Just a note to thank Tunisia and its people for celebrating: “la Journée mondiale de solidarité avec le peuple palestinienâ€: The Day of Solidarity with the people of Palestine.
On this occasion, Tunisia stresses its call to the International community, for ensuring the protection of the Palestinian people, by acting immediately to put an end to the Israeli actions which are threatening the safety of the Palestinians, thus considered a violation of the international agreements… a call, for which the late President, Yasser Arafat, has devoted his whole life fighting for.
And while Tunisia is pointing out the necessity of fulfilling the Resolutions of the Arab Summit held in Tunis, that call for negotiations to guarantee peace and safety in the Middle East region, Tunisia insists on giving the Palestinian people their rights.
Source: La Presse .
Today, the Tunisian TV Channels have special TV programs about Palestine and the Palestinian Traditions. They will also show interviews with Palestinians living in Tunisia.
I believe that this is a very nice gesture which means a lot to all Palestinians, making them feel remembered and supported. I’m sure all Palestinians appreciate such a day and are proud of their Tunisian brothers and sisters for celebrating it.