February 16 2004

Way To Go!

So it’s all over now, Tunisia won the cup and they truly deserved it. Actually all teams that participated played very beautifully and they all had the honor of participating and showing their best.
And on Saturday Tunisia was just unbelievable. Cars filled the streets, football fans (which turned out to be all citizens) spread everywhere. There was an out of control excitement before playing the game as well as after winning it. It was wonderful, but when you have a very urgent thing to do, with so little time, and then you get stuck in traffic forever, then you wont be that happy about it ;). But still watching the crowds and listening to their singing and the music playing in all cars, you can’t but have a smile on your face.

It was a very exciting game, but to me, the best game was Tunis VS Nigeria, the one I didn’t get to watch from A to Z, but it had all Tunisians on their nerves for quite a while, and both teams played so wonderful.

Congratulations Tunisia and good work to all those who played, trained, organized, and last but not least those who watched 🙂

February 13 2004


With all this Valentine’s fuss, all what one can see is RED. Red hearts, red napkins with HEARTS on them, red heart-shaped candles, red wrapped heart- shaped chocolates, red heart-pillows with arrows, red roses, red clothes, red cups with hearts printed on them, red boxes, teddy bears with hearts and arrows, cupid dolls, red cards…etc. Thank God there are no bulls free out there!!
Anyway, if Valentine’s Day means nothing to you, or if you have no partner, or if you’ve had enough with all these Valentine’s preparations and don’t know how to express your anti-valentine feelings, all you have to do is pick one of these extremely funny AntiValentine’s e-cards… You’ll love them 🙂

For all others who are pro-Valentine’s Day, I wish you all a happy day with your beloved ones. And well, the net is stuffed with cards you’d love.

February 12 2004

Earthquake Hits The Middle East!

A medium to strong earthquake hit many Middle Eastern countries yesterday morning, causing injuries,damage and panic from Amman to Cairo.
The quake hit at 0814 GMT, and measured between 4.9 and 5.1 on the Richter scale, strongest was measured in Amman.
The tremor’s epicentre has been located around the Dead Sea.Employees in the Jordanian capital rushed out of offices and telephone lines were cut. Schoolchildren were given the day off. Whereas in Jerusalem, many buildings were evacuated as a precaution, and the radio reported two buildings suffered minor damage, including one in Tel Aviv.
The tremor was also felt in Damascus, southern Syria and Lebanon.

I heard the news from my little sister in Amman, and thank God, I made sure they’re all fine. I wish no further quakes will follow and that all will be safe.

For a detailed report check AlJazeera

February 12 2004

And The Winner Is…

So Tunisia against Morocco on Saturday for the final match.
As I was feeling, Tunisia won yesterday, they say it was a great exciting and long match. Unfortunately I didn’t get to watch it. I thought I’d reach home and be able to watch the last 15 minutes of the match, but the streets were empty, all I heard was my footsteps. And when I found a spot in the end of the road stuffed with people with few taxis stopping there, I thought I’d finally get a ride home. The surprise was that the people – just like me- were waiting for any bus or taxi to drive them home, but no busses appeared from the start of the match and the taxis next to them turned out to have drivers who got so excited and nervous that they could no longer drive safely. So they parked and listened to the radio with the highest volume for all of us to hear 🙂
And every time there was this important kick, they’d get so nervous and turn off the radio to avoid getting a heart attack, which got us all crazy. Anyway, they had this extra time to play, and I thought I’d walk a bit forward where it’s warmer, on my way I tried to call anyone I know who could help but the network was loaded and the ones I could reach were apparently too excited calling their friends to talk about the game or didn’t hear the phone ringing from the start.
So I lost hope in someone picking me up, and I decided to walk a bit further to any café nearby or any place where I could rest and keep warm, but after around an hour and more of fast walking I found myself at my doorstep!!
I was lucky enough to watch the last penalties of the match, I love penalties and find them really exciting. And with the announcement of the winner all what one was able to hear was people screaming, cars beeping, songs and music all over the place, it was amazing.
Hard luck to Nigeria and Mali, which are both such strong teams and whose players showed big talent and played beautifully in all matches.
And CONGRATULATIONS Tunisia, keep up the good work and see you on Saturday.

