The other day, after work, and as I was opening my apartment door I heard this cute little Meow so close to me, and before I could see the source, I felt something rubbing my shoes, and voila, it was this little kitten. I just love cats, but I’m scared of them when they’re too close to me and I don’t know where they came from. It was really weird to find it there, it was so dark and we live in a relatively high floor. The cat started doing these “trained-pet-movements” which indicated it was owned by someone, i.e. it got lost by accident, or maybe they decided to get rid of it for some reason. It seemed really hungry, and since I didn’t trust its cleanliness, I thought I’d just get it something to eat outside. But it didn’t let me go, it stuck to my trousers and kept staring in this innocent irresistible way. After around 15 minutes I managed to escape and locked it in the stairs, I ran to get it some milk. It took some milk, but seemed wanting something “better” 😛 so I spent more 10 minutes chasing it till I locked it again and got it a small piece of chicken. It started eating, but while that it didn’t stop looking at me. I had to get inside and prepare dinner eventually, so had no choice but to lock it again. I started cooking on the melodies of those little “meow” it kept screaming.
When my husband came we found out it was no longer there. We went upstairs and searched for it, hoping its owners found it. But we found it on the doorstep of an apartment, left in the cold. We thought it was the apartment of its owners, so we left it and went back to our place, and before we got there it was with us rubbing its little head into my husband’s trousers. Yes, it followed us. It was so cute to be left outside. So we took it inside, we created a cozy warm “bed” for it and put it in our kitchen balcony, which is always warm and has a space for the cat to play. The pics above are of the cat in the balcony. It seemed enjoying the warm piece of cloth and the whole place. We went to have dinner, and after we did, we went to check on our visitor to find it has managed to climb and find itself a spot to hang half its body outside the balcony, so we immediately took it inside before it threw itself and get itself killed. And the chase begun! It kept running in the house, discovering the new place, it grabbed the furniture and started scratching it, messing around with the plants, dolls, and almost everything. We almost went crazy 😛 But honestly, we enjoyed watching it get familiar with its surroundings. Anyway, it kept scratching till the poor couch almost got ruined, that was when we finally decided to get it out again. So we took it out, this time next to our doorstep, put some food for it and left it in a warm place. It was a very hard decision to take, but we couldn’t keep it, specially that both of us will leave to work next time, imagine what it can do to the house when it’s left home alone!
Next morning, we found no trace of it, not inside nor outside the building, most probably someone kept it. And that was our story with the little cat, which came to us out of the blue…