April 16 2004

Who Said It’s Some Tobacco Wrapped In Paper!

In an argument with one of my teachers in university, he said, his friend proved that smoking is healthy. In a simple equation he elaborated:
Smoking= Pleasure, Pleasure= Happiness, Happiness= Good Health, SO Smoking= Good Health. Therefore Smoking is healthy… Every time I remember this I have a big smile on my face. I was impressed with the means of explanation and the weird connection. But it made me always wonder about the pleasure of smoking.
Because despite all efforts to stop the percentage of smokers from rising, a lot of people choose to try the taste of danger and enjoy the smoky smell of cigarettes burning.
Many smoke just for the sake of trying, they want to answer the many questions their curiosity pose to reveal the secret of smoking. Why do people smoke?
And whether you’ve already tried to light up a cigarette or not, I’m sure you have at least an idea about this.
People smoke, because smoking is powerful. They satisfy inner desires and reach the peak of their self-confidence and happiness while smoking. To so many, a cigarette represents the hidden power within us. It shows manhood, freedom, independency, ability of choice and authority to take decisions. To many others, cigarettes are just like accompanying accessories. They complete the picture of a grown up man, they add to the sex-appeal of a woman, and having it on our desks or tables adds a cool touch to the décor.

Smoking is a language, cigarettes are the translators. When a guy blows the smoke in a lady’s face, some interpret it as a sign of admiration and an attempt of drawing attention. On the other hand a guy blowing smoke in another guy’s face could have at least three meanings:
– I don’t like you, shut up and get the hell out of here.
– I’m trying to piss you off .
– You’re my type (in case of gays :P)
When a woman is smoking, she feels more attractive and sexy. She feels the feminine side of her glowing and attracting all eyes. She could be trying to show she’s different, or that she’s broken the chains of society.

Lighting up a cigarette can tell you about the person’s mood. If the cigarette was with the morning coffee, then the person is just enjoying his time, maybe feels like talking a bit, or is simply practicing a daily habit.
When it comes after lunch or dinner, it shows the tendency to relax and top the yummy meal with a personal delight. And then again it could just be a daily habit.
Yet when it comes in a time the person does not usually smoke at, then it expresses the need for a break. OR it could be a relief for the anger that is about to explode and destroy everything around. A cigarette in the middle of the night is a great way to keep company, fight loneliness and forget sorrows.

Cigarettes are part of body language too. The way a person holds the cigarettes could show whether he’s serious or nervous, if he’s confident or helpless, if he’s happy or sad, if he’s angry or satisfied, and if he’s well-behaved, civilized or some savage street boy.
A cigarette could be an instrument to provoke a guy through the way a woman holds her cigarette, and the way she smokes it.
Both sexes use cigarettes to show off certain characteristics, or even social levels. From the trade mark of a cigarette you can guess if the smoker is delicate, rich, or a heavy smoker.
Cigarettes are communication-bridges. A smoker can find it very easily to find his way to start a conversation, simply by asking for a lighter.
Cigarettes are a sign of addiction, they are a sign of obsession. There could be nothing more pleasant than cigarettes to offer to your guests if they’re smokers, if not then cigarettes could be the most offensive thing to offer.
No matter what for you light up a cigarette, and no matter what this cigarette means to you, there is only one fact you should always remind yourself of: cigarettes are instruments of transporting tobacco and nicotine into your body and polluting the environment.
So if not for your health, nor for others’, and if not for the environment, then let it be for the sake of freeing yourself from its spell, and for the sake of proving your real independence and success. Try to quit smoking, and try to express yourself with the help of no one but you.
Because all what you think a cigarette symbolizes is nothing, you’re the one who gives it all those meanings. And no matter how hard you’d try to convince yourself of its importance I tell you, they’re nothing but some tobacco wrapped in paper. Don’t let something as silly as this take control of you and your life. It’s not that easy to get rid of it because of the addiction to both nicotine and what it means to you, but still it’s not impossible. With strong will and determination you can work wonders, and step by step there will be no space left for cigarettes in your life.
And well, Good Luck…

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April 16 2004

Pig Brother

Big Brother has become old-fashioned, you can enjoy a better and more successful show now: Pig Brother!
A website launched by the German Hunting Association in March, providing a 24 hour coverage of the lives of 6 pigs has drawn more than 1.5 MILLION visitors within 2 WEEKS.
This DJV-site aims at fostering wildlife protection and allows adults and kids a unique view of the animal kingdom.
According to the “Tageszeitung” newspaper, most of the visitors log in to enjoy the sexual adventures of the group’s alpha male: Kalle.