February 11 2004


So Today’s the big day for Tunisians as their national football team will be playing against Nigeria in the semi finals. Some Tunisian football experts are not that optimistic since Nigeria is a tuff team. On the other hand, other experts as well as the public and the players themselves are all filled with high hopes and can’t wait for the match to begin.
Hmm, I can hear the fans and public outside calling out loud (TUNISIE) on their way to watch the match, and I can see through the office window cars covered with the Tunisian Flag all over and faces painted with red and white. It’s true I’m not crazy about football, but when there are those big competitions and cups I watch almost all games in big enthusiasm.
Everyone I know is watching the game today, either live or on T.V. It’s only ME who’s stuck at work without watching. Even my boss left to watch the game.
Anyway, I wish Tunisia will win and I am optimistic about this.

February 11 2004


Es ist unmöglich wie die Menschen sich mit so dummen Sachen beschäftigen, wenn sie eigentlich jede Minute brauchen, um ihren schon existierenden Problemen zu lösen.
In der Zeit der neuen unterschiedlichen Krankheiten, die jeden Tag mehreren Seelen stehlen; und in einem Platz wo die Menschheit vielen schwierigkeiten erfährt, muss man aufs Überleben und nicht auf solche Dummheit, wie Ampel-Flirt zum Beispiel konzentrieren.
Was ist Ampel-Flirt?
Wenn du in deinem Auto sitzst, schaust mal nebenan, und findest den Kerl / das Mädchen im Auto richtig sympathisch oder echt Sexy, aber plötzlich müssen alle wegfahren, denn kannst du ganz leicht den Kerl suchen, nur wenn du das Kennzeichen seines Autos notiert hast.
Du kannst es auf www.kennzeichen-flirt.de oder www.pkw-flirt.de eingeben, und wenn er schon dort registriert ist, dann kannst du sein Telefonnummer aufnehem. Nicht nur das, sonst ist es auch möglich dein Autokennzeichen für nur 3 Euro zu registrieren, so kann jeder, dem dich unterwegs sieht, dich so einfach kennenlernen.
Ich finde Ampel-Flirt ganz unverschämt, und glaube, dass jeder, dem es benutzt, ist hoffnungslos. Denn Beziehungen, die aufs Aussehen gebaut sind, sind meistens sehr schwach, kurzdauernd und unerfolgreich. Andererseits wer nicht bereit ist, die Mühe zu geben um jemanden zu suchen oder zu folgen, verdient es nicht, diese Person kennenzulernen.
Was wird man machen wenn die Person im Taxi oder ein gemietetes Auto war!! Soll man einfach alles vergessen nur weil es keine richtige Autokennzeichen gibt!! Und was wird man machen wenn diese Person überhaput nicht in diesen Websiten regestriert ist!!
Falls man registriert ist, wie wird man sich vor die schlechten Leuten, die man nie kennenlernen will, schützen?
Ich werde mich nie dort registrieren. Ich bin 100% dagegen. Es gibt viele anderen zivilisierten und gefahrlosen Weisen um anderen Leute kennenzulernen, die uns tiefere und reifere Beziehungen anbieten…

February 11 2004

Say My Name, Say My Name

My name, although a simple often used name, but still it seems to be confusing a lot of people. They either make mistakes writing it or pronouncing it or get all mixed up addressing me as a Mr. Or Mrs.

