September 1 2015

Claiming Back Childhood

I’m in love with this ad by , it touches me as a parent, because I believe, today’s children lack the one basic thing that should label them as children: their own space.
Parents, myself included, are failing horribly at giving our children the amount of freedom we were given by our parents when we were their age. We’re overprotective, too scared, very worried and paranoid that we have them under constant surveillance. It’s like we keep them in one huge transparent bubble, we allow them to look through it, go crazy in it, as long as we’re sure they wont burst out of it, not “so soon” at least.

To be fair to parents, I completely understand where this paranoia comes from, we’re living in an insane horrible world; what I don’t understand though is: how did we reach this point? and why, despite all efforts, why are things getting only worse?

I am trying, really really hard, to give my boys their own space, their own time, some freedom here and there, but I do know, that I need to do much more to let them experience real wild childhood, the one their dad and mom enjoyed when they were kids.

October 2 2013

Regret Not

Two things I really  hate:
1. People blaming someone for something he/she did, and of course the famous: “if only you did/ didn’t do this,” would be the prologue to a very long preaching process.

2. Someone blaming him/herself for something they did in the past, and in this case: “what if I did/didn’t do this” would usually be the prologue to a self-torturing scenario that will play in that person’s head over and over again.

Everything happens for a reason, our lives are a series of nonstop lessons, we are meant to make mistakes, and no body is perfect. Life is too short to waste on regretting what’s already been done. Look forward to a brighter tomorrow without fearing to make a new mistake, and carry nothing from your past but a lesson that’ll help strengthen your vision and make your steps a lot  firmer.



February 11 2013

حبيبي “كيكة ” في أمريكا

في خضم الأوضاع الحالية التي لا تسر أبدا في العالم العربي بكافة أقطاره الموقرة، الواحد بحب يتابع الأخبار، خاصة عندما يكون الواحد متغرب متل حالاتي،  فأغلط غلطة عمري،  وأضغط على زر قناة أغاني عربية بدلا من قناة الجزيرة لأصعق بسماع _ناهيك عن مشاهدة_  فيديو كليب بعنوان: أوباما… للوهلة الأولى اعتقدت أن الأغنية تناقش الربيع العربي، أو نتائجه، أو أي شيء سياسي أو ما شابه، ولكن لا، فالأغنية كانت في عالم آخر غير العالم العربي، أمريكا تحديدا،   حيث يشكو الحبيب (المغني) حبيبته (الكيكة)  التي طلبت اللجوء لأمريكا، يشكوها لأوباما  على أمل أن ينجح الأخير في استرجاع حبيبة  المغني الولهان.

موضوع عجيب، فيديو كليب أعجب ولكن الكلمات هي التي تركتني مُزبَهلّة: ، وبالأخص تشبيه الحبيبة بالكيكة (حبيبي   كيكة كيكة كيكة…)  يا سلام

December 6 2012

مسلم أم مسيحي؟ الجواب الصحيح هو

مصري، عربي يا ناس

لا يمكن لقلب أو عقل أي بني آدم إلاّ أن يشمئز ويحزن بل وينفطر لما يحدث الآن في مصر… وما أكرهه أكثر من أي شيء هو المنحى الذي يصر العرب على اتخاذه في عز الأزمات التي يمرون فيها ، وهو منحى التصنيف/التمييز الديني، فما يحدث الآن في مصر، وما يمكن أن يحدث في أي بلد عربي آخر ما لم تتم معالجة الجهل والغباء الذي اسمه التصنيف الديني، هو رجوع للوراء وليس تقدما، هو تفكك وتشتت، وليس اتحادا… ما ينتشر على وسائل الإعلام والفآيسبوك وتويتر من عبارات كره قائمة على “التصنيف الديني” شيء مُبكي بصراحة. كفى تشدقا بالدين، كفى عنفا وتمييزا وإيذاءا باسم الدين، كفى قتلا وتكفيرا، فعندما أرى دمّا مُراقا لعربي لا أبكي لأنه من ديني، بل أبكي لأنه من عرقي أولا، ولأنه بشر وإنسان وروح ثانيا، الدين مسألة شخصية بين العبد وربه، وليس لأي إنسان أن يستخدمه كضوء أخضر للتشنيع المُقزّز الذي نشهده. ولا أجد أبلغ من أبيات أمير الشعراء أحمد شوقي لتعبر عمّا يجول في خاطري

