November 21 2006

Commenting Problem!

Looks like I have the worst luck ever when it comes to my blog’s comments. First when I was on BlogSpot my comments kept being lost or blocked, and then when I moved here, I couldn’t get all my old comments to show up, so I lost many informative and valuable comments.

Now for the past couple of weeks, I get notifications of comments sent to my email, but when I check my blog’s administration section to read these comments and have them approved to be shown on my blog I get nothing but an “Error Message”.

Therefore, if you’ve left a comment lately and it didn’t show, please don’t think I ignored it or deleted it, it’s just this crazy problem I’m having, which I hope will be solved without having to lose all my blog’s comments, because all the solutions suggested now will result in losing all the comments :(

Sorry for the inconvenience!

UPDATE: Fortunately a huge number of comments were saved, thanks to my husband, but the last few posts lost their comments. Anyway, commenting is working now!

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August 3 2006

To The Stupid Hackers

Thanks to the sick-minded, pathetic disgusting creatures called “Hackers”, AquaCool, as well as my husband’s both blogs Subzero Blue and Subzero Blue Arabic, were not accessible for a while.

The design of AquaCool will be back soon, for the time being, I hope you’ll tolerate the current look of AquaCool, and enjoy reading my posts.
Oh, and dear Hackers, please, GET A LIFE!

August 3 2006

To The Stupid Hackers

Thanks to the sick-minded, pathetic disgusting creatures called “Hackers”, AquaCool, as well as my husband’s both blogs Subzero Blue and Subzero Blue Arabic, were not accessible for a while.

The design of AquaCool will be back soon, for the time being, I hope you’ll tolerate the current look of AquaCool, and enjoy reading my posts.
Oh, and dear Hackers, please, GET A LIFE!

Category: General | Comments Off on To The Stupid Hackers
July 3 2006

AquaCool On Hiatus

As most of you have noticed, there haven’t been any updates on AquaCool for the past couple of weeks, and probably won’t be for another few weeks to come.
I just thought I’d announce that AquaCool will be on hiatus for some period of time due to health reasons.

Eman’s getting better and hopefully things will be back to normal soon, enabling her to get back to writing on the blog.
She thanks you all for your loyalty and support, and she can’t wait to come back.

June 2 2006

Lesson of The Day:

“You can’t choose how you feel, but you can choose what you do about it” -quoted from a forward I got from my friend Refugee.

May 22 2006

Mission Challenge

I believe many of you are already aware of the LBC’s reality show: Mission Fashion. A competition between young Arab designers as well as Arab models, all under the supervision of the extremely talented Lebanese Designer Elie Saab and a group of professionals.

Now I must admit I’m no big fan of reality TV. But sometimes I watch out of curiosity or when I have nothing to do. One day I tuned to LBC and got to watch an episode of Mission Fashion. Ever since then, I got really addicted and tried to watch it as often as I can.
The reason of my addiction was a contestant: Soulafa.
This Saudi lady designer. I really watch the whole thing just for her sake. Why? Because this woman is a physical display of the word challenge.
Coming out of the extremely conservative community of Saudi Arabia that gives women still few rights compared to other Muslim societies, makes it really hard to participate in such a show as simple as that.
For a woman from that society to take part in a reality TV, is something out of question to so many, now, not only is she taking part in any reality TV, but a fashion show. And it doesn’t stop here, she’s also a mother of a little baby who’s totally dependant on her and who accompanies her throughout the whole show. Continue reading

February 25 2006


I’m not shocked for the extremely offensive comments and emails I, along other Muslims, have been getting lately.
I have blogged earlier about my decision not to defend any longer, but this is a last try to let non-Muslims who have no idea about our religion, learn more, I believe it’s only fair to convey this message, if any of my angry readers, who have been attacking me as well as other readers commenting on my blog, still feel like attacking, well, I guess it’d be them wanting nothing but fight rather than building bridges and spreading awareness.

My brother, a non-blogger, but have been getting his share of horrible attacks on my blog and other blogs, has written the following in an attempt to explain what Islam means. I hope the open-minded readers will benefit from the information.


