February 18 2008

Shocking Tea Fact

Oh dear, where do I start? the thing is, I consider myself well-informed when it comes to food, drinks, nutritious facts and info regarding things I consume very often. So when I learn a fact that totally shatters one of the things I used to believe for over 25 years, I must say, I get in this weird state of shock and start doubting most of the info I know about the ingredients I use in my cooking, or when preparing my favorite drinks.

One of these “facts” that had a very strong impact on me was knowing that there are no trees that produce green olives and others that produce black ones, it’s the same tree and it’s just the stage in which you pick the olive and how ripe or not it is, that affects its color! I tell you, you should’ve seen my face when I first learned that, and how EMBARRASSED  I felt for not knowing this before!
But the shock of my life, is a recent one, and this took me a while to overcome the embarrassment it caused! See, I’m addicted to tea. Can’t help it, I just love it, and coming from the Middle East, the kind of tea we mostly use and prefer is the black tea (referred to as RED tea in our dialect). We drink it basically all the time; before meals, after meals, during meals, all the time, and I especially enjoy it during breakfast :) Being a tea-lover I used to also drink green tea, but the black one was my favorite. When I came to Tunisia, I still kept my black-tea-drinking-habits, but things got worse as I enjoyed the green tea prepared here as well, which is mostly drunk after meals and is full of yummy roasted pine nuts or almonds. So I ended up drinking same amounts of black tea plus green tea (and then a coffee addiction problem occurred afterward, but that’s a different story). Anyway, I remember that in one of the Bloggers Meetups, a few years back, and after we had some green tea, a fellow blogger, Karim, and I had a little chat about kinds of tea that are consumed more in the Middle East. And then Karim shocked me when he asked: the green and black tea come from the same plant don’t they? Not only was I shocked, but I proudly -and stubbornly- denied his argument, and started convincing our friend that there are 2 different plants… he was too polite to insist that he was right :D and I decided to double-check my info, but for some reason, I never got to do so. Until last week, and while watching a program about healthy foods and cooking, that the host of the program actually said that black and green tea come from the same plant! I still couldn’t believe it and did my own research, and now I have to be brave enough to admit I was wrong and that “all tea comes from the same basic plant, the Camellia Sinensis plant. The differences between teas arise from processing, growing conditions, and geography”… more info.

Ah, no matter how much we think we know, there are always more for us to learn… much more than what we already know!

Anyway, while we’re speaking of tea, here’s a nice quiz that will tell you What Kind Of Tea You Are!

This is the kind I am:

Category: Just Personal | Comments Off on Shocking Tea Fact
February 7 2008

Donate For Gaza!

I really hope that every caring person would consider donating any amount they’re planning to spend on any luxury item they wish to buy (no matter how small) for the people of Gaza, for them to get essential items that might save their lives. Gazans who are living under harsh siege conditions, and are not allowed to get help from outside, neither are they allowed to take matters in their own hands, because apparently, that’s “uncivilized”, “wrong” and VIOLATES MANY LAWS that are only stripping them from their basic rights of survival.

Your donation, no matter how small, will definitely make a difference. Whether it will help provide health supplies, nutrition supplies or even items to help keep people warm in winter.

Now I’ve been asked by some friends whether there’s a specific Palestinian aid organization I favor or trust more than others. Actually, there’s no specific one. But there are a couple that I feel are reliable enough and have proven their efficiency over the years. And although they might -and probably WILL- face difficulties delivering aid items, but rest assured that your donations will reach their destination, maybe with a delay, but they will be delivered to those who need them.

So I recommend:

Category: Arab Societies, Charity & Human Aid, Palestine | Comments Off on Donate For Gaza!
February 4 2008

Shame On Us!

Would someone please explain to me what the hell are we doing? letting people simply die without giving any damn! have we become THAT coldblooded?
To hell with the boring speeches, to hell with the stupid conferences, to hell with the useless summits, to hell with the protests!
Gazans are starving, and what are we doing? nothing but the usual; eat like pigs, gather in restaurants and cafes to eat and drink like pigs, invite people over to eat like pigs, host fancy dinners, parties and weddings where people stuff themselves to death!
We act all concerned for a few days then life’s back to normal. We show off our patriotism by our so called “donations”, but we give no shit whether those donations actually made it to the target or not.