Actually I like animals, and I enjoy knowing more about their adventures and lives. But I’m not gonna watch a group of them 24 hours a day!
Anyway, some 1.5 million people and more seem to disagree with me. In the end of the day, whether it’s watching a bunch of pigs or a group of people doing crazy things, nothing really matters, people want to enjoy themselves and forget about their problems… add to this the presence of un-censored sex!! Lol.
For more information ClickHere , this website is German but has an English part of it. It offers a display of pictures and video sequences of the most impressive scenes. Many texts for adults and kids give information about the observed game, there is a newsletter, screen-backgrounds to download, and new functions that are continuously added.
Links related to Pig Brother in English:
In French:
In German:

Category: General | LEAVE A COMMENT
April 15 2004

“Hello Kitty” To Promote Friendship In Japan

In its first attempt ever to use a toy character for promotional reasons, the European Union delegation has decided to use the highly popular Hello Kitty cartoon character to publicize the Euro and promote friendship in Japan.
“We just want to convey a friendly, human face of the European Union,” said Etienne Reuter, head of the delegation’s press section. The EU wants to give “little presents to people so that they will remember the EU or be more aware of what the EU stands for,” Reuter said.
The delegation has already ordered 2,000 Hello Kitty cell phone straps and key rings and will buy more if the promotional items prove successful.
On the promotional material, the traditional pinks and reds Hello Kitty wears on her chest have been replaced with blue and yellow, the starry EU flag and the “€” logo to promote Europe’s new currency.
I’ve always loved “Hello Kitty” myself, and still have some old toys and bags of it 🙂

April 15 2004

Three Years Old :)

Yesterday my nephew became 3 years old. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to share my sister and her family these sweet moments because of distance. Specially that her little boy means the world to me and to all of our family members. He’s the first grandchild of the family, and he’s the son of our favorite beautiful sister. I wished I’d be there, but well, I’ll be getting pics at least, and maybe a recorded video tape if I was lucky enough.
Mohammed Jr. (as my parents call him to distinguish between him and my brother who has the same first name) is really a unique boy. He’s so polite, so innocent, yet can be the naughtiest kid ever. He’ll grow up to be a responsible man with a very big heart. He knows the moves of the prayers, and he’s excellent at all dances, and just love being around pretty girls of all ages 😉 We watched our wedding tape last night and saw him and everybody. He was soooooooo cute and sooooooooo little. He’s simply adorable, and loves Barney and strawberries 🙂 And as usual, watching the wedding tape made me miss them all so much. It was the happiest day of my life because we were all gathered together in one place.
Yesterday, when we called to pass our birthday greetings, we talked to sis, and I was so happy because she sounded more relaxed than when she first arrived to Canada.
And although she’s still not that familiar with the country, nor so happy with her social life or life activities, but I know deep inside that she’s gonna make it, and she’ll lead a very successful life. Because I know her, she has the strongest will among us all, and she is smart and energetic enough to make her life full of happiness and great experiences. Not to forget her husband’s support, he helps her out with the kids and everything, and he cooks really well 🙂 And last but not least, the presence of my brother, and his help will top it all with a wonderful touch of warmth, hope and security, and will help her feel the sense of belonging.
Happy Birthday Mohammad Jr. and wish to be there in your coming Birthday 🙂

