January 20 2006

CODEPINK: Women for Peace


CODEPINK is a peace and social justice movement initiated by a group of American women for one single reason: “waging” peace.
Their goal is to stop war in Iraq, and prevent any new wars that may take place.
Instead of using violence and spreading destruction, CODEPINK calls for policies based on compassion, kindness and a commitment to international law, hoping to inspire a community of peacemakers.

It is to be pointed out that this movement is not limited to women; it has become a worldwide network of women as well as men, working together to promote peace and stand for it.

I thank my friend Amelopsis, who drew my attention to this extremely impressive movement by a very sweet comment she left, recommending we watch this very touching and inspiring video made by CODEPINK in remembrance of Martin Luther King.

Copyright 2018. All rights reserved.

Posted January 20, 2006 by Eman Abukhadra in category "Media, International", "Women


  1. By Amelopsis on

    Eman I’m so glad that I could provide a new source of information and hopefullness to you and your fine readers.

    The world is experiencing SO much strife and turmoil that it’s more important than ever that good people not lose hope! I hope that profiling this group, who are only one among many, will help to assure people in other parts of the world that the actions of many western govt’s do not represent the views of most of their citizens; and that many individuals are doing what they can to change this.

    one little correction though…I’m a she 🙂

  2. By Eman (Post author) on

    Amelopsis, sorry for addressing you as a male!

    Believe me I thank you so much for what you write in your blog and in PourquoiPas? and I appreciate it that you never hesitate to share me such useful info.
    It’s things like these movements and groups that help show us the western world’s support for us and for justice.

    I can never thank you enough, really 🙂

  3. By refugee on

    I am sure you did not move home like wanting to change ,do you remember when Refugee once told you he finally found home!!!!!!it was at Aqua Cool ,and still is ,Refugee would only stop moving with you ,only if your move is to change !!!! it takes a life time to find the real one .So why the change ? Refugee is here to stay where the gray matter is made to carry and nourish the mind for the new .Cosmos Aqua Cool stay .

  4. By UmZayd on

    Check out my last post (children songs). I was hoping you had suggestions of fun stories or palestinian/jordanian songs for Zayd.
    Hope all is going well for you.
    Rym (Um Zayd)

  5. By Eman (Post author) on

    Amelopsis, glad you like the new look!

    Refugee, your friendship is one that I truly appreciate, honest and good people like you are so hard to find. Knowing that AquaCool is like a home to you makes me so happy. And be sure that the move is for more than one reason, all technical, nothing else. I needed to categorize my writings and a service I can access at work as well.
    Hope you’ll always be great.

    UmZayd my dear, ever since I read your comment I’ve been looking for the songs, will get back to you shortly as all I found was not for children, anyway, will keep looking and leave you a comment on your own blog. Thanks for asking me.

    Mirachka, great to hear from you my friend. Glad you like the new design 🙂

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