People, the situation in Gaza is DISASTROUS!  Something needs to be done immediately! But who cares, as long as we have our food, our water, our medicine, let Gazans starve to death.

Just in case you don’t get the picture, here’s a tip:
“If the people of Gaza remain cut off from the food aid on which their survival now depends, they will face starvation.

They are now essentially out of food; the water system is faltering (almost half the population now lacks access to safe water supplies); the sewage system has broken down and is discharging raw waste into streets and the sea; the power supply is intermittent at best; hospitals lack heat and spare parts for diagnostic machines, ventilators, incubators; dozens of lifesaving medicines are no longer available. Slowly but surely, Gaza is dying.” …EI

Would someone please explain to me how NO BODY is being able to help? is it possible that the US, Europe, ARAB STATES, and the UN are all HELPLESS?
Arabs, oh Arabs, we talk and talk and do nothing. Not even one country is being able to interfere and end the siege!  Or is it that we too have fallen for the stupid Israeli rockets excuse?
As Saree Makdisi explains: “All this is supposed to be in response to Palestinian militant groups’ firing of crude homemade rockets into Israel, which rarely cause any actual damage. There can be no excuse for firing rockets at civilian targets, but Israel was squeezing Gaza long before the first of those primitive projectiles was cobbled together. The first fatal rocket attack took place four years ago; Israel has been occupying Gaza for four decades.”

Shame on us! It’s true we’re not the ones who are cutting food, water and energy, but we’re watching without doing anything, and to me, that’s as bad as the crime itself!

Category: Arab Societies, Charity & Human Aid, Palestine | Comments Off on Shame On Us!
February 4 2008

Cuddly Rocks

Just came across this really cool decorative creation called Livingstones. They’re basically SOFT cushions shaped as hard rocks and stones. They’re so damn cool, look amazing, I’m sure they feel amazing too, and they’re simply unique. There are collections for both indoor and outdoor use. I LOVE THEM!

[Via: Subzero Blue]

Category: Cool Stuff | Comments Off on Cuddly Rocks
February 1 2008


So it’s been snowing in many Middle Eastern countries in the past couple of weeks. God I miss snow! It’s been around 5 years since I last saw snow in real life.
Snow actually triggers some of the sweetest memories for me. It reminds me of moments so dear to my heart that sometimes I could relive these moments just by watching snow on TV, in movies or even in photographs.

It’s no secret that snowing is rare in our part of the world, and therefore, when it snows, everything seems to be magically paused! It’s like someone stopped time and allowed nothing to move… nothing but the beautiful white soft snow falling from up above.

I remember in Amman, every time it used to snow there were certain things which people would do in a certain order. First people would gather at the windows or glass doors of their homes and offices shouting and smiling like they’re watching an alien pass by. Parents would get their kids and hold their babies up high, open the windows slightly and make them touch snow, and then kids would start nagging to go play outside (although there’s no snow on the ground yet). Then people start calling each other, as if it’s an occasion and people need to greet each other or something. And in no time, as soon as snow starts forming thin layers on the streets, those at work would start preparing their stuff to leave to their homes before they get stuck in the middle of nowhere; and those at home would go out buy whatever they can get their hands on… just like they would if there was a possible war coming! Everything from matches, to food, water, gas, kerosene… etc. (Nas’ post perfectly explains what I’m trying to say here).
After that, people seem to have a sudden interest in radio and TV, and while most of the family would be listening to radio or watching TV, there has to be someone in the kitchen (mostly moms) cooking something, or preparing something hot to warm up the rest of the members, while kids are still nagging to go out.

Snow starts piling up, streets are beautifully dressed in white, that’s when some “adventurous” guys decide to show off their snow-driving-skills. Parents start swearing at the parents of those guys, who are putting their selves and others in danger. Kids nag even more to go out to play. The adventurous guys return home, some with a bunch of strangers pushing their cars, some alone without their cars, and very few return with a smiley face and shiny teeth (that look yellow compared to the white snow) proudly parking their 4×4 ( which will be getting its share of snowball-hitting very soon). Kids are not just nagging, they’re crying now.
The parents are done with the nagging, you suddenly find groups of people walking in a penguin-like manner, hidden under the MANY layers of clothing, some just staring at the sky smiling at the falling snow (those look stupid most of the time), some TRYING to bend to grab some snow, while others have managed to form snowballs and are already throwing them on someone else, some making a snowman, others destroying it, some trying to clear the house/building entrance for people to be able to walk easily, and many, yes, many would be just running idiotically down the street while screaming and trying to wipe off the mucus running down their noses (kids seem to find licking the best solution for this specific problem). Some “creative” ones would just grab a really huge tray, flip it over sit on it and try so hardly to slide down the hill, they don’t give up, they call for backup, and in the end they mostly end up under the tray cursing, while the “backup” people are either laughing madly at them or burying them in snow!

