Tolle Wohn-Ideen
Diese Ideen sind einfach wunderschön. Die Fotos sind sehr detailiert mit Preise, Größe und Farben der Möbel vorhanden. Die Ideen sind echt praktisch, schön und modern.
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Diese Ideen sind einfach wunderschön. Die Fotos sind sehr detailiert mit Preise, Größe und Farben der Möbel vorhanden. Die Ideen sind echt praktisch, schön und modern.
Fotos und Info.
If you have vomiting, diarrhea, fever, or cramps then you might be suffering from food poisoning, specially if you’ve consumed pre-mixed salad dressing products containing basil and mesclun, and you must consider consulting a physician. Because these products may contain a parasite that can cause food poisoning. According to the US Food And Drug Administration (FDA), symptoms usually develop about a week after consuming the contaminated food and “Cyclospora infection can be successfully treated with appropriate antibiotic therapy.”
Therefore take care of your health, choose reliable clean restaurants, and avoid salad dressing at home. Everything is best when natural. Reuters
So the last week was a very busy one indeed. I have so many things to talk about, but no time for them all, therefore I’ll be talking about some of the things quickly. As a start let me talk about HAIFA WAHBI in the Miss Lebanon 3rd prime. Actually I’ve always heard people, artists, and reporters criticizing Haifa Wahbi one way or the other. They either talk about her looks or her personality. They criticize the way she wears makeup, her dressing style, and the plastic surgeries she’s gone through. On the other hand, we hear of men and teenagers hanging her posters in their bedrooms closets and on their desks! I read a lot of articles, in which she sounded really smart in the interviews, and where she revealed a side of her personality that doesn’t focus on sex appeals as much as the brains. But then I read this article where she was saying that Elissa is feeling jealous because of her looks. That was the interview that made me laugh my head off and make sure this Haifa Wahbi is so obsessed with her looks and thinks she’s the best looking in the world. Anyway, the picture got clearer when I saw her in the 3rd prime on Friday, unfortunately I couldn’t watch it all, but a part of it, which was actually enough. I saw Haifa Wahbi, and GOD!!! I can’t believe how much people have become obsessed with showing off their bodies!! They make you feel they’re doing you a favor when covering the few parts of their bodies that were left uncovered!! Haifa was wearing basically nothing from my point of view, being so so happy that people give no damn about her talent (maybe because she has no talent in the first place) and are just enjoying her “provoking dance†in which she tried to show off her “so called dress†pulling her hair away from her back and shoulder to show her backless style dress, and pulling together the lower part of her dress to show the side cut and to help the transparent piece of cloth show more of her body!!! That was so pathetic. And what made me really angry, is that such irresponsible shameless acts affect teenagers the most. Poor young boys were about to have a heart attack while she was smiling at them, blowing kisses their way in her custom!! I simply hated this, and I hated her voice, and her moves, and even her comments! Being asked about latest activities and latest albums has nothing to do with mentioning how she met Omar Al Sherif!! She just tried to spread the news that she met celebrities and stuff, and then in future interviews, she goes like: Oh, I’m not arrogant, I wasn’t the one to talk about myself and whom I meet, it’s the media!!…. AAAAAAAAH, she gets on my nerves!! And to compare this with Elissa’s presence, you can’t but say that Elissa is so mature, she’s so classy, and so respectful. Although I’m not much into most of her video clips, but still, she’s a true singer. Beautiful voice, good looks and respectful elegance (relatively speaking). She’s not much of a good speaker in live interviews though…
Anyway, once again, reality TV is a nice idea, but it was one hell of a failure in the case of Miss Lebanon, for one reason, the silliness and rude (stab in the back) fights between the ladies. I tune in to watch them whenever I have the time, I think: maybe I was unfair. And then a verbal fight begins, showing a very ugly side of the ladies who are supposed to represent beauty in the face, body, mind and soul… I believe that if they were better persons then this reality TV would have been the most successful and enjoyable.
Anyway, if you missed the 3rd prime you can take a look at some pics provided online here .
Actually a lot of us wish to be the ones who end a certain relationship rather than the ones being dumped. Fact is, having to be the one to start this break up thingy is not as easy as it seems. Even if you have the right, and even if you were so determined, you’ll still find it very difficult to tell someone that you no longer want him/her, unless of course you’re one mean “feelingless†bastard.
The way you end a relationship has a very important effect on both parties. The whole thing could end up peacefully, and pass as an experience, or it could make you feel so bad, so full of hatred and so full revenge-seeking desires. And although I’m a lady, but to be honest, I’ve noticed that men are more gentle in breaking up than women. This is generally speaking of course, and a total personal opinion. I think girls have a very big problem when they’re the ones being dumped, they don’t accept the fact and they always believe they’re too perfect to be dumped. And, I’m so sorry to say this, but unfortunately, even when they’re the ones to dump, they do it in a very aggressive and mean way most of the time. They give themselves the right to say bye whenever they feel like it, and expect the partner to take it easily regardless of the reasons. Not that men are angels all the time, but once again, just generally speaking, and specifically talking of situations concerning long term relationships that I have personally heard of. Dumping someone can be for so many reasons: lack of understanding, lack of respect, boredom, problems based on disagreement in principles, falling in love with someone else, violence and suffering, disloyalty, or in some cases which are based on financial interest: when the partner runs out of money 😛 .
Anyway, when you dump someone, or let’s say end a certain relationship, it doesn’t mean we’re talking about boy/girlfriends only, but also your fiancé(e) or even husband/wife. So if you are about to end a relationship, first think of it really well, and be fair to your partner as well as yourself. If there is no way on earth you’re gonna save this relationship, and if you have no other choice but end it, then at least do it the right way.
