December 10 2004

What Israeli Soldiers Do!

They “protect” Israel. Let’s take a close look at HOW they do it:
They kill for fun, they kill children, seems like they ENJOY killing children, or perhaps they just LOVE killing children. They also find it amusing to throw innocent children in prison, humiliate people, and attack Palestinian civilians.
They don’t only kill Palestinians, they also kill peace activists, and more peace activists. You know, seems like Israeli soldiers are ALLERGIC to peace activists. This is without counting the many journalists from different nationalities who were killed by Israeli soldiers!

Oh, leaders, leaders, leaders! They just LOVE assassinating them! If they don’t kill them like they did with Rantisi and Sheikh Yaseen, they’d isolate them and leave them to suffer, like they did to Yasser Arafat.
They’re multi talented. Other than killing, they’re pros in destroying neighborhoods, and demolishing homes. They even attack schools.
To Israeli soldiers, scattering families is a common practice. They also destroy land, love mass arrests, and can’t resist committing war crimes… not to forget their creative wall!

They are protecting Israel in the most peaceful, legal and positive way indeed! And they’ll go on this way coz there is no one to stop them, and because they convinced the whole world that Palestinians, the ones being killed, tortured, humiliated, imprisoned, thrown out of their homes, out of their neighborhoods, out of their land, out of their country… Palestinians, yes, “Palestinians are the terrorists”!
But a day will come, when the whole world will see that Palestinians are innocent, they’re victims, not terrorists!

God protect you Palestine, and may God be with and stand by all Palestinians every step of the way…

December 9 2004

Sounds I Love…

I love the sound of the waves tickling the beach…
I love the sound of snowflakes kissing the ground in a calm night…
I love the sound of a stallion’s confident steps across the wilderness…
I love the sound of raindrops playing their happy melodies…
I love the sound of tree leaves when they hug each other…
I love the sound of a teapot whistling for me to pick the boiling water…
I love the sound of a laughing baby…and the sound of a singing canary…
I love the sound of a ringing phone when I’m longing for my family’s voice…
I love the sound of an honest, straight from the heart “I love you”…
And I just love the sound of a sincere heart praying: God Bless You…

December 7 2004

At War With Islam

“It is time we admitted that we are not at war with “terrorism.” We are at war with Islam. This is not to say that we are at war with all Muslims, but we are absolutely at war with the vision of life that is prescribed to all Muslims in the Koran. The only reason Muslim fundamentalism is a threat to us is because the fundamentals of Islam are a threat to us. Every American should read the Koran and discover the relentlessness with which non-Muslims are vilified in its pages. The idea that Islam is a “peaceful religion hijacked by extremists” is a dangerous fantasy — and it is now a particularly dangerous fantasy for Muslims to indulge.”
Sam Harris, the author of “The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason.” and columnist for the Washington Times.
Via: Subzero Blue
And MMM comments:
So it’s a war with Islam but not with all Muslims?!
It’s a war with the vision of life that the Koran prescribes to all muslims?
And what vision is that?
What fundamentals of Islam are a threat to Americans or any other non-muslims?
This is all crap and lies.
I too urge everyone to read the Koran or a decent translation of it and discover themselves how many lies people like this spread about Islam without having any clue.

Thank you MMM.

December 7 2004

Jordan Post

The other day I received some cards from my family… I MISS THEM 🙁
The first thing anyone familiar with Jordan post would notice, is the STAMP. They came up with this elegant, professional way to label envelopes while saving senders the fuss of hurting their tongues to get a small bright stamp stuck on their envelopes 😛 The new stamp shows the name of the post office, from which the envelope was sent, the cost, the weight, date and time of sending. It also has this cute Jordan Post logo. I really loved it. Not that I hated the old stamps, but I thought the new one is really professional and modern. Maybe in future they can add a little image or a drawing of a famous Jordanian sight. That would be amazing 🙂
Anyway, just wanted to share my excitement. Way to go Jordan post.

Category: Jordan | LEAVE A COMMENT
December 7 2004

On Islam II

This is the second article of, it’s called A religion under suspicion. It’s a bit more neutral towards Islam. But still, it’s somehow limited to personal experiences of people who are not happy with their Religion, Islam. Again, I always encourage mentioning all point of views, whether positive or negative. But when it comes to Islam, I’ve noticed that the discussion revolves around the negative opinions mostly. And what I’m doing here is an attempt to change that and a chance to list the positive opinions as well.