الديــــــن لله من شـــاء الإله هدى لكل نفس هوىً في الدين داعيها

ما كان مختلف الأديــــان داعيـــة إلى اختلاف البرايــا أو تعـاديها

الكتب والرســل والأديـان قاطبــةً خزائن الحكمة الكبرى لواعـيها

محبــة الله أصـــــلٌ في مراشــدها وخشـــية الله أسٌّ في مبانيـــــها

تسامح النفس معنىً من مروءتــها بل المروءة في أسمى معانيـــها

تخلّق الصفح تسعد في الحياة به فالنفس يسعدها خلقٌ ويشقيها

ويحكي عن مصر وأهلها:

سبق النيل بالأبوة فينا … فهو أصل وآدم الجد تالي
يا شباب الديار مصر إليكم … ولواء العرين للأشبال
هيئوها لما يليق بمنف … وكريم الآثار والأطلال
وإلى الله من مشى بصليب … في يديه ومن مشى بهلال
لا تجعلوا الدين باب الشر بينكم … ولا محل مباهاة وإذلالِ
ما الدين إلا تراث الناس قبلكم … كل امرئ لأبيه تابع تالي

ومن أجمل ما قال شوقي في الطوائف الدينية في مصر:

أعهدتنا والقبط إلا أمة … للأرض واحدة تروم مراما
نعلي تعاليم المسيح لأجلهم … ويوقرون لأجلنا الإسلاما
الدين للديان جل جلاله … لو شاء ربك وحد الأقواما

 لا للتعصب، لا للطائفية، نعم للتسامح والتآخي والتعايش، فكما قال شوقي
قل إذا خاطبت غير المسلمين لكمو دينٌ رضيتم وَلْيَ دينُ
خـــــــــلّ لــلديــّان فيهم شانهُ إنــــــه خـــالـقهم سبحانــهُ

 من الجدير بالذكرأنّ بعض الأعمال السينمائية حاولت التطرق لهذا التعصب الديني، فهناك على سبيل المثال الفيلم المصري  حسن ومرقص“، بطولة عمر الشريف وعادل إمام، والفيلم اللبناني” وهلّأ لوين“، من إخراج نادين لبكي”.

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November 15 2012

The Terminal Barbershop; Chose To Be Unique, Wrongfully Accused Of Being Sexist!

A couple of days ago I was browsing the net when I came across an article titled: “Toronto barber shop won’t cut women’s hair on religious grounds“.
The whole story sounding extremely ludicrous, I decided to forget about it, but when I saw the titles of the comments below it, and read a few I couldn’t help but read the rest, and I must admit, the amount of hatred and racism these comments conveyed was really alarming, and shocking, coming from members of what should be a tolerant society in a cosmopolitan city such as Toronto. Anyway, the comments kept getting more and more aggressive and violent and  I felt this itch to share my two cents here on my personal blog.

Here’s the story in summary: Ms. Faith went to the barbershop asking for a men’s haircut, the barber she asked  replied -politely- that he cannot provide the service to her, explaining, politely, that due to religious reasons he is not to touch a woman. He then followed up: “but if you like you can check with one of my colleagues who can do this for you”.
Ms. Faith vowed to file a suit, and started a cold media war on him and his shop because of this.

About the Terminal BarbershopThe Terminal Barbershop  chose its own theme and decoration with special attention to reserve its own old image as a retro barbershop, back when a barbershop translated into: a men’s hair-cutting shop. That’s why so many men think it’s unique and original, and a lot of people come to enjoy this retro atmosphere.  More about The Terminal Barbershop.

You can also watch this video: watch?v=E0LT_d1kuhc

Anyway, let me logically explain why this “case” has no solid grounds:

Continue reading

October 30 2012

Sandy Testing Canadian Spirit

We’ve been hearing about Sandy, aka ‘Frankenstorm’ for a while; warnings, tips on how to keep safe and survive the worst…etc. But the awesomeness of Canada is the fact that people didn’t really process the magnitude of what could’ve been a horrible natural catastrophe until last evening, before the unwanted guest arrived that is, due to many reasons. One reason is that people here are used to rough weather conditions, even immigrants who landed a few years ago no longer freak out when they see/hear the term: “severe- weather- alert”. Another reason would be the fact that some people don’t know the first thing about hurricanes, tornadoes, or such deadly beasts of nature; their ignorance serves them well as it automatically switches off any fear or even alertness buttons in their brains and this means they either don’t give a damn what would happen, or they were so excited and looking forward to witnessing their 1st deadly storm ever .  I can assure you though, that most  people belonging to either group changed their minds once they saw what happened in the US, and panicked even more when they heard about the 1st death case caused by Sandy in Toronto as a woman was killed by flying debris. And that’s when most of GTA neighborhoods started to turn into ghost-towns.  But before that, I believe most people were just turning the whole thing into a shopping spree: 1st aid kits,  flashlights, candles, matches, water bottles, blankets, sleeping bags, duct tape… some even bought tents (I’m guessing they belong to the 2nd group I was talking about).

