July 15 2004

Lesson Of The Day

Every day teaches me something new, and since I go through so many experiences that add to my knowledge and right many wrongs in my lifestyle and principles, I thought I should share this with you, maybe what I learn would solve a problem of yours or help you make the right decision. Even if you don’t use what I learn, then you can at least add it to your information, who knows, maybe one day you or someone you know will need it.
Therefore I have decided to make a revolution in the world of quotes, no more famous sayings, no more old wisdoms, from now on I’ll be quoting people, everyday people, normal individuals I meet in the streets, in stores, or friends, or employers, or employees, or families, or relatives, or anyone that adds to my knowledge.
So from today, I’ll have a post called “Lesson of The Day”, in which I share what this life teaches me, and quote spontaneous words of a normal person, who meant nothing but have a nice chat in his life, not being aware of the change he made in mine.
Today’s Lesson is:
“Sadness is when the heart is loaded with bad experiences and bitter memories. If you want to be happy, you have to believe that your heart is a plastic bag with a big hole in it; whatever worries or sorrows are thrown inside, have no place to be kept or add up, they will fall from the other side” – the oldest, wisest, and kindest taxi driver I’ve ever met.

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July 15 2004

HIV Rates Rising Among Young Gay Men

After falling for several years, rates of HIV infection, particularly among young gay men, are rising again. A report out by the Robert Koch Institute, a federal organization that researches disease control and prevention, warns that the epidemic of HIV in Germany could acquire a “new dynamic” since the number of infections since 2001 has been rising steadily.
Three years ago, the institute reported 1,470 HIV infections in Germany; in 2002, that number rose to 1,716; last year, 1,958 people contracted the virus. That is a 33 percent rise in three years. The trend toward rising infection rates also affects heterosexuals, half of those infected were men who had sex with men.
Rolf Gindorf, founder and past president of DGSS, a sexuality research center in Düsseldorf says: “Older gay men, say around 40 and up, are aware of the danger because they came of age at a time when death rates were high and AIDS information was very visible and always on people’s minds, But younger people today, they don’t have that experience. Knowing that the disease can be treated tends to make them carefree when it comes to sex.”
A 20-year-old gay Berlin resident, who has found out recently he has been infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, blames the lack of a strong public message and vigorous discussion about AIDS for his infection.
“It didn’t do much good for me to see some celebrity up there talking about wearing condoms or something,” he said. “I needed something blatant that could shock me into making the right decisions. “

I believe we all need to play a constructive role in spreading awareness among people. Each in their own field of work, each in their own way of conveying the message. We should drop this passive status we’re in and wake up. Many people are getting infected with HIV, and unfortunately many pass it to their partners and their children, either because they’re not aware of their infection, or because they’re some egoistic desire-seeking bastards.
Source: DeutscheWelle

July 15 2004

Good People :)

Yesterday we were invited to a gathering of a family I personally love so much. I knew this family through my husband. He’s friends with the son. So one day when the son came to visit Tunisia, we went to say hi, and we were introduced to the whole family. Ever since then, we’ve been seeing each other every once in a while. It’s true we don’t meet that much, but we always keep in touch. And every time we visit them I feel I’m at my aunt’s or uncle’s. They’re so easy-going, so friendly, so loving and the whole atmosphere is warm. Add to this the multi-cultural essence of the gathering and the middle eastern cooking, yummy… Not that I don’t cook it, but when the people joining for food love this type of cooking, it feels different, more blessed and more appreciated.
The cute thing is, whenever the mom passes by me on her way to the kitchen or to any other room, she’d kiss me and ask: what do you think of the gathering?
10 minutes later she’d ask: are you happy? Do you like the cooking? Need anything? You’re at home, feel free…
There are people that you can’t but feel great with, for nothing but the true care and love they give. From day one I felt so welcomed, felt I was a member of the family already. Other than that, they helped me meet people around my age to make friends. And every time we go, the whole group is gathered. Just like the old days at my parents’. And this sure helps me go on in my life. I know nothing replaces one’s own family, specially when this family gives you all the love, care and support all the time in all circumstances. But getting to know such kind and good people helps out ease the pain of longing and decrease this feeling of being a stranger in a country you know you’ll be spending your life in.

July 13 2004

Ein Konzert für Palästina – Concert 4 Palestine

“BONO! Wir bitten Dich und die ganze Musik-Szene, ein Konzert für Palästina zu halten!”
Wir appellieren an Dich und an die ganze Musik-Szene, erhebe Deine Stimme und sage: “STOPPT DIE BESATZUNG!” Wir bitten Dich zur Mithilfe bei der Organisation eines globalen Konzerts unter dem Motto:
* NEIN zur illegalen Besetzung durch Israel von Ost-Jerusalem, der West Bank und des Gaza-Streifens.
* NEIN zur systematischen Verletzung der Bürgerechte und der Menschenwürde des palästinensischen Volkes.
* JA zu einer Konferenz der Vereinigten Nationen, um den Frieden im Mittelosten zu fördern.

