LifeStraw, a life-saver
About half of the world’s poor suffer from waterborne diseases, of which over 6,000 – mainly children – die each day by consuming unsafe drinking water.
Today, more than one billion people of the world’s population are without access to safe water.
Knowing all this, one can’t but bee thrilled to hear about LifeStraw®, a personal, low-cost water purification tool developed by Vestergaard Frandsen Group, an international company specializing in complex emergency response and disease control textiles.
LifeStraw® is designed to turn surface water into drinking water, providing access to safe water wherever the user is. Positive test results have been achieved on tap, turbid and saline water against common waterborne bacteria such as Salmonella, Shigella, Enterococcus and Staphylococcus; offering relief from the waterborne diseases of major public concerns such as Typhoid, Cholera, Dysentery and Diarrhoea. It has a life time of 700 litres or up to 1 year and is considered one of the biggest life-savers in the century!
- Related:
- A Year Supply of Clean Drinking Water for only $3
- The LifeStraw – the invention of the century?
- Lifestraw
what a wonderful little invention..
It would be a dream for me to part of a project like that.. there’s no better way to apply our knowledge
Omar, isn’t it?
Anyway, who knows, maybe one day I’ll be posting about a similar invention you invented, I wouldn’t be surprised sicne you don’t lack the talent nor the qualifications 🙂
Great delivery. Outstanding arguments. Keep up the great work.