August 16 2004

Make A List

Get a piece of paper and a pen, consider today your last day of life, make a list of the things you’re really proud of in your life, the things that you consider the source of your happiness.

You might write job, but you wont write salary, you might write home but you wont write house, you might write blog but you wont write PC, you might write family but you wont write fights, you might write friends but you wont write enemies… In short, you’ll be listing the basic elements of satisfaction, warmth, love, and happiness. You’ll be listing healthy relationships, things you did and made a positive difference in your life or the life of others, things that symbolize the perfect balance between giving and receiving. You wont be mentioning your TV, or the size of your home, or your car.
Therefore never mix between what’s really important and what most of people use to evaluate your importance with. The real meaning of success is never what and how much you’re able to collect in your life, but unfortunately a lot of people waste their lives believing this is success… don’t be like them, and keep in mind that after you die nothing will really mean anything, your possessions will be thrown away, or, if valuable, they’ll be inherited by people who will die sooner or later and will mean nothing any more. The only thing that will make you remembered and will keep you alive after your death is your good deeds, your achievements. The nice words you said, the amount of smiles you forced on people’s faces, being there to help and support and being able to protect healthy relationships from being lost.
Reconsider your life, see the real important things. Don’t be ashamed of the small house of yours, or of the fact that you have no car. Instead, work on the real important matters. It’s never too late to start a list of proud achievements, and there’s nothing better than making this list bigger and bigger…

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August 12 2004

Lesson Of The Day

“I can –so easily- tell others what to do, but I find it always so difficult to figure out what I should do” – a client.

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August 12 2004

Woman’s Day In Tunisia

Tomorrow August 13th, is an official holiday in Tunisia, it’s Woman’s Day.
The streets are full of signs with “Tunisian Woman Day” and “We Respect Women”, and stuff like that. Assi Al Hillani (a famous Lebanese singer) is throwing a concert on this occasion, and I’m sure so many women’s rights organizations and activists will be making speeches and activities to celebrate this day.
If you’re not living in Tunisia, then you must know that it’s one of the leading countries all around the world when it comes to women’s rights. But I personally think women are exaggerating sometimes. Women here asked for their rights, they got it, but it wasn’t enough for them, so they asked for more in the name of equality to men, till they overloaded their lives with duties and jobs, leaving men enjoying a less hectic and more comfortable life.
It is so impressive to see women working and living happily. It’s great to know they’re equal to men, but equality does not mean doing the same things, no. It means having full rights, being constructive and effective members in society and being protected from assaults or mistreatment. Freedom, independency and liberation of women, are definitions that got really mixed up because of some activists who unfortunately think, a woman can never be an equal to man unless she lost her femininity. Do I have to grow a mustache and have muscles about to explode just to prove I’m strong enough?!
From the beginning of existence women were born with their own responsibilities as females, and so were men. I’m not against women entering most of the fields that were exclusively for men, but I’m surly against treating men as competitors! Men and women are to work as a team, hand in hand, side by side, work can be in an office, at home, anywhere. As long as each has a duty, each has certain responsibilities, and both are happy, then there is no need to ask for more and more, it’s enough!
If a man buys the fruits, and the woman makes the juice, and they both drink it, then they’ve both played a role and they’ve both earned the drink equally. I don’t have to insist on buying the fruits myself and him making the juice! We should complete each other. Some women are tougher than their male partners, in this case, there’s no harm if she does the hard work as long as she’s happy with it and not being overloaded and as long as he’s helping her in other ways. But a woman should stop thinking that she’s never equal to man unless she cooks, works, drives the kids to school and back, goes out, cleans the house, and gets double the salary of her husband for example. This is slavery to a stupid useless idea. If the man is ok and can do his job, then both should make some kind of balance to guarantee a healthy comfortable relationship.
I just hate the fact that some women say they’re free and have their rights, when they’re working as twice as men, and being used every day of their life.
I wish women will really open their eyes and get their perfect role in life as working members, mothers, students and everywhere. It’s not in the quality of work, it’s the balance between rights and duties that makes the woman feel her freedom and be satisfied with her rights.
Anyway, happy Woman’s Day to all women of the world, specially the Tunisian woman, since tomorrow is her day:) Hoping all women will be as happy and well-treated as they wish.