April 15 2004

Ein Gehirnchip für Gelähmte

Eine neue Technik der Brown University, Massachusetts, hat es ermöglicht, Computer allein durch Denken zu steuern. Ein zwei Quadratmillimeter Gehirnchip wird über dem Ohr eingepflanzt, und in der Nähe des Gehirnareals gebracht, das für Bewegungen verantwortlich ist. Der Kontakt wird durch Elektroden auf der Oberfläche des Chips hergestellt. Über ein Kabel steht der Chip nach der Operation mit dem Computer in Verbindung und der Patient kann ihn allein mit seine Gedanken lenken.
Eine sehr interessante und hilfreiche Technik, trotzdem fürchten die Kritiker, dass die Risiken der Operation zu hoch sind.

April 13 2004

Work Diaries 2: the chase.

For the last few weeks I’ve been working my head off on almost everything concerning the office. So basically I’d return home with figures, telephone numbers, faxes and emails playing in the background of my mind and driving me crazy. Then I have my usual housework, some cooking, and well, some TV watching if I was lucky enough to keep my eyes open.
When I have my French course it’s a lot WORSE. I finish work, try to gather what’s left from energy to move my feet and reach the closest bus station, where I never find a place to sit neither while waiting for the bus nor when I finally get inside the bus. So I spend an extra half an hour standing, sometimes an hour –all depends on the traffic- and finally I reach the center, in which I need some kind of miracle to be able to focus and keep my sleepy-tears from falling down. And because I’m dead tired, and have no idea what the hell my class is talking about, it’s a piece of cake to laugh at anything, yet terribly hard to hold back a laugh.
Anyway, I really had no private time to enjoy myself or rest, and no matter how long I sleep I always feel I need more.
The problem is that all the hard work I’m doing is mainly for one client visit who’s coming from outside Tunisia to visit us for the FIRST time. That’s why we wanted everything to be even more perfect than they usually are. And for this very reason my boss pointed out more than once that on this day we both have to be present on time ready for a presentation and a respectful welcome, and that he’ll be picking up the client, i.e. I’ll have to be in the office before they get there.
Now this day happens to be TODAY! Therefore, yesterday my boss reminded me and I was like: “don’t worry at all, I’ll be there on time”.
The thing is I’m not always late, I have to be on my desk at 8, and mostly I’m on time, or I’m there 8:15, which is ok, since I don’t go out for my lunch break. But TODAY the alarm rings and I don’t wanna get out of bed! Worse than that is I didn’t feel guilty about it, I just wanted to have extra couple of minutes to sleep. I mean what could I possibly do? I had NO POWER to stand up. Anyway, I finally get out of my bed, go wash my face, brush my teeth and prepare my small lunch meal, and then my husband calls out: “Eman, we’re late it’s 08:15” only then I knew I ruined everything and that I’ve put myself in a very embarrassing situation.
I knew my boss will be there at 8:15 with the client, they’ve sure arrived and I’m not there!!!
On our way to work my husband goes like: “Isn’t this your boss in the car in front of us?”, I was happy first that he didn’t reach the office yet, but then I realized that we’d be there in the same time and that this will mean a very big problem, anyway, my dear husband did his best to take shortcuts and be faster than him, but still the minute we reached the building there was no sign for his car, which has two meanings: he either reached the garage, or, he still didn’t reach the office. I wished it was the second guess. Anyway, I get inside and THERE I find the lift pointing to (-1) which means the garage, I realized the boss and I will meet in the lift WITH THE CLIENT, which will be so damn embarrassing. Anyway, I had to do something evil to rescue my reputation as a punctual and professional assistant, and all the thanks go to my husband who never stops tricking me. The thing is one day my husband and I were out and when we reached home I suggested he uses the stairs in an attempt to encourage him follow a healthy lifestyle, and since I was sick that day, I needed to rest, so I took the lift and to encourage him I said: “let’s see who reaches home first”, he smiled and went. And I had to stop in EVERY DAMN FLOOR, because my husband pressed the lift button in EVERY DAMN FLOOR to make sure he’d get there first.
And although it really got on my nerves then, but today I thank God he came up with this idea, because it rescued me. Yes, you guessed right, I had to do this to the boss and the client. I had no other choice. I called for the lift in (0) the ground floor, then ran to (1) pressed the button there as well, ran to (2) did the same, and finally reached the office, turned on the lights, the pc, took off my jacket and there was I ready on time to welcome my boss who was totally embarrassed of some “crazy, annoying, irresponsible, naughty little boy” who has called for the lift in all floors 😉 and the client who was happy to find a reliable employee taking care of the work 🙂 I guess being a naughty little boy every now and then can really save the day 😉