1. Get straight to the point. (no need for boring introductions, they only make the other part more nervous and more confused), and no need to stop answering phone calls or replying to messages. Just be brave enough to end it at once.
2. A face to face conversation is the best way, if that was not possible because of long distance or fear of breaking the heart, or fear of changing your mind, then do it by a written letter and not an email. Emails are not as expressive as handwriting. Phone calls should be last choice, because if one of the two is mean then the call will end up with a fight that will lead to more heartbreaking and more insult.
3. Never end a relationship after your partner has spent a fortune on an invitation or a gift for you.
4. The place to end the relationship depends on your partner’s expected reaction. If (s)he is the nervous mad type, then avoid public places …
5. You don’t need to mention the sweet memories and the good sides you loved about them as an introduction or as a comment after you’ve blew it. It makes no sense.
To end a relationship all you have to so is always put yourself in your partner’s place and treat them the way you’d love to be treated.
For a beautiful related article click here .
A week after I got this job, a company representative came to the office. He gave me his business card and then started his quick introduction of the company’s duty and activities. The company is called BARKA, it’s Tunisian, and this is its work description: “Régénération de tout type de consommables informatiqueâ€, which means regeneration/recycling of any type of computer usage materials. In other words, instead of throwing your printer’s empty plastic ink cartridge for example, you give them a call, they come, pick the cartridge, and fill it up for you with half the price. I couldn’t believe myself, because I was looking for such companies that do recycling and stuff, but couldn’t find any. After saying bye, I went to the boss full of excitement, and although he is “somehow†a friend of environment, but he had doubts about the quality of ink refilled. He didn’t believe they’ll provide good quality for half the price, and told me to forget about it. And since it’s not totally up to me, I gave up… partially that is. I mean if the office doesn’t want to do this I can still do this at home, and blog about here 🙂 So I’m waiting for our ink cartridge at home to be empty to try them out. Only problem is, it might take ages since we’re not using it :PP Anyway, at least I’m doing my best.
So for those of you interested the company is BARKA, Address is: 69, Rue Houcine Bouzaienei, 1st floor, Nr.9, 1001 Tunis.
Tel/Fax:+, Mobile:+
Christine Sieber and her partner Dieter Graf have started a camel farm in the southern Bavarian Alps. “There is something almost meditative about riding a camel, because they are always so amazingly calm and unperturbed. They pass that feeling on to everyone around them,” says Sieber. And I totally agree with her. Camels are so calm and patient, and they’re so fascinating.
But what about the differences in weather? From deserts to the Alps! that must be hell of a change. And although camels can manage with snow and ice, water is a problem for the desert-trained animals. It gets sucked up into their thick fur, and with their soft feet, they slip and slide in the mud like someone learning to ice skate.
Before starting her business in Germany, Christine used to live in the United Arab Emirates, where she got fond of camels, specially camel racing. She participated in racing, and won the first position 🙂 According to her, women in Emirates are not allowed to even watch such races, I have no idea about that, but I can say that not all Arab countries share this.
I love camels too, although I was scared to death the first time I tried to ride a camel, God I must have embarrassed my family, I was a kid and shouted like crazy when the camel stood up, lol, that was in Egypt. My younger sister and brother were calm, a bit scared, and I was screaming. I feel so ashamed of myself every time I remember this, lol. But after that I enjoyed riding camels in Jordan and Tunisia too, it’s like you go to somewhere so peaceful where you hear nothing but the wind, see nothing but the pure sand and the blue sky… of course I’m talking of desert only since I never happened to see camels elsewhere 😛 Anyway, for all of you who fear camels, or those who still didn’t try them, I advice you all waste no more time and enjoy this one of kind experience 🙂
More about the camels in Germany is available here .
Israel setzte seine Offensive im Gastreifen fort, trotz der Verurteilung durch den UN-Sicherheitsrat.
Der Sicherheitsrat hat Israel das Töten palästinensischer Zivilisten in Rafah verurteilt, und hat Israel aufgefordert, die Zerstörung palästinensischer Wohnhäuser unverzüglich einzustellen.
Andererseits erinnerte die UN-Resolution Israel an seine Verpflichtung „als Besatzungsmacht gewissenhaft seine rechtliche Verantwortung gemäß der Vierten Genfer Konvention zu erfüllen und das Leben von Zivilisten in Kriegszeiten zu schützen“. mehr…
Israel verurteilt ist ein Kommentar bei Peter Philip, den ich echt lesenswert finde.
UN Security Council resolution had earlier condemned the killing of Palestinian civilians in the southern Gaza Strip refugee camp of Rafah. It also called on Israel to halt house demolitions, which are in violation of international humanitarian law. Reflecting its displeasure, the United States, allowed adoption of the U.N. resolution by abstaining rather than using its veto. President Bush urged restraint from the Jewish state, yet he said the United States could not back the resolution, because it did not take sufficient account of the “context of the military operation, which Israel says is aimed at stopping anti-Israeli attacks.” As a reaction to the resolution, Israel vowed to continue to do whatever it considers appropriate.
Who cares about what is shown on TV channels, who cares about journalists’ reports of the massacres in Rafah, who cares about the world’s condemnation of Israel’s unbelievable acts towards civilians, who cares about the UN S.O.S calls?! To hell with everything as long as Israel explained it’s doing what it’s doing for security and defense reasons, then so it is.
While speaking to the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee, president Bush said: Israel is a democracy and friend, and has every right to defend itself against terror .
Then people speak of Anti-Semitism, and we hear of those sweet caring speeches of USA not being pro-Israel, and supporting human rights all over the world regardless of nationality and religion! More Info .
Details in Arabic