January 25 2007

Blogkarneval deutschsprachiger Muslime

Alle Muslime leiden unter der negativen Rolle der Massenmedien. Muslime sind etnweder als Terroristen oder als zurückgebliebene passive Mitglieder der Gesellschaft dagestellt. Deshalb, es ist unsere Aufgabe, diesen schlechten Ruf zu kämpfen und die ganze Welt zu erklären, was Islam eigentlich ist.

Ein Blogkarneval ermöglicht diese Aufgabe. Denn in einem Blogkarneval schickt jeder Teilnehmer selbstgeschriebene Beiträge ein. Am Tag des Karnevals stellt der Gastgeber des Karnevals alle (oder wenn es zuviele sind, nur die besten) Beiträge in seinem eigenen Blog vor. Die Gastgeberrolle spielt bei jedem Karneval ein anderer Blogger.
Alle Teilnehmer und interessierte Besucher werden aufgefordert, den Artikel mit der Zusammenfassung beim Gastgeber bei sich zu verlinken, um die interessanten Artikel so publik wie möglich zu machen.
Ein Blogkarneval wird uns alle die Gelegenheit geben, Kommunikation mit anderen Muslimen zu haben und ein richtiges klares Bild von uns und unserer Religion für Nicht-Muslime anzubieten… ja, wenn wir einen muslimischen Blogkarneval nur hätten!
Keine Sorge, Kopftuch und IT und Too Much Cookies Network organisieren den ersten deutschsprachigen muslimischen Blogkarneval, der am 2. Februar 2007 stattfinden wird.
Ich hoffe, dass alle interessierten deutschsprachigen Muslimen Teil an diese einzigartige Gelegenheit nehmen werden.
(Alle, die am Karneval teilnehmen wollen, werden gebeten bis zum 2.Februar 2007 ihre Beiträge einzureichen. Gastgeberin des ersten Blogkarnevals wird Aya von Kopftuch und IT sein.)

Mehr Informationen findet man hier.

Category: Posts in German, Religion | Comments Off on Blogkarneval deutschsprachiger Muslime
January 25 2007

Beaten For Being… Palestinian

“Three football players at Guilford College, a school with a Quaker background, face assault and ethnic intimidation charges after an attack on three Palestinian students, authorities said.
The victims were beaten with fists, feet and brass knuckles early Saturday by attackers who called them “terrorists” and used racial slurs, the News & Record of Greensboro reported Tuesday.
The college will allow the three to remain on campus while it conducts its own investigation.
Two of the students who were attacked, Faris Khader and Osama Sabbah, are students at Guilford. The third, Omar Awartani, is a student at North Carolina State University in Raleigh who was visiting.”
[Source: Yahoo News -passed to me by Jimbo-]

All I can say is: it has always been, and it’ll always be the average Palestinian who’ll pay the price.
Thanks to the media for portraying Palestinians as dangerous terrorists, thanks to Israeli extremists for brainwashing the crowds, and thanks to Fatah & Hamas for reflecting such a shitty picture of Palestinians by fighting each other in such an irresponsible stupid way.

Alleged brawlers and accusers asked to move off campus

Guilford College’s Updated Response to Bryan Hall Incident

Category: Media, International, Palestine | Comments Off on Beaten For Being… Palestinian
January 24 2007

Me & My Writing Mood

For a pretty long while now I’ve been so NOT into writing. I simply lost interest in writing and let my many to-do things take control and keep me happily busy.

Now that I come to think of it, I guess it’s not just about my writing mood, I believe my life is taking a whole new direction, a direction which I never thought existed. It’s like I’m becoming a different person, not that I’m not my old self anymore, but it’s more like me being my old self plus many other “new selves” I had no idea about. I feel stronger, I’m being more positive, more energetic, more ambitious and more determined.
I must say I’m so proud to carry all these positive feelings at a time from which many people have warned me. I mean many people I know enjoyed scaring the hell out of me when they knew I was having a baby, and kept telling me nothing will be the same again, you wont be able to do this and that, you wont be able to enjoy what you used to enjoy when you had no kids…and all that jazz!
It’s very true nothing is the same anymore… it’s even better! It’s true there are more exhausting responsibilities, but they add this amazing flavor to my life and make it worth living!

