February 10 2007

Crimes Against Al-Aqsa

Despite the happy news about Palestinian fractions signing the unity government deal, one can’t but feel humiliated and heart-broken for the miserable crimes committed against Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Again and again and again, Israel is crossing all limits terrorizing Palestinians and destructing their land with the exception of nothing, not even the holy sites.
Once again, people are being attacked during prayers in Al Aqsa mosque, this sacred place which is supposed to be respected and protected by anyone belonging to any religion, anyone believing in God, or at least anyone who believes in humanity.
Jewish extremists believe that its their responsibility to dig for “the temple”, which they claim is under Al-Aqsa mosque, letting it be a matter of religious duty, and have been digging and constructing underground bridges putting the foundation of Al-Aqsa Mosque at stake.
Few years ago I watched this interview on one of the international news channels with a rabbi and a Jewish historian, both giving proof that the whole Temple Mount thing is based on no logical or historical or religious grounds. I wish I recalled the names, but I don’t, and I promise to publish the names on my blog if I succeed to find them.
Anyway, and suppose we wish to argue that it’s a religious matter, what kind of religion calls for the destruction and elimination of other religious sites? what kind of religion gives itself the right to humiliate and mistreat other religious groups while justifying their actions as “saving/protecting” their own religious principles?
I truly doubt that Judaism, a religion we believe in and respect as being the first known to humanity, would ever call for such inhuman actions! so who’s to blame? it’s the extremists and Zionists for sure!

I personally believe that, regardless of the endless lists of reasons Israel gives to justify their diggings, one fact remains as clear as can be: attacking unarmed people who are causing no threat is an act of terror; shooting people gathering inside a holy place is an act of terror; digging under or around a holy site in a way that jeopardizes its foundations is an act of terror, i.e. Israel proves ONCE AGAIN being a state of terror… one would only wonder: till when will Israel be given the right to punish and never get punished for whatever it does!

Dig at Al-Aqsa Mosque worsening Mideast tensions.

Jordan urges world powers to stop Israel’s Aqsa excavations.

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Posted February 10, 2007 by Eman Abukhadra in category "Arab Societies", "Media, International", "Palestine", "Religion