When I was a kid and started learning the English alphabets and then they asked me to write down my name I wrote: E M A N. The teacher was like: no sweetie, it’s: I M A N.
I insisted on the E, because I thought E (which is pronounced eeeeeeee) is more proper than I (which is pronounced as ay) and told her: My name is eeeeeeeeeeeman and not ay-man. And so I kept on writing it with the E. When I grew up and filled my passport papers I wrote Eman, and so it was officially written with E.
In school, university, my friends, in emails, all wrote my name with I , only for the first time that is, as I insisted that they’d write it with an E.
Anyway, I started working and they all wrote my name with I, which actually got on my nerves. I just hate seeing an IMAN, to me EMAN looks more like it, or maybe coz I actually got used to it and am convinced is the right way to write it.
Now when I got everybody to write my name the way I like it, it was the time to leave and start over again in Tunisia, where they don’t only write the name with an I, but they change it totally and wtrite Imen, and some even write it Imene. The reason is because of the way they pronounce the name. They don’t have straight a’s, e.g. they don’t pronounce the a as in “man”, they pronounce it as in “fame”. So they don’t call me Eman, they call me Imen. And when I write it the way I want : Eman, they misread it as another name which is Emna, which in my dialect and in Standard Arabic language is written : AMNA. But once again, they pronounce no straight a’s in such cases so they write it as they pronounce it: Emna.
That’s why when I write my name in some official documents, they get confused. They suppose that my name is Emna and I only made a mistake. And when I explain that my name is written EMAN in my passport, some of them get really pissed off and start teaching me some spelling rules, loool.
But all of this is ok, the problem is with foreign people who don’t speak Arabic and who don’t know if it’s feminine or masculine, and even worse is the case when they know Arabic and know that it’s feminine but can be used as masculine in some few cases, so they really get lost. I don’t blame them at all. It just feels weird that a lady is writing an email and then she gets a reply with: Dear Mr. Eman. Or : Thank you gentleman… lol, it just feels strange. So when I know there will be lots of emails and some really important papers to be sent with my name and marital status on it, then I have to make it clear that I’m a lady Eman and not a Mr.Eman.
Many times I go through this really funny situation. I send an e-mail, sign with my name, and then I get a call from the recipient of my email, and they’d go like: Hi, can I speak to Mr. Eman please.
I: Yes, speaking.
They: no, no, I need to talk to Mr. EMAN, would you please transfer me to him.
I: Believe me it’s me.
They: WHAT?? Eman is a “SHE”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another funny thing is this lady that seemed to be very helpful, she never was late replying to my emails and always was on time providing information and helping me out with any problem I’d go through, which I found very impressive. But the minute I sent a general email explaining that my name refers to a lady and not to man, I never got anything on time again. Lol, see, I’m a heartbreaker 😉

Anyway, I love my name, and I hate people writing it in any other way, but to be honest, it’s sometimes fun to know people’s reaction to the real you 🙂

February 10 2004

Nancy Ajram

A young Lebanese singer who got famous in a very short time. More than that she even got the “Best Arab Female Singer” for year 2003 in the time only 2 of her hits were the ones very well known. Yes, she broke the record. Although she launched some other albums with other good songs but we can say that the success she achieved in her song (Akhasmak Ah) made it her first hit. This song spread so fast and got the attention of almost all people. Nancy made herself quite a good number of fans with this song alone.
With her second Hit (Ya Salam) she got even more famous and collected more and more fans, and in no time her posters were filling the walls of so many Arab countries.
All you hear in stores and restaurants are her two songs, all you watch on Satellite channels are her two video clips popping every 15 minutes, and magazines are suddenly filled with gossip about her life, with her face on their covers.
Add to all this her free participation in the two biggest cultural festivals of the Arab world: Jerash Festival and Carthage Festival.
This young singer was loved by the audience at the very same time she was and still is being attacked by art experts and so negatively criticized by a lot of singing professionals.
I don’t blame them for one reason, which is the fact that the “Best Arab Female Singer” should be given to someone with a longer artistic history. Not that I’m under-estimating Nancy’s qualifications, but something as big as that should be given to someone who’s been giving a lot of art and creativity, not to someone whose success is still a new born one. To me timing isn’t as important as quality and taste. And two big hits shouldn’t be enough to judge whether a particular singer and their music is successful in all ways or not.
But still I’m against attacking Nancy as a person and doubting her ability as a singer just because they think there were others who deserved what she got.
It’s so ugly how they started spreading false rumors and showing some old pics of her trying to prove that her beauty is all made up by the hands of plastic surgeons.
Ok, she had so many surgeries to look the way she looks now, what’s the big deal, most of the women are having cosmetic surgeries these days, and although I’m 100% against those surgeries (unless in cases of burns and accidents), but still she wasn’t the first and she wont be the last.
Anyway, good luck to all Arab singers, hoping that both –males and females- will get one thing straight: Singing is all about feelings, meanings, art and harmony of voice and melodies; it was never the LOOKS or SEXINESS. So please offer the audience some really good singing, this is what will make you last and this is what will create your history, protect your present and guarantee your future as a star.