“We appeal to you, and to all the music world, to speak out now and say: “STOP THE OCCUPATION!” We ask you to help organize a global concert for Palestine”.
We ask you to help organize a global concert that says:
* NO to Israel’s illegal occupation of East Jerusalem,the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
* NO to the systematic violation of the Palestinian people’s legal rights and human dignity.
* YES to a United Nations conference to promote peace in the Middle East.
Via:Je Blog

July 13 2004

Work Diaries (5): BRAIN DAMAGED!

There is this client who is really important to our company. The majority of our work is with him. And I must say, my boss just LOVES having business with him, and he is so proud of the story when the relationship between them grew from just a dull formal professional relationship, into a close friendship. So in December 2003, and while I was still getting familiar with the clients and all, I had some papers related to this client, they had to be signed, so I asked my boss to sign them, while signing he went like:
Boss: You know we should do our best not to lose this client. As you’ve already noticed, business with him is so fruitful.
I: Yes, I’ve noticed. I hope things will keep improving with him.
Boss: Yeah, I hope so.
(I took the papers, and turned around to go to my office)
Boss: You know Eman, the great thing about this client is that he’s become a friend of mine as well. Yes, true friendship.
I: Really! That’s good.
Boss: Wait till you know how we became friends.
(I’m sure it was obvious on my face that I had NO INTEREST AT ALL)
Boss: one day he had a car accident, a big one, and since he has no friends in this country, he thought of no one but me to call, I went to him immediately, helped him out, turns out his driving license was expired, so the police wanted to take strict procedures with him, yet I convinced them to give him a chance and paid a penalty in his favor. I invited him home that day to relax, he met my wife and ever since then we’ve become good friends and so did our wives.
I: Hmmm. (an artificial smile)
In January 2004
Boss: Eman, I’m going to have lunch with …. In an hour. We’ll discuss some issues concerning the coming project. If there’s anything you need, call me on my mobile, ok!
I: Ok, no problem.
Boss: This project is really important for us, this client is really important Eman. You know, he’s not just a client, but we have become friends too. It’s when one day he had a car accident, a big one, and since he has no friends in this country,..
I: he called you and… well I believe you told me this.
Boss: Really? Did I tell you that our wives also became friends? Now after I solved the problem with the police.
I: Ah, sir, I believe I’m already aware..
Boss: yes, but I didn’t tell you how I got to invite him, so after I helped him out……………….. ever since then we’ve become close friends and so did our wives.
I: Hmmmm (a disgusted smile)
March 2004:
My boss calls early in the morning:
Boss: Eman, I wont come to the office today, have a meeting with … A very important client as you know.
I: Ok, no problem.
Boss: after the meeting, will have him come with his wife to my place to have dinner. Did I tell you we’re friends.
I: Yes, yes, you told me ALL ABOUT IT.
Boss: Yes, it was a huge huge accident. I remember when he called me, and how I ran to help him. His license was…
( he went on with the boring details,I felt like breaking the phone)
June 2004
Boss: Eman, I don’t have to remind you how important today’s reception is. This client is really important. Tell the maid to clean the office really well. I want the office to be glowing today.
I: No worries. Everything’s set.
Boss: …. He’s a strict person. He loves his work, we can’t lose him. Good thing he and I are friends. Although the circumstances that created this friendship weren’t actually pleasant. You see, one day he had an accident…
I: and he called you, you went to him, then you invited him over, now your wives are friends…
Boss: not only this, but it turned out his license was not valid, a very big problem you know, but I convinced the police…..etc.
(I wished I could kill myself)
July 13, 2004
The phone rings, I pick up, guess who’s on the other end? Yep it’s this extremely important client. He wanted to talk to the boss. I put his call on hold, and rang the boss’ office.
I: … the important client, who once had an accident, then called you, then you went to him, helped him out and paid the penalty of his license, remember! This client whom you invited to your home and both your wives are now friends, (I catch my breath) he is on the phone…
Boss: Oh…, it was a huge huge accident, remind me to tell you about the details later.

July 12 2004

Crazy Weather!

Yesterday the weather was as normal as it could be during July in Tunisia. Sunny and so damn hot. But around 7:30 p.m. there has been a very big twist in weather. It became so windy, so cool, and then BOOM there was lightning and thunder out of no where! It rained for a while, and then it stopped, leaving the weather humid, no wind at all and full of our little enemies: Mosquitoes.
This morning it was cool, as if we’re in spring or something. Have no idea how it’s going to be like in half an hour when I finally leave the office.
I’m so sleepy, can’t focus, and can’t wait for the time to come to go home and rest.

