March 25 2012

We Teach Life, Sir

Around 9 years ago, and after I was done with my presentation about my homeland, Palestine, as asked by my professor, who requested the same of us all in an attempt to bridge cultures and learn more about each other,  and although I was only discussing the cultural aspects of Palestine, choosing to summarize the political situation with the word “occupied”, nothing more, nothing less, to avoid getting into a stressful unpleasant conversation – as is always the case when I mention the word ‘Palestine’; I was asked the exact same question that you’ll hear in the following video by a “colleague” :
“Don’t you think everything would be resolved, if you (Palestinians) just stopped teaching so much hatred to your children?”
I recall my reply back then was: “We teach our children how to survive… it’s you, Sir, who teach them how to hate”. But I guess Rafeef Ziadah’s reply is a much more precise one: ”We Palestinians wake up every morning… to teach the rest of the world… LIFE… Sir”

Click here to view the embedded video.


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Posted March 25, 2012 by Eman Abukhadra in category "Arab Societies", "Media, International", "Palestine", "Women