Preacher VS Lions
A 46-year-old Taipei man was bitten in the leg while trying to convert a lion to Christianity. Details & video…
Via: Jalan-Jalan
A 46-year-old Taipei man was bitten in the leg while trying to convert a lion to Christianity. Details & video…
Via: Jalan-Jalan
So Bush it is. Wont act shocked, him being one of the candidates already prepared us to the fact that we might face more 4 years of “democracyâ€, “war on terrorâ€, and “freedomâ€.
I wont go on listing the consequences of this election, we all lived it the past 4 years, we already know the scenario. So I haven’t got much to say in this regard. I will certainly be affected, just like the whole world would, but unfortunately I didn’t have the chance to make things different, I don’t have the right to vote. But I would like to congratulate all those who had that right and used it to vote for Bush… Congratulations on a decision you took, a choice you made. One of the reasons you chose him is his “ impressive success in his war on terrorâ€, I wonder if you really care about your sons and the youth of your country! Because your Bush seems to be planning for a bigger show, “war on terror 2â€, “war on terror 3â€â€¦. And he will definitely need more and more American blood to fill the spaces.
Did you ever think of that! Or is the lives of thousands of Americans worth nothing to you!
Great links related to this post:
I can say that winter in Tunis started officially –and finally- last night.
It’s raining, weather is pretty cold, and the sky is cloudy. Ah I missed winter. A great saying I usually remember every winter is: “in winter people are cleaner, they don’t smell, and they all look more elegant because of the jacketsâ€, this is what my sisters used to point out in the beginning of every winter 🙂
Yet the problem in winter is this overall lazy atmosphere, the increased car accidents, floods in some parts of the world, and last but not least, my powerful urge to EAT 😀
It’s not weight I care about, never cared about this actually, because to me the person is valued with his/her deeds and character, and the value makes me see them attractive or not. It never was looks. And whoever evaluates me through my looks is a shallow person to me.
Anyway, again, the problem in me loving to eat is that I feel like eating those meals that need long time to be prepared. And I don’t have much time, so I have to wait for weekends to cook what I really feel like eating, but in weekends I feel like being lazy after a busy week of hard work and stress. But I always manage somehow :D.
I love winter, as cold as it is, I consider winter to be a “warm†season, coz it adds a tasty flavor to homes and staying at them.
Today, I’m starving, but well, at least I know I’ll be eating what I want in around 4 hours, unlike the poor people who will be smelling delicious smells from our kitchens wishing they can have a bite. The problem is, no matter how much we try to help, the world is full of poor people that we don’t know they even exist. And I thank God for Ramadan, besides all its health related benefits, its spiritual value, and its psychological positive effect on the poor people, it really awakens our conscious and reminds the ignorant of the forgotten poor people. Isn’t Ramadan such a bless!
After a long struggle with illness, United Arab Emirates President Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan has passed away at the age of 86.
The Emirates’ top decision-making body, the Supreme Council, declared that starting Wednesday, a 40-day official period of mourning would begin. It also announced that all government offices would close for eight days and private sectors will be shut for three.
Under the UAE constitution, Vice-President and Prime Minister Sheikh Maktum bin Rashid al-Maktum, ruler of Dubai, will act as president until the federal council, which groups rulers of the seven emirates, meets within 30 days to elect a new president.
Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, a son of Sheikh Zayed, will automatically take over as ruler of the capital. Official sources expect the council to elect Sheikh Khalifa as the next president of the oil-rich federation and Opec member.
Sheikh Zayed was a ruler who was profoundly loved by his people. He was a people’s man always. He always followed his ancestor’s tradition of close interaction between leaders and their subjects. Every day he would receive his compatriots, sons and brethren, with unfailing amity. He never closed his doors to them, and always emphasized the fact that democracy throughout the history of this nation means normal daily coexistence between the ruler and the ruled, their meeting as one family with no attempt at acting or sophistication. The open-door policy adopted by Sheikh Zayed, despite his growing responsibilities and occupations, never changed over the years, whether as Ruler of the Eastern Province or as Ruler of Abu Dhabi, or even after his election as UAE President.
Sheik Zayed helped transform seven backwater Gulf states into the world’s ninth largest oil producer and a high-tech commercial crossroads of gleaming skyscrapers. Not to forget his overwhelming accomplishment in turning desert into oasis through investments in agriculture, building roads and bridges, setting up facilities and providing services, telecommunications, health and education.
UAE owes Sheikh Zayed its rapid development, the stability and the economic progress.
Sheikh Zayed was a good man and a wise leader. May his soul rest in peace, and may God forgive us all.
“Inna lillah, wa inna ilayhi raji3ounâ€.
A group led by Al Qaeda-ally Abu Musab al-Zarqawi showed the beheading of the 24-year-old Japanese hostage Shosei Koda in Iraq while he was lying on top of a US flag in an Internet video.
