December 31 2004

Between Fireworks Temptation & Tsunami Aid

German politicians and aid organizations are urging Germans to donate the money they’d spend on fireworks to the tsunami victims.
Usually Germans spend a lot of money — €97 million ($130 million) last year alone — on rockets, firecrackers, and sparklers.
The 3,000 people employed in Germany’s fireworks industry have worries because of this call.
“I think it’s unfair that the call for donations has focused exclusively on our industry,” said Klaus Gotzen who heads the business association for the German pyrotechnics industry. It would have made more sense to leave it up to people to decide for themselves what they’d rather go without.”

Germans have already started to take Agro Action’s message to heart. On Thursday, retailers reported less demand for fireworks than in previous years. A department store employee in Frankfurt estimated a 20 percent drop in sales. And a newspaper in Kiel reported how one shop was even prepared to give customers refunds for fireworks they’d already paid for.
But people are not alike: “There’s no way I’m going to give up my fireworks,” said one young man stocking up on rocket-like devices near Leipzig. “A proper fireworks display is part of New Year’s Eve.”
For other Germans, it’s not a question of one or the other. A father in Kiel, out shopping with his children, said he’d still spend around €10 on fireworks, but that the family would also make a charitable donation, as it does every year.


December 30 2004

Sleepless Nights…

I’ve been having sleeping problems during the past couple of days 🙁 I get home so tired, and no matter how much I try to stay awake I just HAVE to fall asleep for half an hour either at 8:30 or at 10. This half an hour keeps me up all night long. Even if I managed to sleep, I keep waking up in the middle of the night… Anyway, just came across a cute poem that explains what I’m going through these days. Enjoy 🙂

Night Without Sleep
– by Ellen Bailey –

Have you ever had a night
when you just couldn’t sleep?
Even when you’re so tired
you could fall off your feet?
You get up for awhile,
and then you lay back down
And just lie there,
watching the clock go round

Have you ever had a night
when you just couldn’t sleep?
And you remember that old adage,
“Try counting sheep”
After some time has passed by
You decide you’ll give it a try

Have you ever had a night
when you just couldn’t sleep?
And you start counting sheep,
even their feet
Since sleep won’t come,
you get out of bed
And decide to have some
roast mutton instead

December 30 2004

Engraved Oppression

“From forcing a Palestinian violinist to play at a military roadblock near Nablus, to executing a 13-year-old refugee girl in Rafah in cold blood, to engraving the Star of David on the arms of teenage Palestinian boys, to inscribing ID numbers on the foreheads and forearms of Palestinians, young and old, Israel has acted with nauseating criminality and shocking impunity. Despite all this, Israeli academics and intellectuals who have explicitly called for an end to the occupation have remained in a depressingly tiny minority. Moreover, no Israeli academic body or professional union has to date publicly called for an end to occupation and the other forms of Israeli oppression. If this does not define complicity, what does?” Read Full Article…

December 30 2004

Tsunami Videos

Just found some GREAT videos of the Tsunami Disaster that hit South East Asia at Austin’s Blog.
They are terrifying, but one must see them to know how blessed one is to be alive, and to know how much the victims need our help.

And please try to help in any possible way… They need us!

December 29 2004

Walking In The Rain

It’s been really cold the past few days. Going outside my home is a nightmare. It’s really windy, and I feel my whole face is about to break like ice! And no matter what I wear, I always feel cold 🙁
Anyway, I try to keep myself warm by drinking a lot of hot drinks, mostly Coffee and “Sahlab”. “Sahlab” is a drink that tastes somehow like a milk desert! It’s white, and tastes so out of this world. It’s served with drops of coconut and a bit of cinnamon topping 🙂 It’s well known in the Middle East, and I bought the material with me from Jordan, but I ran out of it. The last “Sahlab” drink I had was last night 🙁
As usual, my appetite goes crazy in cold days, so basically my life these days revolves around eating and drinking a lot of caffeine, which by the way has no effect on me anymore. Not to forget the loads of work I have to do… aaah, don’t wanna even think of this! It’s the year’s closing, and seems like employers remember EVERYTHING in the last week of December!

I remember last year I was sick I thought I’ll never recover anymore, but the reason was that I had to go for my French course after work, meaning a lot of effort, and little rest, which really destroyed my immune system and turned me into an easy catch for the many diseases of the hundreds of people I meet daily at work, in the bus, in the institute and while visiting!
This year, thank God, it’s better. I still work a lot, but it’s all between my job, home, and my in-laws’ place. So no big chance of catching illnesses like last year. But still, the weather is so cold, and humidity makes a 9 degrees weather feel like –9 !
I hope my family in Jordan are fine, I know it’s cold there too… just wonder how my bro & sis in Canada are managing to live with winter in their part of the world!

