January 8 2004

40 Days Already!

And it’s still like yesterday when the famous Tunisian singer Thikra (Zekra) Mohamed was forced to leave her place in this world. Today is exactly day 40 ever since she was murdered in a very cruel and ugly way, and by whom her husband.The man she trusted, the man she shared the most preacious gift God has given us:Life, but now and as the murder took place we know that her husband never appreciated her trust and never respected her decision to share him her life, not only that but even worse, we know that he actually never saw life as precious as it really is, and to him taking away his life as well as others’ who trusted him is a piece of cake.
God! every time I remember what happened I feel I can’t keep on sitting and feel like screaming out of anger. But what can we do!
Now there is this tradition most of the Arab Muslims follow in case of death of someone which is gathering again on day 40 of the person’s death, where they all pray for the dead and where the Holy Quran is read till the end on this day.
And not only Thikra’s family and her relatives will gather today, and not only her friends or her fans, but also all those who knew her a little and were so touched with what happened to this young singer, this nice woman, and this decieved wife.
One of the things I was waiting to watch is this T.V. Program that will be aired today on channel Tunis7, where all the singing stars will share some memories about Thikra, talk about their relationship with her and express their sad feelings towards this tragedy that resulted in the loss of one of the most successful and talented singers in the Arab World.
On the other hand, the Tunisian T.V. haven’t stopped showing Thikra’s songs on T.V., either in concerts, or in Video Clips, ever since her death. Even the last one that was still not completed totally as she died while it was being prepared, the one called “Youm Leek Ou Youm Aleek” (Hope I got it right), the producer decided to add the final touches and showed it on T.V. as a gift of honor to the singer he respected a lot.
What a lot of non Arabs might not know is this sad thing about her name, a beautiful Arabic name “Thikra”, which means :”Memory”, and unfortunately her beautiful name transferred from just a nice meaning into reality, and Thikra has become only a memory for all those who once knew year and for all those who knew her after her terrible death.
Let us all pray for Thikra and all dear people who left us either in normal or horrible circumstances, let’s pray for their forgiveness, and May their souls rest in peace.
God Bless You And Protect You All, and may all of us share our lives with people who appreciate us for who we are, left us up when we’re down, take our hands when we need help, and most important of all, ones who will protect us, care for us, surround us with love and … love us for being alive!

December 25 2003

Michael Jackson: The Legend!

I have just read the “Michael Jackson turns Jacko X” in Subzero Blue
about Michael Jackson converting to Islam. Now I still can’t believe it, for no other reason but the lack of trust in media these days.
But at the very same time, and if the news was true, then I am so happy. Happy that a star like Michael Jackson gave himself the time to reconsider his life in everyway. It shows that people are wrong when they say stars do nothing but gather money and attract cameras.
Now as I read in subzero blue post, the timing of Jackson’s conversion came at a bad period of Jackson’s life as a star. His last album revenues, the accusing of child molestation and all this made this period a hard and dark one. That’s absolutely right. But still I see nothing bad for Islam’s reputation, because choosing to convert to this religion, which already doesn’t have that great reputation, thanx to the misinterpretations and the efforts of anti-Islamists; so converting to this religion in such bad circumstances for him will only make things worse, if we look at it from the point of view of non-muslims. And I’m sure Michael Jackson knows this, so if he takes a step as converting he wont do it unless he is sure it’s the right decision for him to take and that it’ll be for his best.
I don’t care about how others look at his conversion, if it was for real that is. All I care about is for those people who converted to be really happy with their decisions. And the only thing that could harm the reputation of any religion is how its followers act, the real followers and not those who pretend to follow a certain religion when they’re way too far from it and its ethics from the inside.
Islam is known to be the religion that supports all people. A religion in which all people are equal and free. So even if Jackson converted to Islam when he felt lost or surrounded with problems, then it’s not wrong to do so if he got to know Islam well and learned a lot about it.
Let whoever it is say that people convert to Islam only when they’re in bad situations, who cares about such shallow opinions, all what we should care about is the spiritual, mental and inner satisfaction of those who converted. To know they did it because they believe in it. Even if they convert to escape a certain situation, it’s the result afterwards that counts.
If Jackson did really convert, then I don’t find it abnormal, on the contrary, and if we take a little look at what he’s been through lately, we’d see that this great star, who has spent his life singing for the pleasure of others, and gathered a fortune pleasing others with his unique and super music, this star whose success and life was dependent on the acceptance and admiration of the audience, when he was charged of child molestation, what did this audience do to him?
All what they did and will always do to him and to other stars, is nothing but buying his concert tickets, not for his interest, but for their own interest and pleasure, they’ll buy for his music which was and will always be the best and most beautiful.
But are they helping him defend himself? Are they helping him survive his problems, no, and maybe that was the thing that made him reconsider his life.
The fact that no matter what one would do for others, and no matter how successful and famous we get, the minute we slip or fall, no one helps us but the closest, and no one gives us a second chance but those who really and truly love us. And above all, no one sends us those few who love us to give us all the support we need to go on, and no one gives us the hope to continue and hold on tight but God.
If Jackson did really convert to Islam, then may he find peace in life and add to its good. If he didn’t convert, then let him know it was good to believe this rumor. May he find the missing links to make all his wishes come true, and may he find the keys to happiness. I myself will always look at Michael Jackson as a sparkling star who created a great impressive twist in the world of music. And it will be easy for a person like that to find the right way when he’s lost and to stand up after each fall. The minute you find who you really are, the minute you believe in yourself, you’ll no longer need makeup on your face to cover or to improve the look of it, you’ll be proud of your looks, you’ll be holding your head up high and wont fear anything in this world, you wont need body guards surrounding you. You wont need special costumes coz you’ll know people who truly love you, they love you for who you are not what you look like, and you’ll know by simply being yourself that you are not alone.
We’ll always believe that it’s never too late to: “ Heal The World, Make It A Better Place” 🙂 .

