“self-defense”, “war against terror”, “they had it coming”, “protecting our borders”, “what would you do in our place?” … AND ALL THAT CRAP Israel’s perfectly mastered ever since its unfortunate unfair creation!
Enough is enough!
The Middle East was a peaceful region until Israel showed up. From the very first start they were getting all the support they needed. Arabs tried to defend themselves, but they lost, for there was no balance, Israel was the most powerful with the support it got (and is always getting). So it started spreading like a disease in Palestine and the region was wholly infected. But still, generation after generation, there were Arabs who tried to find those very few Israelis who opposed their brutal government, and tried to convince other Arabs to be open-minded, not to generalize and work hand in hand with those few Israelis in an attempt to stop bloodshed and war.
Did it work? It surely didn’t. All what happened was that those Arabs who refused to cooperate with Israelis, were all accused of anti-Semitism, and therefore regarded as backwards uncivilized blood-thirsty barbarians who call for the destruction of Israel.
And this is what the world enjoyed focusing on. They ignored whatever Israeli massacres took place in the Middle East and simply watched the “Israel-haters”.
And this is what’s happening till this very day.
Taking the last war on Palestine and Lebanon as a live example, I can’t but wonder what would it take more for the world to finally realize the truth. If the butchering of innocent civilians and the death of hundreds of children is not enough; if the burning down of beautiful cities and the destruction of infrastructures is not enough; if the displacing of thousands of human beings is not enough, if the polluting of an amazingly beautiful environment is not enough; if knocking down the fruitful lives of generations is not enough; if killing peace-representatives of UN delegations is not enough; if bombing ambulances and burning aid-trucks is not enough; if denying the simple right of having a life is not enough… if all this is not enough, I wonder what is!
Isn’t it about time we stop buying the Israeli crap?
But no, nothing could stop that. Many news agencies got used to being biased and unfair, and they still portray Israel as the victim.
UN and US and many others still ask to disarm Hizbullah and “other terrorist organizations”.
They can’t condemn the monster they’ve created, so what the hell, why not condemn the weaker party.
Yesterday, unfortunately, I got to watch the live broadcasting of one of Olmert’s most manipulative speeches ever. Bravo Olmert, you got the world applauding and sympathizing with you and your people while our children being butchered and our people are being forced to evacuate their towns ON FOOT!
“we are known for our morals” he said, what morals? Killing the innocent and then saying SORRY?
“I deeply apologize for the innocent civilians that are being sacrificed” he said referring to the massacre in Qana, well maybe if your forces stopped attacking their towns and aiming at them deliberately you wont have them killed, but yeah right, as you said: “we’re defending the state of Israel. With terrorists surrounding our borders we’re in great danger and we need to protect ourselves… what would you do if you were in our place?” You poor thing, I was really going to cry for a sec, but just for the record, we were in your damn place, and we always are, but somehow you and your country get to be the victims all the time while we’re condemned of being , as you said, the “terrorists”.
And now the world sees nothing but the suffering of Israel to protect its existence, and for this matter, and to be the helping hand they’ve always been, the world is asking to disarm Hizbullah, and fight Iran and Syria… what kind of a “New Middle East” is that Miss Rice? What kind of “peace” are you trying to bring to our region?
I’m sure that like myself, many if not most of the Arabs have totally lost hope in Israel. If there was a point in our lives in which we happened to believe Israel would settle for our many compromises, and would finally appreciate all what we’ve given up, and live with us in peace, then this has changed for ever, and to me, Israel is nothing but a hard-to-satisfy Monster with a very big appetite for destruction and imperialism. And if there’s anyone to be denied the right of keeping weapons then it’s Israel!