October 28 2003

The Cell

I don’t know what is going on with movie directors and script writers, but I sense the tendency to having hard to imagine ideas they’re coming up with, some I consider sick. We do enjoy watching horror, or a new way of presenting drama and science fiction, and we do feel sorry for heroes who suffered in their childhood and have gotten some sort of a complex, but to put all this in a disgusting way is what I personally will never enjoy.
What was shown in the movie “The Cell” was a good story and some really nice thoughts expressed in a very disgusting way.
I hated the parts in which the “criminal-victim” was soaking the dead bodies in a bleacher and how he hung himself in the sealing through his back, YUCK, that was so annoying.
And I saw the making of the movie, and unfortunately all the ones who participated in making it were so proud for the new ugly idea, when I see nothing but a very sick way of putting the ideas and thoughts together!! I think it was terrible, and those who didn’t yet watch it, lucky them!
I must say that I have nothing against anyone who was a member of making the movie or who played in it, but I certainly am against the negative weird ideas when we can create another kind of positive stunning ideas that could still be weird!

October 24 2003

Anna Wants Cameras And Not Rackets!

Seems like acting and ad shooting have become the way out of lack of business or the way to gain more money in short time. This is normal, but what draws attention is that most of the ones who go this way are sports stars. So you find Andre Agassi, David Beckham, Ronaldo, and many others shooting for TV ads.
Just like Anna Kournikova, who started out with TV ads and then recently hosted the “World Music Awards in Monte Carlo” and now she went as far as planning to quit tennis in early 2004 and devoting herself to becoming a TV awards presenter and an actress in something similar to “Sex & the City” and “Friends”.

For more details and some funny scripts put together for possible roles to be played by Kournikova
Click Here

October 24 2003


For two days, and God only knows till when we’ll continue to suffer, those tiny little “vampires” called mosquitoes are enjoying their full board stay in people’s houses, getting their free refill of fresh human blood ALL THE TIME!!!
Our home, just like all other homes in Tunisia nowadays, are full of those annoying insects, and it’s all due to the big quantity of rain water that filled the streets, houses and farms leaving behind them “lakes” of still water. For this reason mosquitoes became more than anyone can tolerate, and I’ll let your creative imagination picture what could happen when every room in your home is overcrowded with such insects.
Other than the fact that they suck your blood with no mercy leaving itching spots all over your body, and other than their stupid noise and their disgusting view on walls, there is a very dangerous possibility of spreading disease and even creating new diseases.
I don’t know what to do! The night before last night we couldn’t sleep at all, we were hiding in our OWN HOME under bed covers to protect ourselves of those monsters, we couldn’t kill them as we ran out of all insecticides. We had a TERRIBLE night 🙁 Next day I suffered, but thank God we got an electric anti mosquito thing that killed most but not all of them, at least we had a good night sleep. But then again the story repeats itself in the morning, when they have their batteries recharged and are more active than the day before. The problem is that they seem to have a very good appetite, and I’m the victim 🙁 I don’t think there is any blood left in me, anyway, enough is enough, so I decided to announce the start of my war on mosquitoes. I closed all windows, used all sprays available, used the electric insecticide, result was: I got dizzy and the dear mosquitoes were still flying around so healthy, so happy looking at me as a delicious meal waiting for them to come and eat.
I thought of doing what my brother used to do when there were many mosquitoes in the house, he used to “clean them away” with the Hoover, so I started pointing the Hoover on them one by one, but they were brave enough to ATTACK me in return, till I was really fed up and started running after them in the house… after I made sure there was no one left safe, I used this feature I love so much in our Hoover: you press a little cute button, the temperature in the dirt bag rises to 80 degrees boiling the insects to death. I pressed the button revengefully and enjoyed the thought of them being killed, I had this feeling of triumph, no I’m not sick, but if you were in my place and suffered like me you’d even celebrate killing them, those stupid things.
Anyways, after having them killed, and exactly when I was placing the Hoover where it belongs, with a SMILE on my face, my hand started itching!! AND something near my ear went like: izzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, I turned around to see two disgusting wings of a horrible mosquito :(… what can I say other than: I HATE MOSQUITOES, I HATE THEM, I REALLY HATE THEM…