February 9 2004

You can like the life you’re living, you can live the life you like ;)

Other than the fact that the movie Chicago has great actors involved in it, and other than the beautiful dances, the music and the lyrics which were out of this world. I watched the movie twice, and then played the songs it had in it around three times.
The music gave the movie its beauty more than anything, but alone the music can never be successful, especially if accompanied by bad lyrics. And the lyrics of the movie were more than perfect.
Of course this made it hard for other non-English speakers to enjoy the greatness of the movie, because in other versions the lyrics had to stay in English which means half of the ideas, explanations and representations were lost for those who don’t understand English. On the other hand, I can’t imagine the same music with different lyrics in different languages.
Anyway, back to what I came to write about in the first place: the songs. The ones I loved most were:
1. Mama where Queen Latifa was more than great in her performance, in fact, I started looking for her movies after watching Chicago. She has a unique sense of humor, and she is a very natural person, you don’t feel her acting.
2. He Had It Coming, with its heavenly music, I love Tango, and the dance was perfect, and did really express the corruption and crimes. The song was really amazing, specially the way they started it out.
3. Both Reached For The Gun, which I loved in each and every way, Richard Gere was incredible, so natural, so spontaneous and so professional, and Renee Zellweger was amazing you almost believe she was nothing but a puppet. And even the dancers in the background, they were extremely professional, for a minute I believed they were wooden puppets. Another thing I loved about this song was the playing with singing speed: oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, oh yes they both … WOW THAT WAS LOVELY.
4. And last but not least was the last song in the movie, in which Catherine Zeta Jones was more than successful. She really showed a great talent in this movie. And this very last song, I loved this beautiful thought: you can like the life you’re living, you can live the life you like. It’s soooo beautiful. And it makes us wonder, are we living the life we like, or we just like the life we’re living.
There is a big difference between the two in terms of real meaning. Some of us choose to like the life they’re living, and they call it satisfaction and happiness. Others also convince themselves to like the life they’re living just because they can’t do any better, which I consider giving up the right to taste real happiness. And some never settle down with less than the life they dream of, the life they’d really like, and they call this ambition. When some others are never satisfied with what they have, and I call this greediness.
To me liking the life you’re living and living the life you like are very different, yet they complete each other somehow.
It’s so great to like the life you’re living, be attached to its little details and love it in all its good and bad, even if this life isn’t what you pictured for yourself in early stages of life. On the other hand, it’s equally great to live the life you like, struggle to reach it and work hard to get it. And when it comes to me I think the best thing to do is to like the life you’re living no matter how good or bad it is, but at the very same time work hard till you live the life you like. And most important of all appreciate your life whether it’s what you like or what you’re just living. And if you’re suffering in your life, take it easy, think of it quietly and you’ll work it out yourself. You’ll solve the problems, and then you’ll like your life, and you’ll find yourself not only liking the life you’re living but also living the life you’re like.

February 9 2004

Fake health products sold on Internet:

We hear of fake stuff being sold on the net all the time. Some advertising responsible have shown great “impressive” skills in lying.
But when it comes to health matters then I guess it’s no longer a joke. For instance these fake counterfeit contraceptive patches that are being sold on the net.
Investigations of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have shown that these patches contain no active ingredients and provide no protection against pregnancy.
Not only this, but this internet site www.rxpharmacy.ws {which is referred to as an illegal foreign site} is also selling other health-related products and drugs which turn out to be nothing but an imitation of the FDA approved drugs.
Therefore the FDA, and while investigating the rest of this site’s products, is warning all people from buying any of this site’s products, which are neither safe nor effective, in order not to risk their health.

For more details on the issue click here

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