January 27 2005

Our Adha Sheep ;)

My husband and I were preparing some Eid Adha pics to send to my family when I thought I’d share a couple with you.

This one is a pic of mom’s home-made chocolates, a specialty of hers on Eid Al Adha. The pic is featuring our cute yummy sheep 😉 and is surrounded with different shapes of chocolates: tigers, flowers, and lions( but you can only see the flower shapes here). Thank God I took the pics before eating up all the chocolates 😉

January 27 2005


The Electronic Intifada calls on its readers to protest an advertisement for the San Francisco Examiner and Washington Examiner newspapers demonizing Palestinian children. The advertisement appeared in the 24 January 2005 of Media Week, a trade publication.

The advertisement aims to attract advertisers to the Examiner newspapers. It includes a picture of a girl playing a violin on the left-hand side of the page, and another picture of a girl carrying an assault rifle on the right-hand side of the page. Superimposed over the two pictures is the legend “PTA to PLO,” with PTA over the girl with the violin and PLO over the girl with the rifle.

Such anti-Palestinian stereotypes obscure the reality that over the past four years Palestinian children have been the principal victims of violence and other human rights abuses in the Israel-Palestine conflict.
The vast majority of killings are never investigated and rarely are the killers punished by Israeli authorities.
While these human rights abuses continue unabated, some pro-Israel groups have aggressively used unrepresentative images similar to the one in The Examiner advertisement in campaigns designed to demonize Palestinian children and portray them as violent and Israel-hating and thereby justify or explain away violence against them.
At the same time, equally disturbing images of Israeli children are readily available but have not been used by advocates for Palestinian rights to try to depict Israeli children in a similar manner.
While many news organizations have taken seriously debunked claims that Palestinian children are routinely taught anti-Israel “hatred” and “incitement” in their schools, they have largely ignored evidence that Israeli children, particularly in West Bank settlements are indoctrinated with anti-Arab hatred.


News organizations have a responsibility to investigate the reality behind hate-motivated campaigns against Palestinian children and should certainly not draw on the same stereotypes to sell advertising.

Please contact Mark Wurzer, Vice-President of Advertising, and Jim Pimentel, Managing Editor at The Examiner, to politely request that The Examiner:
· immediately withdraw the adverstisement;
· apologize for stereotyping and demonizing Palestinian children

Mark Wurzer
VP of Advertising
E-mail: mwurzer[at]examiner.com
Phone: +1 (303) 299-1488

Jim Pimentel
Managing Editor
E-mail: jpimentel[at]examiner.com
Phone: +1 (415) 826-1100

Source: EI

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    January 26 2005

    Endlich: MMS in Tunesien!

    “Der GPRS Zeitalter in Tunesien hat endlich eingebrochen! Jetzt können Kunden von Tunicell gegen eine Gebühr von 5 Dinars/Monat den MMS Service nutzen. Eine MMS bis 100 KB kostet 500 Millimes(jede MMS kostet 500 Millimes, die nicht in den 5 Dinars drin sind). Unklar ist, wie gut die GPRS Netzabdeckung ist, und wann die Kunden der Roaming-Partner diese Technologie verwenden können. Bisher wird auch nur der MMS Service angeboten.”
    Via: Soly Zed

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    • English for the curious 🙂
      Finally the Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) is available in Tunisia. Tunicell customers can use this service for only 5 Tunisian Dinars per month. Each MMS costs 500 Millimes that are not included in the 5 TND paid per month.
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      For information about the MMS click here!
    January 25 2005

    Racial Problems In France

    This is a great article I found at Bouillabaisse. The article was written by “WhyNot” of Pourquoi Pas? in response to an ongoing conversation concerning rampant racism in France. The article has a very interesting discussion that includes both Muslims & Arabs and Jews. I chose to only post the part about Jews, because of space. To read the whole article- which I highly recommend- click here

    “Just recently, I yet again came across articles/blogs inferring France is the dark pit of anti-semite sentiments.

    Only 3 hours ago, on the 8pm national news, we saw the inauguration of a monument, right in the heart of Paris, in commemoration of the holocaust. A Great Wall of Names of French Jews deported during the war, some 76 thousand names, carefully researched by historians to avoid painful mistakes – not such an easy task in the midst of people whose identity papers disappeared and whose bodies went in smoke, literally.
    Anyway, more to the point:
    Whereas I can observe a subjacent anti-arab feeling at the grass root level in this country, even if unspoken, it is obvious that there is no such anti-jew/anti-semite sentiment equivalent. It is pure fiction. It exists NOT.