August 12 2004

Evil Competition

Aside of war, massacres and unfair sanctions, people are enjoying watching other people suffering, starving, being tortured and humiliated. Not only this, but somehow a person can no longer enjoy this life unless he/she kills or at least hurts someone else.
Evil is growing stronger and stronger, till this whole life is totally destroyed, which, I assume, will happen soon.
Now the main concern of people is to compete: who wins, who gets paid more, who looks better, who has more friends, who’s funnier, who has more affaires, who’s sexier, who has a better position…etc. I’m never against healthy competition; competing to improve, make progress, and make this world a better place. But unfortunately, this is not the case in most of the occasions. Competition nowadays is anything but healthy and good. It’s mostly for one of two reasons: a personal interest, OR hurting someone out of envy and jealousy.
This evil competition is present in all fields of life, specially at work.
Employees, instead of working as a team, they trick each other, steal each others’ opportunities, stand in the way of one’s success, spread rumors about each other, cause fights between each other, and are ready to hurt any one just to win the complete confidence of the big boss. The boss, who spares no effort in annoying his/her employees, underpaying them and underestimating their abilities and talents. Employers nowadays can never be happy unless they show disrespect.
I really don’t understand this! Work is a relationship of mutual need. Employers need employees and vice versa. And just like hundreds of employees are killing themselves to get a job, hundreds of employers are killing themselves to hire qualified and good mannered people.
Look around you, why isn’t work done in the right way and on time! Why should employees go begging for a raise when they do their work perfectly? Why should employers have their own “office-spies” to keep things under control? Why must clients threaten not to pay so that they’ll get their work on time? Why, why, why?!!
It’s all because of the cause-effect equation. Treat employees right, they’ll work hard, you’ll get work done on time, client pays you, all are happy, they work harder, you reward them, they trust you, work with loyalty, and things go perfectly. In such an environment, there will be no space but for healthy competition.
Don’t wait for others to start the cause, no, you be the cause, work hard, and give your best, if not appreciated, then move from the cause status to the effect status and look for the place where you’ll be appreciated.

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August 10 2004

Islamic Relief

“Whoever saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind” Qur’an 5:32
Islamic Relief is an international relief and development charity dedicated to alleviating the poverty and suffering of the world’s poorest people. It is an independent Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) founded in the UK in 1984 by Dr Hany El Banna.
As well as responding to disasters and emergencies, Islamic Relief promotes sustainable economic and social development by working with local communities – regardless of race, religion or gender.
For more information about Islamic Relief, more details about their programs, donations and vacancies Click Here.
Take a look at their site, and try to help in any possible way. No matter how little you think your role might be, be sure it will make a very big positive difference in the life of many people in need all around the world.

August 9 2004

FINALLY… I Can Drive :)

I’ve been living in Tunisia since the end of September 2002, ever since then I never drove a car. The reason is that my husband’s car is normal gear, and although I’ve passed my driving test in normal gear, yet I never drove but cars with automatic gears. When I came to Tunisia, I was still adapting to my new life, and didn’t know the streets and the driving rules in the country. So I decided to give myself a couple of months to get more familiar with the new country. A while later my husband and I decided he’d take me driving -in relatively empty places- every now and then till I can be ready to drive in normal gear again. The disaster was when I went with him the first time and I couldn’t even manage driving 1 km long, lol, that was so embarrassing. Anyway, we decided to forget about the idea and turn to a driving school to get some lessons to remind me of driving normal gear.
The problem is, in the start of our marriage, things weren’t as easy as they’re now. New life, more responsibilities, and only my husband worked. A driving school was not our 1st priority at that level. After taking the first step into improving our life from all aspects, which is moving into a smaller apartment, everything seemed to get really better, thank God for that of course.
Anyway, one day, a short while after we moved to the new home, my husband asked me to give it one last try and somehow I managed to follow my husband’s instructions correctly and was able to drive better than the first try!! So he took me driving for short distances around our new neighborhood, whenever we had the time. But I wasn’t still ready for driving in crowded places or in highways. A driving school became a priority but I always got back really tired from work, and had enough things to do, and although I looked for driving schools online, and found close ones, but I never made an appointment.
And last Sunday, August 1st, I was fed up being afraid of driving, we were going shopping for stuff for our home, I looked at my husband, and was like: “ok, enough is enough, it’s about time I move forward and drive, so I’ll drive us to Carrefour today”, my husband was shocked, yet happy, but as soon as we reached the car downstairs I was like: “well, maybe not today” 😛 but he was like: “oh no you don’t, you’re driving us today and NOW”.
I drove there, with my hands shaking, my face as red as the Tunisian flags on the sides of the roads, feeling so damn tensed and scared to run over someone or hit another car. Anyway, it went well, except for my dear husband having the worst time of his life 😛 To make it even worse for himself, he encouraged me to drive back home as well, and I did. The next day he took me driving in “Les Berges du Lac” where I work, around 10-15 minutes from home. I drove there in the morning, then in the evening, and the day after it he actually took me driving from home to “Les Berges du Lac” further to “Le Kram”, the 2nd most crowded place after downtown Tunis, I drove then to my beloved Carthage then continued to “Sidi Bou Said”, where we stopped for some tea (he parked the car though :P) then I drove from “Sidi Bou Said” to home, passing by “La Marsa” where my in-laws live 🙂 and kept driving through the highway till we reached our home sweet home 🙂 So I can announce now, that AquaCool can officially drive in the crazy streets of Tunisia since last week, and God knows how HAPPY I AM for this achievement. And well, just in case you think I’m a loser for being afraid of driving in Tunisia, you’d better take a look at the REASONS .
Anyway, I have to first thank my great husband for tolerating my driving, having the patience to teach me how to deal with normal gear and how to drive safely, and for supporting me all the time, and thank all members of my family, who kept on encouraging me to adapt to my new life and drive as soon as possible.
Yippieeeeeeeeee… I made it 😀