Today I came across a very mind-provoking quote by John Greenleaf Whittier: “For of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: ‘It might have been!’”
It’s really great to realize our potential, believe in who we are, and do what we really want to do, and be what we’ve always wanted to become so that we’d avoid a day when we’d regret wasting the chance when we had it.
I don’t know how many actually believe that human potential knows no limits, but those must be the ones making the best out of their lives, and those are the ones less likely to utter the saddest words…

Ok, I guess it’s official now; my writing mood is ON, big time…

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December 19 2006

Clashes In Gaza

Watching the heart-breaking news of violence in Gaza, showing Palestinians fighting each other and causing the death of so many innocent people, it’s so easy from the comfort of one’s own home to “condemn”, or call Palestinians different kinds of things such as “stupid”, or “uncivilized” or “savages”.
But what did we really do to prevent this from happening? did we at least support Palestinians with regard to the sanctions they’re suffering from? Did we help them convince the world to respect their elections and their choices? Did we ask to give them a chance? no, we only wait and watch and then comes our favorite part: condemning.

Clashes broke out following the Palestinian president’s decision to have early presidential and parliamentary elections.
And now we have Fatah and Hamas fighting… such a big mistake!
This reaction is so wrong, yet as disappointing, as wrong, and as saddening as their reaction is, I can’t but find myself understanding it.
I mean, what do we expect of people suffering under occupation, starving because of stupid sanctions that took place only as collective punishment to teach people a lesson: democracy is just a theoretical term, used only as an excuse to interfere in your own affairs and to fulfill our own interests, but if you apply this term in a way that contradicts our interests then there’s a high price to pay, and then we’ll be ready to watch your society fall apart and starve to death.

Few months ago, when no Palestinian-Palestinian fights took place, and when Palestinians were suffering from sanctions to the extreme, no damn country interfered to support or to help the starving people, no one including the Arab World.
But now, when there’s a chance that the sanctions have proven themselves “useful” and there is finally “hope” that new elections will take place and will be as undemocratic as the –you know who- wish them to be, then the current situation has immediately became of interest to the whole world, including the Arab world, and is now considered “a matter of security”, as they prefer calling it, and so we find everyone interfering to “calm Palestinians down” and to “urge Palestinians to work as one hand” and to “find a solution”,well, at least they’re finally interfering… positively.

Fact 1: Few care whether Palestinians have no work, no food, no water, no electricity, no freedom or no dignity, and those few do nothing but watch or throw speeches, and rarely make a difference.
Fact 2: No democracy allowed to be applied in Palestine (or elsewhere in the Arab world unless it meets the interests of certain democracy-making-countries).
Fact 3: No one cares if Palestinians exterminate themselves as long as they elect the “right” ones, those being the ones who are ready to cooperate with outer interference anyway this interference wishes, even if it contradicts the interests of Palestinians or deny them their most basic rights on any level of life.
Fact 4: Those fights are understood as a reaction, but are not accepted as a solution and are SO WRONG and should stop now. But in order to make them stop, Palestinians should be supported: a) by canceling the unfair sanctions, and b) by letting Palestinians practice democracy the way its occupier and the rest of the “democratic” world practice it.

Category: Arab Societies, Media, International, Palestine | Comments Off on Clashes In Gaza
December 16 2006

The Book Tag

I’ve been tagged by my husband, and now I should grab the closest book to me, open page 123, scroll down to the 5th sentence, post the next 3 sentences on my blog, name the book and author, then tag 3 people.

Here we go…
“Like many men, Bill made the mistake of trying to prevent his partner from “going down” or “bottoming out”. He tried to rescue her by pulling her up. He had not learned that when his wife was going down she needed to hit bottom before she could come up”.
Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, by John Gray.

As for tagging others, I believe the tag has been around for a while now and so there’s no point in double-tagging.

Category: Entertainment | Comments Off on The Book Tag
December 13 2006

Gewaltloser Islam

Heute erfurh ich, dass mein Kollege: Bashar Humeid, seinen Traum, einen Journalist zu werden, erfüllt hat, und hat eigentlich angefangen, in einer der erfolgreichsten deutsch/arabischen Websites: (Qantara.de), zu schreiben.