October 22 2003

Ramadan Kareem

A great Arabic saying that means the holy month of Ramadan is generous. This is the right adjective to describe Ramadan, for it is generous in all ways.
First of all as you fast your meals are cut into two, one “Iftar”, and the second is “Sohour”, which means you’re cutting expenses 😉 On the other hand in both meals you eat less than what you are used to eating in other months. So you find that the food that you are used to eat for lunch for example is in Ramadan enough for you an a second person. When you invite people and you cook as it’s a normal day out of Ramadan, you’ll find that half the food remained untouched on the table. So your food budget decreases. Why’s that because when you aren’t eating for around half a day and then you wanna eat when it’s the time for Iftar, your stomach doesn’t accept food so easily, it takes in only the basic needs, so you find yourself “full” so soon.
Other than that, Ramadan is generous because in it you share the poor people their daily life, a life with no food and drink, so you feel with them and you find yourself sharing them your food, you go on giving them food, money, clothes and stuff that they need, and this is generosity.
And above all that, in Ramadan people feel like praying more and they have this spirit of Islam, because they share all the poor people around the world their suffering, so God doubles our bless, Ramadan is generous with rewards for good people.
And last but not least, the yummy food offered specially in Ramadan, which reminds me of this sweet that is made in the Middle East and isn’t available here unfortunately, it’s Qatayif, I MISS IT 🙁 There is a number of other tasty sweets but Qatayif is the one I miss most. Of course part of Ramadan’s generosity is the offers and low prices of good in all stores and shops, hmm, this is really nice.
Not to forget the TV channels challenging each other to offer the best shows, programs and movies, all that is generous for us as people, isn’t it!
In short Ramadan’s bless surrounds us and its generosity is in each and every way. I just wished it’s be more generous and gather me with my family which I already miss and will miss even more in Ramadan, because with my Family everything has a different taste. Our home is decorated with Ramadan lamps, lanterns, table covers, serving papers, lights and even the key medals have Ramadan signs on them…
This year it’s expected to be on either the 26th or the 27th of October, so Happy Ramadan to all Muslims of the world and Ramadan Kareem to all of you, and for you smokers and coffee addicts, hold on tight 😉
Guess I got excited… can’t wait for Ramadan to BEGIN :))

October 21 2003


I’ve been surfing the net last night when I came across this interesting website.
It offers Arabic Lessons for online learners and it has a lot of nice features as greeting cards, jokes, fonts and many other things. It has an English illustration for the Arabic features which I find really practical for those beginners in the Arabic language.
So if you’re interested in Arabic language why don’t you take a look, you’ll like it 😉

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October 20 2003

Bravo Palestine

Despite the crucial war and terrible circumstances, Palestinians prove to the whole world the meaning of hope, courage and the spirit of challenge in every Palestinian.
Their latest challenge was their success in marketing and exporting their handmade gowns, dresses, portraits and souvenirs. Their beautiful and simple products add a beautiful touch to every home. Not only because they look great, and not only because they’re different, but also because each dress is made of tired hands that are trying to feed their children, each piece of art is produced with hard work with low life conditions. No proper food, not enough material, no money, even electricity is cut most of the time, they’re working with nothing to have but worries. They worry that someone would break in their house and kill one of the members, even if it was the few days old baby sleeping on the couch, they worry that a bomb would fall over their heads any second… they worry, they don’t fear. For Palestinians are full of courage, a 3 year old boy has the courage of 10 grown up men, a 5 year old girl is as brave as a soldier. And at the time kids around the world dream of chocolate, ice cream and candy, all what Palestinian children hope for is to have a good night sleep, they dream of a peaceful home, they dream of going to school without any gunfire striking over their heads, they wish that if their dad went out, that he’ll come back. They pray that they wont lose their mother, they wish that they’ll be able to know what happiness tastes like, they hope no one will come and cut the olive tree they planted, they want to watch it grow as they grow too.
Palestinians, those unique proud people, who will keep on struggling for survival, will keep on fighting for their rights, and who will never stop challenging themselves even if the whole world with its whole population stood against them…

Congratulations on your high spirits and your talents, we’re all with you, praying for you day and night, praying for God to protect you and give you the strength to hold on…

October 17 2003

Pay It Forward

A beautiful movie in each and every way. What I loved most about it was the idea it discussed: Paying Forward. A really impressive thought that suggests you do something good for someone, and when that someone asks what to do in return then you tell him to “pay it forward” by helping other three people. And then each one of the three helps another three people and so on.
After watching the movie I was like: oh really, what if we apply it, wouldn’t it be just great?!
The one thing I’m not that sure of though is whether the one you help would ask to pay you in return or not! 😉