August 6 2004

Work Diaries (7): New music collection

LOL! I really can’t stop laughing, this is so damn funny. Lol!
Well, the thing is, my boss has this special taste in music. He only listens to Beethoven, Mozart and this kind of music. Every once in a while he’d play a new CD he got from a country he visited. And although I love this kind of music too, but it all depends on my mood. Sometimes I’m really sleepy and stuff like Beethoven makes things worse. Anyway, he’d always mention that he stopped listening to Arabic music veeeeeeeeery long time ago because of his traveling. But now, and thanks to The International Carthage Festival , he comes every day with a new music collection of Arabic music and plays it all day long till I’m about to throw up of boredom.
Anyway, the trick is, he made up his mind to go to all concerts of the festival this year, and to enjoy himself, he can’t go to a concert with songs he’s not familiar with. Therefore he buys a CD with the top hits of each singer he’s going to a day or two before the concert takes place. He plays the CD till he’s satisfied with his “background” of the style and lyrics, and after he goes to the concert, and if he really liked the singer he goes on and buys as much albums as possible, and of course, his office is the best place for playing them 😛
And to see a loyal fan of Mozart and Beethoven listening to new fast beat music with really stupid lyrics sometimes is just funny 😀 Today’s Amr Diab concert, so today’s CD is with Amr Diab songs, I have no problem at all 😉 and while I’m posting here, Amr Diab’s Hit “Habeebi wala ala baloh” is playing in the boss’ office, and I can see the maid dancing her head off not knowing I’m actually writing about her, lol, bad, bad, me 😀
Anyway, Arabic music has the nice and the bad in it. And the nice part is really great with talented people, beautiful voices and meaningful lyrics. And I guess it’s about time my boss knows Arabic music, the music of the world he belongs to. Still that doesn’t mean he has to play the CD over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over……

August 5 2004

Lesson Of The Day

“It’s so easy to stick to your principles and defend your opinion when you’re a responsibility-free employee. Moreover you’ll be called brave and strong. But when you have bills to pay, a family to support, and a house owner waiting at your door in the end of every month, then it becomes safer and more logical for you to compromise your principles and simply follow orders; fighting for your principles -in this case- will be considered insanity and carelessness.” – a former coworker.

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August 5 2004



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August 5 2004

“Made in Germany: Architecture & Ecology”

An exhibit on ecologically friendly architecture in Germany “Made in Germany: Architecture & Ecology” opened in Barcelona on July 6, and will travel to 14 other cities before it closes, in April 2006. The exhibit highlights the country’s position at the forefront of a growing movement in ‘green’ building techniques.
The German architect and engineer Werner Sobek has made quite a splash with his home, called R128, which he completed in 2000. The house — perched on a hillside in Stuttgart — is made entirely of glass, allowing unobstructed views over four full stories. It also relies exclusively on infrared sensors instead of handles, with doors popping open and faucets shutting on and off at the wave of a hand.
R 128 is one of nine buildings featured in the exhibit. The buildings featured range from personal homes, such as R128 and a solar-housing settlement near Freiburg, to a daycare center whose roof collects rainwater used to flush the toilets, to a ‘zero energy’ subterranean train station (lit by cathedral-like skylights at ground level). There is also a “zero emissions factory,” a high rise that makes use of thermal energy, and the “Heliotrope,” a solar-energy powered building that rotates to follow the sun.
In 2002, a similar exhibit in the United States — called Ten Shades of Green — featured nine instances of ecological architecture from around the world. Of these, four were German. This overwhelming presence is a testament to a general interest in conservation in Germany, and to considerable government financial support. Details…
I just adore environment-friendly houses, and my dream is to have one 🙂