We shouldn’t forget some of the teenagers who keep trying to get rid of the snow falling on their hair, and who keep wiping off some car windows to check out their looks, and who are embarrassed to run, play or do anything but stand there trying to be cool. Ah, they’re so cute!Some guys would actually find it the perfect timing to hook up with the girl next door… just throw a snowball “by mistake” go apologize, smile, start a chat -that will most probably end up before it even starts- by the girl’s bro or dad ;)
Oh and of course the many excited people who look for the weirdest  spots to take pictures. Places like on the top of a car, or up a broken tree!
I personally miss snow, yes I do, I usually turn into a couch potato every time it snows, that’s after I’m done playing of course. I particularly miss my family and the tea we used to make out of pure, untouched snow we had gathered from the trees, it’s so yummy!
Ah, the good old days.  I love the fact that snowing in our countries is considered a big historical event. I love the fact that every time it snows heavily (especially the very first time of each year), people have the same exact reaction. I miss that. I miss how everything’s put on hold till further notice. I miss how students who aren’t in the mood to go to school would pray to God it would snow; how employees who are in need of a break would wish for it to snow. I miss how family members are forced to stay all in the same place, how neighbors bond, and how people tend to offer help to other people they know, or even those they don’t. I miss waking up at dawn to see nothing but white and some redness in the skies…in short, i miss snow and the warmth it brings!

Category: Arab Societies, Jordan, Just Personal | Comments Off on Nostalgia
January 30 2008

<div style=”direction:rtl;text-align:right”>نريد فلسطين</div>

نريد ُ فلسطين !
حسن حجازى ، مصر

كم تجرعنا الصبرَ
ومرارة َ العلقم ِ
من غدرِ الزمن ,
وتفرقت أشلاؤنا
فى الكون ِ
تبحثُ عن هوية ٍ
عن حلمٍ
عن وطن ,
نحسبه ُ جنة ً للخلد ِ
فإذا بهِ أرض ٌ
للخوف ِ
ينتظرنا به ِ للموت ِ
ألفُ سجان ٍ
بالف ِ قناع ٍ
وألف ِ تابوت ٍ
بلا كفن
ماذا تقول يا أبا عباس ؟
وأنتَ أيضاً يا أبا هنية ؟
ماذا تقولان
لدماء ِ الشهداء
لأصحاب ِ القضية
لأطفال ِ الحجارة
لأصل ِ الحضارة ؟
ماذا تقولان
للطين ؟
للمساكين ؟
لأهل ِ المخيمات ؟
لأصدقاء ِ الشتات ؟
لدير ياسين ؟
لأبطال ِ حطين ؟
لشهداء ِ فلسطين ؟
للرضع ؟
ماذا تقولان
لأهل ِ غزة الطيبين ؟
أقمنا لكم دولة ؟
وقودها ؟
طعامها ؟
مائها ؟
مطرها ؟
من يد غيرها ؟
من يدِ عدوها ؟
ألا تبت أيدي المارقينيا زعماء فلسطين
سؤالي حزين
نقول ضاعت القضية
توارت الهوية
فلتهنأ يا رابين
ولتقري عيناُ يا مائير
ولتبتسم يا بلفور
تحققَ الوعد
وصدقَ العهد
وضاعت دماء الشهداء
دماء الأخوة
دماء الصفوة
فى جدل ٍ عقيم
بين أهل ِ فلسطين
انقطع الحوار
بين أهل الجوار
وسالت بحور الدم
وما بقى لنا
سوى الهم
فى ربوع ِ فلسطين
يا أبا عباس
يا أعز الناس
سافر للهند
للبيت الأبيض
أو الأسود
نريد ُ حلا ً للقضية
وأنتَ يا أبا هنية
يا كبير الناس
عليك َ بالمسؤلية
بلم الشمل
ببقايا القضية
بأي ثمن
كفى سفكاً
لدمائنا الذكية
يا زعماء فلسطين
سؤالي حزين
نريد ُ حليباً للأطفال
نريد ُ ضوءاً للنهار
نريد ُ مدرسةً ً
نريد ُ مسجداً و كنيسةً
نريد ُ باذار
لا يُباع ُ فيه ِ الوطن
ولا دماء الأحرار
نريد ُ رغيفَ خبز ٍ
فى حرية
نذهب لنصلي فى حرية
نموت ُ فى حرية
نريد ُ علما ً مرفرفاً
وطناً بحدود ٍ مرئية
يعيش ُ فيهِ الإنسانتحالفا مع الإنسان
مع الكهان
مع الرهبان
مع كائن ٍ من كان
نريدُ دولة ً لفلسطين
بجوارِِِِِِِِ سفر ٍ وهوية
بلا حواجز
تمنع ُ العجائز
نريدُ وطننا ً كالأوطان
يعيش ُ فيهِ الإنسان
مثل َ أي إنسان
مع أبي عباس
وأبي هنية
قبل فوات ِ الأوان
نريدُ الأمان
نريدُ فلسطين الوفية
ويدي فى يد أبي عباس
والأخرى فى يد أبي هنية !
وتعيشُ فلسطين
حرة ً وأبيةPoem for Palestine by Hasan Hijazi. Source: WATA
Category: Arab Societies, Palestine, Posts in Arabic | Comments Off on <div style=”direction:rtl;text-align:right”>نريد فلسطين</div>
January 22 2008

