November 17 2004

Are They Sports?

Last night we were watching “Rocky”, apart of the movie being an extremely exciting one till this very day, it always reminds me of my opinion concerning “sports” such as Boxing.
I never really considered Boxing to be a sport. Just like I never was convinced of the idea of Formula 1, wrestling, motor bike/ cart racing, to be kinds of sports.
To me a sport is an extremely healthy and environment-friendly activity. And I can’t see anything healthy in breaking someone’s teeth, or smashing their skulls, or lifting them up in your arms just to throw them on the ground as strong as you can!
I see nothing environment-friendly in pumping out toxic gas and crashing a speeding car causing fatal injuries!
I really don’t know, they might be fun to watch, but when it comes to me, I’ll never ever consider any of them sports.

November 5 2004

No Hard Feelings :)

For the first time in my life it’s been around 2 months since I last checked my email accounts! Oh dear God! I’ve just realized this last night.
After work I’m extremely busy doing something, and the only free time I get is a few minutes break during my work day. But unfortunately checking personal emails at work is restricted, I have no access to any of my personal email accounts.
So if any of you sent me an email and didn’t get a reply you know now that it’s because lack of time and not because of ignorance.
I apologize for this, and promise to do my best and check my emails as soon as I can 🙂

November 3 2004

It’s Winter Already

I can say that winter in Tunis started officially –and finally- last night.
It’s raining, weather is pretty cold, and the sky is cloudy. Ah I missed winter. A great saying I usually remember every winter is: “in winter people are cleaner, they don’t smell, and they all look more elegant because of the jackets”, this is what my sisters used to point out in the beginning of every winter 🙂
Yet the problem in winter is this overall lazy atmosphere, the increased car accidents, floods in some parts of the world, and last but not least, my powerful urge to EAT 😀
It’s not weight I care about, never cared about this actually, because to me the person is valued with his/her deeds and character, and the value makes me see them attractive or not. It never was looks. And whoever evaluates me through my looks is a shallow person to me.
Anyway, again, the problem in me loving to eat is that I feel like eating those meals that need long time to be prepared. And I don’t have much time, so I have to wait for weekends to cook what I really feel like eating, but in weekends I feel like being lazy after a busy week of hard work and stress. But I always manage somehow :D.
I love winter, as cold as it is, I consider winter to be a “warm” season, coz it adds a tasty flavor to homes and staying at them.

Today, I’m starving, but well, at least I know I’ll be eating what I want in around 4 hours, unlike the poor people who will be smelling delicious smells from our kitchens wishing they can have a bite. The problem is, no matter how much we try to help, the world is full of poor people that we don’t know they even exist. And I thank God for Ramadan, besides all its health related benefits, its spiritual value, and its psychological positive effect on the poor people, it really awakens our conscious and reminds the ignorant of the forgotten poor people. Isn’t Ramadan such a bless!

November 2 2004

November 2nd… Monia’s Day

While the whole world is excitingly waiting for the results of the US elections to be announced today, I’m here in my office thinking of my little sis Monia who will be celebrating her birthday today November 2nd. Yes, Amani & Monia have their birthdays so close to each other.
It’s true I was a kid when Monia was born, but I still remember her cute baby face, and when she got a bit older I remember her cute blonde curled hair, and her big green eyes. They tell me I got really jealous of her when she was born coz she took all the attention from me. How selfish a kid I was 😛 I think my sis Amani was the only one among us who never felt jealous when any of us was born. She’s great. And well, why feel jealous if she’s got the looks and the spirits that could keep all eyes rolling around her!

My dear Monia graduated from University of Jordan (Industrial Engineering) last semester, and is still looking for a job. I keep telling her not to rush things, she’ll regret these lazy days she’s enjoying now 😀 I really wish her the best of luck in her life, she deserves it. Such a kind loving heart.
I miss hanging out with her so much. Unlike her serious looks, Monia is a person with a great sense of humor. With her smile, straight from the heart, she makes anyone’s day. I really miss her.
When I went to Jordan I tried to catch up with her and make up for the time we spent apart, but I still feel I didn’t spend enough time neither with her nor with anyone else.