    Of course, there are nutcases around, like everywhere else. Whether caucasians or arabs, there are a few psycopaths who will scream for the death of every jew on this planet. What’s new? Same with nutcase jews who scream for the death of every palestinian. And so on. Take you pick.

    The reality though is that claiming there is a rampant & wide-spread anti-jew sentiment here is not only bullshit, it’s actually ridiculous. Anyone who would like to spend 6 months here would realize it. It simply doesn’t make sense. One of the reasons is simply that to the average French caucasian, nothing differentiates a jew from a caucasian. Furthermore, jews who practice their religion do it here in a very private manner. Half the staff at my work place could be practising Jews and I wouldn’t have a fuckin’ clue, nor would anyone else.

    And lastly, for those religious paranoiacs, religion in France is all but dead. Nobody gives a fuck about what religion you belong to. The only thing ppl care about is the preservation of a secular system by which anyone can practice any religion they want so long as they don’t try to shove it down other ppl’s throats. The still overwhelming *christian/catholic* population is so reserved and private about their *religiousness* that once again, you’d be hard pressed to know, even after working for 5 years with a colleague, whether (s)he is catholic or atheist.

    And so a *possible* religious motive for anti-semite sentiment clearly does not stand to reason. Religion conflicts here are a thing of the past, thank goodness. Religious-based hatred of other ppl, let alone entire sections of the population, is pure fiction. Chritians fanatics are as rare as hen’s teeth. So are Jewish ones (Jewish in the religious sense). Muslim fanatics are also a very tiny minority even if they get very vocal.

    Bullshit headline news
    A few months ago, France got the world media focus, mostly thanks to the US mass media always in search of a good French-bashing story. It was about the jewish cemeteries desecrated in Alsace, region north east of the country, right next to Germany. Oh boy, what a brouhaha there was. Even asshole Sharon made his grand ignorant speech calling for all French Jews to urgently go home to Israel as if their lives were on the line.

    Strangely enough there was no international coverage on the fact that as many catholic and muslim cemeteries were also desecrated. And when, just recently, the investigations at last bore their fruits and found that in all cases, it wasn’t at all a case of *broad* anti-jew sentiment born by either caucasions nor arabs, but in fact the product of a handful of neo-nazi youths, then the entire world media was silent about it.”

    January 24 2005

    Bravo Arabic Music Channels

    Via: mahjoob.com
    P.s. Click on the cartoon for enlargement.
    I’ve been in a state of shock, disgust and shame ever since these new so called video-clips have been showing on our Arab satellite music channels promoting cheap meanings and extremely inappropriate social “values”.
    Naked bodies of both women and men; very rude facial expressions that include animalistic licking, lip biting; explicit erotic body movements such as crawling, touching, and last but not least: stripping! Not to forget the unbelievably low class and provocative lyrics that express sick mentalities and cheap environment!

    People like Maria, Aziz Abdu, Bussi Samir, Gharam, Jad Shweiri, Marwa, Najla, and many others that I lost hope in memorizing their names, are nothing but a disgrace to any society that respects human dignity.
    Actually one of them: Jad Shweiri, has really good taste in music, and has talent in directing, but unfortunately he’s going down with his video-clip themes, and if he goes on that way, he’ll never make it to success.
    Other than him, I find others to lack even the basic elements of art. They’re SO BAD! But thinking of it seriously, one gets to an even worse fact: these people are selected and hosted by satellite music channelswhich pick the artist and await the reaction of the viewers. And when the viewers enjoy such cheap work and encourage the talent-lacking individuals, then why would channels stop showing them as long as they’re gaining the maximum profit?!!
    Yes, unfortunately TV channels don’t care about the quality of work represented, they have only one main concern: quantity of money coming in.
    And after all, those so called artists are nothing but people who come from our societies, which leads us to the worst conclusion: it’s us the friends, the families, the teachers, the employers and the consultants who make these shameful schemes!

    I don’t think anyone raised well, anyone surrounded with mature caring friends would ever consider showing off their body in this humiliating way, or lay naked with nothing but a piece of cloth surrounding their butts!
    I don’t think anyone who’s got a helping hand and someone to listen would ever consider rubbing their half-naked bodies against the wall, or bathe almost naked in the middle of the desert.I don’t think any responsible person would ever allow a girl -who’s good at nothing but licking lollipops and showing her breasts- to be shown on their channels to be an “idol” to all teenage students encouraging them to go to school looking for sexual relationships and scandals, rather than education!
    I don’t believe any sane person would ever allow really wrong lyrics to be sung in front of millions of people, calling for the satisfaction of animal instincts and sexual desires!
    This is nonsense! And I must admit the Arab music channels have gone where no other channels have been!
    Congratulations for spoiling the young generations, thank you for misleading everyone, because of you, non-Arab cultures think we’re good at nothing but sex, shaking butts and getting naked!
    Media is responsibility, and seems you get this fact pretty good! Well done!

