July 26 2005

Caravan Update

This is a quick update concerning Caravan for Palestine.

Israeli soldiers forcefully deported 120 supporters of the Caravan from the Allenby Bridge and forced them to return back to Jordan. Soldiers beat, dragged, and pushed many of the Caravaners and confiscated one of their cameras as they were forcing them onto the busses. Israel brought extra security forces onto the scene to carry out the forced evacuation.

Israeli soldiers have also stamped their passports with a mark that will prohibit them from entering Israel or the Palestinian Territories for the rest of their lives.

Here are all news updates concerning the Caravan and the Caravaners.

The caravan is a peaceful movement that aims at upholding human rights of Palestinians and supporting their struggle for freedom, as well as drawing international attention to the human rights violations and atrocities being perpetrated by the Israeli forces in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

What’s the point in treating the caravaners this awful way? Why prohibit them from enetring neither Israel nor Occupies Palestinian Territories?

The seek no harm, they want no violence, they just want to make a difference in the most peaceful and cooperative way, WHY DO THIS TO THEM?!

July 23 2005

STOP Terrorism!

In the middle of the this terrible time we’re living, where terrorism has become a common practice and kind of a miserable trend, one can’t but feel threatened and insecure, no matter where, no matter when and no matter who.

A lot has been said about the horrible London Explosions, a lot is being said about Sharm Al Sheikh bombings, a lot will be said about every terrorist act that may take place in future… Many fingers will point at certain people, many others will blame certain circumstances, and many would believe certain religions are behind this big mess.
As a human being, there’s one thing I know for sure; terrorism makes us all suffer.
Our countries suffer from terrorism just like the west, our civilians suffer from terrorism just like theirs, and many of our lives are destroyed just like theirs…
Therefore, if we want to do something meaningful, essential, logical and basic, it’s stopping terrorism… Let’s all learn to tolerate and love each other regardless of religion, origin or identity.
Let’s stop terrorism, but let’s avoid terrorism as a method of fighting it back…

At least express yourself and say NO TO TERRORISM!
Send a picture with a message to terrorists, tell the criminals of any race, religion and nation: NO TO TERRORISM!

July 20 2005

Your Way To “Success”

More and more bloggers, journalists, and reporters are being detained and investigated for one crime they’ve committed: speaking their minds.
Unfortunately although many countries are proud of the level of freedom of speech and democracy they’ve reached, people are still not allowed to speak their minds, and are therefore thrown in prison -or God knows what- when they do… specially in the Arab world.

Actually I’ve always wondered: why do they teach children to be brave, ask for their rights no matter what, do the right thing, stick to their principals…etc, when they all know very well that if those children practise the theories they’ve learned when they grow up, they will live a very miserable life and face a sad torn future that lacks safety and security!
I believe that until a miracle happens and this world changes, we should stop fooling young people, as pathetic and sad as this may sound, but I believe the only thing to be taught in homes, schools, universities and institutions of the Arab world is the famous Albert Einstein formula of success: “If A equals success, then the formula is: A=X+Y+Z. X is work. Y is play. Z is keep your mouth shut”.

July 4 2005

Caravan for Palestine

“Caravan For Palestine” is a project planned and organized in France: a caravan for international rights will leave Strasburg today, it will cross Europe and the Middle East till it reaches Jerusalem. The purpose of this caravan is to demand the respect and application of international right.
The caravan is constituted by more than 100 vehicles will leave Strasbourg (seat of the European Parliament) on July 4, 2005 and will reach Jerusalem on July 19.
75 persons (about 20 vehicles) are already registered for the journey, whose route passes through great cities like: Geneva, Bologna, Ancona, Patras, Athens, Thessalonica, Istanbul, Ankara, Damas and Amman…

Planned schedule
Day 1 : Strasbourg – Geneva (July 5)
Day 2 : Geneva – Milano (6)
Day 3 : Milano – Trieste (7)
Day 4 : Trieste – Lubliana – Zagreb (8)
Day 5 : Zagreb – Belgrad (9)
Day 6 : Belgrad – Sofia (10)
Day 7 : Sofia – Istanbul (11)
Day 8 : Istanbul (12)
Day 9 : Istanbul – Ankara (13)
Day 10 : Ankara – Cappadocia (14)
Day 11 : Cappadocia – Alep (15)
Day 12 : Alep – Damas (16)
Day 13 : Damas – Amman (17)
Day 14 : Amman (18)
Day 15 : Amman – Allenby bridge – Jerusalem (19)

Total = 3742 km
Then one week in Palestine

For more information you can visit the official website, which is available in French, English, German and other languages.

