May 14 2004

Are Abuse Photos Fake?!

As expected, many arguments concerning the prisoners’ abuse in Iraq are created to save the reputation of the countries involved in the abuse and to save the soldiers from punishment.
First we heard the American soldiers claiming they had orders from higher ranks and not the free will to act the way they’ve acted. Which I personally think is nonsense. Because these “poor” soldiers could have at least had the courage of the one who was brave enough to pass the photos to the whole world and show the sick and sadistic behavior of soldiers in Abu Ghraib. Were they that afraid?! All those involved couldn’t gather together and say NO? couldn’t they complain to their government one way or the other during all these months of continues torture?! No they could, but they didn’t want to, because they were sick, and they enjoyed what they were doing… And now UK comes and claims: the pics weren’t even taken in Iraq!! Which is a very bad argument. Whether they were taken in Iraq or elsewhere, one fact cannot change, human beings have been tortured in the most horrible way. It doesn’t matter if that person suffering in the pic was Iraqi, Afghan, or even British, what matters is the terrible abuse and humiliation.
And even if those pics were a work of a “genius” who faked stuff and published it, then it proves only one thing, there are people who are expressing themselves and their sick desires through pics they’re faking, and this is not less dangerous than real abuse, coz even if it wasn’t practically applied in torturing people, having these evil ideas means there are so many sick people out there who can’t wait for a victim to practice their inner desires on.
I do understand that the situation is so delicate, and that each country is trying to save its reputation and prove it was not involved in these disgusting acts, but to prove yourself not guilty doesn’t mean go fabricate some emotional stories, or say some lies to doubt the reliability of a certain newspaper, or magazine or web site. To prove you’re not guilty, there is only one way: surrender to the truth and evidence, investigate, and punish all those involved. It’s known that every country has its good people and its bad people. You can’t fool other societies. You better take an immediate action. This way your will to be fair and helpful will be proven, and you might have one way to maybe make it up for the poor people who suffered and tasted insult, pain and death because of some maniacs who belong to you.
We should not wait for pics to wake us up. Taking part in war is a very big responsibility that all people of all kinds should be aware of, and therefore handle the situation right. Even if people are forced to believe the pics were fake –which is hard to believe- we know that such things and even worse acts are taking place, and even if we’re not talking about pics, we can still talk of the bad behavior of soldiers towards citizens even of non-Iraqi nationalities. Or are TV channels and journalists of the whole world faking stories too?! The world is watching, and all what we wish for is some justice, and some conscious.

May 13 2004

Michael Wolffsohn!

Professor Michael Wolffsohn, an instructor in Munich at one of Germany’s top two military officer training schools, attracted controversy earlier this month when he told a German television reporter that “if we attempt to counter terror with gentlemanly methods, we will fail.”
Referring to the excesses at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, he said, “In the anti-terror fight there are really no effective laws of war. I believe that torture, or the threat of torture, is legitimate as one of the instruments against terror, because terror basically… has nothing to do with our civilized order.”
On Wednesday, Struck was at pains to make clear that the country’s military establishment did not share Wolffsohn’s controversial views.
During a talk show on the abuse of the Iraqi prisoners, Struck said “A German soldier tortures no one”, and added: “I am firmly convinced that even a young and not particularly educated soldier would never do what we have seen”.
Angelika Beer, head of Germany’s Green party said that Wolffsohn had lost the right to continue in his teaching job and that he should voluntarily step down. Beer said the right to freedom of expression stopped “at the point when it departs from the fundamental principles of our democracy and constitution.”
For details in Arabic Click Here

May 13 2004

Folterfotos: Sind die aus Irak oder der Hölle?!

US-Parlamentarier zeigten sich am Mittwochabend (Ortszeit) schockiert über die neuen Fotos und Videos von Misshandlungen irakischer Gefangener durch US-Soldaten. Der demokratische Senator Ron Wyder sagte, er habe mit dem Schlimmsten gerechnet, aber was er gesehen habe, sei noch „wesentlich schlimmer“. Der republikanische Senator John Cornyn nannte die Bilder „schändlich“.
Der demokratische Senator Richard Durbin sprach am Mittwoch von entsetzlichen Bildern, die ihm wie die Abgründe der Hölle vorgekommen seien.
Rund 1600 Fotos und Videoaufnahmen wurden vom Verteidigungsministerium präsentiert. Nach der Beschreibung der Kongressmitgliedern, die Gefangene wurden zum Analverkehr gezwungen. Andere hätten Bisswunden, offenbar von Hunden, erlitten. Zudem seien Leichen zu sehen gewesen und immer wieder Beispiele für „sadistische Folter“ und „sexuelle Erniedrigung“.
„Ich kann immer noch nicht glauben, dass dies ohne Wissen höherer Ebenen geschehen ist” sagte Durbin. Der republikanische Fraktionschef im Senat, Bill Frist, sagte: „Was wir gesehen haben, war erschreckend.“
„Ich habe keine Ahnung, wie zur Hölle diese Leute in unseren Militärdienst gekommen sind”, sagte Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell über die Soldaten, die an den Misshandlungen beteiligt waren.
Vizepräsident Dick Cheney erklärte, dass eine Veröffentlichung der Dokumente die Sensationsgier der Medien lediglich bedienen würde und die internationale Empörung weiter schüren, deshalb, meinte er, es ist am besten, das Material vorerst unter Verschluss zu halten.