Gaza’s Calling Out

Anyone out there?

His brother in a Gaza hospital is holding a manual pump for fear of another blackout that will stop his breaching. (Rueters)… The Angry Arab 

The lives of premature babies being cared for at Gaza’s hospitals are threatened if incubators can’t be powered. (Wissam Nassar/MaanImages)… EI

When you grow up, you will know that Israeli occupation forces (with the full support or silence of US, EU, UN, and Arab countries) destroyed your house… The Angry Arab

“The residents of Gaza can walk”: A gas station attendant sits at his empty station that ran out of gas due to the Israeli closure of Gaza. (Wissam Nassar/MaanImages)… EI 

The above are just a FEW photos to show just a fraction of the Gazans’ suffering while the world is watching, with eyes wide shut!
There’s not a single crime I can think of that Israel has not committed. The Israeli government has violated and is still “proudly” violating all laws possible. The Israeli Army believes in no human rights, it gives no damn about environment, it has no morals whatsoever, and is -thanks to the rest of the world- getting only bigger and stronger and more ignorant. Israel is now more violent than ever, just like an unstoppable monster that will not stop until it decides to.

The disastrous situation the Palestinians, particularly the Gazans, are living is so out of control and calls for immediate international intervention. But who’s listening? One can only wonder what should Israel still do to be finally condemned? what price are Palestinians yet to pay (if there’s any price left to pay that is) for the world to finally step in and stop that monster called Israel?

End the HOLOCAUST in Gaza!

January 17 2008

So einfach werden Muslime zu Terrorverdächtigen!

Genügt es eigentlich orientalisch auszusehen, ein Ferienhaus in einem kleinen Dorf zu mieten, um Terrorverdächtigen zu sein?! die Antwort ist wahrscheinlich JA, es ist ziemlich genug!
In der Tat, hat unser Freund Omar diese schreckliche Situation mit seiner Frau erlebt, als ihre Flitterwochen durch Polizeieinsatz unterbrochen waren!
Ihr angemietetes Ferienhaus wurde ohne gerichtliche Erlaubnis durchgesucht!

“Offensichtlich wurde zuvor die Polizei in Walsrode über die schwerwiegende Tatsache informiert, dass ein “orientalisch aussehendes” Pärchen “nachts” und “ohne Auto” nach Hamwiede kam und sich dort bereits seit Samstag aufhielt. Diese drei “Indizien” waren Grund genug für die Polizeiinspektion Soltau-Fallingbostel, acht Kriminalpolizisten zu mobilisieren und sie taktisch ausgerüstet (inklusive schußsicheren Westen) zu unserem Hauptquartier zu schicken. Vier davon haben das Haus umzingelt, während die anderen vier das Haus durchsucht haben.” berichtete Omar.

