July 22 2004


The American toy company Herobuilders has come up with a new creation: plastic celebrities. Their collection includes politicians and religious figures.
A plastic, 30 Cm sized George W. Bush with movable body parts, hand-painted in the USA, costs $29.95, whereas Saddam Hussein, in his detainee look (with no muscles and in a white T-Shirt) costs $24.95. On the other hand, the company has also created a plastic “Jesus”, with a very special feature: speaking. All what one should do is press lightly on the stomach area of the plastic toy and it will say the 10 commendments in 20 seconds. And in case you would like to dress your favorite character your own style, then you don’t need to worry, the company has already provided jeans, dresses, shoes and so many accessories to suit your taste. Not only this, but they have also provided parts in case your plastic “hero” has broken a leg or lost an arm 😀
Source: DeutscheWelle

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Posted July 22, 2004 by Eman Abukhadra in category "General