Ok,let me get back to work. Hope all of you are in great health and are not suffering from cold as much as I am 😛
And let’s just hope my umbrella will be strong and brave enough to keep open against the heavy rain and the terribly strong winds…

December 29 2004

Help Victims of Southern Asian Earthquake Survive The Catastrophe

Islamic Relief has launched an appeal to raise €1,000,000 for the affected population. An initial €200,000 has been allocated for relief intervention in the region and to help rehabilitate victims of the disaster. A further €20,000 of emergency aid will be sent to affected people in Sri Lanka.
IR representatives in Sri Lanka are performing needs assessments, and staff from Islamic Relief’s headquarters will fly out within the next 48 hours to form an Emergency Response Team. IR staff from Indonesia are leaving for Aceh to assess the situation, and Islamic Relief’s partners in India are on their way to Chennai.
The victims of the disaster need medical supplies, tents and sanitation facilities, please donate generously.
Donate Online, or Make A General Donation by cheque or Bank transfer.
Or CALL Islamic Relief.
If you would like Islamic Relief to call you, simply text your name and telephone number (including international dialing code) to:+44 777 999 8877
You should receive a call from Islamic Relief within 48 hours. Please specify a preferred time you would like to be called (in GMT). You can also email your number to Islamic Relief.
Islam Online has also provided a number of help organizations for you to choose the easiest way to take part in helping humanity.
Do anything, whatever you can. Imagine yourself in their situation, wouldn’t you need any help no matter how little, to be able to survive!

Category: General | LEAVE A COMMENT
December 27 2004

Katastrophale Flutwelle in Südostasien

Das ganze Ausmaß der Katastrophe in Asien nach dem schweren Sumatra-Beben und den gewaltigen Flutwellen ist noch nicht abzusehen. Die Zahl der Opfer der Flutkatastrophe in Südostasien steigt immer an. Viele Menschen werden noch vermisst. Weitere Opfer werden durch Seuchen und Versorgungsengpässe befürchtet.
Die Vereinten Nationen warnten vor einem möglichen Ausbruch von Seuchen. Es könne die schlimmste Naturkatastrophe der jüngsten Geschichte werden, weil sie so viele dicht besiedelte Küstengebiete betreffe. Mehr…

December 27 2004

The Deadly Tsunamis

Thousands of people, both citizens and tourists have died because of an earthquake that hit the coasts of the Indonesian Island “Sumatra” resulting in very powerful Tsunamis that hit not only Indonesia but also India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and other neighboring countries. The earthquake is considered the strongest to take place in 40 years.

Besides the huge number of deaths, the Tsunamis left thousands dangerously injured and caused hundreds of thousands to lose their homes.
Many people are missing. And efforts are still eager to save the ones left to be saved and find the many reported missing people.
Other than the loss in souls and property, disease has a big chance of spreading!

The news broke so many hearts, those who lost loved ones and those who simply felt the size of this natural disaster. Many “after shots” are expected, mostly somehow as strong as the first. More tsunamis are also likely to form, but not as high and strong as the first ones… hopefully.

Let’s all pray things wont get worse, and the situation will remain under control.

For full coverage in English Click here and here!
For Arabic Click Here!

December 24 2004

Environmental Quote…

“Why do people give each other flowers? To celebrate various important occasions, they’re killing living creatures? Why restrict it to plants? “Sweetheart, let’s make up. Have this deceased squirrel.” ~The Washington Post

December 24 2004

Sleeping Beauty…

The other day, after work, I went to get a cab. I waited for almost an hour. The weather was so cold, it was getting darker and darker. And when I almost lost hope, I found a taxi approaching me. I stopped it, got in and told him where I was heading to.
Frankly, I couldn’t but be shocked for the size of his eyes. He had unusual tiny eyes. Never saw eyes smaller than his. We drove to the main highway, and 5 minutes later, while I was trying to enjoy the sight of raindrops falling on the street, I felt the car moving rapidly to the extreme right! I freaked out! We were about to hit a passing car, I suddenly looked at the driver, only to find out he was in deep sleep! I woke him up, and shouted at him to take care, since we were in a highway. Thank God we didn’t have an accident. Anyway, I realized after waking him up that he had normal eyes, it was just him ABOUT TO SLEEP that he couldn’t keep his eyes wide open!
I kept watching him to make sure he’s awake! But no use, it happened again… twice! I asked him to pull over, but he refused and apologized every time I woke him up. Anyway, I wouldn’t have any other cab in the area we reached, so I kept talking to him to keep him awake till we reached the place I wanted.

As angry, as scared and as tensed as I was in the taxi, a thought kept me wondering that day. The thought of this old man, and many others like him, who are working so hard, day and night, having no time to rest, no time to sleep, no time to eat, and trying not to miss any client, just to go back home with a loaf of bread, some water, and some vegetables. Or maybe to go pay the rent, or buy medications, or, or, or…
It’s true they’re risking their lives and the life of others, by driving in such a state of exhaustion. And I don’t tend to give them excuses for what they do. But if we all help each other. If we care about people’s health, their survival and their needs! If responsible people care to save the lost money and use it in helping the needy, I’m sure this guy wouldn’t be out struggling to keep driving asleep, risking both our lives. He would be resting at home, knowing that he’ll be up in a while, active enough to drive a car, and that he will get his money in the end of each ride.
But in our time, every one of us is focusing on getting their own money, even if it meant stealing away other’s chances, ruining their hard work, or simply playing blind to ignore their calls for help.

Would there be any hope in making things better? Or will I encounter more and more sleeping beauties?