Was kann man dazu sagen? Ganz peinlich und rassistisch, oder?  Es tut mir Leid, dass Muslime solche Erfahrungen ertragen sollen, nur weil sie orientalisch aussehen, ein Kopftuch tragen, und ihr Leben wie “normale” Menschen haben möchten!
Mehr dazu:

English for the curious :

Our fellow blogger Omar and his wife had a police inspection in their rented holiday house during their honeymoon; police had no legal permission to search the house, and claimed that they got calls from “some worried neighbors” suspecting that the couple were terrorists since they looked “oriental”, they rented a holiday house and arrived at night without a car! reasons apparently good enough for the police to invade the privacy of the couple, inspect their house and treat them as terror suspects.

Till when are Muslims going to have to tolerate such racism and embarrassments! Where are their rights as human beings?!

Category: Media, International, Posts in German, Religion | Comments Off on So einfach werden Muslime zu Terrorverdächtigen!
January 15 2008

Bush’s Visit To The Middle East

Bush’s visit to the Middle East is perfectly showing the world where Bush stands concerning each and every Arab country, and is proving -yet again- how unfair and unjust his statements, decisions, and most importantly his actions have been and continue to be regarding the region.
But still, one way or the other, Bush is made hero by his fans, and whatever he does is to them, wise, courageous, and right. Some even BELIEVE that Bush’s actually “leaving a formidable legacy behind him“!!! come again?! a formidable what?

Now I know anything I’d say contradicting this would make me look like an angry Arab who’s never happy with whatever comes from the west, but it’s not like that at all. It has to be made clear that positive change, just regulations, and laws to spread tolerance and  co-existence are all welcomed by Arabs,that yes, not the biased interference that serves anyone but the victim!

[Source: RTE, Via: EI]

Let’s take his visit to “Israel” for example. An excellent article written by Sam Bahour summarizes how Bush’s visit dealt with the Palestinian side in total ignorance, while supporting the Israeli side.

“As a matter of fact, the reality that Israel has successfully placed 1.5 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, over 50 percent of them children, in the dark and under the most draconian siege in recent history did not even make it to the margins of either leader’s speeches.” Bahour writes.

Much more important issues were on Bush’s agenda. The need to realize and work on a “vision” for the future was in the forefront of Bush’s mind. “The parties” should now sit down and “negotiate a vision” — the parties being Israel, the fourth strongest military might in the world and a forty-year-long occupier, and the Palestinians, a stateless people who have been dispossessed by Israel for sixty years and under brutal military occupation by their colonizers for over four decades.

Olmert was nearly jumping for joy as he praised Bush for increasing the comprehensive US aid package to Israel to a whopping $30 billion.”

I came across another wonderful article written by Mohammed Ali, describing the terrible situation in Gaza.He says: “What drives me and other Gazans crazy is that the international community can see all of the human rights violations being committed in Gaza and yet they choose not to take any action and instead remain silent. In the past I remember hearing the international community condemn such Israeli violations, but now, nothing.
One must conclude they are in favor of the Gaza siege because they support Israel’s declaration that Gaza is an “enemy entity” since Hamas took over the Strip, ignoring that there are civilians living in Gaza that cannot be blamed for anything other than residing in Gaza”.

And to show how USELESS Bush’s visit to the region is proving itself to be, the Gaza Strip remains with no running water, no enough food to feed its people, and is still suffering regular long lasting power cuts . As for peace, it’s not there either. Just this morning the Israeli army raided Gaza.

And what goes for Paletsine goes for the rest of the Middle East. To Bush, Arabs are the ones causing terror, instability, threats to the west and themselves. It’s not important that his “war on terror” brought only more terror and division among Arabs, leaving their countries suffering more pollution and destruction than ever; it’s not important that his plans to “implement democracy” in the region brought only more power to Israel and weakened other Arab countries while stripping them from their basic rights of expressing themselves lest they’ll be condemned of, again, terror; what really matters to Bush at the moment are two things: the high oil prices, and the “Iranian Issue”, yes those seem to be Bush’s main concerns.

Let’s wait and see what would Bush’s visit result in!

Category: Arab Societies, Media, International, Palestine | Comments Off on Bush’s Visit To The Middle East
January 9 2008

New Hijri Year!

Today marks a New Hijri Year: 1429.

So happy new year to all the Muslims of the world. Hoping that it’ll be a blessed year that’ll bring us all happiness, peace and unity.

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