I wish her a happy birthday, and hope that this year will be the start of so many happy events in all fields of her life. She deserves it, she’s such a beautiful person inside out.
Happy Birthday Monni and 3o2bal 100 saneh 🙂

God I hate being away from my family…

November 1 2004

Amani’s Birthday

Yesterday was my beautiful sister Amani’s birthday. I was so unlucky I couldn’t meet her when I visited Jordan as she and her family moved to Canada.
This is her first Birthday away from family, I wish somehow we’ll gather and it will be the last time I miss their birthdays.
When my brother came for his 3 day visit to Tunis, he told me that Amani is handling her new life and her new environment so bravely. I was so proud to hear that. I know it’s so difficult for her and her husband to start over a whole new life, find a new home, find new jobs and make new friends. Not to forget their 2 adorable kids who can keep all Canada busy 🙂 But Amani and Ahmad are brave enough to succeed, and I’m so happy for them.
I miss her like hell. In Jordan I avoided passing by their home, and during my 3 weeks stay, I didn’t step into their whole neighborhood. I was afraid I’ll be so depressed. I miss them all so much. She and her husband were so much fun. They had their own style of doing everything. They’re so great and we all enjoyed being with them.
Yesterday when I heard her voice on the phone I was thrilled. I even got to hear the voice of her little baby boys fighting. They’re being so naughty, but they’re so cute, may God protect them all. They’re such a wonderful family.
Can’t wait to see them. Don’t care where, just want to see them.

The funny part of last night’s phone call was when I asked Amani about Ramadan in Canada. I was feeling sorry for her assuming that Ramadan has no taste in their part of the world. After her reply, I felt sorry for myself 😛
She told me that they have everything, Ramadan sweets (atayif), middle-eastern cheese, makdous, and to those who live in Jordan, can you imagine that they sell “ta7ina & jameed al kasee7” in Canada?! LOL! I couldn’t hold my laughs when she told me. I mean, we’re in an Arabic country and we don’t have all those middle-eastern delights 😛

Ah, Amani, I wish you and your family the best of luck, great health, and the top of happiness.
And I want you to know that you become more beautiful with every year added to your life. Happy Birthday and 3o2bal 100 saneh 🙂

October 27 2004

Between Sohour & Iftar :)

It’s been really hot the past few days. Totally unexpected for the weather in the end of October. But Thank God, last night it rained for a very long time. It got so cool in the evening, and when we woke up this morning the weather was so beautiful. Sky is clear, air is fresh, it’s amazing. Actually I find such a beautiful weather so tempting 😛 I’m in my office, wishing I’d be out for a nice walk. Ah! Wouldn’t that be wonderful!.

Ramadan is just great. Although I’m the kind of people who get hungry really fast. The funny thing is, we wake up at 4 a.m. every day for sohour. So we have about an hour of eating before it’s time for the morning prayer 😛 and I do eat in sohour more than I do in Iftar. Then we wake up at 7:10 a.m. to get ready for work, which is about two hours from sohour, but still, when I wake up, I feel really hungry :P. At around 10 I call my husband and go like: I’m STARVING!
When it’s Iftar, I feel like eating only soup and some fatty fried “yummies” 😉 yes, I don’t always feel like the main dish, which I cooked with such a passion. And after Iftar I go sweets’ crazy, lol! Yes, I feel like chocolates, dates, middle-eastern and Tunisian sweets. Oh, and I just love eating those with a hot cup of tea, or coffee.
Ramadan is such a bless. Everything in it feels better. It’s so peaceful, and gives the person a chance to get back on the right track and become closer to God. Thinking of it, sometimes I say to myself: old days were better. People were all sticking to their religion, praying, fasting, and helping others. It wasn’t such a burden to fast, you’d find all people respecting each others’ religions. But nowadays, and although we have everything made easier, transportation, communication, work, and almost everything, people are always complaining. The easier life gets, the more difficult it becomes for people to practice their religion, and to stick to its rules. Weird!
Unfortunately, the number of Muslims who do not fast is increasing. Not only this, but they also have no problem with eating in public, which I find disrespecting. I believe in personal freedom, but I also believe that if an action will affect the public negatively, then it’s no longer freedom of the individual, it becomes a public matter. We were out shopping the other day, and foreigners were on the counters of fast-food restaurants buying takeaway lunch meals, while Arab Muslims were so freely eating their meals in public without the least sense of respect to others. This is such a shame. If you don’t want to fast, it’s between you and God, you’re responsible for your own acts. But don’t disrespect or offend others by your acts, do it in private, although I feel sorry for all who can’t stick to a religion they say they belong to.