The word “Islam” is a VERB not a NOUN.

Let me repeat that one more time: The word “Islam” is a VERB not a NOUN.

Judaism is a NOUN after Judah. Christianity is a NOUN after Christ

Islam is an Arabic VERB.

The word MUSLIM is an Arabic word that means: The person who does the VERB ISLAM.

If you WALK then you become a WALKER

If you READ then you become a READER.

If you ISLAM then you become an ISLAMER = MUSLIM in Arabic.

Most statements that come from people who attack Islam would sound to us like:

How come you READERS are acting as WALKERS while you claim to only be READERS?

This is what we Muslims always mean when we ask people to know what Islam is? What does it mean? Where does it come from?

I hear people say Islam = PEACE, this is not correct the word PEACE in Arabic is SALAM not ISLAM.

Islam comes from the ROOT word in Arabic SA’LA’MA which contains the following 5 words:

Surrender, Submission, Obedience, Purity/Sincerity and Peace.

Open any Arabic dictionary if you can read Arabic and you will find what I’ve said above.

ISLAM is a VERB that means: SURRENDER your will to god “Allah”; OBEY his commandments; be in total SUBMISSION to what he wants you to do all the time; and do all the above PUERLY / SINCERILY for his sake alone; in order to achieve PEACE between your soul and him the one and only creator.

Continue reading

January 11 2006


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December 28 2005

Wanna Talk religion?!

“A few public girls’ schools in Jeddah submitted requests to have gymnasiums built, but their hopes for introducing physical education classes were dashed after the Ministry of Education announced that physical education for girls would not be allowed.
the Ministry of Education stated that it “would not introduce physical education in girls’ schools” and requested that the media “respect religious, literary and national responsibility” in this regard.
Source: Arab News

With all my respect to the Saudi Ministry of Education, but, really, till when are they going to handle people as fools!
Why does it always have to be in the name of religion?! Please explain to me in what way did Islam ever prohibit females from practicing sports?!
Just tell me what “religious, literary and national responsibility” are they talking about?!
Since when has taking responsibility meant forbidding and ignoring!

When are they going to have the courage to admit that they’re using religion to apply rules they –personally- believe are the best!
Didn’t Islam call for the equality of women and men? Didn’t Islam urge parents to educate their children of both sexes equally!!

What religious responsibility are you talking about for God’s sake?! Does that mean that all other Muslim countries that proudly give women the right to physical education do not respect their religion?!! Come On!!

Saudi women are like any other women in the world, they’re smart, creative and ambitious, and why are you forcing them to give up their rights, why are you deleting their role in society?!!

This is irresponsible and totally unfair.

November 24 2005

WSIS Feedback (2): Jordan’s Participation

I thought we’d have the time to look around the exposition hall as much as we like, but taking part in activities and conferences during the summit left us only little time to visit all stands.
Every time I’d reach Jordan’s pavilion it’d be already too late and they’ve packed their stuff to leave. So I didn’t really have the chance to talk to them and get brochures and all, but I insisted to at least take a pic of their stand and some of their representatives for you guys to see.
This is the Jordanian stand just before they left, that’s why it’s somehow empty.

Participating were: Talal Abu- Ghazaleh Organization, Injaz, and Jordan’s Ministry of Information and Communications Technology (hope I didn’t miss anyone else)
This is me with some of their representatives:

It’s to be noted that Jordan Youth was present in WSIS as well. They weren’t included in the Jordanian stand though, because their participation was through WSIS Youth Caucus. The group of Jordan Youth was active, I was able to listen to some of their speeches, and they were really impressive 🙂
I also met Samer Younis, the President of the project, and who happens to be an old friend of my husband.
Very nice guy, very energetic and extremely friendly. I really enjoyed meeting him and his team. Below is a pic of him and my husband in a dinner gathering hosted by the British Council.

This is all what my time enabled me to find out about Jordan’s participation in WSIS Tunis.
If anyone has information about other participants from Jordan, please feel free to share 🙂