November 22 2007

Boot Camp Cure for Web Obsession

Looks like addiction to cyberspace has reached a deadly level in South Korea, therefore they’ve created a camp that helps cure and rid youth from their web addiction! :)

“MOKCHEON, South Korea — The compound — part boot camp, part rehab center — resembles programs around the world for troubled youths. Drill instructors drive young men through military-style obstacle courses, counselors lead group sessions, and there are even therapeutic workshops on pottery and drumming.
But these young people are not battling alcohol or drugs. Rather, they have severe cases of what many in this country believe is a new and potentially deadly addiction: cyberspace.
They come here, to the Jump Up Internet Rescue School, the first camp of its kind in South Korea and possibly the world, to be cured.” Continue Reading…

Thanks to Jimbo for pointing out this article!

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November 16 2007

Migrantas: eine visuelle Sprache der Migration

Migration ist nicht eigentlich einfach: das Bewusstsein einer vielseitigen kulturellen Identität, das Gefühl der Zerrissenheit zwischen der alten und der neuen Heimat, die Sorge um die Zukunft der Kinder sind zum Beispiel Fragen, die Migrantinnen der unterschiedlichsten Hintergründe betreffen.
Es gibt viele Schwierigkeiten, die Migrantinnen erfahren, ohne die Möglichkeit zu haben, ihre Gefühle zu äußern.
Migrantas aber gibt ihnen diese Möglichkeit. Seine Projekte konzentrieren auf Themen wie Migration, Identität und interkultureller Dialog.
Migrantinnen werden dazu eingeladen, in Workshops gemeinsam ihre Emotionen und persönlichen Erfahrungen grafisch durch Zeichnungen auszudrücken. Außerdem, werben die Teilnehmerinnen in ihren Zeichnungen für mehr Toleranz.
Aus den entstehenden Zeichnungen wird danach von Migrantas eine Serie von Piktogrammen entworfen, die als die visuelle Sprache der globalisierten Welt bedienen.

Dann gibt es Ausstellungen und Veranstaltungen, die im Rahmen der Migrantas-Projekte stattfinden, und einen Erfahrungsaustausch zwischen den Teilnehmerinnen der verschiedenen Workshops und eine gemeinsame Auswertung ermöglichen. Den Besuchern der Ausstellung wird die Gelegenheit geboten, sich den Erfahrungen und Empfindungen von Migrantinnen zu nähern, sowie durch ihr eigene Zeichnungen ihre Ideen zum Thema auszudrücken. Hamburger Ausstellung “Bundesmigrantinnen”, ist ein Beispiel dazu! Schließlich werden die Piktogramme veröffentlicht! Sie erscheinen auf Werbeplakaten, als digitale Animationen im U-Bahn-Fernsehen, auf Flyern oder auf Tragetaschen.

Mehr Information zu den Projekten und Ausstellungen findet man hier.


Category: Media, International, Posts in German, Women | Comments Off on Migrantas: eine visuelle Sprache der Migration
November 15 2007

Al Kasaba International Film Festival 07

“After the big success of Al Kasaba International Film Festival 2006, Al Kasaba Theatre and Cinematheque in Ramallah is pleased to announce its International Film Festival II, which will take place on November 17-30, 2007.

Al Kasaba International Film Festival was organized under the tremendous political, economic, and social pressures that have become routine for the Palestinian people due to the ongoing Israeli siege and aggressive actions against them. In addition to the cultural message, the festival intends to also communicate a political message”.
Source: This Week in Palestine

Category: Arab Societies, Media, International, Palestine | Comments Off on Al Kasaba International Film Festival 07
November 13 2007

Nuclear Hypocrisy

“America’s standard for saying which countries can go nuclear is simple: Countries we like can. Countries we dislike can’t.”America’s Shocking Nuclear Hypocrisy, by Tad Daley.
[Via: PDA]

Category: Media, International | Comments Off on Nuclear Hypocrisy
November 13 2007

Survival Of A Dead Body

Just came across an impressive post by Laila, reflecting the overall situation in Gaza nowadays, which can be summed up by saying that Gaza feels like a dead body!
One particular sentence caught my attention, it was when Laila quoted her neighbor Heba; Laila reports: “Heba says the Palestinian people’s will to survive never ceases to amaze her”.
And this is actually the very same thing that has always been amazing me and will definitely continue to amaze me: the Palestinians’ will to survive…

Category: Palestine | Comments Off on Survival Of A Dead Body
November 9 2007

Jordan Remembers…

[picture edited by Odai Nemri]

2 years since the horrible terrorist attacks on Amman, Jordan. Today is one of those days in which you find yourself speechless. Being away, remembering all those we watched get awfully killed from a distance, I can’t even imagine how others, who are in Amman, and even worse, those, who lost loved ones, are feeling right this moment!