December 23 2003

M6 Concert

Well, I must say it was a great concert. The singers, the atmosphere, the organization, everything was so great. And above all the beauty of the Médina. When you get inside it you can’t but believe it’s an old town, not a place built in the shape of an old town. It’s wonderful. The colors they painted the walls with, the structure of the whole town and even the streets of it were all made in the ways older generations used to make.

Other than the fact that a group of the most successful French singers were present, there was this new little talent that was shown to the audience. A little Tunisian girl called Amal, she sings and plays the guitar. She had a great chance to sing around 4 songs before the concert actually began. She has a wonderful voice, and sang in Arabic, French, English and Spanish I guess. I loved her style, and I loved her voice, plus her playing on the guitar 🙂 .
I guess this concert gave her a very big chance to express herself, and I hope that they’d take care of her talent so that it wont be wasted or used like a lot of other voices, to be a means of collecting money.
Now to the funniest part. This concert will be shown twice on two different television channels; so imagine you’re clapping and singing along with a certain singer, and then you see him go back to behind the stage, the show introducers jumping on stage again, and introducing the same singer with the same song he’s gonna sing once again, and last but not least, imagine how the crowd would clap and scream again as if it’s the first time this singer will appear on stage, loool, that was really funny. Yet what I couldn’t stop laughing about was the new year countdown. God it was funny, see what I mean, here I am laughing my head off again. Every time I recall the picture of us and the rest of the audience looking at the stars on stage and counting: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1!!! Then shouting: HEEEEEEEEEEEY, and watch them all exchange new year’s greetings and kisses; And 2 seconds later the stars are asked to go to where they came from the first time, and we’re asked to count again and again 10 …..3-2-1 ; HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY, and then watch them greet and kiss again, in the same excitement and same happiness of the first time, till I actually believed it was 2004 already!!! God, that was funny.
Oh, and one more thing worth sharing is this false idea people have about Tunisia and some other Arab countries about being warm day and night all around the year, loool. It’s true the weather is warmer than it is in Europe and other parts of the world, but at night, in winter, and in December, it can be nothing but freezing!! But still we saw the show introducers and the stars all dressed in summer clothes, some were almost naked and I bet they’re on their dying bed right now… and funniest of all was while they were shooting and saying to the camera: “Oh Tunisia, the weather is so warm, we can’t even stand coming near each other from the heat”. And of course they were wearing veeeeery light clothes, their bodies as well as their voices were shaking from cold, at the very same time that we, the audience, were waving to the cameras and singing along with nothing appearing from us but our faces and red noses, loool. Give me a break; who would believe them when they say it’s warm, when all what people would sea is hats, thick jackets and scarves all over the place!!!
Anyway I enjoyed myself a lot; but I must admit that I woke up really late next day, thank God it was a Sunday! And up till now I feel the need of getting more sleep. We spent all the time standing up, that isn’t something very relaxing you know.