For all details about the movie Click Here

October 17 2003


Ein wertvolles Wort, das wir jetzt sehr brauchen. Ich erinnere mich an den Tag, in dem ich dieses schönes Wort entdeckt habe. Unser Lehrer hat uns eine Hausaufgabe gegeben: jeder sollte ein neues Wort im Wörterbuch gucken und eine Geschichte oder irgendetwas schreiben, wo dieses Wort mehrmals verwendet wird.
Ich habe viele anderen Wörter gefunden, wollte aber nur über Genügsamkeit schreiben. Also habe ich das Wort gewählt und etwas über es geschrieben. Und bis heute gefällt mir dieses Wort sehr. Es ist echt bedeutend und wichtig für alle Menschen, denn ich glaube, dass viele unter uns es vergessen haben, oder vielleicht gibt es einige, die es noch nicht kennen.
Genügsamkeit ist Zufriedenheit auch wenn man nichts besitzt. Genügsamkeit macht uns stolz und froh. Es freit uns von allen materiellen Krankheiten, die uns schwächen können, und hilft uns Schwierigkeiten zu überleben.
Wenn man sich über kleine und einfache Sachen wie Gesundheit, Familie, und Freundschaft freut, fühlt man sich ganz stark, sorgenfrei und hoffnungsvoll. Und das wird seine Umgebung positiv beeinflussen. Die Menschen, die man kennt, werden auch froh und stark sein, und jeder wird ein Vorbild für andere Leute sein. Also verbessert sich die Menschheit und unser Leben wird leichter und erfolgreicher sein.
Ein Leben ohne Sorgen, ohne Materialismus, ohne Eifersucht; mit starken Menschen, die gesund denken und nichts im Leben ausser Freude und Frieden suchen… Kann was überhaupt schöner sein!

October 16 2003

Between Believers and Nonbelievers: Is There A God?

I have come across a lot of nonbelievers who are convinced that there is nothing called God, and that everything in this life has occurred because of a certain scientific reason. So nature with all what it includes of plants, wind, water, animals and humans, they’re all there because of certain equations. Which is true, we all learned that and we all believe in it, there has to be H2 + O to have water for example, but when I asked them how did we have those H2 and O, they answered: well there must have been some sort of another equation that created such elements. I asked, and how those basic elements of the other equation were provided, they said: it’s the circulation of nature.
Keeping up with such interpretations I asked what they believe their purpose in this world is, why are we all created with everything around us, there should be a reason. I got no answers, and when I got a couple they were so uncertain, they went like: maybe just to take care of earth and protect our kind… “and then die?! why then” I asked, “I guess the reason is not yet figured” they replied, and some claimed that their life will end but they will come back to life as another creatures born, so their souls leave their bodies that die and are new born as other creatures like plants or animals or humans again. But why, they didn’t give an explanation.
I’ve always wondered, why are we really here, and I know now that we’re there because of God who created everything around us with his great powers. He created us and gave us this planet and the skies and the whole stars and other planets in the galaxy to care for, to improve, to make a civilization for the generations to follow so that they’d do the same as we did and create new ways to improve more and to make life better for all creatures. We were created so that we’d see life with its good and evil and live it the way we choose. Our choices are the ones that determine whether we passed or failed this test period called life. For life is just a temporary stage, each has duties and parts to play; each has responsibilities to be in charge of; and each has their wishes to fulfill. Things we choose how to make and how to do, so that when our time is up all that is left is nothing but our deeds. If what we did was good then we passed the test and we’ll be rewarded, if not we’ll be punished because we were mature enough to make those choices on our own.
All people believe in invisible things, like love and hatred for example, even the ones who deny believing in them, you find them happy with some people and so annoyed being around some others. Even if you don’t think something invisible exists, there has to be a time when you feel that thing one way or the other. And we can all feel God’s powers around us, but a lot of us choose not to believe in him.
Here is a conversation between a nonbeliever father and his 5 years old son, while they’re watching the news, it might help clear the picture a bit.

