January 11 2009

Facts About Gaza

Facts relating to the situation in Gaza:

  1. Number of Palestinians killed so far: 870;  number of Palestinians injured so far: 3661 [Source:Al Jazeera] and needless to say that these numbers are on the rise as I’m writing.
  2. Among the killed are women, elderly people and A LOT OF CHILDREN.
  3. Humanitarian supplies: food and medical aid are not allowed to reach Gaza. And those who dare even try are stopped, or should I say FORCED to stop.  We’re talking about Israel defending itself people, that includes not only air and ground assaults, but also starving innocent civilians to death and taking away their right to try save each other.
  4. While thousands of people around the world are protesting to condemn the brutal barbaric attacks on Gaza, Arab government are -as usual- still looking for ways to somehow solve this crisis without pissing off Israel or upsetting its friends… but we choose to blame foreign governments that are backing Israel! [People protesting, Arabic]

I’m actually out of words right now so I’ll just quote a friend of mine here: our homeland is bleeding .. and we are only watching .. shoes should not only be thrown at Bush I guess”.

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Posted January 11, 2009 by Eman Abukhadra in category "Arab Societies", "Media, International", "Palestine