May 19 2004

Being An Arab …

Actually, I’ve been wanting to write about this ever since I read what people from around the world were commenting on the beheading of Nicholas Berg. But I couldn’t put together my thoughts and write them down, because they were too sad to be expressed. But I’m fed up, and I decided to finally write even a bit of what I feel.
Why do so many people hate Arabs in general and Muslims in particular?? I read horrible stuff about Arabs, disgusting thoughts of Muslims, evil wishes for them to disappear and experience more torture and more humiliation. A one of a kind hatred towards people whose only fault is being Arab…
I know it was a terrible experience to watch a civilian getting killed in such an awful way, but what I read was not a reaction to Berg’s case only, it was concerning people’s opinion of Arabs, how they look at them, what they wish to do to them.
They described Arabs as uncivilized, savage, impolite, terrorists, criminals by nature, animals, extremists, illiterates, and so much more of these stupid expressions that has nothing to do with the reality of Arabs.
The sad fact is I realized only now that no matter how hard Arabs work, and no matter how honest and loyal they are, there will always be this sick image about Arabs which will never change no matter what. So defending Arabs wont do any good, unless people open their eyes and hearts and try to take a closer look at them inside out.
Arabs, they are proud people, kind-hearted, very honest, hard workers, intelligent, loyal and tolerant. Arabs are Muslims, they are Christians and Jews. They all respect each other, and they’re all there for each other. They’re so helpful, and they treat their guests the best way any guest could ever be treated.
The fact that you are a foreigner, from another Arab country or from Europe or else where, makes them feel its their duty to help you out manage in their country, adapt to their lifestyle, and make you feel welcomed.
I really wish people will see Arabs as they really are, there are many things to know about Arabs other than their beautiful faces, their beautiful skin color, their sexy belly dance, or their delicious food.
I don’t understand how they say Arabs are not educated, when they have the knowledge and don’t lack smartness. They speak languages, they have their scientific achievements, they have their inventions and investments, they have their musical talents and their rich literature. Why don’t people read more about Arabs. Look at their history, try to mix with their present and share their future plans and goals. But I guess it’s easier to follow this old convention of Arabs being nothing but losers who bring bad luck and ruin life. Yes that’s what so many people think, calling Arabs the “annoying immigrants” that should be limited and kicked out. As if they go to a country for fun, as if they don’t play a role in building society, as if they don’t work for a living, as if they aren’t useful members of the country they’re in! Why then do so many countries post newspaper ads in the Arab world asking for employees! Why do they post ads in newspapers calling for tempting immigration opportunities?! And are Arabs the only immigrants of the world? Aren’t there many Europeans, Americans and Canadians who choose to spend the rest of their lives in the Arab world? Why do Arabs welcome non-Arab immigrants? Because they believe they have the right to live wherever they choose, they appreciate their presence and recognize it as a constructive one.
And as any other society in the world, Arabs have the bad people among them. Does that mean all Arabs are so? No it means only one thing: whoever judges Arabs without knowing them really well, is the one with the narrow thinking and poor cultural background.

All I can say is, any Arab should be proud of being Arab, regardless of the world’s wrong ideas, a day will come when the whole world will finally see Arabs as they are, love them for who they are, and respect them for what they do. On the other hand, Arabs should always ask, why were they on the top in the past, known as the civilized and progressive part of the world, with their sciences and intelligence lighting up the whole world, and then all of a sudden they became the dark side of earth! Answer is simple: Arabs gave up, war has filled them with fear of speaking up, injustice has made their world full of doubts, losing confidence in their presence and losing hope of a better tomorrow. Therefore all Arabs should never let anyone’s misjudgments influence their pride nor their confidence, they should stick to who they are and keep working hard as before until the real value of Arabs will be won back again.