This is a very impressive project which shows that there are people who really care and who still believe in making a positive change in the world the peaceful way!
Way to go!

June 28 2005

In The War Against Palestinians

I’ve just come across a great article by Preston Taran.

Here are some lines to share:

Manipulating Language in the War Against Palestinians
“Of course the fallback position of the Israeli government is that (“if you are not with us, you are an anti-Semite”). So far this has been a winning combination for the supporters of Israel.
Extending this logic, all those who condemn France should be labeled as anti-Catholic. To criticize Pakistan would automatically make the accuser anti-Muslim, if we adopt the Israeli-American method of thinking.
When Israel attacked Lebanon in 1978 and 1982, this was praised as “daring,” as all other Israeli military expeditions have been. If Palestinian or Arab military units move militarily, such as Egypt did in 1973, it is a “sneak attack.” When a Palestinian group fights for its survival through a military action, much of the West calls the action “Iranian or Syrian-backed” or sponsored.
Israeli actions are conveniently portrayed as “heroic.”No mention of “American-backed” incursions. When Israelis commandeer aircraft or ships on the high seas in international waters, it is just a “diversion.” When any nation other than Israel or the United States partakes in similar actions, the word “terrorism” or the new American word “thugs” is trotted out.
A humorous aspect of the selective use of the English language revolves around the notion of incarceration.
If an American is unjustly arrested abroad he is said to be “imprisoned.” America has no prisoners in Guantanamo Bay or in other places around the world; we just have “detainees.”
Same with the Israelis.
Israel had a “security zone” in Lebanon and continues to have “security zones,” throughout their “occupied” territories. Who would dare call them occupation zones?”
You can read the article in full Here.

May 26 2005


“Moblogging” steht für Moblie Blogging, d.h. bloggen per Handy. Dank Kamera-Handy und Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) ist es jetzt möglich, sich ständig vor Ort mitteilen zu können, und in jeder Lebenslage zu bloggen.
Den Nutzern bieten sich viele Möglichkeiten, ihre Texte, Bilder und Töne von unterwegs zu veröffentlichen: SMS, MMS, E-Mail oder der Handy-Browser erleichtern das Publizieren.
Der Blogger ist unabhängig vom heimischen PC. Einträge sind spontaner und auch ein verwackeltes Bild wird hingenommen.
Moblogger werden so zu einer interessanten Zielgruppe für Handy-Hersteller und Mobilfunkbetreiber.
Nokia war einer der ersten, der die Moblogger für sich entdeckte. Mit der Software Nokia Lifeblog lassen sich mit einigen Handys Inhalte komfortabel ins Internet stellen.
Siemens zieht nach: Bereits im Juni ist das Modell CX75 mit einer Blogging-Software erhältlich – wenn die Mobilfunkprovider diese Funktion wünschen.
Source: Focus Online.

Ich finde Moblogging sehr interessant und praktisch. Der einzige Nachteil, den ich beim Moblogging fürchte, ist: die verstärkte Bloggensucht!
Ich meine, wenn ich die Möglichkeit habe, mich jede Zeit vor Ort mitteilen zu können, wird es – für mich- fast unmöglich, die ganze Zeit nicht an bloggen zu denken. Ich bin mir sicher, dass ich mehr als vorher “bloggensüchtig” sein werde.
Bis jetzt gibt es keinen Mobloggingservice in Tunesien, ich weiss aber nicht ob es in anderen arabischen Ländern diesen Service gibt.