  • “The fear of the Muslims living here (in Germany) grows bigger with every assassination attempt by Islamic fundamentalists”… I totally understand such a reaction, but why do Muslims have to understand such sentiments and yet be blamed for having a problem in accepting the west when most of what Muslims see is the torture of Iraqis, the monstrous treatment of the Guantanamo prisoners, the unfair treatment of Arab students and passengers in the west!
  • They mentioned some personal stories and statements of people who are from Turkish origins, one caught my attention. It’s the statement of a girl who is recalling her headscarf “hijab” experience. She said: “I remember how I cried when I was forced to wear hijab. I was a kid but they treated me as a woman. They always say Hijab preserves innocence, I believe it labels little girls as sex objects”… Again, it’s so wrong and biased to quote only negative opinions, specially if the links are made to provide information about Islam. Anyway, I know what people think of hijab, and a small post can’t refer to all reasons of wearing hijab. Let me limit my comment to noting that there’s a timing for hijab, Islam doesn’t force little girls to wear it. Also when it’s time, conversation is a must. She has to know the reasons and be well prepared, and the way to convince her must be kind and loving.
  • Commenting on the same little girl story: “If this girl were a German cow instead of a German kid, she would’ve been protected from Islam’s influence. Although the Federal Constitutional Court approved the slaughter of sheep for Muslims, cows are excluded”… so Islam’s influence is a threat? And it is wished that the girl would’ve been a COW to be protected?! And then they pretend to be neutral and fair! Even if we disagree with the father forcing his little daughter to wear hijab, that’s not enough for us to misjudge Islam and start posting information on the net about its “influence”, this is really unprofessional!
  • “Usually it is violence that reminds the Germans of the fact that over three million Muslims live here”… why is that? Are Muslims good for nothing but fitting this bad picture spread about them? Don’t they invent? Don’t they work? Don’t they pay taxes? Don’t they teach? Don’t they buy? Don’t they sell? Don’t they produce? Don’t they help in any way? Aren’t they neighbors? Aren’t they friend? Aren’t they employers and employees playing their role in building a healthy society?
    I think it’s so unfair to forget all good things of people and remember only the bad acts of some who do not represent them in any way!

Again, I hope any references would be fair and neutral enough to mention both negative and positive opinions, to quote both fundamentalist and moderate Muslims, tell the story of those who love and those who hate Islam. Let history, facts, and minds have a fair discussion to defend this religion.
And on a side note for all non-Muslims and Muslims who have negative feelings towards Islam: learn about the religion, pick the right and responsible references. If you think Islam is that bad, and if you believe Islam is the worst religion, then why waste your time mocking it, fighting it, and criticizing it. Save yourself the efforts and be whatever you want to be. No one is forcing you to become Muslim. Lead a happy successful life, and leave Muslims lead their happy successful lives too.

December 7 2004

Save Them…

War on terror? Yeah right, up till this very moment I’ve seen NOTHING but pictures of destruction, torture, humiliation, fire, bombings, smoke, burnt bodies, funerals, and blood.
War has never been the solution for anything at all, and the so-called war on terror is nothing but war on innocence, on environment, and on civilians.

Here you go another picture of another fatal consequence caused by war!
Depleted Life!.
Thank you Jalan-Jalan.

December 6 2004


We went to the movies on Saturday and watched “Tito”. It was awesome.
The movie is staring Ahmad Saqqa and Hanan Turk and directed by Tariq Al-Aryan. Again, Egypt is proving its ability to compete with high international movie making standards.
Other than the great effects, professional production, and amazing actors, the theme was just great.
The movie discusses the life of “Tito”, who symbolizes all poor children, that found themselves growing in the streets, surrounded with poverty and difficult life circumstances, having no one to guide them, help them or love them.
Again, Bravo Egypt for another really impressive movie.

If you haven’t seen it yet, then don’t waste more time. The movie is great.

December 3 2004

The Grumble Family

A cute poem I thought I’d share here with you… enjoy 🙂

The Grumble Family
There’s a family nobody likes to meet;
They live, it is said, on Complaining Street
In the city of Never-Are-Satisfied,
The River of Discontent beside.

They growl at that and they growl at this;
Whatever comes, there is something amiss;
And whether their station be high or humble,
They are all known by the name of grumble.

The weather is always too hot or cold;
Summer and winter alike they scold.
Nothing goes right with the folks you meet
Down on that gloomy Complaining Street.

They growl at the rain and they growl at the sun;
In fact, their growling is never done.
And if everything pleased them, there isn’t a doubt
They’d growl that they’d nothing to grumble about!

But the queerest thing is that not one of the same
Can be brought to acknowledge his family name;
For never a Grumbler will own that he
Is connected with it at all, you see.

The worst thing is that if anyone stays
Among them too long, he will learn their ways;
And before he dreams of the terrible jumble
He’s adopted into the family of Grumble.