May 18 2004

Massaker in Rafah

Bei einem Großeinsatz der israelischen Armee im palästinensischen Flüchtlingslager von Rafah im Süden des Gazastreifens sind am Dienstag (18.5.2004) mindestens 14 Palästinenser getötet worden. Kurz vor der Dämmerung schlug eine Rakete in der Nähe einer Moschee im Viertel Tel Sultan ein, wo sich Gläubige zum Morgengebet versammelt hatten. Etwa zur gleichen Zeit stießen israelische Panzer und Kampfeinheiten in das Viertel vor, das sich nicht in Grenznähe befindet. Die Soldaten begannen damit, einen Graben auszuheben und Tel Sultan vom Rest Rafahs abzuschneiden, wie Augenzeugen berichteten. Haus für Haus werde durchgekämmt. Mindestens 45 Militärfahrzeuge wurden in dem Viertel gezählt.
Nach israelischer Darstellung handelte es sich bei den Toten zumeist um palästinensische Kämpfer, die bei Feuergefechten und Hubschrauberangriffen starben. Von palästinensischer Seite hieß es hingegen, die meisten Toten seien unbeteiligte Zivilisten gewesen.
Amnesty International verurteilte die Zerstörung palästinensischer und arabischer Häuser durch Israel als Kriegsverbrechen. Die Menschenrechtsorganisation warf Israel am Dienstag in London vor, in den vergangenen dreieinhalb Jahren über 3000 Wohnungen zerstört zu haben. Zehntausende von Männern, Frauen und Kindern hätten dadurch Obdach oder Lebensunterhalt verloren. So seien im Gazastreifen über 2000 Wohnungen und zehn Prozent des landwirtschaftlichen Geländes zerstört worden. Im Westjordanland errichteten die Israelis ihren Schutzwall zu fast 90 Prozent auf besetztem Gebiet und hätten dafür mindestens 600 Wohnungen abgerissen. Für Details können Sie hier und hier clicken.

May 17 2004

Ruslana Won The Eurovision

The Ukrainian contestant Ruslana Lyzichko won the Eurovision Song Contest with her song: Wild Dancers. Ruslana has composed the music of the winning song herself.
After winning the competition ahead of Serbia and Montenegro and Greece, Ruslana said she hoped Europeans would get to know her country better when the contest comes to the Ukraine in 2005. Details .

Die Ukraine Ruslana Lyzichko hat zum ersten Mal den Eurovision Song Contest mit ihrem fetzigen Song “Wild Dance gewonnen. Ruslana überzeugte Europa “. Der deutsche Vertreter Max musste sich in Istanbul mit dem achten Platz begnügen. Die Sängerin und Komponistin kombinierte Popmusik mit Tanzelementen aus den Karpaten. Zum folkloristischen Ambiente trug auch der Liedtext in Englisch und Ukrainisch bei. Dazu knallten Peitschen, und Flammen loderten auf den überdimensionalen Bildschirmen auf der Bühne.
“Ich musste mich erst ein bisschen an den achten Platz gewöhnen, aber ich komme damit zurecht”, sagte Max am frühen Sonntagmorgen. Der 22-jährige Abiturient aus Waldshut-Tiengen im Schwarzwald hatte sich selbst einen Platz unter den ersten Fünf erhofft. Mehr über Eurovision

May 17 2004

World Economic Forum In Jordan 2004

3 weeks after the Aqaba Summit, Jordan hosted the World Economic Forum 2004 from 15- 17May, in the Dead Sea, with the Slogan: “Facing the Real Challenges: Partnering for Change, Peace and Development”.
Headlines of the forum were: globalization, stabilizing the political situation in the Middle East, fighting poverty and improving the economical situation in the region.
More than 1200 politicians and businessmen participated in the Forum.
I have watched a part of King Abdullah’s speech, and must say it was pretty impressive. He discussed the Palestinian and Iraqi issues and stressed the need to solve the problems in the Middle East in the most efficient way that will bring justice and peace into the region.
On the other hand, there were people who weren’t happy with having the Forum hosted in Jordan, saying it’ll have negative results on the country in the long run.
The forum was carried out with the highest security precautions, guaranteeing the success of this forum. For more information about the forum check here: English and Arabic .

May 17 2004

SuperStar 16.May.04: The Toughest Decision!!

Yesterday’s episode was one of a kind. Despite the fact that all participant who have passed to the second level were very qualified, yesterday’s participants were all over qualified. The episode was a collection of the strongest and most talented. It is very very hard to choose and compare. Each has a special good side, and all had the beautiful voice. Of course that doesn’t mean that the ones earlier were less talented or had worse voices, it’s just that yesterday was a very unfair gathering for voices of such beauty and power.
The participants were:
From Jordan: Nancy Petro
From Tunisia: Ashraf Al Kshou
From Lebanon: Mohammad Barraj, Fayyad Younes,
From Syria: Houssam Madanyeh, Samar Touieity, Mahmoud Kassir, Hala Erslan
From Libya: Rida Jaafar, Ayman Al Aatar
From Iraq: Rahma Mezher, Shaza Hassoun
From Egypt: Mahmoud Abdelaziz
From Saudi Arabia: Mamdouh Abdel Hai

