Work Diaries 2: the chase.
For the last few weeks I’ve been working my head off on almost everything concerning the office. So basically I’d return home with figures, telephone numbers, faxes and emails playing in the background of my mind and driving me crazy. Then I have my usual housework, some cooking, and well, some TV watching if I was lucky enough to keep my eyes open.
When I have my French course it’s a lot WORSE. I finish work, try to gather what’s left from energy to move my feet and reach the closest bus station, where I never find a place to sit neither while waiting for the bus nor when I finally get inside the bus. So I spend an extra half an hour standing, sometimes an hour –all depends on the traffic- and finally I reach the center, in which I need some kind of miracle to be able to focus and keep my sleepy-tears from falling down. And because I’m dead tired, and have no idea what the hell my class is talking about, it’s a piece of cake to laugh at anything, yet terribly hard to hold back a laugh.
Anyway, I really had no private time to enjoy myself or rest, and no matter how long I sleep I always feel I need more.
The problem is that all the hard work I’m doing is mainly for one client visit who’s coming from outside Tunisia to visit us for the FIRST time. That’s why we wanted everything to be even more perfect than they usually are. And for this very reason my boss pointed out more than once that on this day we both have to be present on time ready for a presentation and a respectful welcome, and that he’ll be picking up the client, i.e. I’ll have to be in the office before they get there.
Now this day happens to be TODAY! Therefore, yesterday my boss reminded me and I was like: “don’t worry at all, I’ll be there on timeâ€.
The thing is I’m not always late, I have to be on my desk at 8, and mostly I’m on time, or I’m there 8:15, which is ok, since I don’t go out for my lunch break. But TODAY the alarm rings and I don’t wanna get out of bed! Worse than that is I didn’t feel guilty about it, I just wanted to have extra couple of minutes to sleep. I mean what could I possibly do? I had NO POWER to stand up. Anyway, I finally get out of my bed, go wash my face, brush my teeth and prepare my small lunch meal, and then my husband calls out: “Eman, we’re late it’s 08:15†only then I knew I ruined everything and that I’ve put myself in a very embarrassing situation.
I knew my boss will be there at 8:15 with the client, they’ve sure arrived and I’m not there!!!
On our way to work my husband goes like: “Isn’t this your boss in the car in front of us?â€, I was happy first that he didn’t reach the office yet, but then I realized that we’d be there in the same time and that this will mean a very big problem, anyway, my dear husband did his best to take shortcuts and be faster than him, but still the minute we reached the building there was no sign for his car, which has two meanings: he either reached the garage, or, he still didn’t reach the office. I wished it was the second guess. Anyway, I get inside and THERE I find the lift pointing to (-1) which means the garage, I realized the boss and I will meet in the lift WITH THE CLIENT, which will be so damn embarrassing. Anyway, I had to do something evil to rescue my reputation as a punctual and professional assistant, and all the thanks go to my husband who never stops tricking me. The thing is one day my husband and I were out and when we reached home I suggested he uses the stairs in an attempt to encourage him follow a healthy lifestyle, and since I was sick that day, I needed to rest, so I took the lift and to encourage him I said: “let’s see who reaches home firstâ€, he smiled and went. And I had to stop in EVERY DAMN FLOOR, because my husband pressed the lift button in EVERY DAMN FLOOR to make sure he’d get there first.
And although it really got on my nerves then, but today I thank God he came up with this idea, because it rescued me. Yes, you guessed right, I had to do this to the boss and the client. I had no other choice. I called for the lift in (0) the ground floor, then ran to (1) pressed the button there as well, ran to (2) did the same, and finally reached the office, turned on the lights, the pc, took off my jacket and there was I ready on time to welcome my boss who was totally embarrassed of some “crazy, annoying, irresponsible, naughty little boy†who has called for the lift in all floors and the client who was happy to find a reliable employee taking care of the work
I guess being a naughty little boy every now and then can really save the day