“Islam als gewaltlose Religion” ist ein Artikel, den Bashar geschrieben hat. Ich fand diesen Artikel sehr interessant, und bin sicher dass er euch auch interessieren wird.

“Das 1966 erschienene Buch “Die Schule von Adams erstem Sohn: Das Problem der Gewalt in der islamischen Welt” ist das erste ausformulierte Konzept für Gewaltlosigkeit in der modernen islamischen Bewegung. Das Buch ist bis heute auf dem islamischen Buchmarkt erhältlich- mittelerweile in der fünften Auflage.

Geschrieben hatte es der 1931 in Syrien geborene Jawdat Said, der in seiner frühen Jugend nach Ägypten ging, um an der Azhar-Universität ein Studium der arabischen Sprache zu absolvieren. Dort engagierte er sich im ägyptischen Kulturleben. Außerdem stand er der islamischen Bewegung jener Zeit nahe.

Schon damals warnte Said vor den negativen Folgen der Gewalt durch die islamische Bewegung in Ägypten und schrieb sein Buch als direkte Reaktion auf die Schriften von Sayyid Qutb (gest. 1966), der als Vater des militanten Islam gilt.weiter…


Category: Posts in German, Religion | Comments Off on Gewaltloser Islam
December 3 2006

“Maybe There’s A World”

I really can’t say how much I loved the latest album of Cat Stevens/ Yusuf Islam. I love the music, lyrics, style, every thing about this album is just perfect.

I thought I’ll be sharing you the lyrics of one of my favorite songs in this particular album:

“Maybe There’s a World”

I have dreamt of a place and time,where nobody gets annoyed,
But I must admit I’m not there yet but Something’s keeping me going

Maybe there’s a world that I’m still to find
Maybe there’s a world that I’m still to find
Open up o world and let me in,
Then there’ll be a new life to begin

I have dreamt of an open world,
Borderless and wide
Where the people move from place to place
And nobody’s taking sides

Maybe there’s a world that I’m still to find
Maybe there’s a world that I’m still to find
Open up a world and let me in,
Then there’ll be A new life to begin

I’ve been waiting for that moment
To arrive
All at once the palace of peace
Will fill My eyes – how nice!

Maybe there’s a world that I’m still to find
Maybe there’s a world that I’m still to find
Open up o world and let me in,
Then there’ll be A new life to begin

I’ve been waiting for that moment
To arrive
All at once the wrongs of the world,
Will be put right – how nice!

Buy the album “An Other Cup”

Category: Entertainment, Media, International | Comments Off on “Maybe There’s A World”
November 28 2006

Snapshot Of My Life

As a mom, that is…

Total Collapse

After spending hours and hours trying to get Adam to stop crying, we both collapsed and fell asleep… the sudden silence at home got my husband curious and worried, that’s when he came to find us asleep on the couch, and decided to take this photo of both of us.

Category: Just Personal | Comments Off on Snapshot Of My Life
November 27 2006

Lesson of The Day:

“Tolerance means accepting differences, not forcing a uniform” _ a Muslim reporter defending the right of Muslim women to wear Hijab in non-Muslim countries.

Category: Religion, Women | Comments Off on Lesson of The Day:
November 21 2006

Commenting Problem!

Looks like I have the worst luck ever when it comes to my blog’s comments. First when I was on BlogSpot my comments kept being lost or blocked, and then when I moved here, I couldn’t get all my old comments to show up, so I lost many informative and valuable comments.

Now for the past couple of weeks, I get notifications of comments sent to my email, but when I check my blog’s administration section to read these comments and have them approved to be shown on my blog I get nothing but an “Error Message”.

Therefore, if you’ve left a comment lately and it didn’t show, please don’t think I ignored it or deleted it, it’s just this crazy problem I’m having, which I hope will be solved without having to lose all my blog’s comments, because all the solutions suggested now will result in losing all the comments :(

Sorry for the inconvenience!

UPDATE: Fortunately a huge number of comments were saved, thanks to my husband, but the last few posts lost their comments. Anyway, commenting is working now!

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