That is so unfair, I mean all those talents will be relying on luck rather than qualifications, so much will be lost and only one will be lucky enough to continue.
But I personally loved: Nancy, Ashraf, Fayyad, Houssam, Hala, Rida, and Rahma… Oh, no, GoD!!! They were all good!
Can’t wait to know the results, specially that there will be 2 results tonight: the 2 who’ll pass yesterday’s episode, and the ones who’ll be given a second chance.
Good luck to all…

May 17 2004

The 10th GCC e-Government & Telecom Forum

Under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Maktoum Bin Mohammed Bin Rashed Al Maktoum
Chairman, Dubai Technology & Media Free Zone Authority, The 10th GCC e-Government & Telecom Forum will be held in Dubai, UAE from May 24-26, 2004.
This Forum is considered the Largest e-government forum in the region. Information about the Forum and its detailed program are available Here .

May 17 2004

Save Palestinians!

Rafah has been the scene of devastating raids over the past few days, with the army demolishing up to 100 Palestinian homes. Up to 1000 Palestinians have been left homeless, as a result of the demolitions.
The Israeli occupation army has destroyed dozens of civilian homes in Rafah, at the southern tip of the Gaza Strip, and said it would demolish hundreds of additional homes in the next few days, apparently as a retaliation and collective punishment for the death of seven Israeli soldiers over the weekend in a battle with Palestinian resistance fighters in the area.

Today,Israeli occupation forces, using tanks, bulldozers and helicopters, opened fire as it invaded the refugee town of Rafah, cutting it off from rest of the Gaza Strip. Seven tanks and armoured bulldozers, backed by helicopter gunships moved into the area between Rafah and the town of Khan Yunis, witnesses said. Unlike other invasions, today’s raid began from the northern and eastern parts of Rafah, in an attempt to completely isolate it from the rest of Gaza.
As usual, it’s always for security that Israel kills, assassinates, destroys and bombs. So this time Israeli military sources confirmed the target of the operation was to isolate Rafah in an attempt to search for Palestinian activists and weapons, the correspondent said. Another report said the army said the move was aimed at preventing what it called “militants” moving between the two towns. Israel’s army chief, General Moshe Yaalon, said “hundreds of houses” believed to be concealing tunnels or to have been used as cover by Palestinian gunmen were set for destruction.
So, it means, when police want to prevent thieves and criminals from hiding and moving, then they should destroy the whole neighborhood?!!! And just because the police MAY DOUBT a certain house is used for weapon storage, then there is nothing as entering it, they have to blow it up, or knock it down to be relieved and make sure nothing’s actually there!! Actually this is pathetic. We all know these reasons are nothing but this same old story of trying to justify some criminal acts. Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurie accused the Israeli court of permitting “ethnic cleansing…and collective punishment of innocent civilians.” U.N. officials said Israel had displaced more than 12,000 Rafah residents by demolitions, incursions, air strikes and other fighting since the 2000 start of a Palestinian revolt in Gaza and the West Bank, land Israel captured in a 1967 war. “I want the world to see Nazism in action. I don’t see any difference between German Nazism and Jewish Nazism. When will the world calls the spade a spade?” said Amjad Zurub, a local official in Rafah, who castigated the international community for “playing deaf and dumb” in the face of this “holocaust against a defenseless civilian population”.

Scenes of fleeing women and children, some carrying and comforting younger children, were ubiquitous in Rafah throughout Friday and early Saturday.
Panic-stricken children and women grabbed whatever belongings they could carry and fled as Israeli bulldozers began destroying their homes.
In some cases, Israeli bulldozers destroyed homes on top of occupants, killing at least three people.

The Palestinian Authority and the Israeli peace movement have condemned the demolitions as war crimes.
“It is manifestly clear that we are talking about a war crime …
without ifs or buts,” said Hanna Isa, deputy-director of the Palestinian Ministry of Justice and professor of international law.
“Israel is flying in the face of the fourth Geneva Convention and article-8 of the International Criminal Court (ICC).

More details are available from Reuters and Al Jazeera .

May 14 2004

Holiday Park Hires Shrink :)

A German amusement park in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate “Holiday Park” in the city of Hassloch has hired a psychologist to help park visitors get over their phobia of plunging down massive steel tracks, winding around bank turns and falling at speeds exceeding 120 kilometers (76 miles) per hour… so good news for me 😉
Holiday Park is home to one of the world’s largest rollercoasters. The Expedition GeForce has an incline of 62 meters (68 yards) and flies through the tracks at over 100 kilometers per hour. The German airline Lufthansa has offered seminars aimed at countering fear of flying for over 20 years with a success rate of 94 percent, and Holiday Park is hoping for similar results.

