activities” and some “sex-related hire”. There is a big difference people…
What a funny world!!

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March 22 2004

Sheikh Yassin

Israeli officials said Yassin was a “terrorist” who deserved death…
“Sheikh Yassin was a dangerous, extremist Islamic ideologist. I believe that he was a threat not only to Israel, but to the entire region.” Israeli government spokesman Avi Pazner continued:”I believe the Middle East without Sheikh Yassin, in the long run, will be a better place to live”…
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said the “war on terror is not over.”…

All I can say is that looking only at one side, assuming that someone is dangerous, regardless of who they are, their religion, their age, their policies, and their principals, gives us the right to kill that someone to “protect” ourselves and to “relief” our societies from their “terrorism”. It’s legal, it’s explainable and so easy to be done, as long as you’re not Palestinian, or Muslim, coz if you were one of these, then the whole scenario changes, it’ll be more like:regardless of your suffering, your torturing, your pain, your loss, your destruction and your age; standing up for yourself, trying to save what’s left for you, trying to rescue your people, or even thinking of having a one night sleep in peace is considered terrorism… you wont need to actually kill, or shoot, a little stone you’d throw is enough for you to be accused of murdering hundreds of innocent people, and a scream to call out for justice will be misunderstood as a threat, and a tear falling from your eye will be interpreted as an alarm for revenge…
May Sheikh Yassin’s soul rest in peace, and now, thanks to our “saviors”, we can finally “enjoy” our “better Middle East”…
You can find more details about Sheikh Yassin’s murder here in English and Arabic and German

March 21 2004

Mother’s Day In The Middle East

To the mother who’s full of love, care and sacrifice. To the mother who’s spent and is still spending her life looking after her family and taking care of each and every detail of her house. To the mother who’s always giving and never asking for anything in return but the well-being and happiness of her family members. To such a wonderful mother I say I miss you, and it’s to this mother and all other mothers who share her such unique feelings that I wish good health, happiness and long living.
Let’s all remember that this day is just a symbol, for our appreciation should be shown every day, and our love should be expressed every morning and every night. A mother’s presence should be celebrated all the time. Let’s be the ones to put a smile on our mom’s tired face, and let’s make every day a Happy Mother’s Day for her…

March 19 2004

Weird Me :)

I can’t describe the weird me today. I woke up happy, thank God for that. I had a usual smile on my face, good mood, full of energy (though I didn’t get enough sleep) and then reached work. Ever since the minute I opened the office I’ve been feeling like laughing, really laughing. LOL, I’m working seriously and talking seriously, but still it’s as if someone has told me a very funny joke in the morning, that every time I remember it I laugh, only that I haven’t heard any jokes. Normally I get this feeling (accompanied with fatal distraction :P) when I get no sleep at all the night before, this is the first time I experience this after a normal night sleep!! Strange! But well, I’m happy for this feeling, who doesn’t wanna laugh, huh!

March 18 2004

Gewalttaten in Kosovo…

Serbische Extremisten zündeten gestern Moscheen in Belgrad und Nis an. Viele sind getötet, und hunderte sind verletzt.Unter den Verletzten waren auch 40 UN-Polizisten, 21 einheimische Sicherheitskräfte und 17 Soldaten der Nato-Friedenstruppen.
Als Auslöser der Proteste gelten der Tod zweier albanischer Kinder, die am Dienstag ertrunken waren, angeblich nachdem sie von Serben gehetzt worden sein sollen.
Tausende Menschen demonstrierten in den serbischen Städten. UN-Generalsekretär Kofi Annan verlangte ein sofortiges Ende der Gewalt.
Details sind hier auf Deutsch und auf Arabisch vorhanden.