One cant but pray and hope God will give them all the strength to go on, and that God will protect Jordan and its people from such evil souls…

[Jordanians march in the aftermath of the 9/11/2005 attacks; source: The Jordan Times]
Category: Arab Societies, Jordan, Media, International | Comments Off on Jordan Remembers…
November 7 2007


This is one sad, sad picture:

[Source: Palestine Monitor]

A picture capturing the destruction of huge amounts of trees on the road from Jerusalem to Bethlehem for so-called security reasons!!

Category: Palestine | Comments Off on Distortion
October 15 2007

Blog Action Day; In The Arab World…

In our part of the world environment has definitely witnessed a lot of changes, negative ones, due to global warming, WAR, and the annoying ignorance of many Arabs.

One can still see people throwing garbage out their car windows; a study showed that Arabs alone throw away around 25 billion plastic bags on daily basis! one can also easily spot water leaking from street pipes, or water flowing out water hoses. Little is actually being done to reduce pollution levels, let alone stop it. Not to mention the sad fact that relatively few Arab countries provide recycling services, and in those few countries only few people do actually use those services, and among those only few do it correctly.
But it has to be said though, that the attention recycling is getting has been growing over the years. Taking the country I live in currently, Tunisia, as an example, 3 years ago, I looked really stupid when I used to separate my plastic waste from the rest of my garbage, since there were no recycling services provided to the public. Now the project that started 2 years ago as a contest to spread awareness has turned out to be a big success and there are plastic-waste containers almost everywhere now for the public to comfortably fill with plastic waste.

That’s besides the brochures that are being given away for free from many shopping centers and stores to spread awareness and give tips to citizens on how to reduce waste, save energy and recycle.’s also to be noted that children are being targeted as well. There’s a Tunisian Children magazine called: “Farasha” that has a special section about environment, where children can enjoy stories that spread awareness and give them tips on how to save environment and help protect it.

And speaking of children and environment, here are some really cute children drawings about environment.

As for other Arab countries, many is being done to spread environmental awareness, and I’m sure you can find info on other blogs of any country you choose. It’s to be noted though, that the Arab Environment Day took place yesterday, its theme was: “Secure Management of Chemicals”.

On a different note, UAE has launched its Annual Environment Photography Competition.

And another competition for Environment Management has been launched in Saudi Arabia.

I hope that Arab governments will pay more attention to the environment and provide more services that will help the public learn more about the threats they cause to the environment by their ignorance and help them also be part of solving the many environmental problems we’re facing.

Category: Arab Societies, Media, International, Tunisia | Comments Off on Blog Action Day; In The Arab World…
October 13 2007

Eid Fitr Mubarak

Ramadan is over, that was really quick.
Yesterday, the first day of Eid Al-Fitr in Tunisia -as well as most of the Muslim countries- was a sunny, unbelievably hot day in Tunisia. Today to our surprise, we woke up to a cloudy sky. It’s cold, insanely windy, and raining like crazy.
It’s around 3 p.m., but the darkness outside makes it feel like 8 p.m.
I must admit that I really miss winter, and I don’t mind the rain nor the wind.
Despite the fact that we’re trapped at home, and although my laundry is all wet now, and although water is leaking inside the apartment, but I must admit I’m LOVING IT!
I just hope the hot days have really come to an end and wont return… not any time soon.

Happy Eid Al Fitr everyone!

Category: Just Personal, Religion | Comments Off on Eid Fitr Mubarak
October 13 2007

5. Blogkarneval deutschsprachiger Muslime

Der fünfte Blogkarneval deutschsprachiger Muslime ist seit Freitag, den 5.10. online gegangen.

Hier ist die Zusammenfassung von Lieber Brüder Ali:

Heute endet der fünfte muslimische Blogkarneval. Muslimische Blogger hatten ein paar Wochen Zeit um Beiträge einzureichen. Diesmal darf ich die Zusammenfassung schreiben.
Musafira schreibt in ihrem Beitrag über den Ramadan in Osnabrück über ihre Rückkehr aus Berlin. Gerade heute, nachdem ich das Freitagsgebet in der albanischen Moschee verrichtete, kam mir der gleiche Gedanke. “

Category: Charity & Human Aid, Media, International, Posts in German, Religion | Comments Off on 5. Blogkarneval deutschsprachiger Muslime