June 15 2010

World Cup & I

So a lot of people have been asking me about my “surprising” and “sudden” passion for football. The thing is, I’ve always loved football, I’m not obsessed with it though, I like to play it, and just love the whole world cup ambiance. So usually I’d rarely tune in to watch a football match in normal days, but when it comes to the World Cup, then I am a first-row enthusiast. I’m a fan of the following teams, in the following order: 1. Germany 2. Brazil 3. Italy 4. Argentina 5. Spain If there’s an Arab team playing, then it’ll be moved to the top of my list. And I really love a good game. If a team, of which I’m a fan, sucked at a game, I will not support it. What I hate about the world cup: A. How media and human stupidity turned such a beautiful sport into a billion-dollar-trade, with its irritating Monopoly, depriving the poor of watching a nice game, cheering for their teams, and taking away their right to be passionate about something, as if they’re not worthy of anything sweet in life. B. That my beloved Palestine doesn’t get to participate in it, since it’s not regarded as an independent state. C. The danger and destruction resulting from the violence fans are capable of when their favorite teams lose. D. The conclusion I’ve come to, that hatred caused by football playing, is equivalent to that caused by politics. Wishing all are having a good time watching their favorite teams play.

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Posted June 15, 2010 by Eman Abukhadra in category "Just Personal