Son: Wow, how can we know how the weather’s gonna be dad?
Dad: By using our brains son. We were able to invent a lot of things that can help us predict weather conditions, earthquakes and many other things. we’re not always correct but mostly that we are.
Son: Where did we get that brain?
Dad: Hmmm. Well it comes as a package with our whole body when we’re born.
Son: Animals have brains right? but they can’t make cars or drive anything at all. And they don’t go to school, they don’t know math’s. How come our brains are better?
Dad: Ahhh, hmmm. Oh, it’s because we are developed creatures son.
Son: Developed?!! All of us?
Dad: Sure, no doubt in that (with a proud smile on his face)
Son: then why does mom feel sorry for the 7 year old boy next door?
Dad: Oh, Tommy, well because he is retarded, he has mental problems, he can’t speak well, he doesn’t know how to make a conversation, doesn’t understand what we say, and acts as a little baby.
Son: Why’s that?
Dad: Poor kid, his brain doesn’t function really well.
Son: So he’s not developed like the rest of us?
Dad: Exactly!
Son: I thought you said to never doubt all people are developed?!
Dad: Oh look here comes Barney …
Son: So is Tommy an animal dad?
Dad: No son he’s just not normal.
Son: Why’s that?
Dad: Well maybe his mom was sick while she was pregnant, or it could be that there was a mistake the surgeon did while Tommy’s mom was giving birth to him, or something like that.
Son: But why did his mom get sick in the first place if she took care of herself? And why did the surgeon make a mistake?
Dad: It’s meant to be son, it’s meant to be.
Son: Who meant it to be?
Dad: The show started, we’ll talk later. Why don’t you show me how you dance with your friend Barney?
Son: Ok dad…

What some parents don’t know is that all babies are born as balanced souls, they all are full of love for the people surrounding them, they all sense the completion between 2 opposite kinds and they all purely believe in the great power of God. They know that God created them. And a lot of parents are aware of this fact, that’s why you find many nonbelievers buying Christmas trees and decorating them and celebrating, when you ask, they’ll answer: well you know, there is a kid in the house and we don’t want him to feel unnatural.
But the real reason is that they have no way to explain to this innocent child that there is no God. Although if they themselves were 100% sure of what they do and that it’s the right thing, then they’ll have no problem explaining it to their children or friends. They wont feel embarrassed and they wont mind their kids not celebrating like others. But the fact is they know there is God, because they see clearly how every person longs to pray for someone to help him, even the non religious people chose different kinds of “Gods” to worship. I’m not saying that they are right, but I’m trying to make a point here. A point that we all sense God, and we all believe in him, but some choose a different God because they need something to see and touch, even if it was some stone THEY BUILT with their own hands. And some others choose to lie to their selves and say there is no God to release themselves of any religious duties. To choose the wrong and wait for no punishment.
But I ask those nonbelievers one question, if you believe there is no God, why are you afraid of death?! Is it a natural human reaction to be afraid of death? Who made you have that reaction? Oh you’re not afraid of death? then why are you afraid to lose someone close? The fear to miss that person? How is this missing implanted in you? How are you full of those invisible feelings? How were you created as such a mixture? Why did you replace a good respectful word like “Oh GOD” with a dirty disgusting thing like “Oh SHIT”? Isn’t it because you want nothing to remind of the truth that there is a God?!
Why do young people die every single day? Isn’t that to remind us of the presence of God?! Why do we take care of our health perfectly and then a new disease occurs out of nowhere causing panic and fear among us? Isn’t that to remind you of the power of God?! Why does a 3 year old kid ask you how did he get to the world? Isn’t that because he’s curious to know what’s this great power behind this whole world? Isn’t it because he sensed something beyond his own ability to explain so he thought he’d seek your help?! Why does it rain? Yes it is because of scientific reasons, but what makes the cloud full of those ions and electrons and what makes them connect? What makes the equations we discovered work? Why is the water with no color? Why is there reflection? Why our interpretations of why the sky is blue make it blue and not dark blue or yellow? Who organizes the movement of planets? Who is lifting the skies? How does a tree grow opposite gravity? Why is this flower pink, and the one next to it violet? Why do we have to get older?
Why when something happens we always know that there is someone behind it? Why can’t I say that a ship is built on its own? Why if a bank is rubbed there has to be a thief? Why in all languages there is a SUBJECT and an Object?! Why can’t things happen simply like that? Why can’t we make ourselves believe that just like we’re brought to life by nature that everything happens on its own, so no need for our kids to go to school to know the interpretations of everything. There is no need for scientists to do more research about live, no need to know, we should just live in peace.
Why is a nonbeliever always feeling lost although he chose that way? Because he feels there is something missing, even if one nonbeliever is reading those lines right now and goes like: crap, I’m not lost…why don’t you know who to turn to when you’re in big trouble? Because you know that you might be misunderstood, or you might not be forgiven, or , or , or. But a believer knows that God is merciful, doesn’t ask us that much to do, God who will understand you as he sees everything happening and why it happened, his door is always open for us to turn to, and no matter how many times you’ve made mistakes, you can always turn to him for forgiveness, and once you’ve had that moment of truth and confrontation with yourself you feel like you’re a newborn, with lots of good things waiting for you to do. You feel that a person is capable of many things, and when directed in the right way, our brains can serve not only humanity but all its surroundings making you feel proud and happy. You’ll start appreciating the smallest things, like the birds flying around you singing with joy, you’ll start experiencing the real taste of a fresh picked apple that came from a generous tree which didn’t mind it all when a human took one of its fruits to eat. You’ll start seeing world clearer, and will realize that by helping others, raising your kids, supporting your wife, being there for your friends, being honest, saying the truth, fearing nothing right, and respecting your humanity, you will realize that when doing all this you’re being your true self and your pleasing your God who asked for nothing more than that.
Take a closer look around you, have half an hour of meditation, with no outer interference, you’ll sense the presence of God who’s protecting us and blessing us, and you’ll be proud of belonging to mankind, full of hope and energy, full of appreciation for God…