April 12 2004

Vote for Arab SuperStar 2

So yesterday was the performance of the first group of the first 14 participants that have reached Beirut. They were all AMAZING. And everything was just so perfect.
The participants were:
From Palestine: Ammar Hasan.
From Syria: Wa’ad Al Bahri, Mohammad Daqdouq, Reem Mahrat, Hala Qaseer.
From Lebanon:Zahi Safiyyeh, Eli Kallas, Hadi Al Mallah, Raneen Al-Sha’ar.
From Morocco:Nadia Al-Kirkabi.
From Oman:Issa Shbibi.
From Jordan: Rose Al-Wirr.
From Saudi Arabia: Abdelmajeed Ibrahim.
From Kuwait: Salim Msa’id.

Actually it’s truly hard to choose, they were all wonderful, but the best according to me were : Ammar Hasan, Eli Kallas, Abdelmajeed Ibrahim, and Rose Al-Wirr. And I’d vote for either Eli or Ammar. I think they’re on the top of my list. And it’s not because Eli has a handicap as a result of an accident, but because I’ve never seen someone emotionally involved while singing like him, add to this his warm beautiful voice, I guess that qualifies him. And Ammar has a great beautiful voice and deserves to win as well.
What about you? You still have a chance to vote till tonight at 9 p.m. so don’t miss the chance and vote .
For a total Arab SuperStar coverage ClickHere .

April 12 2004

Welcome Al-Jazeera Mobile!

The Jordanian FastLink and the Jazeera News Network have launched a new interesting service: Al-Jazeera Mobile. A service that offers a news coverage through the mobile network to offer the Fastlink clients and users the latest international and regional news in all fields: politics, sports, technology and everything.
This is a great step that I personally admire.
For more information ClickHere

April 12 2004

Alkohol VS Tabak

Seit langem gibt es Vereinigungen und Gesundheitsorganisationen, die uns vor der Gafahr des Rauchens warnen. Immer wieder hören wir neue Informationen über den tödlichen Folgen des Rauchens, und wie wir das Rauchen kämpfen sollen. Andererseits hört man fast nichts übers Trinken.
Viele Leute glauben, daß Rauchen gefährlicher als Trinken ist. Diese Leute haben unterschiedlichen Ausreden um das Trinken zu verteidigen. Niemand hat den Mut zu erklären wie stark Alkohol die Gesundheit beschädigt. Nicht bis zum die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) eine Studie über dieses Thema gemacht hat um zu erklären wie schädlich Alkohol ist. Das britische Wissenschaftsjournal ‘Nature’ (Bd. 428, S. 598) hat diese Studie diskutiert in einem Versuch die Leute von den Nachteilen des Trinkens bewußt zu machen.
Die Studie zeigte, daß die größten Alkoholprobleme in den ehemals sozialistischen Ländern Osteuropas und der früheren Sowjetunion sowie in Lateinamerika sind, wo zwischen 8 und 20 Prozent aller Todesfälle darauf zurückzuführen sind. Auf dem zweiten Platz liegen die reichen Industrieländer. In Europa – mit Ausnahme Osteuropas – und Nordamerika ist das Trinken demnach für fünf bis acht Prozent aller Todesfälle verantwortlich. Am geringsten sind arabische Länder betroffen. Warum! Weil die größte Teil der arabischen Ländern muslim ist. Und Alkoholtrinken ist verboten in Islam, weil es die Gesundheit schadet und die Bewußt wegnimmt, was die Tür für unverantwörtlichen Taten öffnet, d.h. die Stelle des Menschen als eine reife und kontrollierte Persönlichkeit wird verloren, etwas, das der Mensch immer bedauern wird. Andererseits kann man viele Probleme als Folge des unverantwörtlichen Verhaltens begegnen.
Leider gibt es viele Muslime, die die Gesetze Islams nicht folgen, außerdem gibt es die christliche Teil der Araber, die alkohol trinken dürfen. Deswegen, findet man eine kleine Prozent der Araber, die Alkohol trinken.
Eigentlich, glaube ich, daß so eine Studie sehr hilfreich und notwindig ist. Und hoffe, daß die Gesundheitsverantwortlichen mehr Mühe geben werden, um das Trinken stärker zu bekämpfen und “alkohol-freie” gesunde Generationen zu haben.