    January 24 2005

    Subzero Blue Finalist in Bloggies 2005

    Subzero Blue has been chosen to be a finalist for “Best African or Middle Eastern Weblog” for the second year in a row.

    Therefore I would like to ask you all to vote for him here: Bloggies 2005.

    I would like to note that only one vote per an email address is accepted. So whoever has more than one email can vote more than once 🙂

    I’m SO HAPPY for him. He really deserves to win…

    GOOD LUCK Subzero Blue!

    January 20 2005

    Eid Adha Mubarak

    I haven’t been able to post since last night for some reason, anyway, now that I can, I thought I’d wish you all a HAPPY and BLESSED EID ADHA!
    May this Eid bring you all the happiness, love, and good health. Wishing you all the best.

    And special thanks to all my non-Muslim friends who left me so sweet comments wishing me, my husband and my family a happy Eid. Thank you all.

    Still enjoying ma3moul, and still hoping that Eid will serve its main goal: helping the people in need.

    God bless you all…

    January 19 2005

    A Great Start :)

    Today is simply great, and I thank God for that…
    In the morning my husband and I went to the customs to pick a luggage my parents sent me from Jordan, as they always do in this time of the year: Eid Al Adha.
    They sent us gifts, some home decoration stuff, clothes, middle eastern food supplies (yes sahlab was included) and MA3MOUL! YIPPIEEEEE!
    We have ma3mouuuul 🙂 God I miss it!
    But most important of all mom sent me her home-made chocolate! YES! Also a sheep shaped big one 🙂
    It took us 2 hours to get our luggage, but it was worth every second 🙂

    Also the weather is great (for staying at home that is ) it’s freezing, windy and raining with hail (or barad as we call it, or tabrouri as they call it in Tunis) occasionally. The lightning and thunder are so strong that the car alarms go off every few minutes 😛
    Ah, I feel like relaxing at home… this weather is perfect for watching TV at home.

    But you know, I can’t stop thinking of other homeless and poor people. I mean we can afford the rent, we have central heating, and still we feel winter cold, what about them? How are they surviving winter?
    The only way for them to survive is to help them as much as we can. Give away some money, a sweater, some food, an old pair of shoes, anything at all. I know many people who have clothes that weren’t taken out from closets for more than 2 years, why store them when they can warm up someone in need!
    We must always put ourselves in their shoes. Be good and caring, and I’m sure anything would help.

    January 18 2005

    Eid Al Adha And The Savage Muslims!

    That was the title of a post I wrote last year as Eid Al Adha was approaching. And since Eid Al Adha is so close, I come across many articles and comments repeating the same old story about how savage and barbaric Muslims are towards sheep in Eid Al Adha. So I thought I’ll re-post my comments on this topic for those interested. Here you go!

    January 18 2005

    Neuer Computerwurm

    Virenautoren haben sich die Flutkatastrophe zu Nutzen gemacht: Ein neuer Computerwurm kursiert im Internet, der sich hinter einem Spendenaufruf für Tsunami-Opfer verbirgt.
    Die Hacker nutzen E-Mails, die ihre Empfänger zu Spenden aufriefen, in Wirklichkeit aber einen Computerwurm transportierten, teilte das Internet-Sicherheitsunternehmen Sophos mit. In der Betreffzeile der E-Mail stehe auf Englisch: “Tsunami donation! Please help!” (“Tsunami-Spende! Bitte helfen Sie!”). In der E-Mail werde man dazu aufgefordert, eine angehängte Datei mit dem Namen “tsunami.exe” zu öffnen. Öffne man diese Datei, werde das Virus an andere Internet-Nutzer weiterverschickt. Sophos rät dazu, die E-Mails zu löschen und die angehängten Dateien nicht zu öffnen.
    “Unschuldige Nutzer hinters Licht zu führen, dass diese glauben, bei den Tsunami-Hilfen mitzuwirken, zeigt, dass Hacker sich auf ein noch niedrigeres Niveau herabgelassen haben”, erklärte Sophos-Technologieberater Graham Cluley…und damit hatte er Recht!
    Via: Stern.de

    English for the curious:click here! 🙂