March 20 2007

The Ugly Concept Of Beauty

I’ve always believed that beauty has no rules, limits, or standards. Beauty, I strongly believe, is a matter of taste. There is no such things as “beauty idols”, or “steps to beauty”, or anything of the kind.

Whoever may look beautiful in the eyes of someone, might look normal, or even ugly in the eyes of someone else. That’s because -no matter how hard people try to say otherwise- beauty is not limited to the outside looks only but consists also of many factors that include the character as well as the behavior.

So,I like to always insist that beauty is an inside out thing, limited by nothing other than our own taste. That’s why I find this constant striving to perfection of looks simply ridiculous. And women -even little girls- are becoming obsessed with this ridiculous striving, and many are willing to do anything just to attract others and be called “beautiful”.

I believe that, in order to be truly beautiful, a woman needs to:
– be herself.
– avoid being a slave to fashion trends.
– be really confident.
– be proud of her looks, as well as her age.
– be as natural and simple as possible.

But unfortunately, with the help of media, our concept of beauty is evolving in the ugliest way ever. People are being subject to brainwashing on daily basis; beauty lost its natural precious values and is being transformed into an artificial product.
Women imitate this product, they look for magical touches to hide whatever they wish to hide, willing to pay fortunes and work their heads off just to maintain whatever that artificial product possesses.
Women have become unbelievably afraid of aging, they lie about their age, they are ashamed of who they really are, they prefer the masks they could buy to hide their true looks and their real age!
What a shame!
I believe many women need a wakeup call, to get back to their senses and show them the real meaning of beauty… that’s why I simply LOVE Dove’s campaign for real beauty.(Arabic…)
I hope women will finally realize that age, skin color, body shape, do not define beauty unless we want them to, so please, don’t let stuff like that hold you back or scare you or limit your potential to be a really beautiful being in your life.

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Posted March 20, 2007 by Eman Abukhadra in category "Media, International", "Women