April 5 2004

Islamic Veil Prohibited While Working In Germany, We’re Finally Civilized Inside Out!

So once again among all critical problems in the world, the Islamic veil (Hijab) seems to be the most dangerous, most uncivilized and most unwelcome “problem” to the European countries. So instead of solving environmental problems, or try find a way to rescue the hundreds of people killed on daily basis all over the world, and instead of putting all those efforts in finding cures for illnesses, Some find it the easiest and fastest to interfere with people’s wills and decisions. They find it more effective to steal their rights of choice in the name of “civilization”.
So France took the first step towards “democracy”, “freedom”, “justice”, “civilization” and “human rights protection” and prohibited wearing Hijab. And to follow its “successful” and “impressive” steps, Germany has finally prohibited “only” teachers from wearing Hijab in Baden-Württemberg for a start. BUT this prohibition did not include wearing neither Christian nor Jewish religious symbols, why? For very simple silly reasons: 1. “Hijab is a very obvious symbol!!” Well I guess a golden 1 meter long cross necklace isn’t that obvious, nor is the star of David printed on school bags and sweaters. And well, I think that’s right, a nun should have the right to teach, but a Muslim woman wearing Hijab shouldn’t, because Hijab is always THE MOST OBVIOUS!
2. “Hijab points out that women aren’t equal to men in Islam!!” And this is according to a protestant priest!! I guess this priest has no idea about Islam nor its rules. Because Islam is the religion that freed women from slavery and gave them back their rights. Islam is the religion that shows all people are equal and important.
And this very same priest along with a catholic one have raised a claim to “warn” the German government from editing the prohibition into: “not allowing Christian or Jewish symbols to be worn”. They want to stress the importance of spreading out this decision concerning Islam only without touching other religions.

Actually hearing news like this will make all Muslims even more proud for being Muslims, because it seems that Islam is the only religion that believes in the rights of other religions and gives them the freedom to practice their religious rights. And it has just occurred to me that there is a misunderstanding regarding Hijab. Non-Muslims think that Hijab is a sign of being conservative, or extremist or very strict, which isn’t true. Being a general religion that applies to all people of all kinds and level and regardless of their sex, Islam has nothing as sacrificing a part of society to offer servants for God. Because Muslims believe that there should be no one between the person and God, each have their rights to be the closest to God and to be able to pray for God and ask for his help without the interference of any one. And if the ones banning Hijab care to waste their precious time and spend few minutes on learning about Hijab, its reasons and its benefits, then they wont be doing this to Muslim women. They’ll know that Hijab is so far from being a conservative act. And just because Christians don’t all wear the nun clothes, that doesn’t mean that similar veils mean the ones wearing them are nothing but religiously-strict women.
Therefore it’s the most uncivilized, unfair and intolerant act ever to prohibit women from practicing their rights, because this -and not Hijab- is the symbol of discrimination and stealing the equality of women to men.

A very interesting post I’ve read concerning the issue of Hijab and the difficulties Muslim women face because of it is Crying Wolf/ Jalan-Jalan there is also this German website women in Germany have created to discuss their opinion and defend their right of wearing Hijab. The site is mein Kopftuch