March 30 2005

Latest Craze In Jordan: K & K :)

I just came across this beautiful Star article written by Mike Derderian about the latest craze in the Jordanian fast food industry: K& K. Read on to know what K & K stands for.

He wrote:
The latest craze in the Jordanian fast food industry is not a new burger and fries franchise or an international brand name coffee product for that matter. It’s K&K, which as a native Arabic speaker you’ll know stands for Kurash and Kaware’, a long forgotten traditional plate—especially among the circle of younger generations, who grew accustomed to the flavor and hype of fast food suburbia.
“We opened up the place on July 1, 2004,” said Lina Moughrabi, owner of the K&K, “It was just a thought I had. I was thinking out loud when Dr Munir Naouri, who now is my partner told me to go ahead and do it.” Moughrabi believes that people no longer like to spend much needed time preparing such a meal that it almost disappeared from the Jordanian cuisine. Kurash and Kaware’ is indeed becoming an ancient cooking recipe, day by day modern Jordanian housewives are shunning away from it, avoiding the long hours spent in a kitchen where the aroma of spices, minced meat, rice and chick-peas lingers among the sweltering cooking pans. “We wanted to resurrect traditional food cooking and serve it in a modern style. Anyone coming to our place can order anything from our menu that includes Kurash and Kaware’, sheep’s head meat, forelimbs and hind limbs, in addition to Fattet Kaware’,” added Moughrabi, “Its all available.”
As a customer pushes open the entrance door, he faces a stairway that leads to a dining room with 18-seat capacity. The clientele can enjoy their meals on the premises as if at the comfort of their home, or they can simply order a takeaway meal. Those eating at K&K can savor Kurash and Kaware’ in three different servings: Grilled, boiled or cooked with Jameed (cooked yogurt).
All the ingredients used in preparing this delicacy that originated in Syria are sanitized and cleaned properly said Moughrabi.
The hustle and bustle of Moughrabi’s kitchen starts at 8:00 am, when preparations for the first meal starts, which would be ready by 1:30 pm. “Everything has to be fresh, that is why we sometimes prepare two to three meals a day,” added Moughrabi, “We take our customer’s orders early in the morning, to have enough time.”
Located in a back alley, K&K is literally out-of-sight, Moughrabi says that it is word-of-mouth that has been bringing in customers to her kitchen. “People coming to our place can simply climb down the stairs and watch how we prepare our Kurash and Kaware’.

Well I must admit I’m not a fan of such delicacies, but this article got me excited and I wont mind trying.
By the way, did anyone of you in Jordan try this place out? If not, then it’d be great if you go and let us know what you think. It’ll also be wonderful if you could take some pics and post them, I’m really curious 😉

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Posted March 30, 2005 by Eman Abukhadra in category "Arab Societies", "General", "Jordan