May 13 2004

Description Of New Photos Of Abuse In Abu Ghraib!

“There were some awful scenes. It felt like you were descending into one of the wings of hell and sadly it was our own creation,” said Sen. Richard Durbin, an Illinois Democrat. “And when you think of the sadism, the violence, the sexual humiliation, after a while you just turn away, you just can’t take it any more. “I still cannot believe that this happened without the knowledge of those at higher levels,” Durbin added.
Lawmakers said images showed inmates apparently being coerced to commit sodomy, wounds possibly from dog bites, a number of dead bodies, and examples of “sadistic torture” and “sexual humiliation.”
Some top Republicans urged that the still pictures and video not be released publicly, saying they could endanger U.S. forces overseas.
Congress is trying to establish whether the mistreatment was encouraged by intelligence personnel to “soften up” prisoners for interrogations, maybe THIS EXPLAINS what Durbin said while describing one of the pics: “a picture of a man with half his head “blown off,” lying on the ground in blood and gore”… They sure were trying to “SOFTEN UP” prisoners for interrogation, not for DEATH!
Rep. Jane Harman, a California Democrat described images of a nearly naked man “handcuffed to a wall, beating his head against the wall, recoiling back and forward, probably trying to knock himself unconscious and avoid having to live through the experience.”
More reactions are available Here and Here

May 13 2004

Berg’s Family & Friends

The family and friends of Berg are really angry with the US government for denying he was in their custody in Iraq.
Berg was missing from 24 March until his release on 6 April, when he told his parents he had been detained by Iraqi police in Mosul. He disappeared again on 9 April after telling his parents he was looking for a safe way out.
The family wanted to know why he had been held by Iraqi police for about two weeks and questioned by FBI agents three times.
“The Iraqi police do not tell the FBI what to do, the FBI tells the Iraqi police what to do. Who do they think they’re kidding?” Berg’s father, Michael, told reporters.
The intelligence agency said its agents emphasized the dangerous environment in Iraq and encouraged Berg to accept an offer from the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) in Iraq to facilitate his safe passage out of the country.
“Mr. Berg refused these offers,” the FBI statement said. “He also refused government offers to advise his family and friends of his status”. A family spokesman, however, rejected the suggestion that the 26-year-old Berg turned down a US offer to get him out of the country: “The idea that they offered to get Nic out and he turned them down, knowing his life was in danger, I don’t believe that,” neighbor Bruce Hauser said.
“I still hold him (Rumsfeld) responsible because if they had let him go after a reasonable time or given access to a lawyer we could have gotten him out of there before the hostilities escalated,” Michael Berg told a US radio station.
More Details

May 12 2004

Miracles Of Nature

Arsenic pollution of drinking and irrigation water has emerged as a massive health threat in Bangladesh and India, where wells drilled into aquifers have turned out to be tapping poisoned water. When the water is used to irrigate rice paddies, arsenic also accumulates in the crop. According to one estimate, 3,000 people may be dying in Bangladesh each year because of arsenic contamination.
BUT good news is: Water contaminated with arsenic can be cleaned by growing ferns in it, US scientists say. For Ferns suck up arsenic quickly and cheaply.
Wanna know more? Cick Here

May 12 2004

The Beheading of Nicholas Berg…

All I can say is: this is the price of war. More and more innocent people will get killed from all ages and all nationalities. The solution is not to limit ourselves to go look for who’s done this and who’s done that, the solution is to STOP war, get out of Iraq, give back Iraqis their rights and respect after the indescribable humiliation and torture they’ve experienced, and let the world live in peace.
One video of beheading Nicholas Berg have moved the whole world, I couldn’t have the courage to play the video, I knew I couldn’t tolerate it. At the same time, and till this moment I couldn’t stand watch all the photos of the Iraqi prisoners’ abuse. And we all hear of hundreds of kids, young and old Iraqis being shot and killed for no reason but some cheap fun.
This is horrible, PLEASE STOP WAR! I do believe that no one can stand a single extra pic or video from anyone getting tortured or killed. Every action has a reaction, unless the real problems are solved, there will always be more victims, more killing and more disgusting pics to be shown. And no one wants this to happen. No one wants war, it never was constructive.
Related Links: Subzero Blue who has written about his reaction and thoughts about the beheading.
More details of the Beheading of Nicholas Berg are available here: English 1 and English 2, Arabic, and Deutsch .