Anyway, today while having sohour, I felt like talking 😛 so I kept talking and talking to my husband, I was so awake, and was enjoying my meal so much that the Athan of morning prayer started before I drank my cup of water 🙁 yes, I’m dead thirsty! And watching the lake from my window, I feel like throwing myself inside it and drinking it all up 😛
I hope weather is beautiful in your part of the world. Wishing you all a great happy day…

October 12 2004

The Bitter Taste Of Joy…

We’ve just returned from the airport after saying bye to my older brother Mohammad.
Last Saturday, October 9th , my brother paid us a really quick visit. He called us few days earlier to ask us whether it was ok with us if he dropped for a 3 – 4 day visit on his way from Canada to Jordan. It was totally unexpected, we were thrilled. I haven’t seen him for over a year, and my husband hasn’t seen him for over 2 years. And the fact that he was coming a couple of days after his phone call was so overwhelming. I have been asking him to drop by ever since I came to Tunisia, but it never worked out. This time, it did, thank God for that.
To be honest, I really don’t know if I’m truly happy or not. Meeting him, talking to him about his life, about my sister in Canada and her family, remembering the old days, hanging out together, showing him my second country Tunisia…it was out of this world. I was really happy. But before I even knew it, he was off to Amman again. It’s such an annoying feeling you get when you start realizing that one of your dear wishes is coming true and before you actually taste the joy of it, you have to cope with the fact that it’s no longer there and you need to make a whole new wish and wait till it comes true…
I still need more time to talk to him, to listen to what he’s got to say, to be with him, and to reach a level in which I can really say: I met my bro, I spent time with him!
Now I miss him even more than I used to miss him before he came; just like I miss my whole family more with every passing day. I always think: time takes care of things like love and missing. But life is proving me wrong. The special spots in your heart, the dear pictures in your memory, and the delicious smells in your nose, they can never be replaced, they can never be deleted. They can get weaker, only if we let go. But they will get stronger, as long as they’re alive deep inside our hearts.
Yet life also taught me to be thankful for everything and appreciate even those few moments I get to hear a voice I miss, or see a face I love…
Thank you God!

October 7 2004

Happy Birthday AquaCool :)

Yep, just like today, one year ago, my one and only blog “AquaCool” was born 🙂 And on this occasion, I want to thank my dear husband Subzero Blue for encouraging me to create a blog of my own and for supporting me in everything in my life.

I must say that becoming a blogger made a difference in my life. First surfing the net was limited to certain sites, which I thought kept me connected with the latest news and what’s really going on in this world. But I must admit that I never felt satisfied and I always got bored easily. To me, surfing the net lacked something essential, I couldn’t really know what it was back then. But since I became a blogger and was introduced to this whole blogging world, I knew only then, that the things I was looking for were actually the personal touches of people just like me, reporting what’s going on in their part of the world, telling their side of the story, sharing their experiences, discussing their opinions, keeping in touch with their beloved ones, and giving their writings this special natural straight-from-the-heart flavor.
I can’t imagine -now that I have a 1 year old blog :)- the internet without blogs.
I love reading the blogs I read every day, I like the friends I made, and I respect the many people I got to know.
I want you all to know I’m glad I know you, I appreciate your comments, cherish your own writings, and wish you all the best in everything you do.
And finally I’ll quote a sentence from my very first post: “To me this blog is the Aqua that will quench my thirst for sharing my thoughts with you, and Cool the fire in my head every time I experience an unfair situation”…

October 4 2004

Don’t Quit

Many many years ago mom bought this great poem: “Don’t quit”, she hung it on a wall in our home where all of us can see over and over again.

This poem never fails to cheer me up. Whenever I’m really close to giving up, this poem gave me back hope. In my latest visit, I saw it again, read it again, and remembered all the hard times I’ve been through, all the difficulties I’ve faced and all the great feelings I had every time I defeated failure.

I even wanted to take a pic of it… yes, I love it that much.
Today, and while surfing I came across it, and thought it’s a guaranteed way to give you the perfect dose of strength to keep on going in case you were feeling really down.

Thank you mom…

by Edgar A. Guest

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
when the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,
when the funds are low and the debts are high,
and you want to smile but you have to sigh,
when care is pressing you down a bit – rest if you must,
but don’t you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns.
As everyone of us sometimes learns.
And many a fellow turns about when he might have won had he stuck it out.
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow – you may succeed with another blow.
Often the goal is nearer than it seems to a faint and faltering man;
often the struggler has given up when he might have captured the victor’s cup;
and he learned too late when the night came down,
how close he was to the golden crown.
Success is failure turned inside out – the silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
and when you never can tell how close you are,
it may be near when it seems afar;
so stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit – it’s when things seem worst,
you must not quit.

October 1 2004

If Only…

Every Friday around this time I get a 2 minute torture cession while watching my beloved Royal Jordanian plane flying across the Tunisian skies to be in Amman in 3 hours and a half!
Every Friday I wonder: if only airplanes were like busses, all you need to get on board is to run and jump in 😉