October 15 2003

Let’s Play … For Nature :)

Yesterday it rained like crazy in Tunisia. I love rain, it’s so great and watching the rain drops fall on the ground, the sound they make and even the touch of rain on your skin is just incredible.
There are years when a country lacks the bless of rain, you can see all people complaining and blaming God or nature for not having enough water. And when it comes in big quantities causing floods, you hear all people also complaining for the loss of crops, or the ruins of their places, or the dirt left at their house doors …etc. What made me get to this idea that I’m sure a lot would find crazy or childish in a way but I wont lose anything if I shared it with you .
I thought that it’s true rain becomes a danger when it causes floods and blocks streets and ruins everything, no matter how good the infrastructure is, when it rains too heavy everything will be flooded and a lot of things will be damaged. And the next day you’ll find responsible people organizing the pumps that will take all excess waters and blow them I don’t know where. The point is the waters will become dirty and wont be used, they’ll be pumped away and WASTED instead.
So I thought why doesn’t every citizen in every country help the authorities control excess waters, use them personally and even send them to countries that need waters.
How, well here comes the nice part, this could be applied through water containers spread by people and authorities as well, spread all over the country. I got the idea from my parents. Back in time when I was a little kid, I remember when it used to rain , mom and dad used to make us play this very useful and great game, they called it “water collection”, the game consists of any means of collecting water: bowls, bottles, plastic boxes, jars, vases, and anything deep. It’s played in the rain season. Each member chooses something to collect waters and places it anywhere he/she likes. Our parents chose the best places of course as they were more aware what part would enable to collect water better. And the next day at the same time we placed our things, we get back to them to see who collected most, and of course we kids always won as our parents always poured from their containers into ours 😉 Now the next step of the game is to suggest ways to use the collected water, some would use them to water the indoor plants, others would suggest using it as drinking water for the birds, or in cooking or washing and cleaning and so on. As for me I always used it to increase the water level in the aquarium we had 😛 I thought the fish would be happy to experience swimming in rain water, lol, poor fish they’d be swimming in peace and then I come and pour the water and they’d all go like: bug, bug, bug… and there’ll be kind of a “water-twister” in there as I poured strongly, and the happier I was, the stronger I poured 😛
Anyway, back to the main idea, I thought applying this game would really be helpful. Why don’t we spread containers on the roof, balconies, put some on the window edges…etc, rainwater is pure we could use it in any way. Why don’t authorities build certain containers and collective tanks and spread them in streets and farms. Other than that when a farm is flooded, instead of pumping the excess water in the sea, we could clarify it and use it, if it was more than enough we could send it to parts that weren’t lucky enough to get enough water average. The rain is falling anyway, and there might be floods no matter what we do, but it makes a difference when we use at least 2% of the falling rain at first, with time we’ll figure out better ways to collect and use the water, there has to be a first step though, even if that step was so simple. On the other hand we teach everyone to care for the environment and play a role in saving the wasted waters and using it. We implant the environmental awareness in our children, we teach them that teamwork helps in many ways.
It’s just a thought, maybe if I was specialized in environmental issues I’d be able to apply that theory some day, but I hope the ones who are specialized would think of something similar to avoid the terrible loss of that pure water and benefit from it in the best way possible.