November 29 2004

Prince Hamza Relieved Of His Title

Last night, and while watching Jordan’s “60 Minutes” News Bulletin, it was announced that Jordan’s King Abdullah II has relieved his half-brother of his crown prince’s title, saying it was restricting the young prince’s movements. Details…

I’m still shocked, specially that there were no clear reasons. But anyway, let’s just wish the best for Jordan and the Royal family.

Category: Jordan | LEAVE A COMMENT
November 26 2004

War & Environment


November 26 2004

Bank For Her!

A study shows 80 percent of women feel they are not taken seriously by big banks, which are still predominately male institutions. On the other hand Women often have different needs and interests than men do when it comes to financial matters. From that point, and applying the philosophy of Virginia Woolf who wrote:” if a woman is to succeed, she needs money and a room of her own”; some women in Munich are applying starting a bank by and for women.
At the Frauenbank, or Women’s Bank, women will get counseling about investments, retirement plans, savings and other financial tools will be done by female professionals, who understand the special needs of women, many of whom feel uncomfortable or underserved in traditional financial institutions. More…

I don’t think it’s a wise thing to do. A woman must prove herself in normal places beside the man and be up to all challenges coming her way. Yet I do believe that there are some places which will work better for women were they limited to females only, again, not because of the fear of underestimation, but because they’ll be more comfortable, such as women spas and beauty centers for example.

Category: Women | LEAVE A COMMENT
November 26 2004


A very interesting article that will help guide you to say NO to your boss, without risking your career. Enjoy 😉

Category: General | LEAVE A COMMENT
November 26 2004

Work Diaries ( 13):The accountant & I

Since our company is a branch of an international company, every month I have to do 4 different types of financial reports to be sent to the mother company. As for the local issues like tax control for example, we hired a professional accountant who comes twice a month. He was so busy this month, so he decided to make the biggest mistake of his life: sending his assistant!
At 11:00…
Acc.: Hey, Eman, there is something I want to ask you about.It’s a really complicated matter, it needs another hot cup of coffee to be really awake and find a solution. Can I have some more coffee?
I: Sure. (I bring her coffee) Here you go your coffee. So what is it?
Acc.: You see, this bank statement shows that the amount 1500 TND was withdrawn for some equipment maintenance, but in your office financial report, I can see only 1000 Dinars has to be withdrawn… Hmm, I like your coffee… Can you please explain! (giving me a wise look)
I: Well, there are 2 invoices for the same maintenance company, one is dated Oct.25th, with the amount of 1000 TND and the other is dated Oct.26th, with 500 TND. (I turn on the file documents to the following invoice), aha, here’s the Oct.26th invoice. We decided to give them one cheque instead of two, that’s the whole thing.
Acc.: I really really like your coffee… Why does it say Oct.29th on the bank statement?
I: Obviously the company withdrew the amount on the 29th.
Acc.: why’s that?
I: How would I know, maybe it was their only free time. And what difference does it make anyway?
Acc.: It makes a difference!Now I’m confused. When should I register the payment? On the 25th, or 26th, or 29th?
I: Whenever you want, the point is, you should register the whole amount in October that’s all.
Acc.: Ah, I’m all mixed up. What should I do?
I: What’s the big deal, just REGISTER IT!
Acc.: But they are 2 payments in one cheque!
I: SO WHAT! Just register the amount! If you like, make a note beside it explaining that this amount is for 2 invoices for the same company.
Acc.: No no, that wont do. I have to think really well, can I have some more coffee please? (I bring her MORE coffee)
Acc.: You know, I don’t feel like working, let’s gossip for a while. You see, I have problems with my boss, he gives me so much work…
I: Excuse me, I don’t think that’s possible, we both have work to do and we both need to meet our deadlines. I’d love to chat with you in our lunch break though.
Acc.: OKAY! But what should I do about the cheque problem!
I: There’s no problem. You know what, why don’t you consult your boss!
Acc.: Yeah, great idea.
(after making more than 4 personal calls, she finally decided to call her Boss) Eman, my boss wants to talk to you on the phone.
(I take the call from my desk, after explaining,he thought her call is ridiculous.) Register it on the date you choose, he said there’s no problem as long as it’s registered in October.
Acc.: How can I do that? No I can’t, this is not right, this is so wrong.
I: I told you there should be no problem, and your boss did the same, so why the hell are you making a big fuss out of nothing! I HAVE WORK TO DO, PLEASE DO WHATEVER YOU WANT!
Acc.: I don’t know what I want, you must help me!
I: I just did, you wont listen.
Acc.: Coz I don’t like your solution.I’ll figure it out myself.
Acc.: I want more of your coffee, it’s delicious.
I: I swear to God I HAVE LOTS OF THINGS TO DO! Go to the kitchenette and get your coffee yourself.
After 5 minutes…
Acc.: My coffee didn’t taste like yours, can you please make me some coffee yourself!
(I go make her MORE coffee, can’t be rude, after all, she’s not here everyday)
4 hours later…
I: so how is everything going?
Acc.: not good, nothing’s right. I’m so confused, so upset. Don’t know what to do with this maintenance company payment.
I: (trying to control my temper)You’ve been in this office for a WHOLE DAY, you have a folder full of documents for a WHOLE MONTH, and you insist on stopping at this ONE DOCUMENT!
Acc.: I’ll have to think more, so I’ll come back tomorrow and we’ll work it out together.
I: I really did my best to help you, I have nothing else to offer. So do whatever you like, but leave me out of it.
Acc.: Oh, still 30 minutes for you to go, what about another cup of coffee!