May 12 2004

How would USA look better after the Prisoners’ Abuse Scandal?… Eureka: Sanctions!

So America has come up with this brilliant idea that will guarantee the success of war on terror. US claims that Syria “supporting” Hamas in Palestine, and Hizballah in Lebanon, which means it’s taking part in the “terrorist attacks” done by those two parties, therefore it should be “punished” by imposing sanctions on it.
In the statement Bush said: “Syria’s actions constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States and hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat”.

But the “national emergency” to deal with the prisoners abuse is just some investigations, trying to get people busy thinking of other new and hot issues such as sanctions for example, until they find ways out for their soldiers.
Now the unfair sanctions, include a ban on Flights to and from US; restrictions on banking relations; a ban on oilfield services or investments in Syria; trade between the two countries will be limited to nutrition material, medicine and some security-related exportations for the time being.
All I can say is that once again, US did not shock Arabs. But what really gets on my nerves is that when Arabs boycott Israel or US as a protest to the suffering they’re experiencing without any fair act to support Arabs, US starts talking of Arabs as pro-terrorists, and pro-destruction, instead of looking for the reasons behind the protest of Arabs and try to solve the problem. They speak of Arabs as some aggressive mean people. Why is it ok for US to impose sanctions on any Arab country it chooses with or without good reasons, while Arabs are punished constantly if they even think of expressing themselves?!!
This Sanction on Syria is not fair, it will harm the US more than it will harm Syria, that is when we’re talking about finance and trade only. But if we’re talking about reputation, then this sanction will only worsen the reputation of US in the Arab world, because US is proving day by day that it will never implement neither democracy nor freedom but protection for Israel and chaos in the Arab world.

May 11 2004

Neue Vorwürfe Gegen Britische Soldaten

Amnesty International hat neue schwere Vorwürfe gegen britische Soldaten im Irak erhoben. Danach haben sie nicht nur Gefangene misshandelt, sondern auch wehrlose Zivilisten ohne Not getötet. Seit dem Ende der Hauptkampfhandlungen am 1. Mai 2003 seien britische Soldaten an der Tötung von 37 Zivilisten beteiligt gewesen Unter den Opfern seien unter anderem ein achtjähriges Mädchen: Hanan Saleh Matrud, und ein Gast einer Hochzeitsgesellschaft: Ghanem Kadhem Kati, die ganz offensichtlich keine Bedrohung dargestellt hätten. Der Amnesty-Bericht stützt sich auf Besuche von Menschenrechtlern in dem von den Briten kontrollierten Süden Iraks im Februar und März diesen Jahres. Dabei wurden den Angaben zufolge Familien, Augenzeugen, irakische Polizisten und Angehörige der Zivilbehörde interviewt. Das Verteidigungsministerium wollte den Bericht nicht kommentieren. mehr…

May 11 2004

Will We See The New Photos & Videos of Abuse?

What we’ve seen is more than enough to keep us disgusted and angry many many years to come. Yet there are more videos and photos that have been not shown to public till this moment. Photos and videos that Rumsfeld warned “may be even more shocking”, if there is anything more shocking than what we’ve already seen.
A “representative sample” of the new set of photos of Iraqi prisoners being tortured and abused, were shown to Bush. “The president’s reaction was one of deep disgust and disbelief that anyone who wears our uniform would engage in such shameful and appalling acts,” White House spokesman Scott McClellan said.
Larry DiRita, the Pentagon’s chief spokesman, told reporters that in addition to the photographs, the Defense Department has in its possession a couple of dozen short videos of varying quality that also show abuses being committed.
Whether those new photos and videos would be released for public, no body knows. Some see it necessary to release them as a part of democratic dealing with the issue. On the other hand, some officials find it better to keep them confidential to avoid more anger and chaos.
To me, I can’t stand a single new photo, it is really terrible, but whether I’m shown more or not, I am sure that what pictures have captured doesn’t even come close to the real sadistic behavior of the disgusting so called soldiers. And I know, just like others already know, that the pictures which have got us all feeling like to throw up in a second, were nothing but a part of a months and long days of suffering of our Iraqi brothers and sisters.
May those pieces of garbage irresponsible sick soldiers be all executed, and still it wont be enough to make it up for the loss of pride, humanity, and dignity, Iraqi prisoners have experienced.
More details available Here .