May 14 2004

Eman: Why Do U Speak Tunisian?

This is a question I’ve been asked over and over again. Almost everyone poses it to me. Tunisians ask why I speak their dialect rather than mine. Non-Tunisians ask about the reasons for me to speak Tunisian.
Some look at it as being ashamed of my dialect, or being afraid of identified as a foreigner, or trying to be someone who I’m not.
But the fact is, I speak Tunisian because I am strong. Yes, when I first arrived, I didn’t know the Tunisian dialect that well, therefore I limited using it to certain emergency situations. But after a short while, I got to know it better and now I speak it fluently. Most of the people don’t recognize I’m not Tunisian unless from the looks, or if the conversation was long…lol, there there has to be some words that jump out of my mouth pronounced in a weird way 😉
Anyway, I am proud of who I am, and I adore my dialect. But I learned Tunisian and I speak it for many reasons. First I made a little comparison, I was like: if a Tunisian wants to buy something from a shop in Jordan, and he goes on asking in Tunisian, it’ll either result in total shock for the Jordanian, or a misunderstanding. So if that Tunisian wants to live in Jordan, get a cab, go to university, buy stuff… etc, he has to know Jordanian to avoid complications and misunderstandings.
Another reason is, by learning Tunisian, I get to understand what people say to me, what they say about me, in short, even if it’s not me who’s speaking, I’ll get to understand everything in the conversation. On the other hand, and as it is the case in all parts of the world, foreigners get lied to, people think they’re tourists for example, and go on cheating in the prices of stuff. Therefore, and although many people recognize I’m not Tunisian from my looks and the tone of my voice, but still speaking to them in their dialect shows them that I’ve been living here for a while and therefore I know what’s write from wrong and they wont have the courage to fool me.
Another reason is that I want my kids to speak their dad’s dialect… as well as mine 😉 And I can’t get them to speak it if I myself don’t!
Last but not least, there are people who are not that open to other cultures and have no idea what our dialect means, therefore it’s nonsense to go on speaking a dialect they wont understand.
But what really gets me laughing, is the reaction of people to the truth. When I speak my dialect they go like: “no you’re Tunisian now, you should know how to speak our dialect”. And when I speak Tunisian they go like: “why? Do you think we’re too stupid to understand your dialect? It’s all Arabic!” And some just love hearing my dialect!!
Anyway, it’s not people’s who choose, it’s me, therefore I made my own rules concerning when I should speak the Tunisian dialect, and when should I speak mine.
So basically now I speak my dialect with my husband, among in-laws, friends, and people I know would understand my dialect because of their position that involves them with other cultures and other dialects. But when I’m in a taxi, or in a store downtown, or at work, or on the phone, I use the Tunisian dialect to avoid being unclear, and so that I wont have to tell my life story to anyone from the street: I’m from.., originally … but I live here coz…. I just cut it short, say what I want, get it, and that’s it.
That’s why I speak Tunisian, and I am proud of myself for being able to manage in society in the right way, protecting myself, getting my rights, and offending no one 🙂

May 14 2004

Jeremy Sivits, 1st To Go!

Spc. Jeremy Sivits, the first soldier to face a court-martial in the abuse scandal, is one of seven military police officers facing charges in the case. He will plead guilty at a court-martial proceeding next week, the Washington Post reported on Friday.
Sivits admitted in a sworn statement that he photographed the abuse but never reported it, according to the newspaper. He told investigators how guards led by Spc. Charles Graner abused the detainees during nightly rounds. According to the Times, Sivits said all of the abuse was done without the knowledge of their superiors in the Army chain of command. “Our command would have slammed us,” he said, according to documents quoted by the paper. “They believe in doing the right thing. If they saw what was going on, there would be hell to pay.” He said Graner warned him not to say anything, telling him: “You did not see (this).” According to the Times, Sivits said the soldiers appeared to be enjoying abusing the prisoners.
Sivits’ offer to plead guilty was accepted by the staff judge advocate overseeing his court-martial, according to a memo reviewed by The Washington Post and lawyers representing others charged in the case, the newspaper said. But the paper said it could not be determined to which charge he would plead guilty. Details