July 12 2004

Mustafa’s Birthday

July 10th was my younger brother’s birthday. I can’t believe how quick time passes by. Mustafa’s already 21now! 🙂 This is truly great. I still picture him as he was a little baby. He was one hell of a kid. He showed a great calm face, while he did everything naughty kids would do without getting our attention. For example, he’d be sitting so calm, smiling at us, while the carpet behind him would be burning because of the candle he spilled on purpose. He’d be smiling peacefully, to know later on that the cable of the fridge has been pulled out for a while, long enough to get the food inside it stinky! God! He was a great kid.
I also remember how my older brother Mohamed used to enjoy putting him in this little baby stroller and drive it so quick through the whole house. You can hear Mustafa’s (or Mos as we all call him) laughs echoing in the whole place 🙂
Mos is now all grown up, his kind heart and great sense of humor have grown up with him. I can feel he’s become a lot more mature than before, and I’m happy for that.
He grew fond of computers, all the credit goes to our great bro Mohamed 🙂 MAK (Mohamed) used to gather his friends and work on university projects, play games, do some surfing and stuff, and he let Mos sit with him and his friends all the time. So Mos became familiar with PC’s and loved them ever since then.
When he wanted to decide what to learn in university, he had discussions with both Mak and MMM (my husband) and he ended up learning computer science 🙂
One thing I wished would really change in Mos is this extreme lack of time-order 😛 His sleeping hours, his studying hours, his free time, his meals, everything is just so mixed up when it comes to these things. But well, maybe later when he gets a job then he’ll learn to be more organized. Anyway, whether organized or not, he is responsible and successful.
We called him on his birthday, it was fun talking to him.
This is the second time in a row that I miss his birthday, I wish somehow I’ll be there with him and never miss any occasion he or any other member of my beloved family celebrates.

July 9 2004

Weekend Is Already Here!

Yesterday I was under the impression that it was still Wednesday, don’t ask me why, I just felt it was Wednesday. When I got back home, I knew from my husband that it was Thursday. Other than feeling extremely happy to reach the end of the week, I couldn’t help thinking of how fast a week passes by although I feel the working days are too long!
I mean if I feel the working days are so long, how come I reach the end of the week without me being aware of it! Whatever the reason is, I just love weekends. On the other hand, having the week pass by that quick, makes me feel how days are flying without me adding a single change on my life routine, at least the work side. I have nothing against my life routine outside work, but this job, I don’t know. The boss is really good to me, very respectful, the whole work environment is good, salary is relatively high, but still I don’t feel it’s the right place for me. I really hate to believe in this, but it’s the sad fact. I wasn’t born to do what I do. I feel I have more capabilities and feel attracted to other kind of work that involves no accounting, no office work…AH, I HATE MY JOB! Maybe others wish to be in my place, but I wasn’t simply made for this. I belong somewhere else. I thank God for giving me the chance to find a good job, earn money the right way, and be excellent at what I do. But at the same time, I don’t stop looking for other better choices. I never lost hope in finding a better job where I’ll feel it’s the right place for me. Until then, I guess I have to do my best to enjoy what I do for a living right now. I have to be more optimistic, that’s why I keep thinking of weekends 🙂 The weird thing about me is that in weekends I always prefer hanging out with my husband anywhere in the arms of nature. Sea, parks, if this isn’t what we feel like that day then anywhere other than other people’s houses would be great for me. I hate to stay at home, and I hate to go visiting. I feel weekends are made to break the disgusting routine of being trapped in an office or any indoor places. But most of the time, when the weekend is finally there, I can’t be but human, the efforts I pay while working in the office and at home through the week force me to surrender the temptation of a yummy meal and a cozy couch. So I end up enjoying staying at home, seeing no one and being free of any formalities, stress, exhaustion, or any type of work (usual housework doesn’t count :D)
Anyway, since this weekend will be a busy one, I guess I’ll just have to wait for the next week to do nothing but eat, sleep and watch TV 🙂 Oh this lazy, lazy me!

July 9 2004


The Youth Dance Theatre Troupe of the Noor Al Hussein Foundation’s Performing Arts Centre (PAC) will perform “MUD: Motion, Unmasking and Dilemma” tomorrow evening.
The theatre performance will explore our nation’s boundaries, existence and identity, and reality and illusions, according to PAC statement. The group will be representing Jordan in the “Contacting the World Theatre Project” which falls under the British Council’s “Connecting Futures” initiative.
The programme aims to build mutual understanding, learning and respect between young people with different cultural backgrounds in the UK and other countries around the world, according to a British Council statement. Details .

July 9 2004

Physical Violence

Violence, aggression and humiliation are words that Palestinians got used to. Not only the old, but also the young. Not only the men, but also the women.
I came across this picture that breaks the hearts of any human being of any nationality and any religion. When will the people of Palestine have the least rights of a decent and peaceful life?
Via: Sabbah’s Blog .