  • English for the curious 🙂
    Moblogging stands for mobile-blogging. (Details).
    I believe that Moblogging is very interesting and practical, the only disadvantage I may think of is the fact that the ability of blogging wherever you are and sharing others events the minute you experience them, would only increase the blogging-addiction.

    Moblogging services are not yet available in Tunisia, I have no idea whether these services are available in other Arab countries or not, but let’s hope they’ll be available really soon 🙂
    I also found this old yet interesting Guardian article on this topic, check it out here!

May 25 2005

Redback Spiders in UAE

Residents in Dubai have been reporting the presence of the redback spiders in their homes and gardens.
According to AME Info, residents are concerned that a lack of availability of antivenom for the poisonous redback spider is endangering lives.

The redback spider -scientifically known as “latrodectus hasselti“– is native to Australia and it is thought they arrived in the UAE about 10 years ago.
Up till now no injuries caused by this spider have been reported by any resident in Dubai, but people are advised to keep away from it and be careful because its byte could be a deadly one.
This is how a redback spider looks like:

The bite is highly venomous and characterized by intense localized pain and around the bite site. The normal sequence of events after a bite is as follows: a sharp pin-pricking pain, usually the bite site becomes hot, erythematic and edema develop rapidly. Localized sweating often occurs. The swelling is generally limited to an area of several cm in radius from the bite site. Around 5 minutes after the bite, intense local pain commences and increases in severity and distribution. Movement of the affected limb often significantly increases the pain. About 30 minutes after the bite, pain and swelling are often experienced in the regional lymph nodes. Other symptoms may include muscular weakness, loss of co-ordination and, in severe cases nausea, vomiting, convulsions, etc.
What to do if you or someone you know got bitten by a redback spider?
Apply an ice pack to the bitten area to relieve pain. Do not apply a pressure bandage (venom movement is slow and pressure worsens pain). Collect the spider for positive identification. Seek medical attention IMMEDIATELY!
Anyway, I didn’t blog about this topic to freak you out, it’s just to spread information because I assume that there are many like me who had no idea about the deadly poison of the redback spiders. So that in case you see one, you make sure to keep away from it, and keep your kids safe.

Via: Environment News (AR)
Source: Albayan (AR)

May 18 2005


How do we expect to have peace and justice if there are people in the world who think like THAT?

It’s such a shame to know such people -blinded with hatred and racism- exist!

Via: Jad

May 18 2005

Nobel Laureates Gather in Petra-Jordan

Nobel laureates from across the globe gathered in the ancient Jordanian city of Petra on Wednesday with the lofty goal of seeking solutions to the world’s problems.
Over the course of 2 days, the 29 laureates and other leaders will examine and try to find solutions for problems in four main areas, including terror and peace, economic development and poverty, health and environment, and education and media.
Hollywood actor Richard Gere joined Peace Prize winner the Dalai Lama for the illustrious meeting of top thinkers which host King Abdullah II said was aimed at finding a new start for a planet wracked by conflict and poverty.
“The world is at a critical crossroad,” the Jordanian monarch said in his opening speech. “A process begins here – a process that all of you will shape – and by your effort, help shape our world.” Highlighting the conflict in the Middle East, he said the world needed to make a “new beginning” to create more freedom and opportunity, build peace and expand global cooperation, with a particular focus on youth.

[Source: Middle East Online, Al Ghad (AR)]

Isn’t this just great? I believe Petra is the perfect place for the gathering of great minds…

May 11 2005

Unemployment In The Arab World

I’ve been wanting to write about this for a while, but I’m so busy these days.

We’ve been always complaining about the unemployment problem in our countries but few was really done to solve this problem.
If we don’t face the problem, discuss it, and WORK to solve it, it wont simply be solved! Therefore I ask you all to make your voice heard, participate in this survey(AR).
By answering few questions you will help guide others to the ways we can stop the unemployment rates from increasing, and find ways to provide jobs for everyone.
It takes only few minutes, and if you have the time, you can even download and print the survey, give it to more people to give the chance for everyone you know to play a role in solving this very dangerous problem that is expected to become bigger in the few coming years.

Stop being negative, face the problem, break the silence and do something about it!