Wow, it’s 1 year already!! It feels like yesterday…
I remember every single detail of this extremely beautiful day. It was hot like hell, I was stuck in bed (for around 4 months really… damn bed-rest!). I had no idea Adam had decided to join us on that particular day.
I remember how we went to the clinic for a regular check on my and my baby’s health, when the nurse shocked me: get ready to say hi to your baby.
I had this stupid look on my face, trying to get the fact that I’m gonna have my baby delivered that day. And when it finally hit me, I was overwhelmed with many emotions: fear, happiness, stress, excitement, and fear again, love, joy, suspense, and fear, and fear and fear. For some reason, I felt so alone, especially when I was put in a room alone with needles, drips, monitors, and lights (before the doctors came and my beloved husband was allowed in that is).
And although I’ve always loved listening to my baby’s heartbeats, listening to them on that particular day felt different. They were so loud and fast, and so incredibly calming, reminding me that I’m not alone in this…
The process of giving birth to Adam is the loveliest and dearest to my heart. I know you don’t hear this so often, but I enjoyed every second of it .
Now a whole year has passed. I will be lying if I said it was an easy going and relaxing year, because it’s anything but that. But I must admit, it was one amazingly unique year that made us feel blessed.
As exhausting as it was, the smile of your baby, the touch of his tiny hand, or even the hair-pulling, and skin biting, all will wash away your exhaustion, kill your worries and brighten up your days, making you feel the joy of parenting.
Having a baby teaches you many things and makes you see life through a whole different perspective. The most important thing you learn is the value of time. I mean if we didn’t have Adam, a long year would’ve passed by without us even noticing it. It’ll be “just another year”, and we’ll be the same time-ignorant people. But having a baby is like having a human calendar.
You see days pass by with every new sound he learns to make, you notice weeks pass by every time you figure his clothes don’t fit any longer, you feel months pass by with every tooth cutting its way out, and you see years pass by with every new step he takes.
Raising a kid, is the best investment anyone can make. It’s the greatest achievement of all. Because you know, that even if your job sucks, or your life isn’t as great as you want it to be, you know that there’s one thing you’re doing that’s making you proud, and this thing will always inspire you to follow your dreams and encourage you to go on till you’re content and happy with your life on all levels.
I’m really shocked how many people believe that having kids makes them look or feel older?! I mean you’ll always be as old as you really are, kids will only mark your time, urging you therefore to make the best out of it.
That’s why, if I were to give a piece of advice to anyone it’ll be to raise a kid. If you can’t have your own, raise an orphan. Just don’t miss on this experience, it’s one of a kind, it will enrich your life and give your existence a purpose and a beautiful meaning. It’s really worth the fuss.
I thank God for sending my husband Marwen into my life, and for blessing us with Adam.
I believe words will fail to express how thankful I am.
Happy 1st Birthday my dear dear son. May God bless you, protect you and make your life full of happiness, success and love. – and God, I know I’m asking too much, but would you please make him sleep just a little bit more, please!