January 4 2009

When A Child Sends A Wake-Up Call To Grownups

I just wonder what would it take for people of authority and power to see how big and terribly awful the situation in Gaza is. Armless civilians and innocent children are dying by the day while the world is watching and wasting their time to figure whom to blame!

I’ll just share with you these honest words written by the little hands of a thoughtful 7 year old (my beloved nephew), who tried to express his sadness on one hand, and to wake up the “sleeping” conscience of grownups on the other. He actually sneaked out at night to use his parents’ computer, wrote these words, printed them out and asked his mom to mail the paper to everyone she knows in an attempt to stop what’s going on in Gaza and save the innocent little children there.

“There is a war in Gaza and some Jewish people are hurting the Palestine people and I feel sorry for the kids that are dead.

A war is very dangerous for kids it could only be for a grownup.

My name is Mohamed.

The End.”

If a kid had the courage to express his opinion in his own words, and went through the fuss of typing on a computer and printing out his words, and insisted to spread his words to stop the suffering of Gazans… isn’t it such a shame that grownups are doing nothing grownup, to confront other grownups and force them to stop this grownup madness and protect children from this grownup brutality?!

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Posted January 4, 2009 by Eman Abukhadra in category "Palestine