Japanese officials confirmed on Sunday that the body and severed head of a man found in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad was that of Mr Koda.
The video showed the hostage, who was wearing a white T-shirt, kneeling with a US flag laid out behind him. Mr Koda’s hands were tied behind his back and three masked men dressed all in black stood beneath the group’s banner. After reading a statement, the men grabbed Mr Koda and put him on the flag before sawing off his head with a large knife and holding it aloft and placing it on top of the corpse.
Source: abc news online
This is really disgusting ! Innocent people are being killed every day. STOP WAR!
Wondering how would your name look in Egyptian Hieroglyphic? Stop imagining and check it out NOW!
It’s pretty cool. I loved my name in hieroglyphic, it’s so cute 🙂
Via: Jad
Ramadan ist der Monat des Fastens, der Besinnlichkeit und der Wohltätigkeit, da jede gute Tat vielfach belohnt wird. Im Ramadan verspüren wir Muslime am eigenen Leib, was es heißt, Hunger und Durst zu haben. Unser Glück, ausreichend mit Nahrungsmitteln, Wasser und sonstigen Annehmlichkeiten des Lebens versorgt zu sein, ist gleichzeitig eine Prüfung Allahs, um unsere Freigebigkeit angesichts des Elends der bedürftigen Menschen dieser Welt zu testen. Millionen von Kindern, Frauen und Männern haben keinen Zugang zu sauberem Trinkwasser oder ausreichender Ernährung. Für sie ist jeder Tag ein Fastentag, denn sie haben keine andere Wahl. Doch Sie können diesen Menschen durch Ihre Ramadan-Spende helfen.
In den Nachrichten hören wir immer wieder von Kriegen oder kriegsähnliche Zuständen. Die daraus entstehenden Folgen für die Bevölkerung werden jedoch kaum vermittelt. Oft sind nicht nur die ursprünglich vorhandenen Erwerbsmöglichkeiten, sondern auch die gewohnten Familienstrukturen zerstört, da die Männer getötet wurden oder in Gefängnissen sitzen. Die alleinstehenden Frauen müssen ihre Kinder, Enkelkinder und Waisen, die sie bei sich aufgenommen haben, versorgen. Medikamente und ärztliche Behandlungen können sich nur wenige Menschen in Krisengebieten leisten. Vielen Bedürftigen erschwert der bevorstehende Winter ihre Not noch zusätzlich, denn sie haben unzureichend isolierte Behausungen und kaum Decken gegen die Kälte.
Muslime helfen verteilt im Ramadan Lebensmittelpakete an die Bedürftigen in Aserbaidschan, Bangladesch, Bosnien, Burundi, Irak, Kenia, Kosovo, Palästina, Tschetschenien usw. Die Pakete sind gefüllt mit Mehl, Zucker, Nudeln, Reis, Öl und was sonst gebraucht wird.In einigen Krisengebieten, in denen “Muslime helfen†tätig ist, haben sie zudem so genannte „Medical Points“ eingerichtet, wo Kranke kostenlos behandelt werden und Medikamente erhalten. Auch hier soll im Ramadan weiter Hilfe geleistet werden. Zusätzlich möchten “Muslime helfen†auch in diesem Winter arme Menschen mit genügend Heizmaterial versorgen. Die Winterhilfe ist besonders für jene gedacht, die zu alt oder krank sind, um sich ausreichend mit Brennmaterial zu versorgen.
Im Jahr 2003 konnten “Muslime helfen†dank zahlreicher Spenden mehr als 430.000 Menschen allein mit Lebensmitteln versorgen. Helfen Sie durch Ihre Spende, dass auch dieses Jahr wieder so viele Menschen unterstützt werden können!
Spenden Sie jetzt!
While the whole world is excitingly waiting for the results of the US elections to be announced today, I’m here in my office thinking of my little sis Monia who will be celebrating her birthday today November 2nd. Yes, Amani & Monia have their birthdays so close to each other.
It’s true I was a kid when Monia was born, but I still remember her cute baby face, and when she got a bit older I remember her cute blonde curled hair, and her big green eyes. They tell me I got really jealous of her when she was born coz she took all the attention from me. How selfish a kid I was 😛 I think my sis Amani was the only one among us who never felt jealous when any of us was born. She’s great. And well, why feel jealous if she’s got the looks and the spirits that could keep all eyes rolling around her!
My dear Monia graduated from University of Jordan (Industrial Engineering) last semester, and is still looking for a job. I keep telling her not to rush things, she’ll regret these lazy days she’s enjoying now 😀 I really wish her the best of luck in her life, she deserves it. Such a kind loving heart.
I miss hanging out with her so much. Unlike her serious looks, Monia is a person with a great sense of humor. With her smile, straight from the heart, she makes anyone’s day. I really miss her.