October 28 2003

The Cell

I don’t know what is going on with movie directors and script writers, but I sense the tendency to having hard to imagine ideas they’re coming up with, some I consider sick. We do enjoy watching horror, or a new way of presenting drama and science fiction, and we do feel sorry for heroes who suffered in their childhood and have gotten some sort of a complex, but to put all this in a disgusting way is what I personally will never enjoy.
What was shown in the movie “The Cell” was a good story and some really nice thoughts expressed in a very disgusting way.
I hated the parts in which the “criminal-victim” was soaking the dead bodies in a bleacher and how he hung himself in the sealing through his back, YUCK, that was so annoying.
And I saw the making of the movie, and unfortunately all the ones who participated in making it were so proud for the new ugly idea, when I see nothing but a very sick way of putting the ideas and thoughts together!! I think it was terrible, and those who didn’t yet watch it, lucky them!
I must say that I have nothing against anyone who was a member of making the movie or who played in it, but I certainly am against the negative weird ideas when we can create another kind of positive stunning ideas that could still be weird!

October 24 2003

Anna Wants Cameras And Not Rackets!

Seems like acting and ad shooting have become the way out of lack of business or the way to gain more money in short time. This is normal, but what draws attention is that most of the ones who go this way are sports stars. So you find Andre Agassi, David Beckham, Ronaldo, and many others shooting for TV ads.
Just like Anna Kournikova, who started out with TV ads and then recently hosted the “World Music Awards in Monte Carlo” and now she went as far as planning to quit tennis in early 2004 and devoting herself to becoming a TV awards presenter and an actress in something similar to “Sex & the City” and “Friends”.

For more details and some funny scripts put together for possible roles to be played by Kournikova
Click Here

October 17 2003

Pay It Forward

A beautiful movie in each and every way. What I loved most about it was the idea it discussed: Paying Forward. A really impressive thought that suggests you do something good for someone, and when that someone asks what to do in return then you tell him to “pay it forward” by helping other three people. And then each one of the three helps another three people and so on.
After watching the movie I was like: oh really, what if we apply it, wouldn’t it be just great?!
The one thing I’m not that sure of though is whether the one you help would ask to pay you in return or not! 😉

For all details about the movie Click Here

October 10 2003

Egyptian Movies

The Egyptian moviemakers as well as the Egyptian actors and actresses are doing pretty good recently, that’s of course my own opinion. I believe that Egyptian movies have been always great in the past and up till now, with the exception of some which failed for one reason or the other. But it’s so sad that the new generation of actors are facing negative criticizing since their occurrence despite their success. The criticizing comes from some actors and moviemakers who belong to old generations as well as the audience itself. Specially the comedy “Al Limbi”. I watched it 3 times and each time I watched it I laughed as if it was the first time, and I’m ready to watch it over and over again. I loved it.
An actor should be criticized that way only when he proves that all his movies are empty and have no message to convey to the audience. The star of this movie (Mohammad Sa’ad) still didn’t take his full chance, I personally saw him only in “Al Limbi” and a secondary role in “Al Nather Salah Al Deen”. On the other hand “Al Limbi” reflected a certain layer of the Egyptian community in a most enjoyable and honest way, actors were great and it was truly funny. I didn’t find it ridiculous nor empty. More than that, we need movies to make us laugh our heads off, and they’re hard to find these days.
There are some other successful movies that were impressive such as: “Mafia” where you can easily notice the improvement in directing, producing and special effects, “Al Sellam wa Al Thi’iban”, “Saheb Sahboh”, “Al Nather Salah Al Deen”, and “Shareet Thaqafi”.
Keep up the good work Egypt 😉