One of the funniest things I heard yesterday afternoon was one of my neighbors explaining ‘Sandy’ to her kids and saying: “so, what I’m trying to say is, this is when all your crappy glow-in-the-dark stuff comes in handy”.

From our side of the building you can see Toronto city -usually clearly- so when we heard about the power cuts and saw the lights go off we started to freak out a bit I must admit, especially when we learned from TV & Twitter that sirens were constantly sounding in downtown Toronto to urge people to seek shelter as Sandy actually arrived. That’s when I also learned that among all this madness some people were actually complaining about home delivery services stopping “until further notice”.

Back to our building, in it you could easily tell who’s a new-comer and who isn’t, simply by looking through your window. When you see family members sticking their hands & faces onto the cold window glass trying to capture it all live in action you know they’re new-comers, the longer they stay still in this position, the newer to the country they are, because those who are here for a while know better than being so close to what could be a direct cause of death.
Another sign to distinguish new-comers from the rest is that they tend to turn disaster-times into little gatherings/house-parties. Table full of yummy finger-foods, snacks, tea/coffee/pop and everyone is watching live-news and making long-distance calls  exaggerating things to make their relatives & loved ones worried sick and think they’re brave heroes facing THE STORM 🙂

Kids were hoping Sandy would be more fierce and would stay longer to have the day off of course.  They were all let down when they woke up to what turned out to be a beautiful morning… Passing by a few scattered street & restaurant signs on the way to the school bus stop they were all giving their parents the “puppy-face” look in a last attempt to try to skip school: “but the storm knocked the signs down to the ground, we no longer know the right direction, it’s not safe” they’d say, and before they get the parents’ reaction they’d point to a broken sign on the sidewalk and shout: “check this out, cooooooool”.

Anyway nice weather didn’t last for long; it turned a bit crazy at noon, colder than the morning, more wet, so darn foggy. Now things are getting back to normal I guess. So no need to worry about us, in case you did in the first place!

With all this madness going on, one can’t but respect the Canadian spirit and positivity. On the streets people are all happy Sandy didn’t mess much with Canada, they’re trying to clean up after the storm with smiles on their faces. On Twitter some are tweeting how happy they are the tree didn’t fall on their car/ house instead of focusing on the chaos it left behind.

I leave you with some photos of the super storm as it passed by Southern Ontario.

September 30 2011

International Translation Day

I believe many of you don’t know that translators actually have their own special day to celebrate: September 30th of each year.

Back in 1991 the International Federation of Translators (FIT) launched the idea of an officially recognised International Translation Day to show solidarity of the worldwide translation community in an effort to promote the translation profession in different countries. The significance of the date (September 30th) is that it’s the feast day of St. Jerome (347-420 AD), the Bible translator who is considered as the patron saint of translators, interpreters and librarians.

And each year there’s a special theme. This year’s theme celebrates the professional translators, interpreters and terminologists represented by FIT member associations that build bridges between cultures and facilitate communication that creates prosperity and cultural enrichment. As the Federation note in their press release for International Translation Day 2011:
“Thanks to translators, interpreters and terminologists, peoples around the world can preserve their cultural heritage while being active participants in the “global village”. Cultural diversity makes our world a better place, but we have to understand each other in order to avoid international conflicts and to help each other in times of need. We have to understand each other to appreciate our cultural differences.” Read ‘Translation: Bridging Cultures’ in full…

I personally knew about the International Translation Day only 3 years ago, believe it or not, and I frankly never celebrated it before… until this year that is, when I got a sweet greeting message from a thoughtful friend wishing me a “happy International Translation Day”.

So to celebrate this day with you, I’m sharing some of my favourite translation-related videos , wishing all fellow translators a Happy International Translation Day, whatever language you speak.

Learn a foreign language.

Click here to view the embedded video.

Do you speak English?

Berlitz: Improve your English.

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October 22 2009

On Being A “Desperate” Housewife

Category: Cool Stuff, General, Just Personal, Women | Comments Off on On Being A “Desperate” Housewife
October 22 2009

Lesson Of The Day:

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December 18 2008

Problem With Comments

Just wanted to notify you that I’ve been having problems with my comments lately. Some loyal readers sent me to inform me that they’re actually leaving comments, when nothing is showing to me.

Other than that, as many have noticed, there are earlier posts, around 10 or so, that lost all their comments, I have no idea how that happened either!

I’m getting this problem fixed soon, but I apologize for all deleted comments, hoping this wont discourage you from leaving your comments.

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