When I went to Jordan I tried to catch up with her and make up for the time we spent apart, but I still feel I didn’t spend enough time neither with her nor with anyone else.
I wish her a happy birthday, and hope that this year will be the start of so many happy events in all fields of her life. She deserves it, she’s such a beautiful person inside out.
Happy Birthday Monni and 3o2bal 100 saneh 🙂
God I hate being away from my family…
Yesterday was my beautiful sister Amani’s birthday. I was so unlucky I couldn’t meet her when I visited Jordan as she and her family moved to Canada.
This is her first Birthday away from family, I wish somehow we’ll gather and it will be the last time I miss their birthdays.
When my brother came for his 3 day visit to Tunis, he told me that Amani is handling her new life and her new environment so bravely. I was so proud to hear that. I know it’s so difficult for her and her husband to start over a whole new life, find a new home, find new jobs and make new friends. Not to forget their 2 adorable kids who can keep all Canada busy 🙂 But Amani and Ahmad are brave enough to succeed, and I’m so happy for them.
I miss her like hell. In Jordan I avoided passing by their home, and during my 3 weeks stay, I didn’t step into their whole neighborhood. I was afraid I’ll be so depressed. I miss them all so much. She and her husband were so much fun. They had their own style of doing everything. They’re so great and we all enjoyed being with them.
Yesterday when I heard her voice on the phone I was thrilled. I even got to hear the voice of her little baby boys fighting. They’re being so naughty, but they’re so cute, may God protect them all. They’re such a wonderful family.
Can’t wait to see them. Don’t care where, just want to see them.
The funny part of last night’s phone call was when I asked Amani about Ramadan in Canada. I was feeling sorry for her assuming that Ramadan has no taste in their part of the world. After her reply, I felt sorry for myself 😛
She told me that they have everything, Ramadan sweets (atayif), middle-eastern cheese, makdous, and to those who live in Jordan, can you imagine that they sell “ta7ina & jameed al kasee7†in Canada?! LOL! I couldn’t hold my laughs when she told me. I mean, we’re in an Arabic country and we don’t have all those middle-eastern delights 😛
Ah, Amani, I wish you and your family the best of luck, great health, and the top of happiness.
And I want you to know that you become more beautiful with every year added to your life. Happy Birthday and 3o2bal 100 saneh 🙂
Today is November 1st, a day to remember, because today I BROKE THE RECORD! Yes, just like today, one year ago, I went for my first day of work in my current job. It means, I’ve been working for this company for a whole year, which is the longest work period I’ve ever had up till now 🙂 In Jordan, I had 3 jobs, the last two were the longest, 9 months each. And I would’ve most probably stayed for as long as it takes in my last job if I wasn’t leaving the country.
In Tunisia, and before I completed my first year of residency, I found a job, but after getting my first month’s salary the work stopped for budget problems, leaving me “jobless†again. 4 months later I got this job. So far, so good. It’s tiring, stressing and not related to what I usually love doing, but I thank God for it.
This job I have now is really weird, as stressing as it is, it’s been offering me so many chances to have fun. I’ve been invited to so many great events, I’ve been introduced to so many interesting people, and to be honest, I must admit that with all his nagging and his difficult work moods, my boss is considered one of the very respectful and helpful managers.
Work helped me develop a clearer picture of the Tunisian culture, and introduced me to so many details that I would’ve never known if I didn’t have a daily contact with different kinds of the Tunisian people.
Sometimes I just wish I’d be home relaxing, taking care of our home, and getting enough sleep. But then I say, this is the age of exhaustion, if people don’t get tired when they’re young, how would they survive their old age?! I have to play a positive role in building our future, as long as there are no other bigger and more important responsibilities for me to handle, such as children for example. So I always say, let me do my best, before I have something bigger to take care of .
As for my personality, there’s no doubt that I became stronger now that I have a job. Each day brings me new challenges and offers me more surprises. Each day is an adventure. I didn’t know Tunisia, and I had no friends, I was so lonely and felt my life is being wasted with me sitting doing nothing. But I never gave up hope, and I took a decision to succeed wherever I am. Because a successful person is successful regardless of the surroundings.
Being the only employee (along with the cleaning woman who comes 3 times a week) with the boss showing up occasionally, I must say that I always feel lonely. Not to mention the sad fact that our company has very strict regulations leaving me no chance to check my email, or surf any entertaining or shopping websites. But thank God I can always blog… for the time being that is 😛 And with the piles of files I have every day, blogging is not that easy! But I force myself to take breaks every now and then.
Having no one in the office to celebrate my 1st year work anniversary, doesn’t mean I will miss this occasion, I’ll celebrate with my dear husband 🙂
Anyway, I just hope my new year at work will be better, and that a miracle will happen to make me love what I do now, or else I’ll have to find another job where I can break this new 1-year- record 😉 Wish me luck…