November 26 2004

Handy der Zukunft … Persönlicher Berater!

Wissenschaftler haben laut „New Scientist“ jetzt ein lernfähiges Handy entworfen, das genau weiß, was sein Eigentümer unternehmen wird und entsprechende hilfreiche Ratschläge geben kann.
Das System nutzt eine von finnischen Forschern entwickelte Software. Die Gewohnheiten des Besitzers werden über Gespräche, Textnachrichten oder Weckfunktion protokolliert. Durch Ortsbestimmung über Sendefunkmasten bemerkt das Handy zudem, mit wem der Besitzer wann und wo unterwegs ist.


November 25 2004

Lesson Of The Day

“Choose your attitude, don’t let your attitude choose you”. Mo , our fellow blogger.

Category: General | LEAVE A COMMENT
November 25 2004

Freedom Now!

Originally uploaded by AquaCool.

Freedom Now is a campaign to free Palestinian Child Political Prisoners.
“Children of 16 and 17 are treated by the military as adults, contrary to international law,” Professor Kay reported. “Palestinian children once arrested are subject to torture including severe beatings, exposure to extreme temperatures and forced into extreme positions. They are blindfolded, shackled and put into detention centers in military camps or in settlement outposts where the Israelis force them into signing confessions and attempt to recruit them as collaborators. They are almost always sent on to prison.”

This is unfair, this is so cruel. Get Involved. Sign Petition NOW!

Via: Sabbah’s Blog

November 24 2004

Cute Penguin

penguin 3
Originally uploaded by AquaCool.

This is one of mom’s creative homemade products: The vegetable penguin! Isn’t it just sooooo cute 🙂 She made it and took pics of it to send them to my sweet little nephew in Canada.
I simply love all her artistic creations, not to mention my love for penguins.
Anyway, just thought I’d share it here 🙂

November 24 2004

Leave Muslims Alone!

Right this second, right in front of me, I’m witnessing a very humiliating scene to all Muslims.
Opposite to our building is an embassy, people are all silent, staring at a circle of security men surrounding a woman. They took her to a corner outside the embassy. One is bombarding her with questions, the other is looking around her suspiciously, while the rest are smiling at the embassy employees, and visitors to make sure they’re all satisfied.
What’s the big deal? Nothing, just a request from a couple who came to pick their visa from the embassy, and asked the guards to “keep that thing away”… with “thing” they were addressing a Muslim woman, who was guilty of wearing a headscarf.
The story is being told all over the building, some are complaining, some are swearing, some are giving stupid excuses, and some, like me, might be writing about it now. That’s the best we decided to do.
Did anyone help? Did anyone interfere? Nope, no one, including me. We got used to be humiliated, we got used to seeing injustice, we got used to be afraid. Afraid because we’re separated, we’re not one unit, fear has invaded our souls, our minds and our hearts.
How humiliating!
It’s such a shame, to see these things happening, and I’m pretty sure they’re happening each and every day whether we know of them or not. It’s such a shame to see our brothers and sisters in Iraq and Palestine being killed and humiliated and tortured in front of all people of the world, and we still follow some cheap media lies about “Islamic terrorism” threatening the world.
Why is it so easy to follow lies, to spread rumors and believe some claims we never witness, while we find it so difficult to allow ourselves to react correctly and positively to facts we’re experiencing on personal, national, and international levels?

I really wish people will leave Muslims alone. Enough with the “terrorist” nonsense. FOCUS on the facts. Focus on rescuing what’s left to be rescued, focus on solving root problems.
Wherever I click, there’s an article about Abu Mus’ab Al Zarqawi, hostages in Iraq, Taliban, or , or , or. But no trace of Iraqis being tortured, no more articles about Palestinian homes being destroyed.
As stupid and blind as people may get, there’ll always be some to remind them of the awful acts taking place and open their eyes to the real injustice.
As for now, all I can do is ask you all to please think twice before saying anything, think twice before you spread claims and market some expressions that will make things even worse.
And please… leave Muslims alone!