And so it were wisest to keep our feet
From wandering into Complaining Street;
And never to growl, whatever we do,
Lest we be mistaken for Grumblers, too.

Let us learn to walk with a smile and a song,
No matter if things do sometimes go wrong;
And then, be our station high or humble,
We’ll never belong to the family of Grumble!

-unknown author-

December 3 2004

Tahir Rashid

Tahir Rashid is a very talented poet, songwriter and singer.
“My style of writing might be very different to a lot of the poets and lyricists as I do not compromise on what subject I want to write and I try to convey my feelings as openly as possible.” He says.
The main influence for his poetry is this world in itself. World events, situation of the people and the different phases he has gone through in his life.
Other than his spiritually/religiously subjected poems he’s also working on a hip hop album on which he will be performing with some other fellow artists.

Via: Subzero Blue

December 3 2004

On Islam…

Our friend Soly recommended I take a look at a link, for this, I’m really thankful Soly. I read the articles, and must say that a lot of points mentioned were really misleading. As usual, wrong definitions of Islam, and a very destructive perspective that is spreading annoying clichés about the religion. I believe we ought to know what others think of Islam, and since the articles are in German, I thought I’d post a translation of the most important points, with my personal comments. Taking into consideration the articles’ lengths, I thought I’ll begin with the first, and others will follow later.
Comments on the article about Islam as a belief!

  • “Muslims don’t speak the same language, they don’t have the same skin color”… Are Muslims the only ones like that? On the other hand, Muslims should be proud that Islam is not limited to one skin color or one culture.
  • “Nothing unites them, except for the strive to fulfill the 5 basic elements of Islam: the proof of belief “Shahada”, the daily prayers 5 times aday, fasting in the month of Ramadan, donating money for the poor “Zakat”, and the pilgrimage “Hadj” to Mekka”… hmm, not so much to untie Muslims indeed!
  • “Mohammad on the other hand, caravan leader by profession…”… the prophet was a shepherd, and there was nothing wrong about it, coz Islam is not limited for certain classes of society.
  • “To the fundamentalists it’s not Islam that should become modern, it’s modernity that should be Islamic, and what Islamic is, is something fundamentalists will only determine”…I agree with you on the fundamentalism perspective, but just for the record, if you know Islam, you’ll be sure it’s a modern religion. On the other hand, your articles are to provide information about Islam and Muslims, all I can see is info about fundamentalists and their opinions! Fair enough huh!
  • “Khomeini said:There’s no fun, no laughter, and no humor in Islam, everything’s prohibited”…if with “fun” he was referring to getting naked, having premarital relationships, cheating on your wife, losing your money in poker, or torturing innocent people and taking pics of them, well, then I’m proud to say, yes, there’s no such “fun” in Islam. But I’m certainly against extremist thinking that prohibits clean,useful and peaceful fun, such as chess, internet and similar activities.
  • “Ayatollah said: Executions in Islam are a blessing of God”… Hitler said:Jews should should be all executed, does that make Christianity a brutal religion that sees executions as a blessing of God!
  • “The Islamic culture area which lies in the third world, suffers from discredited regimes, land fleeing, corruption, unemployment, and overpopulation (approximately 40% of the Arab population is under 15 years old)”… corruption, and unemployment are everywhere. As for land fleeing, I really wish they dig for the reasons before condemning. Answer is war, and their support to injustice. The population is young, something to be really proud of, better than ending up with a threat of vanishing and beginning couples to settle down and have babies like the case in most of the European countries, specially Italy.
  • “since September 11th, Islam has appeared only as an embodiment of destruction and death. All Arabic literature and traces of great Arabic works were buried under the ruins of the World Trade Center, just like 6000 innocent people” … I guess those 6000 are the only innocent ones buried, the thousands being killed for fun in Iraq, the millions that have been killed and are still being killed everyday in Palestine don’t count, for they belong to Arabs and Islam!
  • “Saying that Islam has nothing to do with fundamentalism, is as absurd as saying that Rabbis murdering Yitzhak Rabin has nothing to do with Judaism”… All I can say is, Islam is a moderate religion, and fundamentalism is an extreme, so it has nothing to do with Islam.
  • “Islamic civilization will never get a place it deserves as long as every progressive move and every non-religious move is not accepted and fought in the third world, and its leaders are supporting terror groups”… again, blame it on the terror, and claim the third world rejects progression. It rejects war, it rejects colonization, there’s a big difference.

There are many other quotes of Osama Bin Laden, Taliban and a lot of fundamentalists, I think the article doesn’t aim at informing as much as showing the side of a group of Fundamentalists, which helps give a very bad reputation to Islam.
Therefore I ask everybody to always refer to the right, non-biased, well-informed resources before spreading any information. After all, writing is responsibility.